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Detection of Site Environment and Estimation of Stand Yield in Mixed Forests Using National Forest Inventory (국가산림자원조사를 이용한 혼효림의 입지환경 탐색 및 임분수확량 추정)

  • Seongyeop Jeong;Jongsu Yim;Sunjung Lee;Jungeun Song;Hyokeun Park;JungBin Lee;Kyujin Yeom;Yeongmo Son
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.112 no.1
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2023
  • This study was established to investigate the site environment of mixed forests in Korea and to estimate the growth and yield of stands using national forest resources inventory data. The growth of mixed forests was derived by applying the Chapman-Richards model with diameter at breast height (DBH), height, and cross-sectional area at breast height (BA), and the yield of mixed forests was derived by applying stepwise regression analysis with factors such as cross-sectional area at breast height, site index (SI), age, and standing tree density per ha. Mixed forests were found to be growing in various locations. By climate zone, more than half of them were distributed in the temperate central region. By altitude, about 62% were distributed at 101-400 m. The fitness indexes (FI) for the growth model of mixed forests, which is the independent variable of stand age, were 0.32 for the DBH estimation, 0.22 for the height estimation, and 0.18 for the basal area at breast height estimation, which were somewhat low. However, considering the graph and residual between the estimated and measured values of the estimation equation, the use of this estimation model is not expected to cause any particular problems. The yield prediction model of mixed forests was derived as follows: Stand volume =-162.6859+6.3434 ∙ BA+9.9214 ∙ SI+0.7271 ∙ Age, which is a step- by-step input of basal area at breast height (BA), site index (SI), and age among several growth factors, and the determination coefficient (R2) of the equation was about 96%. Using our optimal growth and yield prediction model, a makeshift stand yield table was created. This table of mixed forests was also used to derive the rotation of the highest production in volume.

Distyly and Population Size of Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai, an Endemic Plant in Korea (한국 특산식물 미선나무의 이화주성(Distyly) 및 개체군 크기)

  • So-Dam Kim;Ae-Ra Moon;Shin-Young Kwon;Seok-Min Yun;Hwi-Min Kim;Dong-Hyoung Lee;Sung-Won Son
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.639-650
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    • 2022
  • Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai, a rare plant with distylous characteristics, is native to certain parts of the Korean Peninsula. It is registered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as a globally endangered plant. This study was conducted to establish an appropriate local conservation management plan suitable for future A. distichum populations by comparing and analyzing the flowering characteristics and population size according to distyly based on the results of quantitative surveys in 14 regions, including 8 areas with native populations of A. distichum and 6 natural monument populations. The number of individuals appearing in each population group was surveyed, and the flowering individuals were identified by style as being either pin or thrum flower types as they were being examined and recorded on the site. In total, 13,130 individuals of A. distichum (7,003 flowering and 6,127 non-flowering individuals) were recorded, but the balance of the number of pin- and thrum-flowered individuals in each population was not significant (p<0.05), indicating an imbalanced state. In particular, the Yeongdong (YD) population was very disproportionate compared to other populations, suggesting that its genetic diversity was low and the possibility of inbreeding was high. The average flowering and fruiting rates by management unit were much higher in the natural monument populations (89.2% and 55.3%, respectively) than in the natural habitat populations (39.0% and 8.5%, respectively). It may be due to a difference in reproductive growth resulting from light inflow into the forest caused by the upper crown closure. The area of occupation (AOO) of A. distichum on the Korean Peninsula covered an area of 23,224.5 m2. Although the natural monument population was smaller than the natural habitat population, its density was higher, likely as a result of the periodic management of natural monument populations, where the installation of protective facilities in certain areas restricts population spread. Conservation of A. distichum populations requires removing the natural monument populations suspected of anthropogenic and genetic disturbances and expanding the conservation priority population by designating new protected areas. Although the habitats of natural monument populations are managed by the Cultural Heritage Administration and local governments, there are no agencies that are responsible for managing natural habitat populations. Therefore, institutional improvement in the overall management of A. distichum should be prioritized.

A Study on the Seasonal Water Quality Characteristics and Suitability of Waterfront Activitiesin Waterfront Areas (친수지구의 계절별 수질특성과 친수활동의 적합성에 관한 연구)

