• 제목/요약/키워드: Patient satisfaction level

검색결과 440건 처리시간 0.028초

종합병원 간호인력에 따른 직무만족${\cdot}$환자만족 비교 (Job Satisfaction and Patient Satisfaction Related to Nurse Staffing)

  • 김종경
    • 간호행정학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.98-108
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The objective of this research was to explore the levels of patient satisfaction and job satisfaction according to the level of nurse manpower, in order to provide effective management for nurses. Methods: The research was conducted from November 1 to December 30, 2006, with a survey of 310 nurses and 240 patients at eight tertiary hospitals in Seoul. Data were collected according to the level of nurse manpower from the first (a nurse vs. patient ratio of below 2.0) to the sixth (a ratio of over 4.0) rank. The survey tools were used Park-Yoon's job satisfaction (1992) and Wandelt and Ager (1974)'s patient satisfaction. The acquired data were analyzed with SPSS $PC^+$ 12.0 program using descriptive methods, ${\chi}^2$ test, ANCOVA, and Scheffe. Results: Overall job satisfaction of nurses showed 3.10 and patient satisfaction of patients showed 4.15. Analysis based on the level of nurse manpower showed that hospitals of first and second rank had higher scores than those of lower rank for nurse's job satisfaction and patient satisfaction. Conclusion: Hospitals with a higher level of nurse manpower showed higher score of nurse's job satisfaction and patient satisfaction.

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환자 만족도 조사를 통한 QI활동의 효과 평가 - 일개 병원을 중심으로 - (QI Activities for Promotion of Patient's Satisfaction)

  • 박연옥;김미숙;고은정;김연정;홍창호
    • 한국의료질향상학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.312-323
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    • 1998
  • Background : Evaluation of patient's satisfaction is one of the most important aspects of quality improvement. If the patient highly satisfies with the medical service provided in the hospital, he/she will be likely to visit the same hospital again. Patient's satisfaction of a particular hospital is directly correlated with hospital profits as well as reputation in the community. For this reason, various kinds of survey measuring satisfaction level have been performed and many kind of QI activities for enhancing the profits as well as reputation in the community. For this reason, various kinds of survey measuring satisfaction level have been performed and many kind of QI activities for enhancing the patient's satisfaction. This study is to find the effect of hospital QI activities on the patent's satisfaction level. Methods: After questionnares were developed, survey of measuring satisfaction level was performed in August, 1998. On the basis of survey results, QI activities were carried out to attain the target point of 4.0 and subsequent survey was done in November, 1998. Results: With three main principles of "problem solving approach with kindness". "helping patient to participate in medical procedure with sufficient information", and "putting employees into practice of attitude with human respect", the average level of satisfaction was enhanced from 3.45 to 3.55 level. Also kindness level of employees was increased from 3.71 to 3.82. Level of dissatisfaction about insufficient explanation and unkind attitude was dropped from 69% to 48% and from 82% to 46% respectively. Conclusion: With the result of this study overall satisfaction level was enhanced. In order to keep these advantages a operation of Quality Improvement Task Force Team in each subject will be required.

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병원 이용자의 의료서비스 만족도 조사 (Patient's Satisfaction with Medical Care Services in Hospital)

