• Title/Summary/Keyword: Park Planning and Design Process

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A Study on the Computer-Aided Design System of Axisymmetric Deep Drawing Process(II) (축대칭 디프 드로잉 제품의 공정설계 시스템에 관한 연구(II))

  • Park, S.B.;Choi, Y.;Kim, B.M.;Choi, J.C.;Lee, J.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 1996
  • A computer-aided process design system for axisymmetric deep drawing products has been developed. An approach to the system is based on the knowledge based system. Knowledges for the system are formulated from the plasticity theory handbooks experimental results and empirical knowhow of the field experts. the system is composed of four main modules such as geometrical design test & rectification and user modification. The input to the system is final sheet-metal object geometry and the output from the system is process sequence with intermedi-ate objects geometries and process parameters, such as drawing load blank holding force clearance cup-drawing coefficient.

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Reproducing and Restoring Space Planning for Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) Restoration - Focusing on Sobaeksan National Park - (여우(Vulpes vulpes) 복원을 위한 증식·복원장 공간 계획에 관한 연구 - 소백산국립공원 지역을 사례로 -)

  • Cho, Dong-Gil;Shim, Yun Jin;Hong, Jin-Pyo;Cha, Jin-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2013
  • A species restoration plan requires a process where the first is to thoroughly study the target species, second is to provide them with an onsite reproduction and adaptation period, and finally, third is to release them to their natural habitat. This study focuses on the space planning for target species' successful onsite reproduction and adaptation. For the study, a site planning near Sobaeksan National Park was implemented with Red Fox's behavior and habitat characteristics in mind for its recovery, reproduction, and natural adaptation. During site selection and planning, the basic aim was to incorporate the existing site as much as possible thus reducing the impact on the environment from the recovery plan. In addition, for a stable recovery of the Red Fox population, the site was classified into three different areas : core area, buffer zone, and transition area. Then, the facilities that help Red Fox's reproduction and adaptation such as reproduction center, foraging site, adaptation training center were planned. Under the condition that the site will be off limit to the public, a limited number of paths for monitoring was provided. For the site's vegetation, the existing species were planted as much as possible with the addition of plants that the Red Fox consume. The facilities included as Red Fox's habitat were fox burrows for hiding and ecological ponds for drinking. From this study, the recovery of the endangered fox species is expected as well as the contribution to an effort to increase of awareness toward the biological resources in Korea through Nagoya protocol. Furthermore, it has the potential to change the public's attitude toward endangered species recovery projects through publicizing and providing experience to the national park visitors.

A Study on the Process Design Expert System in Motor-Frame Die of an Automobile (자동차 모터 프레임 금형의 공정설계 전문가 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Bae W. R.;Park D. H.;Park S. B.;Kang S. S.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.132-135
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    • 2000
  • A process design expert system for rotationally symmetric deep drawing products has been developed The application of the expert system to non-axisymmetric components, however, has not been reported yet. Thus, in this present study, the expert system for non-axisymmetric deep drawing products with elliptical shape was constructed by using process sequence design. The system developed in this work consists of four modules. The first one is a recognition of shape module to recognize non-axisymmetric products. The second one is three dimensional (3-D) modeling module to calculate the surface area for non-axisymmetric products. The third one is a blank design module to create an oval-shaped blank with the identical surface area. The forth one is a process planning module based on the production rules that play the best important role in an expert system for manufacturing. The production rules are generated and upgraded by interviewing with field engineers.

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Whole Life Performance Bid Evaluation in the Korean Public Sector

  • Park, Kenneth Sungho;Lim, Hyoung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.682-700
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    • 2012
  • Over the last several years, Korea has increasingly adopted design-build for public construction projects. There is a much greater awareness of the need to change to a system based on 'Value for Money', which is high on the government's agenda. A whole life performance bid evaluation model is proposed to aid decision makers in the selection of a design-builder. This is based on the integration of a framework using an analytic hierarchy process, as the bid awarding system is being changed from one based on the lowest price to one based on best value over the life-cycle. Key criteria such as whole life cost, service life planning and design quality are important through the key stages of the evaluation process. The model uses a systematic and holistic approach, which enables the public sector client to make better decisions in design-builder selection, which will deliver whole life benefits based on long-term cost-effectiveness.

Implementation of AR based Assembly System for Car C/pad Assembly (차체 C/Pad 조립을 위한 증강현실 기반의 조립시스템 구현)

  • Park, Hong-Seok;Choi, Hung-Won;Park, Jin-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2008
  • Nowadays, the increasing global competition forces manufacturer to reduce the cost and time for implementation of manufacturing system. The AR(augmented reality) technology as a new human-machine interface introduces a noteworthy perspective for a new manufacturing system design. Using AR technology, a physically existing production environment can be superimposed with virtual planning objects. Therefore, the planning tasks can be validated without modeling the surrounding environment of the production domain during short process planning time. In this paper, we introduce the construction of AR browser and determine the optimal environment parameters for field application of AR system through lots of tests. And, many methods such as multi-marker coordinate system, division of virtual objects and so on, are proposed in order to solve the problems suggested from initial field test. Based on these tests and results, the test-bed of C/Pad assembly system is configured and robot program for C/Pad assembly is generated based on AR system.

