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A Study on the Working Environment Recognition and the Caracter Disposition of Nurse Aides (간호조무사의 근무환경인식과 성격성향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Sun Yi
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 1990
  • As the whole world took on the tendency to be highly industrialized, it became necessary for each field of occupation to require professional man power. Especially, since the World War n, the participation of woman power in economic activities has been continually increasing. In our country also, because of the rapid economic growth, change in the way of thinking of women as well as their participation in economic activities are increasing. Thus, woman power is being utilized in various occupational fields from simple physical labor to those that require high-professional skill. Also, continued economic development policies, by setting the establishment of welfare society as the ideology to be fulfilled, brought expansion of medical facilities in the field of public health and increase in man power in that field. As for the nursing specialists, more than 6000 have been being produced per year and as of the end of 1988, the total number of nursing specialists, reached 123, 115. Therefore, this study is done to recognize the professional knowledge and ability of nursing specialists, who take up 40% of the total public-health related man power in our country, through evaluating their working environment and their disposition of character. This study, which was done from September 18th to September 30th 1989, took on the method of using formed questionnaires that had been amended and supplemented during two preparatory investigations, 322 of such questionnaires were used as an analytical material. In the formation of questionnaires, 12 questions were related to the working environment, and 26 in fortotal were related to the disposition of character, 5 for wise-disposition, 11 for activedisposition and 10 for open-disposition. The measuring method, which used 5-point-standard, allowed 5 points for affirmative recognition of the working environment, also 5 points for showing wise, active and open disposition of character and only point in opposite cases. Collected materials were analyzed, through an electronic calculation, into the average value, the standard deflection percentage, pearson corelative number and stepwise multiple regression. Summarizing the results from this study is as follows: 1. It was shown that the nursing specialists with the average of 3.07 have affirmative recognition of their working environment. The questions which drew most affirmative reaction were those concerning finance-management system such as hand, the questions that received negative reaction were those concerning communication method with the average of 2.49. Such reaction seems to have resulted from the cramming regulation by the superior authorities. Concerning the recognition of working environment in relation to employment conditions, more affirmative recognition is shown with the average of 3.14. at hospitals where injection job is not performed. The nursing specialists working at regular hospitals show more affirmative recognition than those at general hospitals, the averages being respectiely 3.16 and 3.03. 2. As for the disposition of character of the nursing specialists, active-disposition was highest with the average of 3.38, next was wise-disposition with 3.20 and the lowest was open-diposition with 2.98. Variable-wise disposition of character shows that wise-disposition and academic background are beneficially correlated by 0.12. Ative-disposition and open-disposition show correlation to the office term by respectively 0.16 and 0.21. In other words. better academic background leads to higher wise-disposition and more - experience results in higher active and open disposition. Also, the class that performs the injection job, in relation to the working environment, might cause change in the self-conceit that identify those in that class with the nurses; however, as far as professional judgment and action, in dealing with nursing job, being wise, active and open is concerned, not much effect is made. 3. The relation between the recognition of the working environment and the disposition of character is that more afirmative recognition- a nursing specialist has about her working environment, the higher the active-disposition becomes by 0.13. The degrees of the relation between recongnition of environment and wise and open dispositions show respectively 0.06 and -0.06 and -0.06. That is to say that when having more affirmative recognition of the working environment, a nursing specialist shows wise but closed disposition of character. This, howerver, didn't mean much statistically. When observing the results mentioned above, it is conspicuous that the nursing specialists, working as substitutes for the nurse at medical institutions of various sizes, get the feeling of being somewhat equal to the nurses and to some extent, fulfill their desire to accomplish their ego; however, as far as professional ability expansion if concerned. they lack wise and open dispositions. Therefore, considiering upon the results of this study, in medical institutions where the work of nursing specialists is regaded equal to that of the nurses, as a medical member who deals with human lives, it is desirable to make the nursing specialists work under the supervision of the nurses and to offer them continuous education to strengthen and improve their natural dispositions.