  • 성정애;남철현;김성우;김귀숙;구현진;유은주
    • 대한예방한의학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to determine factors influencing patient satisfaction with medical services in hospital, which is classified into environmental aspect, human services and procedural services. Based on the results of literature review, the study focused on effects of social-demographical factors on patient satisfaction. The environmental aspect of medical care services included medical equipment and facilities, hygiene, ventilation, heating and air-conditioning, waiting and resting space, ward space and parking facilities. Procedural service included registration process, bill payment, waiting time after registration, examination and prescription as well as appointment process. Human services consisted of physicians listening to stories of patients, examination duration, physicians' explanation and physicians' service. As for nurses, explanation about disease, examination procedure and results, kindness and nursing care were evaluated. Services provided by other staff members were also evaluated. Patient satisfaction, defined as individual attitude toward medical service as a whole, was measured using a questionnaire. A total of 700 in-or out-patients were surveyed in 6 hospitals with more than 300 beds in North Gyeongbuk Province. 1. The level of patient satisfaction varied with characteristics of patients. Male patients and those in their 30s had a low level of satisfaction. Dissatisfaction level was positively related to education level but negatively related to economic condition. 2. As for patient satisfaction with medical service providers and other employees in hospital, satisfaction level with physician's explanation about treatment was higher. But dissatisfaction levels with treatment duration and the lack of explanation about examination procedures were high, calling for improvement. Dissatisfaction level with nursing care was high, calling for training of nurses for better service. Given the low level of satisfaction with human services, hospital employees need to be trained to improve their service. 3. It Was found that administrative service was also a significant factor influencing patient satisfaction in addition to medical service. It is therefore important for hospitals to provide patients with prompt and convenient procedural service. 4. Environmental factors such as medical equipment and amenity facilities also affected patient satisfaction. Thus environmental condition, procedural service and human service are all important to improve medical service in hospital. In summary, procedural service was the most significant factor for patient satisfaction. The level of satisfaction in patients was also affected by human service and environmental condition. It is therefore necessary to take patient-oriented approach in providing medical service in an effort to improve patient satisfaction. The finding of a lower level of satisfaction with human service signifies the need for training of healthcare providers and other hospital employees for better services. The introduction of advanced management programs is also needed to improve procedures that patients go through in hospitals.

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환자특성에 따른 의료이용에 대한 환자만족도 비교 (The Relationship between Patient Characteristics and Satisfaction with Hospital Care)

  • 손인순;황지인
    • 간호행정학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.345-351
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between patient characteristics and patient satisfaction. Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted in an acute care hospital. The subjects were 317 patients discharged from general medical and surgical nursing care units during September, 2005. Patient satisfaction was measured using the short-form satisfaction scale of Hwang and Park(2001). Additional information about patient characteristics, including general demographics and health care utilization variables, was collected from the hospital information systems. Multiple regression analysis was performed to determine patient characteristics influencing patient satisfaction. Results: Patients were satisfied with hospital care with an average of 4.10 on a five-point Likert scale. Patient characteristics explained 13.5% of the variance of patient satisfaction. The significant factors influencing patient satisfaction were patients' age and perceived health status. There was no significant relationship between structural variables and patient satisfaction. Conclusion: This study showed that patients' characteristics were significant factors explaining patient satisfaction. Therefore, these characteristics should be adjusted in reporting patient satisfaction as an indicator for hospital-level or department-level rating.

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의사의 커뮤니케이션 스타일이 환자만족에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (The Impact of Doctors' Communication Styles on Patient Satisfaction: Empirical Examination)