  • Taek-Ho Kim;Yoon-Young Chang
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.134-145
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    • 2023
  • Currently, the floodplains of major rivers are transforming into various types of waterfront spaces according to the increase in leisure activities and improved accessibility. In general, waterfront activities in river channels tend to be concentrated in summer, and the waterfront activities during this period directly affect water quality. Accordingly, it is necessary to accurately compare and evaluate the characteristics and water quality of waterfront activities during the period when waterfront activities are concentrated. In this study, the following research was conducted to compare and analyze the current status of waterfront activities of users of waterfront areas and the water quality of waterfront areas. First, three waterfront areas were selected for investigation using the information from the Ministry of Environment's water quality measurement network. Second, a survey was conducted on the satisfaction and types of waterfront activities targeting users of waterfront areas. Third, water quality grades were calculated based on monthly water quality measurement factors and compared. Fourth, statistical analysis (one-way analysis of variance) was conducted to see if there was a significant difference in water quality characteristics between periods of high waterfront activity and periods of low waterfront activity using water quality measurement data for the last 5 years. As a result of this analysis, the following conclusions were drawn in this study. First, the use of waterfront activities was investigated in the order of camping, water skiing, fishing, swimming, and rafting. Second, satisfaction factors for waterfront activities were investigated in the order of activity convenience, water quality, waterlandscape, transportation access convenience, and temperature. Third, it was found that satisfaction with water quality in waterfront areas was generally unsatisfactory regardless of the water quality grade presented by the competent authority. Fourth, as a result of comparing the water quality measurement network data of the Ministry of Environment by water quality grade, generally good grades were found, and in particular, there was a difference in grade frequency by season in the BOD category. Fifth, as a result of statistical analysis (one-way ANOVA) of water quality monitoring network data by season, there were statistically significant differences in COD, BOD, TP, and TOC except for DO. Considering the results of these studies, it is judged that it is necessary to prepare a comprehensive management system for water quality improvement in the waterfront zone and to improve water quality during periods of high waterfront activity, and to prepare a water quality forecasting system for waterfront areas in the future.

The Effect of Untact Shopping Customer Experience on Continuous Use Intention through Expectation-Confirmation Model (언택트 쇼핑의 고객경험이 기대일치 모델을 통해 지속이용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Suji;Han, Sang-Lin
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.227-245
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    • 2023
  • As offline company and online·mobile startups meet in an untact shopping environment, competition among companies in untact shopping is increasing. In this situation, companies need their own clear strategy to create customer value. In particular, it is very important to focus on 'customer experience' to establish such a strategy in an untact shopping environment. Customer experience refers to all processes in which consumers meet and experience a company or brand at a touch point. In this processes consumers decide whether to continue to use the company and brand. In this situation, it is thought that it will be meaningful for research to examine the customer experience of untact shopping. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the customer experience of untact shopping, which is used by all generations after COVID-19, through experience quality, and to examine the impact on the expectation-confirmation Model of untact shopping. The results of this study are as follows. First, as a result of examining whether interaction quality, information quality, and outcome quality affect expectation-confirmation it was found that all qualities except interaction quality affect expectation matching. Second, as a result of examining whether interaction quality, information quality, and outcome quality affect perceived usefulness, it was found that all qualities except interaction quality had an effect. Next, as a result of applying the expectation confirmation model to the untact shopping environment and examining whether the expectation confirmation has an effect on use satisfaction, it was found that there was a positive effect. As a result of examining whether perceived usefulness affects use satisfaction, it was found to have a positive effect. As a result of examining whether perceived usefulness affects expectation confirmation, it was found that there is a positive effect. Finally, as a result of examining whether perceived usefulness affects the intention to continue using untact shopping, it was found to be positive. Next, as a result of examining the effect of use satisfaction on trust, it was found that there was a positive effect. Finally, as a result of investigating whether trust has an effect on the intention to continue using, it was found that there is a positive effect. Looking at the important results especially, information quality was found to have the greatest influence.

Environmental cooperation strategies of Korean Peninsula considering International Environmental Regimes (한반도 환경협력을 위한 국제사회 동향과 미래 협력방안)

  • Chul-Hee Lim;Hyun-Ah Choi
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.224-238
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    • 2022
  • North Korea has actively participated in the international community related to environmental agreements. It has proposed various environmental policies internally since the Kim Jong-un regime. In particular, it emphasizes activities related to climate change response, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the conservation of ecosystems including forests and wetlands. In this study, a new security cooperation plan was proposed with an understanding of the climate crisis and environmental regime as a starting point. To this end, trends and recent activities for climate-environment cooperation in the international community and on the Korean Peninsula were analyzed. In addition, North Korea's conditions for cooperation on the Korean Peninsula, technology demand, and the projected future environment of the Korean Peninsula were dealt with. Ultimately, through advice of experts, we were able to discover cooperation agendas by sector and propose short-term and long-term environmental cooperation strategies for the Korean Peninsula based on them. In this study, conditions and directions for cooperation in fields of climate technology, biological resources, air/weather, water environment, biodiversity, renewable energy, bioenergy, and so on were considered comprehensively. Among 21 cooperation agendas discovered in this study, energy showed the largest number of areas. Renewable energy, forest resources, and environmental and meteorological information stood out as agendas that could be cooperated in the short term. As representative initiatives, joint promotion of 'renewable energy' that could contribute to North Korea's energy demand and carbon neutrality and 'forest cooperation' that could be recognized as a source of disaster reduction and greenhouse gas sinks were suggested.