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The Use of Transmedia in Current Affairs Radio Shows Focusing on 'That Honey Show' of Kim Hyun-Jung's News Show(CBS) (라디오 시사프로그램의 트랜스미디어 활용 연구 - CBS <김현정의 뉴스쇼-댓꿀쇼>를 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Jung-Ah;Han, Hee-Jeong
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.35-54
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the characteristics of CBS's Kim Hyun-Jung's News Show(hearafter News Show) and the change to transmedia. The distinguishing characteristics of News Show compared to radio-based current affairs programs are as follows. First, despite its time limit, it adopts the form of investigative reports or investigative documentaries to uncover the truth of the events through 'Detective Son Su-Ho', etc. Second, News show's interviews have avoided biased stance in the reporting of minority issues by interviewing the affected parties anonymously including people involved in incidents and accidents, bereaved families, and other victims. News Show has been producing a transmedia content called 'That Honey Show' (a show that reads comments as fun as honey) since November 2018. 'That Honey Show' is broadcast in real time on YouTube right after the News Show radio broadcast ends. As a form of spin-off content, 'That Honey Show' breaks down the boundaries among staff, MCs, and guests, as well as shifting roles by using 'vice characters'. The female host, Kim conducts interviews with the main characters related to various issues and extends the fixed identity of current affairs shows to the everyday politics and cultural realms. Thus she draws active participation and responses audience. This paper analyzes two representative broadcast cases of 'That Honey Show'-first, the case of resistance and activity of the BTS fandom ARMY in the US presidential election, and, second, the case of reporting on the Nth room incident. This analysis considers the critical participation of digital citizens and the effect of fostering a sense of community in the current affairs show in the transmedia era.

A Study on the Quality of Life for the Elderly Participating Social welfare Using Facilities: Focused on the Program's Participation, Self-esteem and Depression (이용시설 참여노인의 삶의 질에 영향을 미치는 요인: 프로그램 참여도, 자아존중감 및 우울을 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Mi-Young;Sim, Mi-Young
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.1539-1557
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of program's participation, self-esteem and depression on quality of life for the elderly participating social welfare using facilities. Therefore, this paper will help improve a life's quality of all the olds by fixing the problems we got in this society and suggesting the better program for the elderly participating social welfare using facilities. The results of the study were as follows. There was no specific difference in statistic that shows the quality of the old's life who have their economic life. In quality of life in neighbors, the male were more friendly to their neighbors and the lower level of education, the higher quality of life. Healthy old people had greater quality of life than unhealthy old people did. If the old were excellent in scholarship, if unmarried couple shared the same house, if both of husband and wife live together when they are married, and if their allowance are full in pocket, the quality of their life was enhanced. Self-esteem influenced the quality of life in economic, but depression influenced negatively. In quality of life in neighbors, feeling depression and joining in program of a work for prosperity in future didn't effect doing well with the neighbors. On the other hand, participating in the social community program effected positively. In quality of life in neighbors, feeling depression and program of rehabilitation effected on the quality of life negatively. Educating refinement program effected positively being a good match, but promoting health program effected negatively.

