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A Study on the Installation of Groyne using Critical Movement Velocity and Limiting Tractive Force (이동한계유속과 한계소류력을 활용한 수제 설치에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yeong Sik;Park, Shang Ho;An, Ik Tae;Choo, Yeon Moon
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.194-199
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    • 2020
  • Unlike in the past, the world is facing water shortages due to climate change and difficulties in simultaneously managing the risks of flooding. The Four Major Rivers project was carried out with the aim of realizing a powerful nation of water by managing water resources and fostering the water industry, and the construction period was relatively short compared to the unprecedented scale. Therefore, the prediction and analysis of how the river environment changes after the Four Major Rivers Project is insufficient. Currently, part of the construction section of the Four Major Rivers Project is caused by repeated erosion and sedimentation due to the effects of sandification caused by large dredging and flood-time reservoirs, and the head erosion of the tributaries occurs. In order to solve these problems, the riverbed maintenance work was installed, but it resulted in erosion of both sides of the river and the development of new approaches and techniques to keep the river bed stable, such as erosion and excessive sedimentation, is required. The water agent plays a role of securing a certain depth of water for the main stream by concentrating the flow so much in the center and preventing levee erosion by controlling the flow direction and flow velocity. In addition, Groyne products provide various ecological environments by forming a natural form of riverbeds by inducing local erosion and deposition in addition to the protection functions of the river bank and embankment. Therefore, after reviewing the method of determining the shape of the Groyne structure currently in use by utilizing the mobile limit flow rate and marginal reflux force, a new Critical Movement Velocity(ˉUd) and a new resistance coefficient formula considering the mathematical factors applicable to the actual domestic stream were developed and the measures applicable to Groyne installation were proposed.

Quality Improvement of High Volume Fly Ash Concrete due to Early Strength Gain Admixture (조강형 혼화제에 의한 플라이애시 다량 치환 콘크리트의 품질 향상)

  • Han, Cheon-Goo;Park, Jong-Ho;Lee, Joung-Ah
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of the study was to improve quality of high volume fly ash concrete. The study evaluated on the possibility of early quality improvement of high volume fly ash concrete with early strength gain admixture ('GA' below) developed by the preceding research. The study regarded applying naphthalene admixture ('NA' below) to mix proportion substituting FA 15 % to be plain. In the event of substituting FA 20, 25 and 30 %, the study compared engineering properties of concrete with plain by applying GA. Because of features of fresh concrete, fluidity falls down when GA is applied. Therefore, its use amount shall be increased. Only, in W/B 60 %, it was beneficial since slump loss was reduced about 35~70 mm than plain. The study could see that AE use should be increased proportionally since air content was reduced by coming from AE absorption operation of unburned coal content included in FA according to an increase in the amount of FA use. Reduction effect of bleeding could be anticipated since the amount of bleeding appeared at least in FA 20 %. Because of hardened concrete, time of setting appeared in the same level as plain when GA was applied. Therefore, it is judged that delay of setting can be reduced. In compressive strength, the study could check the same strength development as plain when GA was applied, having nothing to do with W/B and curing temperature. However, it is thought that we shall pay attention to GA use in the event of FA 30 % substitution. Freezing and melting resistance had less early value than plain. However, it is judged that there will be no problem of frost resistance since there is no a large difference between freezing and melting resistance and plain in overall. In accelerated neutralization, it was analyzed that a problem of weakening in neutralization appointed as a demerit when FA was applied in mass in proportion with GA use could be settled to some extent.