Modeling the Effects of Forest Management Scenarios on Aboveground Biomass and Wood Production: A Study in Mt. Gariwang, South Korea (산림경영활동에 따른 수종별 지상부생물량 및 목재생산량 변화 모델링: 가리왕산 모델숲을 대상으로)

  • Wonhee Cho;Wontaek Lim;Won Il Choi;Hee Moon Yang;Dongwook W. Ko
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.112 no.2
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    • pp.173-187
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    • 2023
  • The forest protection policies implemented in South Korea have resulted in the significant accumulation of forest. Moreover, the associated public interest has also been closely evaluated. As forests mature, there arises a need for forest management (FM) practices, such as thinning and harvesting. It is therefore essential to perform a scientific analysis of the long-term effects of FM. In this study, conducted in Mt. Gariwang, the effect of FM on forest succession and wood production (WP) were evaluated based on changes in aboveground biomass (AGB) using the LANDIS-II model. The FM consists of three scenarios (Selection, Shelterwood, and Two-stories), characterized based on the harvest intensity, frequency, and period. The model was applied to changes in the forest over 200 years. All scenarios show that the total AGB decreased immediately after thinning and harvesting. However, AGB recovery time differed among scenarios, with recovery to preharvest level occurring from 15 to 50 years after harvest; further, after 200 years, harvested forests had a greater total AGB than forests without FMs In particular, the changes in AGB of each species was different depending on its shade tolerance. The AGB of currently dominant shade-intolerant and mid-tolerant species decreased dramatically after harvesting. However, shade-tolerant species, dominant in the understory, continued to grow but were not harvested due to their small size. The cumulative WP for each scenario was estimated at 545.6, 141.6, and 299.9 tons/ha in Selection, Shelterwood, and Two-stories, respectively. The composition of WP differed according to harvest intensity and period. Most WP originated from shade-intolerant and mid-tolerant species in the early period. Later, most WP was from shade-tolerant species, which became dominant. The modeling approach used in this study is capable of analyzing the long-term effects of FM on changes in forests and WP. This study can contribute to decision making to guide FM methods for a variety of purposes, including WP and controlling forest composition and structure.

Seasonal changes in phytoplankton community related with environmental factors in the Busan coastal region in 2014 (2014년 부산 연안 해역에서 계절적 환경특성에 따른 식물플랑크톤 군집의 변화양상)

  • JI Nam Yoon;Young Kyun Lim;Dong Sun Kim;Young Ok Kim;Seung Ho Baek
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.112-123
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    • 2022
  • To assess the influence of environmental factors on the phytoplankton community structure and total phytoplankton biomass during four seasons in 2014, we investigated the abiotic and biotic factors at 25 stations in the Busan coastal region. The phytoplankton community and total phytoplankton biomass were strongly dependent on the discharge from the Nakdong River, and the high density of phytoplankton was related with the introduction of the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC), particularly in the thermohaline fronts of the fall season. The relationship between the salinity and nutrient (Dissolved inorganic nitrogen=DIN: R2=0.72, p<0.001 and Dissolved inorganic silicon=DSi: R2=0.78, p<0.001) highly correlated with the river discharge, implying that those nutrients have played a crucial role in the growth of diatom and cryptophyta. The total phytoplankton biomass was highest in the summer followed by autumn, spring, and winter. Diatom and cryptophyta species were dominant species during the four seasons. Additionally, there were strong positive correlations between Chlorophyll a and total phytoplankton biomass (R2=0.84, p<0.001), cryptophyta (R2=0.76, p<0.001) and diatom (R2=0.50, p<0.001), respectively. In particular, we found that there were significant differences in the nutrients, phytoplankton community compositions, and total phytoplankton biomass between the inner and the outer coastal region of Busan, depending on the amount of river discharge from the Nakdong River, particularly during rainy seasons. Therefore, the seasonal change of TWC and river discharge from the Nakdong River serve an important role in determining phytoplankton population dynamics in the Busan coastal region.