An Effect of Aquatic Exercise Program with Self-help Group Activites and Strategies for Promoting Self-efficacy on Pain, Physiological Parameters and Quality of Life in Patients having Rheumatoid Arthritis. (자조집단 활동과 자기효능성 증진법을 이용한 수중운동 프로그램이 류마티스 관절염 환자의 통증, 생리적 지수 및 삶의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Im
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 1994
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic systematic disease with unpredictable course of exacerbation and remission, characterized by pain, joint deformity and reduced activity by joint limitation. The growing public awareness of the need for health management of chronic illnesses, provides impetus for nursing to demonstrate social effectiveness by active nursing intervention in this vast area in general, and with rheumatoid condition in particular. However, nursing interventions to date have not demonstrated its active participation in the management of chronic conditions. Nursing intervention for the patients having rheumatoid arthritis is one such area that needs to be studied intensively and to demonstrate their effectiveness empirically. The purposes of this study were two fold : first, to develop a comprehensive program that was intensified with therapeutic joint exercises in water, self-help group activities and utilization of self-efficacy promoting strategies : and secondly, to determine the effect of aquatic exercise program on pain, physiological changes and quality of life in the rheumatoid arthritis patients. Thirty five female subjects participating in this study were selected from outpatients in the Rheumatism Center, Hanyang University hospital. The period of data collection was from December, 1992 to March, 1993 in seoul and Taejeon. Subjects in Taejeon were assigned to the experimental group. The comprehensive aquatic exercise program for the experimental group was carried out three times a week for 6 weeks in regular swimming pool. Subjects in Seoul did not participated in the program, and treated as the control group. Data were analyzed with repeated measure MANCOVA, t-test, ANCOVA, percentage of change, Kruskal-Wallis 1-Way ANOVA using SPSS PC+ program. Results were obtained as follows : 1) Scores on Korean pain scale, Numeric pain score, and RAI score of the experimental group were significantly lower than those of the control group (t=2.11, p=0.022 ; F=4.40, p=0.044 : t=3.10, p=0.002). 2) There was significant improvement in the physiological parameters (higher joint movement parameters, F=15.64, p=0.024 ; higher lean body mass, percentage of change=+12.2, lower body weight, t=1.01, p=0.026 : lower ESR, t=1.69, p=0.001) in the experimental group compaired with subjects In the control group. 3) There was significant improvement in the specific self-efficacy score through the comprehensive aquatic exercise program(t=2.73, p=0.011), but not in the general self- efficacy score(t=0.62, p=0.113). 4) The quality of life failed to show significant improvement in the experimental group as compaired with the control group (F=3.69, p=0.064). 5) In the experimental group, findings from additional analysis showed no significant difference in the specific self-efficacy between those who continued to aquatic exercise after completing 6 week program and those who stopped (X2=0.086, p=0.690). Therefore, adherence to aquatic exercise program for 6 weeks seem to be affected mainly by self-help group activities. An indepth study to delve into articulation of mechanisms affecting the effect of aquatic exercise program be recommended. A further study is necessary to determine the difference in the effect of group and individual aquatic exercise program, to assess factors affecting adherence to exercise for an extended length of time.