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An Experimental Study on the Pore Structure and Thermal Properties of Lightweight Foamed Concrete by Foaming Agent Type (기포제 종류에 따른 경량기포콘크리트의 기포구조 및 열적특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Man;Choi, Hun-Gug;Park, Sun-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2009
  • Recently, the use of lightweight panels in building structures has been increasing. Of the various lightweight panel types, styrofoam sandwich panels are inexpensive and are excellent in terms of their insulation capacity and their constructability. However, sandwich panels that include organic material are quite vulnerable to fire, and thus can numerous casualties in the event of a fire due to the lack of time to vacate and their emission of poisonous gas. On the other hand, lightweight foamed concrete is excellent, both in terms of its insulation ability and its fire resistance, due to its Inner pores. The properties of lightweight concrete is influenced by foaming agent type. Accordingly, this study investigates the insulation properties by foaming agent type, to evaluate the possibility of using light-weight foamed concrete instead of styrene foam. Our research found thatnon-heating zone temperature of lightweight foamed concrete using AP (Aluminum Powder) and FP (animal protein foaming agent) are lower than that of light-weight foamed concrete using AES (alkyl ether lactic acid ester). Lightweight foamed concrete using AES and FP satisfied fire performance requirements of two hours at a foam ratio 50, 100. Lightweight foamed concrete using AP satisfied fire performance requirements of two hours at AP ratio 0.1, 0.15. The insulation properties were better in closed pore foamed concrete by made AP, FP than with open pore foamed concrete made using AES.

Study on Standardization of the Environmental Impact Evaluation Method of Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields near High Voltage Overhead Transmission Lines (고압 가공송전선로의 극저주파자기장 환경영향평가 방법 표준화에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sung-Ae;Jung, Joonsig;Choi, Taebong;Jeong, Minjoo;Kim, Bu-Kyung;Lee, Jongchun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.658-673
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    • 2018
  • Social conflicts with extremely low frequency magnetic field(ELF-MF) exposures are expected to exacerbate due to continued increase in electric power demand and construction of high voltage transmission lines(HVTL). However, in current environmental impact assessment(EIA) act, specific guidelines have not been included concretely about EIA of ELF-MF. Therefore, this study conducted a standardization study on EIA method through case analysis, field measurement, and expert consultation of the EIA for the ELF-MF near HVTL which is the main cause of exposures. The status of the EIA of the ELF-MF and the problem to be improved are derived and the EIA method which can solve it is suggested. The main contents of the study is that the physical characteristics of the ELF-MF affected by distance and powerload should be considered at all stages of EIA(survey of the current situation - Prediction of the impacts - preparation of mitigation plan ? post EIA planning). Based on this study, we also suggested the 'Measurement method for extremely low frequency magnetic field on transmission line' and 'Table for extremely low frequency magnetic field measurement record on transmission line'. The results of this study can be applied to the EIA that minimizes the damage and conflict to the construction of transmission line and derives rational measures at the present time when the human hazard to long term exposure of the ELF-MF is unclear.

A Prediction of N-value Using Artificial Neural Network (인공신경망을 이용한 N치 예측)

  • Kim, Kwang Myung;Park, Hyoung June;Goo, Tae Hun;Kim, Hyung Chan
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.457-468
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    • 2020
  • Problems arising during pile design works for plant construction, civil and architecture work are mostly come from uncertainty of geotechnical characteristics. In particular, obtaining the N-value measured through the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is the most important data. However, it is difficult to obtain N-value by drilling investigation throughout the all target area. There are many constraints such as licensing, time, cost, equipment access and residential complaints etc. it is impossible to obtain geotechnical characteristics through drilling investigation within a short bidding period in overseas. The geotechnical characteristics at non-drilling investigation points are usually determined by the engineer's empirical judgment, which can leads to errors in pile design and quantity calculation causing construction delay and cost increase. It would be possible to overcome this problem if N-value could be predicted at the non-drilling investigation points using limited minimum drilling investigation data. This study was conducted to predicted the N-value using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) which one of the Artificial intelligence (AI) method. An Artificial Neural Network treats a limited amount of geotechnical characteristics as a biological logic process, providing more reliable results for input variables. The purpose of this study is to predict N-value at the non-drilling investigation points through patterns which is studied by multi-layer perceptron and error back-propagation algorithms using the minimum geotechnical data. It has been reviewed the reliability of the values that predicted by AI method compared to the measured values, and we were able to confirm the high reliability as a result. To solving geotechnical uncertainty, we will perform sensitivity analysis of input variables to increase learning effect in next steps and it may need some technical update of program. We hope that our study will be helpful to design works in the future.