Investigating Topics of Incivility Related to COVID-19 on Twitter: Analysis of Targets and Keywords of Hate Speech (트위터에서의 COVID-19와 관련된 반시민성 주제 탐색: 혐오 대상 및 키워드 분석)

  • Kim, Kyuli;Oh, Chanhee;Zhu, Yongjun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.331-350
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to understand topics of incivility related to COVID-19 from analyzing Twitter posts including COVID-19-related hate speech. To achieve the goal, a total of 63,802 tweets that were created between December 1st, 2019, and August 31st, 2021, covering three targets of hate speech including region and public facilities, groups of people, and religion were analyzed. Frequency analysis, dynamic topic modeling, and keyword co-occurrence network analysis were used to explore topics and keywords. 1) Results of frequency analysis revealed that hate against regions and public facilities showed a relatively increasing trend while hate against specific groups of people and religion showed a relatively decreasing trend. 2) Results of dynamic topic modeling analysis showed keywords of each of the three targets of hate speech. Keywords of the region and public facilities included "Daegu, Gyeongbuk local hate", "interregional hate", and "public facility hate"; groups of people included "China hate", "virus spreaders", and "outdoor activity sanctions"; and religion included "Shincheonji", "Christianity", "religious infection", "refusal of quarantine", and "places visited by confirmed cases". 3) Similarly, results of keyword co-occurrence network analysis revealed keywords of three targets: region and public facilities (Corona, Daegu, confirmed cases, Shincheonji, Gyeongbuk, region); specific groups of people (Coronavirus, Wuhan pneumonia, Wuhan, China, Chinese, People, Entry, Banned); and religion (Corona, Church, Daegu, confirmed cases, infection). This study attempted to grasp the public's anti-citizenship public opinion related to COVID-19 by identifying domestic COVID-19 hate targets and keywords using social media. In particular, it is meaningful to grasp public opinion on incivility topics and hate emotions expressed on social media using data mining techniques for hate-related to COVID-19, which has not been attempted in previous studies. In addition, the results of this study suggest practical implications in that they can be based on basic data for contributing to the establishment of systems and policies for cultural communication measures in preparation for the post-COVID-19 era.

A Study on Metaverse Construction Based on 3D Spatial Information of Convergence Sensors using Unreal Engine 5 (언리얼 엔진 5를 활용한 융복합센서의 3D 공간정보기반 메타버스 구축 연구)

  • Oh, Seong-Jong;Kim, Dal-Joo;Lee, Yong-Chang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.171-187
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    • 2022
  • Recently, the demand and development for non-face-to-face services are rapidly progressing due to the pandemic caused by the COVID-19, and attention is focused on the metaverse at the center. Entering the era of the 4th industrial revolution, Metaverse, which means a world beyond virtual and reality, combines various sensing technologies and 3D reconstruction technologies to provide various information and services to users easily and quickly. In particular, due to the miniaturization and economic increase of convergence sensors such as unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) capable of high-resolution imaging and high-precision LiDAR(Light Detection and Ranging) sensors, research on digital-Twin is actively underway to create and simulate real-life twins. In addition, Game engines in the field of computer graphics are developing into metaverse engines by expanding strong 3D graphics reconstuction and simulation based on dynamic operations. This study constructed a mirror-world type metaverse that reflects real-world coordinate-based reality using Unreal Engine 5, a recently announced metaverse engine, with accurate 3D spatial information data of convergence sensors based on unmanned aerial system(UAS) and LiDAR. and then, spatial information contents and simulations for users were produced based on various public data to verify the accuracy of reconstruction, and through this, it was possible to confirm the construction of a more realistic and highly utilizable metaverse. In addition, when constructing a metaverse that users can intuitively and easily access through the unreal engine, various contents utilization and effectiveness could be confirmed through coordinate-based 3D spatial information with high reproducibility.

An Analysis of the Effect of the Residential Environment of Young Single-person Households on Residential Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction (청년 1인 가구의 주거환경이 주거와 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 다른 연령 집단과의 비교를 중심으로)

  • Yongwook Kim;Saehim Kim;Joonwon Hwang;Mi-Jeong Cho
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.19-34
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    • 2023
  • The proportion of single-person households has been steadily increasing, and the young account for the highest proportion at 35.9% among all single-person households. However, research on young single-person households has been relatively recent. Research on single-person households has mostly focused on all single-person households or elderly single-person households, and comparative research between different age groups is lacking. Therefore, this study categorizes all single-person households into young, middle-aged, and elderly groups to investigate the differences in the factors that affect their residential satisfaction and to analyze how these residential environment factors affect life satisfaction through the mediating effect of residential satisfaction. The 2020 Seoul Survey Urban Policy Index Survey data were analyzed using a structural equation model to investigate the impact of each factor. First, a finding is that various residential environment factors directly affect residential satisfaction and life satisfaction. Next, it was found that residential satisfaction directly affects life satisfaction in the models of young and middle-aged single-person households. Through this, it was confirmed that there are differences in residential environment factors that affect residential satisfaction and that residential satisfaction plays an important mediating role. Finally, it was found that the factors that affect the residential and life satisfaction of young single-person households are more diverse compared to other age groups. This study provides policy implications that age group differences should be considered first in order to improve the residential and life satisfaction of single-person households. In particular, for young single-person households, it is necessary to consider more diverse alternatives to improve their residential and life satisfaction.