• 제목/요약/키워드: Parametric Optimization

검색결과 363건 처리시간 0.026초

다구찌 기법을 이용한 용사코팅의 공정 최적화 (Optimization for Thermal spray Process by Taguchi Method)

  • 김균택;김영식
    • 동력기계공학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 2012
  • In the present study, process optimization for thermal-sprayed Ni-based alloy coating has been performed using Taguchi method and analysis of variance(ANOVA). Ni-based alloy coatings were fabricated by flame spray process on steel substrate, and the hardness test and wear test were performed. Experiments were designed as per Taguchi's L9 orthogonal array and tests were conducted with different Oxygen gas flow, Acetylene gas flow, Powder feed rate and Spray distance. Multi response signal to noise ratio (MRSN) was calculated for the response variables and the optimum combination level of factors was obtained simultaneously using Taguchi's parametric design.

Genetic algorithm optimization of precast hollow core slabs

  • Sgambi, Luca;Gkoumas, Konstantinos;Bontempi, Franco
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.389-409
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    • 2014
  • Precast hollow core slabs (HCS) are technically advanced products in the precast concrete industry, widely used in the last years due to their versatility, their multipurpose potential and their low cost. Using three dimensional FEM (Finite Element Method) elements, this study focuses on the stresses induced by the prestressing of steel. In particular the investigation of the spalling crack formation that takes place during prestressing is carried out, since it is important to assure the appropriate necessary margins concerning such stresses. In fact, spalling cracks may spread rapidly towards the web, leading to the detachment of the lower part of the slab. A parametric study takes place, capable of evaluating the influence of the tendon position and of the web width on the spalling stress. Consequently, after an extensive literature review on the topic of soft computing, an optimization of the HCS is performed by means of Genetic Algorithms coupled with 3-D FEM models.

진화론적 알고리즘에 의한 퍼지 다항식 뉴론 기반 고급 자기구성 퍼지 다항식 뉴럴 네트워크 구조 설계 (Design of Advanced Self-Organizing Fuzzy Polynomial Neural Networks Based on FPN by Evolutionary Algorithms)

  • 박호성;오성권;안태천
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2005년도 학술대회 논문집 정보 및 제어부문
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    • pp.322-324
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we introduce the advanced Self-Organizing Fuzzy Polynomial Neural Network based on optimized FPN by evolutionary algorithm and discuss its comprehensive design methodology involving mechanisms of genetic optimization, especially genetic algorithms (GAs). The proposed model gives rise to a structurally and parametrically optimized network through an optimal parameters design available within Fuzzy Polynomial Neuron(FPN) by means of GA. Through the consecutive process of such structural and parametric optimization, an optimized and flexible the proposed model is generated in a dynamic fashion. The performance of the proposed model is quantified through experimentation that exploits standard data already used in fuzzy modeling. These results reveal superiority of the proposed networks over the existing fuzzy and neural models.

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고압을 받는 금속 밀폐링의 형상 최적화에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Shape Optimization of Metal Ring Obturator under the High Pressure)

  • 이영신;채제욱;박태규
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2000년도 춘계학술대회논문집A
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    • pp.315-320
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    • 2000
  • The optimal design for the shape of metal ring obturator under the high pressure using parameter study on the stress analysis considering effects of design variable is presented and is compared to experimental results. The design variables are such as thickness, taper, radius of shape of the obturation ring. For optimization of the obturation ring, the weight is maximized subject to maximum stress of the obturator within allowable stress. The design constraints are geometric elements of design variables. The trends of parametric study are in good agreement with the experimental results.

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열대류형 초소형 가속도계의 최적 설계 (Optimal Design of a Convective MEMS Accelerometer)

  • 박병규;김준원;문일권;김동식
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2008년도 추계학술대회A
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    • pp.1951-1956
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    • 2008
  • Various MEMS accelerometers are used in engineering applications including automobiles, mobile phones, military systems, and electronic devices. Among them, the thermal accelerometer employing the temperature difference induced by the convective flow inside the micro cavity has been a topic of interest. As the convective sensor does not utilize a solid proof mass, it is compact, lightweight, inexpensive to manufacture, sensitive and highly endurable to mechanical shock. However, the complexity of the convective flow and various design constraints make optimization of a device a crucial step before fabrication. In this work, optimization of a 2-axis thermal convective MEMS accelerometer is conducted based on 3-dimensional numerical simulation. Parametric studies are performed by varying the several design variables such as the heater shape/size, the cavity size and types of the gas medium and the position of temperature probes in the sensor. The results of optimal design are presented.