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The Effect of Users' Personality on Emotional and Cognitive Evaluation in UCC Web Site Usage (UCC(user-created-contents) 웹 사이트에서 사용자의 인성이 감정적, 인지적 평가와 UCC 활용에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Yun-Ji;Kang, So-Ra;Kim, Woo-Gon
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.167-190
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    • 2010
  • The research conducted here focuses on the effect of factors that affect the behavior of UCC (User Created Content) website users, other than user's rational recognition of how useful a UCC website can be. Most discussions in the existing literature on information systems have focused on users' evaluation how a UCC website can help to attain the users' own goals. However, there are other factors and this research pays attention to an individual's 'personality,' which is stable and biological in nature. Specifically, I have noted here that 'extroversion' and 'neuroticism,' the two common personality factors presented in Eysenck's most representative 'EPQ Model' and 'Big Five Model,' are the two personality factors that affect a site's 'usefulness,' by this I mean how useful does the user consider the website and its content. How useful a site is considered by the user is the other factor that has been regarded as the antecedent factor that influences the adoption of information systems in the existing MIS (Management Information System) research. Secondly, as using or creating a UCC website does not guarantee the user's or the creator's extrinsic motivation, unlike when using the information system within an organization, there is a greater likelihood that the increase in user's activities in relation to a UCC website is motivated by emotional factors rather than rational factors. Thus, I have decided to include the relationship between an individual's personality and what they find pleasurable in the research model. Thirdly, when based on the S-O-R Paradigm of Mehrabian and Russell, the two cognitive factors and emotional factors are finally affected by stimulus, and thus these factors ultimately have an effect on an individual's respondent behavior. Therefore, this research has presented an assumption that the recognition of how useful the site and content is and what emotional pleasure it provides will finally affect the behavior of the UCC website users. Finally, the relationship between the recognition of how useful a site is and how pleasurable it is to useand UCC usage may differ depending on certain situational conditions. In other words, the relationship between the three factors may vary according to how much users are involved in the creation of the website content. Creation thus emerges as the keyword of UCC. I analyzed the above relationships through the moderating variable of the user's involvement in the creation of the site. The research result shows the following: When it comes to the relationship between an individual's personality and what they find pleasurable it is extroverted users who have a greater likelihood to feel pleasure when using a UCC website, as was expected in this research. This in turn leads to a more active usage of the UCC web site because a person who is an extrovert likes to spend time on activities with other people, is sensitive to new experiences and stimuli and thus actively responds to these. An extroverted person accepts new UCC activities as part of his/her social life, rather than getting away from this new UCC environment. This is represented by the term 'Foxonomy' where the users meet a variety of users from all over the world and contact new types of content created by these users. However, neuroticism creates the opposite situation to that created by extroversion. The representative symptoms of neuroticism are instability, stress, and tension. These dispositions are more closely related to stress caused by a new environment rather than this creatingcuriosity or pleasure. Thus, neurotic persons have an uneasy feeling and will eventually avoid the situation where their own or others' daily lives are frequently exposed to the open web environment, this eventually makes them have a negative attitude towards the web environment. When it comes to an individual's personality and how useful site is, the two personality factors of extroversion and neuroticism both have a positive relationship with the recognition of how useful the site and its content is. The positive, curious, and social dispositions of extroverted persons tend to make them consider the future usefulness and possibilities of a new type of information system, or website, based on their positive attitude, which has a significant influence on the recognition of how useful these UCC sites are. Neuroticism also favorably affects how useful a UCC website can be through a different mechanism from that of extroversion. As the neurotic persons tend to feel uneasy and have much doubt about a new type of information system, they actively explore its usefulness in order to relieve their uncomfortable feelings. In other words, neurotic persons seek out how useful a site can be in order to secure their own stable feelings. Meanwhile, extroverted persons explore how useful a site can be because of their positive attitude and curiosity. As a lot of MIS research has revealed that the recognition of how useful a site can be and how pleasurable it can be to use have been proven to have a significant effect on UCC activity. However, the relationship between these factors reveals different aspects based on the user's involvement in creation. This factor of creationgauges the interest of users in the creation of UCC contents. Involvement is a variable that shows the level of an individual's mental effort in creating UCC contents. When a user is highly involved in the creation process and makes an enormous effort to create UCC content (classed a part of a high-involvement group), their own pleasure and recognition of how useful the site is have a significantly higher effect on the future usage of the UCC contents, more significantly than the users who sit back and just retrieve the UCC content created by others. The cognitive and emotional response of those in the low-involvement group is unlikely to last long,even if they recognize the contents of a UCC website is pleasurable and useful to them. However, the high-involvement group tends to participate in the creation and the usage of UCC more favorably, connecting the experience with their own goals. In this respect, this research presents an answer to the question; why so many people are participating in the usage of UCC, the representative form of the Web 2.0 that has drastically involved more and more people in the creation of UCC, even if they cannot gain any monetary or social compensation. Neither information system nor a website can succeed unless it secures a certain level of user base. Moreover, it cannot be further developed when the reasons, or problems, for people's participation are not suitably explored, even if it has a certain user base. Thus, what is significant in this research is that it has studied users' respondent behavior based on an individual's innate personality, emotion, and cognitive interaction, unlike the existing research that has focused on 'compensation' to explain users' participation with the UCC website. There are also limitations in this research. Firstly, I divided an individual's personality into extroversion and neuroticism; however, there are many other personal factors such as neuro-psychiatricism, which also needs to be analyzed for its influence on UCC activities. Secondly, as a UCC website comes in many types such as multimedia, Wikis, and podcasting, these types need to be included as a sub-category of the UCC websites and their relationship with personality, emotion, cognition, and behavior also needs to be analyzed.

