• Title/Summary/Keyword: Parental Support

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The Study Of Parenting Stress, Social support, Coping, Parental behavior In Partial Caregiving-Grandmothers -Comparing with Caregiving-mothers- (지원 양육조모의 양육 스트레스, 사회적 지지, 대처, 양육 행동에 대한 연구 -주 양육모, 부분 양육모와의 비교를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Ji Yeon;Kim, Won-Kyung;Chung, Kyong-Mee
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.441-458
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    • 2009
  • The present study compared the differences in mechanisms of caregiving stress, depression, parenting behaviors, stress-coping, and social support between caregiving grandmothers and the caregiving mothers. Three caregiving groups were compared; One hundred and fifty-two grandmothers rearing their grandchild as daytime care-giver (partial caregiving-grandmother group), 152 mothers who shared the responsibilities of caregiving the same child (partial caregiving-mother group), and another 157 mothers who rear their child as daytime care-giver (primary caregiving-mother group). Predictors of parental stress for these caregiving groups were also assessed. The results indicated that partial caregiving-grandmother group had more depressed than two mother groups, but there were no differences in parental stress among three caregiving groups. In addition, primary caregiving-mothers used more problem-focused coping strategies, and more social support than did partial caregiving-grandmothers. In parental behaviors, partial caregiving-grandmothers significantly had more laxness, less overactive than two mother groups. In the analysis of hierarchical regression, overactivity and depression were significant predictors of parental stress in partial caregiving-grandmothers. On the other hand, depression, social support, and overactivity were significant predictors of parental stress in partial caregiving-mothers. In primary caregiving-mothers, overactivity, depression, and emotion-focused coping were significant predictors of parental stress. We discussed the differences of the predictors in parental stress between grandmothers and mothers.

The Mediating Effect of Social Support on the Relationship between Parental Stress and Depression Among Parents of Children with a Disability (장애아동부모의 양육스트레스와 우울의 관계: 사회적 지지의 매개효과)

  • Lee, Oan-Na;Park, Gyeong-A
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.411-419
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of social support on the relationship between parenting stress and depression among parents of children with a disability. One hundred and fifty parents of children with a disability from Gwangju area were asked to complete a survey including The Parental Stress Scale, The Social Support Scale, and The Depression Scale. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, pearson correlation, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 24.0. The results of the study are as follows: First, the correlation analysis showed statistically significant correlations among parental stress, social support and depression. Second, the simple regression analysis showed the direct effect of parental stress on depression. Third, the multiple regression analysis showed the mediating effect of social support on the relationship between parental stress and depression. This suggests the social support may reduce the negative effect of the parental stress on the depression. Implications, limitations, and suggestions for future study are discussed.

The Effect of the Parental Support for the Practice Competence of the Adolescent on Career Decision Self-Efficacy (그릿의 조절효과에 따른 청소년활동역량에 대한 부모의 진로지지가 진로결정 자기효능감에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Eun-Heui;Jung, Chul-Sang
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.733-747
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the researcher analyzed the mediating effect of the parental career support the moderating effect of grit in the structural path of the youth activity competence, career decision self-efficacy, and parental career support in the influence of the active capability of the adolescents in career decision self-efficacy. Data analysis was conducted through a questionnaire survey on a total of 515 people. First, youth activity competency was found to have a positive effect on parental career support. Second, parental career support was found to have a positive effect on career decision self-efficacy. Third, youth activity competency was found to have a positive effect on career decision self-efficacy. Fourth, parental career support was found to have a significant mediating effect in the influence of the youth activity competence in career decision self-efficacy. Fifth, as a result of multi-group analysis on the youth grit low/high group, it was verified that a significant influence relationship was established for the grit low/high group in all pathways.

Factors Influencing Burnout among Mothers of Children with Cerebral Palsy (뇌성마비 아동 어머니의 소진에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Seo, Ji-Young;Lee, Hae-Jin;You, Mi-Ae
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of parental stress, social support, and coping behavior on burnout among mothers caring for children with cerebral palsy. Methods: Participants in this cross-sectional, descriptive study were 185 mothers who completed a self-report structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation and multiple linear regression analyses with IBM SPSS Win 22 program. Results: Parental stress and coping behavior were strong predictors of burnout among mothers of children with cerebral palsy. These variables explained 50.0% of the variance in burnout. Social support was not a predictor of burnout. A higher level of burnout was associated with higher levels of parental stress and lower levels of social support and coping behavior. Conclusion: Mothers of children with cerebral palsy are vulnerable to burnout. These results show that effective strategies for reducing parental stress and improving positive coping behavior are needed to reduce burnout in these mothers.

A Study on the Social Adjustment of Children in Multi-cultural Families (다문화가족 아동의 사회적 적응 연구)

  • Nam, Young-Ok
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to grasp the factors having influence upon the social adjustment of children in multi-cultural families and to examine the degree of influence of these influential factors. For these aims, it targeted 186 children of multi-cultural families, that access social welfare institutions or multi-cultural institutions in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk areas. The findings are as follows. First, the factors having influence upon the social adjustment of children in multi-cultural families were indicated to be self-esteem, parental marital relations, bullying, and the support of adults other than their parents. In other words, these children's higher level of social adjustment was correlated with higher self-esteem, better parental marital relations, fewer bullying experiences from their peer group, and more support from adults other than their parents'. Secondly, support from adults other than parents was indicated to be the most influential among the variables affecting the social adjustment of children in multi-cultural families. The factor having the second highest level of influence was indicated to be self-esteem, followed by parental marital relations, and then bullying.