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근접장 광기록용 서스펜션의 최적설계 (Optimal Design of a Near-field Optical Recording Suspension)

  • 조태민;임경화
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2003년도 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.1146-1151
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    • 2003
  • So far the study of near-field optical recording(NFR) suspensions has not been investigated sufficiently. In this study the optimization of a NFR suspension is performed using finite element method. NFR suspensions are required to have low compliance modes to allow the slider to comply with the rotating disk, and high tracking stiffness modes to maximize the servo bandwidth of the tracking controller First of all, a basic integrated type suspension model is obtained using topology optimization And the parametric study on the sensitivities of the compliance modes and tracking stiffness modes is performed. Finally, a model satisfying static characteristics is elected and shape optimization is performed to improve dynamic characteristics.

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Towards Resource-Generative Skyscrapers

  • Imam, Mohamed;Kolarevic, Branko
    • 국제초고층학회논문집
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.161-170
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    • 2018
  • Rapid urbanization, resource depletion, and limited land are further increasing the need for skyscrapers in city centers; therefore, it is imperative to enhance tall building performance efficiency and energy-generative capability. Potential performance improvements can be explored using parametric multi-objective optimization, aided by evaluation tools, such as computational fluid dynamics and energy analysis software, to visualize and explore skyscrapers' multi-resource, multi-system generative potential. An optimization-centered, software-based design platform can potentially enable the simultaneous exploration of multiple strategies for the decreased consumption and large-scale production of multiple resources. Resource Generative Skyscrapers (RGS) are proposed as a possible solution to further explore and optimize the generative potentials of skyscrapers. RGS can be optimized with waste-energy-harvesting capabilities by capitalizing on passive features of integrated renewable systems. This paper describes various resource-generation technologies suitable for a synergetic integration within the RGS typology, and the software tools that can facilitate exploration of their optimal use.

A dragonfly inspired flapping wing actuated by electro active polymers

  • Mukherjee, Sujoy;Ganguli, Ranjan
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • 제6권7호
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    • pp.867-887
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    • 2010
  • An energy-based variational approach is used for structural dynamic modeling of the IPMC (Ionic Polymer Metal Composites) flapping wing. Dynamic characteristics of the wing are analyzed using numerical simulations. Starting with the initial design, critical parameters which have influence on the performance of the wing are identified through parametric studies. An optimization study is performed to obtain improved flapping actuation of the IPMC wing. It is shown that the optimization algorithm leads to a flapping wing with dimensions similar to the dragonfly Aeshna Multicolor wing. An unsteady aerodynamic model based on modified strip theory is used to obtain the aerodynamic forces. It is found that the IPMC wing generates sufficient lift to support its own weight and carry a small payload. It is therefore a potential candidate for flapping wing of micro air vehicles.


  • Kim, C.;Yoon, J.W.
    • International Journal of Automotive Technology
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    • 제8권5호
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    • pp.599-603
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    • 2007
  • An efficient optimum design process has been developed and applied to systematically design a lock-up clutch system for a torque converter used in an automatic transmission. A simulated annealing algorithm was applied to determine the parameters of the compressive helical damper springs in the clutch. The determination of the number, location, a number of turns, and deflection of damper springs plays an important role in reducing vibration and noise in the lock-up system. Next, FE-based shape optimization was coded to find the shape of the clutch disk that would satisfy the strength, noise and vibration requirements. Using the optimum code, parametric studies were performed to see how spring diameters and frequencies of clutch systems changed as the damper spring traveling angles and the torques were varied. Based on the optimum results, five different designs for clutches with different springs were fabricated and vibration analyses and tests were conducted to validate the accuracy of the proposed method. Results from the two methods show a good correlation.

Modified complex mode superposition design response spectrum method and parameters optimization for linear seismic base-isolation structures

  • Huang, Dong-Mei;Ren, Wei-Xin;Mao, Yun
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.341-363
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    • 2013
  • Earthquake response calculation, parametric analysis and seismic parameter optimization of base-isolated structures are some critical issues for seismic design of base-isolated structures. To calculate the earthquake responses for such non-symmetric and non-classical damping linear systems and to implement the earthquake resistant design codes, a modified complex mode superposition design response spectrum method is put forward. Furthermore, to do parameter optimization for base-isolation structures, a graphical approach is proposed by analyzing the relationship between the base shear ratio of a seismic base-isolation floor to non-seismic base-isolation one and frequency ratio-damping ratio, as well as the relationship between the seismic base-isolation floor displacement and frequency ratio-damping ratio. In addition, the influences of mode number and site classification on the seismic base-isolation structure and corresponding optimum parameters are investigated. It is demonstrated that the modified complex mode superposition design response spectrum method is more precise and more convenient to engineering applications for utilizing the damping reduction factors and the design response spectrum, and the proposed graphical approach for parameter optimization of seismic base-isolation structures is compendious and feasible.