The Principles of Total Quality Management(TQM) and Its Implementation. (총체적 질관리(Total Quality Management)의 이론적 배경과 그 적용실태)

  • Kang, So-Young
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.388-407
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    • 1995
  • This study is (a) to describe the history of Total Quality Management (TQM) generated in the industry, health care service, and nursing society ; (b) to define the concept, total quality management including the definition of quality ; (C) to explain the each principle of TQM theory developed by main theorists, E. Deming, J. Juran, and B. Crosby ; (d) to give the examples related to TQM implementation at the health care organization ; and (e) to mention the extent to which the health care organizations are able to evaluate their cultural organization toward TQM and have had the way to measure the effect of TQM implementation. TQM referred to Continuous Quality Improvement(CQI), Quality Improvement(QI), and Total Quality Improvement(TQI), was not recognized by experts in the United States industry, but by economists in Japan until the end of the 1970's. However, the United States' government led to introduce the principles of TQM to general industry as well as health care service area so that TQM became a main philosophy to manage the organizations in health care service. TQM is a structured, systematic process for creating organization-wide participation in planning and implementing continuous improvement in quality. E. Deming established the "Chain reaction in Quality" and the fourteen point of TQM. The Chain reaction in quality is to describe the relationship among the reduction of waste, rework, and delay, quality improvement, customer satisfaction, and productivity. There are fourteen points to explain the principles of TQM by E. Deming. Juran defined the "Quality Trilogy" to improve the level of quality in any organization. Quality Trilogy has three steps such as quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement for implementing the TQM projects. Crosby describes his TQM theory by establishing "Four Absolutes" and "Fourteen steps in TQM" implementation. Until now, most healthcare organizations have made efforts to organize the TQM task team and to implement TQM principles with various issues. There are three priorities to select the TQM issues : High-volume, High-risk, and Problem-prone. However, there is no absolute, credible measurement yet to evaluate the effects of TQM implementation in health care organization regardless of the classification of health care organizations, geographical background, and social influence. Thus, developing the evaluation way in terms of TQM is the foremost task in health service area. The most important thing for TQM implementation in the organization is to settle up the concept, cultural transformation from traditional management toward quality.

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A Survey on the Use and Perception of Environmentally-friendly Organic Materials among Korean Farmers (친환경유기농자재에 대한 농업인의 사용실태 및 인식도 조사)

  • Paik, Min-Kyoung;Park, Sung-Eun;Kim, Bong-Hoe;Kim, Yong-Ki;Oh, Jin-Ah;Kim, Doo-Ho;Lee, Je-Bong
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2013
  • This study was performed to investigate the cultivation pattern and perception, such as safety awareness, of environmentally-friendly organic materials among Korean farmers. The main reason for participation of the environmentally-friendly agriculture was for the production of safe agricultural crops. Compared to small-acreage farmer were more aware about the safety of environmentally-friendly organic materials to the subjects. Accordingly, 23.6% among the respondents with environmentally-friendly agriculture certification experienced the adverse effect by using the environmentally-friendly organic materials, compared to 33.8% of among the respondent without the certification. The experienced type of adverse effects consisted mainly 'eyes itch', 'hands and feet itch' and 'fatigue'. Also, respondent experiencing the adverse effects by using the environmentally-friendly organic materials more comply with the usage standard as how to use marked in wrapping paper, compared to the respondent without experiencing the adverse effects, which indicate that the compliance with the usage standard as how to use marked in wrapping paper is closely related the experience the adverse effects. Further study should be needed for more precise investigation of comment for the farmers in order to suggest the effective improvement in terms of policy or education for their safety.