The Effects of Parental Support and Parenting Attitudes of Multicultural Adolescents on School Life and Social Competence

  • Kim, Jae-Nam
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.11
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    • pp.277-285
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze and verify the effect of multicultural adolescents parental support and parenting attitudes on school life and social competency by using the primary data of the second period of the MAPS(Multicultural Adolescents Panel Study). The subject of this study in 2019 was 2,246 multicultural adolescents who were in the fourth grade of elementary school at the time. As a result of the study, it was found that the more positive and positive parental support and parenting attitude were, the higher the degree of school life and social competence of multicultural adolescents. On the other hand, the degree of school life and social competence varies according to gender, and it was found that female students were higher than male students. There was a significant difference in the degree of school life according to the mother's educational background, but there was no significant difference in the degree of social competence. These results suggest that parental support and parenting attitudes are major environmental variables in the educational ecosystem that affect the school life and social competence of multicultural adolescents.

The Effects of Parental Support on the Life Satisfaction of Multicultural Adolescents: The Mediation Effects of Natioal Identity and Social Withdrawal

  • Kwan-Sook Kim;Chi-Won Choi
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.9
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to examine the mediating effects of national identity and social withdrawal in the relationship between parental support and life satisfaction among multicultural adolescents, and to explore ways to enhance the life satisfaction level of multicultural adolescents. To achieve this, the study utilized structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis on the 9th wave (2019) of panel data on multicultural adolescents to verify the mediating effects. The analysis results indicate that parental support has a direct impact on life satisfaction. Additionally, national identity and social withdrawal were found to have indirect mediating effects in the pathway between parental support and life satisfaction. Based on this, such analysis results suggest practical and policy implications for developing specialized programs for parents and youth, and for improving the life satisfaction levels of multicultural adolescents in external environments such as schools and communities.

A Study on the Mediating Effect of Social Support in the Relationship between Child Rearing Stress and Satisfaction with the Parental Roles of the Mother (어머니의 양육 스트레스와 부모역할 만족도의 관계에서 사회적 지지의 매개효과 연구)

  • An, Myung Hyun;Kim, Young Ae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.259-267
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the inner side of those who raise the children, that is, the mothers, through the satisfaction with the parental roles and the child-rearing stress of them, with a view to emphasize the importance of an alternative for the mothers to cope with child-rearing stress and enhancing their satisfaction level with their role as a parent as well as the importance of social support in order to enhance the quality of rearing. For this purpose, the researcher conducted a survey with 312 mothers with preschool children of age 4 to 7 in Seoul and Gyeonggi Area from October 1, 2018 to October 15, 2018. To analyze the data, the researcher conducted frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, confidence analysis, correlation analysis, structural equation model, and Sobet-test, using SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 22.0. The results of the analyses showed that social support and satisfaction with the parental role were significantly influenced by child-rearing stress, while social support influenced the satisfaction with the parental role significantly. Also, it turned out to have a mediating effect in the relationship between the mother's child-rearing stress and the satisfaction with the parental role. Based on these findings, the study highlights that the social network that is connected with the mothers may function to reduce the negative influence of child-rearing stress on the satisfaction with the parental role when the social network channels appropriate support, tangible assistance, appealing of difficulties, and encouragement.

The influence of parental social support and resiliency of efficacy on stress, depression, and stress management behavior: Comparative analysis of elementary school, middle school and university students (스트레스와 우울에 대한 부모의 사회적 지원, 어려움극복효능감, 스트레스 관리행동의 영향: 초, 중, 대학생 집단을 중심으로)

  • Uichol Kim;Youngshin Park;Euiyeon Kim;Akira Tsuda;Satoshi Horiuchi
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.197-219
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    • 2010
  • This study examines the influence of parental social support and resiliency of efficacy on stress, depression and stress management behavior. A total of 799 participants (male=386, female=413), consisting of 184 elementary school, 354 middle school, 274 university students completed a questionnaire that included Rhode Island Stress Scale (Horiuchi, Tsuda, Tanaka, Yajima & Tsuda, in press), Stress Management Behavior Scale (Evers, Prochaska, Johnson, Mauriello, Padula & Prochaska, 2006), Becks' Depression Inventory (BDI-II, Beck, Steer & Brown, 1996; CES-D, Radloff, 1977), Resiliency of Efficacy (Bandura, 1995), and Parental Social Support (Kim & Park, 1999). The results of path analysis are as follows. First, resiliency of Efficacy had a direct and negative effect on stress and depression and direct positive effect on stress management. Second, stress management behavior did not have any influence on stress. Third, parental social support had a direct and positive effect on resiliency of efficacy. This pattern of results were found for elementary school, middle school and university students. When depression was measured by CES-D Scale (Center for Epidemiological Study of Depression) parental social support and resiliency of efficacy had a different parental of influence on stress, depression and stress management behavior, pointing out the importance of conducting comparative analysis of various measures of depression.

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Parental Expectations of Academic Performance and Adolescents' Adjustment Behaviors (부모의 학업기대 유형과 청소년의 적응)

  • 이재구;김영희
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.38 no.12
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    • pp.145-158
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relative importance of parental expectations to adolescents'psychological, behavioral, school-based adjustment, and academic achievement. Subjects of this study consisted of 359 adolescents(177 boys and 182 girls) in Cheong-ju City. There was a statistically meaningful difference in the effect of parental expectations of academic performance on adolescents'adjustment according to sex of adolescents'. Maternal pressure, support form mothers, and paternal pressure were significant factors predicting adolescents'relative psychological adjustment and academic achievement. Support and pressure from mothers were associated with adolescents'behavioral adjustment. The research suggest that maternal pressure was the strongest risk factors in relation to the effects of parental expectations of academic performance on adolescents'adjustment.

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