An Analytical Study on Rational use of Undersea Space (해저공간의 합리적 활용을 위한 분석적 연구)

  • Won-Jo Jung;Nam-Ki Park
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to determine the necessity, role, utilization, and operation and management plan in relation to the underwater space platform where humans can newly reside. It provides a comprehensive opinion on the need for creating undersea space and operation plans based on opinions of industry-university-affiliated organizations involved in the R&D project of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries for the utilization of undersea space and external experts participating in marine technology development. In this study, a survey was conducted on researchers participating in the construction of a Korean submarine space platform. FGI was conducted on marine technology development experts. Results were then derived. As a result of the analysis, the need for subsea space construction was found to be high. As for the role of subsea space, the most common opinion was to develop technology for utilizing subsea space and to secure marine science research functions. It was found that the creation of subsea space would have a positive impact on the domestic industry, especially the deep-sea development industry and the shipbuilding/offshore structure industry. In terms of utilization, after the end of the seabed space test bed, the response to utilization as a marine observation base and marine ecosystem research had the highest proportion. As for expected inconvenience, discomfort in the psychological environment was the highest. Experts suggest that securing a continuous budget is most important for stable operation in the future and that securing a manpower budget is essential for itemized budgets. In addition, it was judged that it would be appropriate to establish a prior agreement from the time of the prior agreement and prepare a countermeasure before proceeding with the project in order to ensure ownership issues, consignment management issues, and cost issues when using the project after the end of the project.

Aspects of Design and Construction in Entrance Space of the World Heritage Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty (세계유산 조선왕릉 입구공간의 조성 양상)

  • So, Hyun-Su;Park, Hyun-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted through reviewing Aspects of Design and Construction in Entrance Space of the World Heritage Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty, which is equipped with parking lots, ticket offices, toilets, exhibition halls, information boards, and rest facilities for the convenience of visitors and the purpose of this study was to propose a direction for improvement. The results of the study are as follows: First, the reduced area of Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty was unable to fully accommodate the ritual movement line, and as a result, the location of the entrance space in the current royal tomb was decided to accommodate minimal convenience functions. In the meantime, the entrance space of the royal tombs has been relocated or renovated in order to achieve its integrity as a World Heritage Site, rational arrangement of movement lines and spatial utility. Second, the size of the entrance space ranges from 1,000 square meters in Jeongneung in Seoul to 16,000 square meters in Hongyuneung in Namyangju, and the number of annual users varies greatly from 12,000 in Onneung in Yangju to 410,000 in Seonjeongneung in Seoul. Considering the conditions of the 16 royal tombs, the entrance space should be provided at an appropriate scale, reflecting the surrounding land use and accessibility that affect the influx of users, the size of the site, and the king's awareness and preferences. Third, the location of the parking lot, the presence or absence of an outer courtyard and an internal courtyard bordering the ticket and check offices, and the location of the Historical and Cultural Museum made it possible to know the aspects of entrance space of the Joseon Royal Tombs, where the spatial configuration is determined Fourth, according to the royal tombs, it was found that the entrance space should have essential parking, access control, information, and convenience functions, and that support, exhibition, passage, and recess functions should be optional. At this time, the management office and the Historical and Cultural Center are in charge of support and exhibition functions. The function of passage can be a strategy that provides a sense of entry and the function of recess which has been introduced in only four royal tombs requires an appropriate location and landscape access.

Conceptual Model of Establishing Lifestyle (Lifestyle-DEPER [Decision, Execution, Personal Factor, Environment, Resources]) and Lifestyle Intervention Strategies (라이프스타일 형성 모델(Lifestyle-DEPER [Decision, Execution, Personal Factor, Environment, Resources])과 건강을 위한 라이프스타일 중재 전략)

  • Park, Ji-Hyuk;Park, Hae Yean;Hong, Ickpyo;Han, Dae-Sung;Lim, Young-Myoung;Kim, Ah-Ram;Nam, Sanghun;Park, Kang-Hyun;Lim, Seungju;Bae, Suyeong;Jin, Yeonju
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.9-22
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    • 2023
  • The Lifestyle-DEPER (Decision, Execution, Personal Factors, Environment, Resources) model explains lifestyle formation. Lifestyles are shaped through the decision, execution, and habituation stages. Factors influencing the establishment of a lifestyle are categorized as environmental, resource, and personal. The environment encompasses our surroundings and social, physical, cultural, and virtual environments. Resources refer to what individuals possess, such as health, time, economic, and social resources. Personal factors include competencies, needs, and values. At the lifestyle establishment stage, each of these factors influences a different stage. These collective processes are referred to as events, encompassing both personal and social events. Health-related lifestyle factors include physical activity, nutrition, social relationships, and occupational participation. These are the goals of lifestyle intervention. The intervention strategy based on the Lifestyle-DEPER model, called KEEP (Knowledge, Evaluation, Experience, Plan), is a comprehensive approach to promoting a healthy lifestyle by considering lifestyle formation stages and their influencing factors. This study introduces the Lifestyle-DEPER model and presents a lifestyle intervention strategy (KEEP) to promote health. Further research is required to validate the practicality of the model after applying interventions based on the lifestyle construction model.