  • 서판수
    • 한국병원경영학회지
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.57-101
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    • 2002
  • These days, the environment of hospital marketing is changing rapidly. The level of expectation and demand of patients have become greater and more diversified, and patients have more alternatives in selecting hospitals. The standard of hospital selection and the type of using hospital have been changed, and competition among hospitals has been accelerated due to the opening of the medical market through globalization. Accordingly, differentiation strategies are critical in hospital marketing. The quality of medical service oriented toward patient satisfaction becomes a strong strategic weapon to secure a hospital's competitive advantage. Therefore, marketing and communication strategies should be focused on patient-oriented, rather than hospital-oriented. Considering the changes in the hospital environment and the increase in the patients' expectation level, this study categorizes doctors' communication styles into four different ones: trust-type, professional-type, cooperation-type, and control-type. The effects of these communication styles on patient satisfaction were empirically examined. The moderating roles of the patient's characteristics and clinical characteristics between the doctors' communication styles and patient satisfaction were also investigated to find out managerial implications for hospital management. To achieve such goals, data were collected from patients of 12 general hospitals in Busan. The data were analyzed to test research hypotheses that examine 1) the relationships between doctors' communication styles and patient satisfaction, 2) the moderating roles of the patient characteristics and clinical characteristics in the research model, and 3) the impact of patient satisfaction on positive word-of-mouth and repurchase. The following summarizes the major results of this research. First, the data showed that patient satisfaction varied across doctors' communication styles. Trust-type style had the strongest impact on patient satisfaction while control-type style had the weakest influence on patient satisfaction. Professional-type style and cooperation-type style also had positive effects on patient satisfaction but the impact of the two are not statistically different. Second, significant differences in terms of patient satisfaction were found depending upon demographic variables such as gender, marital status, age, occupation, and education. Patient satisfaction, however, was consistent across varying income groups. Third, patients' medical insurance types were also related to patient satisfaction. It implies that a doctor may need to use different communication styles depending on a patient's medical insurance type. Fourth, out-patient and in-patient showed a different level of satisfaction with varying communication styles. Fifth, highly professional knowledge and strong control can influence patient satisfaction depending on the characteristics of the patient treatment field. Sixth, patient satisfaction were proved to have significantly positive effects on word-of-mouth and repurchase. The implications drawn from this study must be tempered by its limitations. First of all, the subjects used in this study were patients in Busan and small- and medium-size hospitals were excluded from the research. Therefore, future research should examine the research model by using a variety of hospitals and clinics throughout Korea. Another research agenda has to do with finding more determinant and moderating variables which will increase an explanatory power of the model. In short, this study may be the first empirical research that investigates the effects of doctors' communication styles on patient satisfaction. Interestingly enough, the results showed that each communication style had a unique impact on patient satisfaction. The findings from this research can be very useful in developing hospital marketing strategies.

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환자만족도에 영향을 주는 환자경험 변인 탐색: 중회귀 및 수정된 ISA를 통하여 (Exploration of Variables Affecting Inpatient Experience Satisfaction: Using a Multiple-Regression and Revised ISA)

  • 서효정
    • 한국병원경영학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.44-52
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    • 2022
  • Purposes: This study tried to extract variables affecting patient-experience satisfaction level in hospital situation, using a multiple-regression analysis and ISA(Revised Importance-Satisfaction Analysis), and to explore variables needed to be improved. Methodology: A mobile-based online patient-experience survey was conducted in eleven general hospitals in A city. To test the validity of this test, this data was compared with the data from Health-Insturance Review and Assessment Service. Then, the standardized regression coefficients extracted from a multiple-regression analysis were used as the importance scale to be used in ISA. Finding: Taken together, the areas with the highest contribution for the in-hospital patient-experience satisfaction level were medication and treatment process and hospital environment. In conclusion, the revised ISA which can show satisfaction and importance both with simultaneously and multi-axis way would be useful in hospital improvement activities. Practical Implications: This study tried to develop a mobile-based patient-experience survey, and to extract the major variables affecting patient-satisfaction level and to identify variables need to be improved. Finally, this should help hostipals to prepare the assessment process with various improvement activities.

Personal Factors that Affect the Satisfaction of Female Patients Undergoing Esthetic Suture after Typical Thyroidectomy

  • Kim, Hyo Young;Kim, Jung Won;Park, Jin Hyung;Kim, Jung Hun;Han, Yea Sik
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제40권4호
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    • pp.414-424
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    • 2013
  • Background In esthetic surgery, understanding the factors that influence patient satisfaction is important for successful practice. We hypothesize that the factors that influence patient satisfaction include not only aesthetic and functional outcomes, but also personal factors such as the level of familiarity with factors affecting wound healing and expectations regarding aesthetic outcome. Methods One hundred patients who underwent esthetic closure after thyroidectomy were included in this study. In order to evaluate the individual characteristics of the patients, a preoperative survey was administered to the patients. We estimated the patient satisfaction six months postoperatively and assessed the aesthetic and functional outcomes using the Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale. Results According to the results of correlation analysis, level of familiarity with wound healing factors had a positive correlation with satisfaction. High expectations, pain, itching, and high observer scale score had negative correlations with satisfaction. The factors that were correlated with satisfaction were included in the multiple regression analysis. Level of familiarity with wound healing factors was found to have a positive relationship with satisfaction, while itching and observer scale were found to have a negative relationship with satisfaction. After excluding 10 patients who had hypertrophic scars, only level of familiarity with wound healing factors and expectations affected satisfaction. Conclusions The level of familiarity with factors affecting wound healing and expectations were found to independently affect satisfaction. Improving patients' level of familiarity with wound healing factors and reducing their expectations by providing suitable preoperative education has the potential to improve patient satisfaction.