Study of the Enhancement of Pedestrian Safety based on Service Design (서비스 디자인에 기초한 신도시 보행안전 확보방안에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Cheon-Bo;Jeong, Tae-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1507-1515
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to suggest an enhancement of pedestrian safety through a service design process regarding urban design in new-town area. For this study, the concept, process and touchpoint, and survey design area, of the service design are reviewed as a theoretical study. According to this study, traffic signals, pedestrian environment, pedestrian overpass, and access traffic road were surveyed as touchpoints and a problem search, concept design, design building, institutional implement were analyzed as a service design process. As a result of these studies, the planning method for pedestrian safety based on service design process in terms of the external space design in a new-town area are suggested.

Building Commissioning Management Framework from the Case Study of Green Building (녹색건축물인증(LEED) 사례연구를 통한 커미셔닝 관리 프레임워크 도출)

  • Jeong, Jin-Hak;Park, So-Yeon;Song, Dong-Hun;Ahn, Yong-Han
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.8
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2018
  • A necessity of increasing the energy efficiency of the buildings is rising due to global warming and high energy demands prices. Commissioning is an effective way to increase the energy efficiency of the building and reduce maintenance costs. In this study, a case study was conducted to derive the commissioning process of green building and propose management factors that can be used in domestic commissioning projects. The case was a university renovation project that received a LEED Glod certification and conducted the enhanced commissioning. The commissioning is divided into planning, design, construction, and post-construction phases. In the planning stage, commissioning company selection, commissioning goal setting, tasks and responsibilities for each subject are set. In the design phase, preparations are made for inspection and construction steps to prevent design errors. In the construction phase, problems are solved through periodic on-site inspections. In the post-construction phase, a final report with all the details of the commissioning will be created and future maintenance strategies will be proposed. Based on the findings of this study, it will be a basis for the management factors that can be used in the implementation of domestic commissioning projects.

The Current Conditions of the Operational Process of Public Design Project (공공디자인사업 수행 프로세스 현황연구)

  • Park, Su-Kyoung;Moon, Jeong-Min
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 2013
  • As a way to raise the brand value of each area and activate local industries, public design projects have been competitively made. Meanwhile, public design has the characteristics of having an uncertain number of users, people with different interests, and management of the design by an administrative organization. Such characteristics may be obstacles to the results of public design and finally can cause many problems in a project's results. However, although most local governments have executed public design projects, systematic research for them and organized execution of the projects has been insufficient. For successful realization, proper organization, and consistent public design, research on a strategic design process is needed. Therefore, this study investigated the current status of public design projects to understand problems in the design process and solve them. The results are presented as follows: First, the design process for public spaces has a dual structure including a specialized process of design development in its execution and management and the execution process in the planning state is unsatisfactory and the process of designer selection is not consistent. Second, as a result of investigating the current status of the design process for public spaces, it was deduced that as most of the projects have been subjectively and temporarily managed by wholly charged organizations without specialized consultation or investigation with different related departments, there have been diverse problems in securing design quality. Third, as a result of analysing the specific execution processes carefully, it was suggested that problems in the process can be solved by decisions through consultation and discussion. As well supportive consultation systems should be used actively.

The Structural Characteristics of Work Processes in Public Design Projects (공공디자인사업 수행 프로세스의 구조적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Su-Kyoung;Moon, Jeong-Min
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.145-153
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    • 2013
  • Since a government design department office was set up in 2007, active design projects have been implemented. With this opportunity, each local self-governing organization has improved its administration and institutions, and are planning intensive research on public design for efficient execution of public design projects. However, recent public design projects have caused many problems due to unspecialized design processes, a lack of cooperation with relevant organizations, and unsatisfactory management systems after projects. Therefore, to overcome such problems in the execution of public design projects, a procedure-centered model should be developed. This study aims to analyse the process structures for the strategic execution of public design projects, and the methods and content of the execution process. For this purpose, this study looked into the process structures of public design projects based on design management strategies in order to draw suggestions needed for the execution process through advanced cases. The study is summed up as follows: First, when the process of public design projects was examined in terms of management strategies and design management strategies, it included two dimensions: the management structure of general projects and the design of development projects. Secondly, through the analysis of public design cases, this study discovered useful methodologies and the main programs used and drew suggestions needed for each step in public design projects. It is expected that the results of this study will be helpful for the development of a process model appropriate for national public design projects based on the current status of the project execution and to make a contribution to systematic development in national public design.

Application of Systems Engineering based Design Structure Matrix Methodology for Optimizing the Concept Design Process of Naval Ship (함정 개념설계 프로세스 최적화를 위한 시스템엔지니어링 기반의 설계구조행렬 방법론 적용)

  • Park, Jinwon
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2019
  • Naval ship design and related other activities can be characterized by the complexity of the interactions among products, activities, and disciplines. Such complexities often result in inferior designs, cost overrun, and late-delivery. Hence there exist tremendous interests in both improving the design process itself and optimizing the interactions among design activities. This paper looks at the complexity of designing naval ships thereby leading to the innovation of current ship design practices using design structure matrix. It can be used to induce the optimal ordering of design activities as well as identify sources of complexities. The method presented here identifies coupled design activities useful for reducing the complexity of naval ship design as well as optimally reordering design activities. This paper recommends the use of design structure matrix method suitable for numerically optimizing the concept design process of naval ship, and reducing cost and time required in designing naval ships by modeling and analyzing the design activities and engineering tasks, defined in systems engineering planning documents.