Construction of a Transgenic Tobacco Expressing a Polydnaviral Cystatin (폴리드나바이러스 유래 시스타틴 유전자 발현 형질전환 담배 제작)

  • Kim, Yeongtae;Kim, Eunsung;Park, Youngjin;Kim, Yonggyun
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2015
  • CpBV (Cotesia plutellae bracovirus) is a polydnavirus and encodes a cystatin (CpBV-CST1) gene. Its overexpression suppresses insect immunity and alters insect developmental processes. This study aimed to construct a genetically modified (GM) tobacco to further explore the physiological function of the viral cystatin and to apply to control insect pests. To this end, the transgenic tobacco lines were screened in expression of the target gene and assessed in insecticidal activity. A recombinant vector (pBI121-CST) was prepared and used to transform a bacterium, Agrobacterium tumefasciens. The transformed bacteria were used to generate transgenic tobacco lines, which were induced to grow callus and resulted in about 92% of shoot regeneration. The regenerated plants were screened by PCR analysis to confirm the insertion of the target gene in the plant genome. In addition, the expression of the target gene was assessed in the regenerated plants by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). The qRT-PCR analysis showed that the transgenic line plant expressed the target gene about 17 times more than the control tobacco, indicating a stable insertion and expression of the target gene in the transgenic tobacco line. The insecticidal activity was then analyzed using the screened transgenic tobacco lines against the teneral 1st instar larvae of the oriental tobacco budworm, Helicoverpa assulta. Though there was a variation in the insecticidal efficacy among transgenic lines, T9 and T12 lines exhibited more than 95% mortality at 7 days after feeding treatment. These results suggest that CpBV-CST1 is a useful genetic resource to be used to generate GM crop against insect pests.

Difference in the Sense of Community in Open-Structure Central Squares in Apartment Complexes (공동주택 중앙광장의 개방 구조에 따른 지역 공동체의식의 차이)

  • Kang, Yon-Ju;Park, Jong-Wan;Im, Seung-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2009
  • As an alternative for restoring a sense of community which has been broken up due to urban residence redevelopment, this study focuses on structural characteristics according to physical location of central squares in apartment complexes. Central squares do not simply function as inner-aiming and self-completed spaces for the residents, but their role can be expanded to a core location which encourages neighbors to communicate and interact with each other. The suppositions for this study are as follows. Structural characteristics according to the physical locations of the central squares in apartment complexes affect apartment residents' openness toward their neighbors and non-residents' accessibility to the square. At the same time, it influences the sense of community. In addition, psychological distance which is represented as psychological openness and accessibility forms a reciprocal relationship with the sense of community. For the study, we first categorized central squares as either open-structure or closed-structure based on how accessible it is from outside the apartment complex. According to these types of central squares, Sillim Prugio, Banghak Deasang Town Hyundai, Gwanak Prugio and Banghak Samsung Raemian 1 which have similar conditions and different structures were selected as sites of the study. Then each apartment complex was classified by apartment residents and non-residents so that eight groups were prepared for the survey. The results of the questionnaire survey especially regarding measuring the sense of community, psychological openness and accessibility indicated that the suppositions were right. Hence, the sense of community, psychological openness and accessibility are high in a central square with an open-structure while high standards of psychological openness and accessibility guarantee a positive sense of community. This study is meaningful in that it verifies that the physical location of central squares is reciprocally related to psychological openness, accessibility and a sense of community. At the same time, this study may serve as theoretical grounds for the planning and construction of practical central squares.