결과지표로서의 환자 만족도에 관한 연구 (Patient Satisfaction as an Outcome Indicator)

  • 황지인;박현애
    • 성인간호학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to identify factors influencing patient satisfaction and to evaluate the utility of patient satisfaction as an outcome indicator. The study was conducted by mailed questionnaire. The subjects were 900 patients discharged from adult nursing units in a tertiary teaching hospital. On the discharge date, questionnaires were distributed by two trained research assistants. The questionnaire developed by the researchers was based on Larson(1996)'s study, and consisted of 71 items with the following components: overall satisfaction, domain-specific satisfaction(administration process, hospital facility and environment, nurses, and doctors), patients' loyalty(intention to use the health care service of the hospital in the future), recommendation to others, health benefits, and demographic characteristics. Each item was rated using a five point Likert scale ranging from '1=strongly disagree' to '5= strongly agree'. The response rate was 43%(387/900). The satisfaction level with the health care service was generally high. Perceived health status was the only significant factor influencing satisfaction level. Satisfaction with doctors contributed the most to explaining overall satisfaction. Overall satisfaction was significantly correlated with patient loyalty, recommendation, to other and perceived health benefit. It was found that the score of satisfaction was positively correlated with the score of loyalty, recommendation, and health benefit. Therefore, patient satisfaction seems to be a good outcome indicator.

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사고환자의 응급의료 서비스에 대한 만족도와 영향요인 분석 (Satisfaction regarding the usage of emergency treatment service)

  • 박호란;문정순;윤성자
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.293-303
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    • 2000
  • This study was designed to acknowledge the satisfaction levels of patients who have been treated in the emergency center. Specifically, to acknowledge the factors influencing patient's satisfaction levels related in the usage of emergency centers. Data was collected through patients who have used anyone of four emergency centers of university hospitals holding over 550 hospital beds, and located in Seoul. Questionnaires consisted of 31 questions. Cronbach's alpha was 0.94. Data analysis was executed with the SAS program by t-test, ANOVA and stepwise multiple regression. The results were summarized as follows. (1) The total average score for the level of satisfaction was 3.3. Regarding the service of doctors and nurses, the score was high. While the score regarding reception process, payment and second hand environment were relatively low. (2) There was a differentiation in the level of satisfaction according to the type of injured. Patents of industrial calamities had the highest level of satisfaction while patient injured by traffic accidents had the lowest level of satisfaction. (3) The factors that affect the level of satisfaction were presence of medical insurance, lapse time until treatment and the education level of the patient. Based on this, we will provide the basic data of satisfaction levels according to the characteristics of patients and the types of injuries for improvement of emergency treatment centers.

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가정간호 환자의 가족기능도와 만족도 조사 (A Study of Family Functioning Level and Satisfaction Level of Home Health Care Patient)

  • 서향숙
    • 가정∙방문간호학회지
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    • 제3권
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the level of family functioning and the degree of patient satisfaction for 102 patients who received home health care nursing service. The results are as follows ; 1. The score assessed for the family functioning was averaged at the score of $4.95{\pm}3.11$ (10 perfect score) and this was regarded as low, especially for the patients with chronic illness, and the reason was assumed due to poor psychological support from the family members and high expectations from the patients. 2. Patient satisfaction levels were toward the received services were high, according to the 13 items which consited of 3 point scales, with average score of $1.27{\pm}0.53$. Based on the above study results, the author suggests the followings : 1. A new nursing service program and model devolopment should be established and utilized because of low family functioning levels of those who receive family nursing service. 2. More standardized tool explorations for the study of family nursing service and patient satisfaction are required.

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