Relationship between Social Network Types and Subjective Life Satisfaction of the Elderly : Focused on Non Voluntary and Past Oriented Social Network vs. Voluntary and Present Oriented Social Network (노인의 사회적관계망 유형과 주관적 삶의 만족도와의 관계 : 비자발적과거기반형 사회적관계망과 자발적현재기반형 사회적관계망을 중심으로)

  • Eim, Chang Kyun;Yang, Dong Woo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.119-133
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    • 2014
  • This study examines the effects of social network support types on the subjective satisfaction of life for elderly people focused on the impact of voluntary and present oriented social network type represented by hobby club vs. non voluntary and past oriented social network type for example alumni association in Korean society respectively. According to the advanced studies figured out by preceding researchers, most of social networks had a good and positive effects on the elderly people's subjective satisfaction of life. However, this study tried to classify the social networks by type such as starting time to make relationship among members and voluntary or non voluntary for participation to the networks. As a result of this study, voluntary and present oriented social network represented by hobby club has a very positive relationship with Korean elderly people's subjective satisfaction of life while non voluntary and past oriented social network as alumni association has no relationship with elderly people's subjective satisfaction of life. Therefore, government policies and budget should be concentrated on encouraging or supporting voluntary and present oriented social networks such as hobby club, voluntary agency etc. rather than non voluntary and past oriented social networks so as to maximize the effect for increasing Korean elderly people's subjective satisfaction of life.

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A Study on Implementing a Cooperative Urban Planning: A Case of Wisconsin in U.S.A. (협력적 계획의 실행에 관한 연구: 미국 위스콘신을 사례로)

  • Kim, Ryoon-Hee;Choi, Sang-Hee;Wang, Kyung-Soon;Kim, Doo-Hwan;Yoon, In-Sook
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 2014
  • As social needs are increasing to minimize the occurrence of external effect due to urban development and to diffuse the benefits of development to surrounding areas, diverse cooperative planning methods are increasingly being discussed. In the long term, laws and systems need to be refined to support cooperative planning, but prior to such development, elements, procedures, and methodologies wherein cooperative planning in U.S.A cases could be implemented were examined to derive the alternative to and implications of cooperative planning that can apply not only to single administrative districts but also to complex boundary new towns being developed by various local governments. This paper surveyed and analyzed the cases of Wisconsin State of the U.S.A, thereby deriving the following implications. First, joint planning areas should be established within the boundary area of various local governments to establish cooperative planning areas in special areas such as complex boundary new towns, and to this end, urban planning means should be prepared. Together with such efforts, to boost the flexibility of cooperative planning, life sphere unit-based planning unit should be established, and a well-organized operation system to activate communities should be prepared. Also, revenues, generated through regional growth, should be distributed to individual local governments through joint tax according to the agreed-upon ratios, and as such, measures to share services and operate joint tax in small-size regions should be secured. Together with such efforts, to establish cooperative governance, measures to manage conflicts through the participation by stakeholders and arbitrators should be prepared from the planning stage, and measures for implementing cooperative planning at the level of basic urban planning should be prepared.

A Study on Children's Poetry Activity through Integrative Music Appreciation Program in A Small Group (통합적 음악 감상을 통한 유아 소그룹 동시짓기 활동의 효과)

  • Park, Boo Sook;Lim, Myeung Hee;Park, Yoon Joe
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.233-258
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    • 2017
  • Although listening to music is the most basic musical experience that is ahead of all the other musical activities, it tends to be neglected due to lack of awareness and difficult teaching methods. This study is to compose integrative music appreciation by reflecting thoughts of children, draw children's attention to listening to music, and let them to discover and create musical concept and structures by themselves, accompanied by related activities through which children can express their thoughts and feelings with children's poem. Considering the peculiarities of three-four year-olds, it may be difficult for them to create poems individually, so we let them to write poems through small group discussion in which they can share their opinions and observe their peers' reaction. We provided a teaching method to teachers who find activities of listening to music and writing poems difficult, then we analyzed the effect. When children finished writing poems in small groups through integrative music appreciation reflecting their thoughts, they placed greater weight on preparing to listen to music at first, but going through the program, they discovered musical concepts and became active in music appreciation. In the related activity, writing poems inspired them to think creatively, listening to their peer's stories. Even children who were not interested in children's poem showed higher participation. Teachers found children's creative words to be interesting, discovering the joy of creation.