• Title/Summary/Keyword: PIE

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Comparison of Salinity of Soups on the Use of Bluetooth Salinity Meter at Childcare Centers in Anyang Area (안양지역 어린이집에서의 블루투스 염도계 사용에 따른 국의 염도 비교)

  • Kim, Hye Won;Pie, Jae Eun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.435-443
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    • 2020
  • We analyzed whether the use of the Bluetooth salinity meter could affect the proper level of salinity in childcare centers. This study was conducted on childcare centers that wish to participate in the sodium reduction project (Bluetooth salinity meter using group, BG) and those that did not participate (Bluetooth salinity meter not using group, NG) among childcare centers registered with Center for Children's Foodservice Management in Anyang from January to December 2019. As a result of comparing the salinity and sodium contents of the soup according to whether or not a Bluetooth salinity meter was used, the salinity and sodium contents of BG was significantly lower than that of NG (p < 0.0001). Salinity and sodium contents in soups tended to decrease as the number of use of the Bluetooth salinity meter increased (p = 0.020). In conclusion, Bluetooth salinity meter can be used as a means to induce voluntary salinity control by cookers regarding sodium reduction education at childcare centers.


  • Kim, Bong Goo;Park, Sung Jae;Hong, Sung Taek;Lee, Byung Chul;Jeong, Kyung-Chai;Kim, Yeon-Ku;Kim, Woong Ki;Lee, Young Woo;Cho, Moon Sung;Kim, Yong Wan
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.45 no.7
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    • pp.941-950
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    • 2013
  • The Korean Nuclear-Hydrogen Technology Development (NHTD) Plan will be performing irradiation testing of coated particle fuel at HANARO to support the development of VHTR in Korea. This testing will be carried out to demonstrate and qualify TRISO-coated particle fuel for use in VHTR. The testing will be irradiated in an inert gas atmosphere without on-line temperature monitoring and control combined with on-line fission product monitoring of the sweep gas. The irradiation device contains two test rods, one has nine fuel compacts and the other five compacts and eight graphite specimens. Each compact contains about 260 TRISO-coated particles. The irradiation device is being loaded and irradiated into the OR5 hole of the in HANARO core from August 2013. The device will be operated for about 150 effective full-power days at a peak temperature of about $1030^{\circ}C$ in BOC (Beginning of Cycle) during irradiation testing. After a peak burn-up of about 4 atomic percentage and a peak fast neutron fluence of about $1.7{\times}10^{21}\;n/cm^2$, PIE (Post-Irradiation Examination) of the irradiated coated particle fuel will be performed at IMEF (Irradiated Material Examination Facility). This paper reviews the design of test rod and irradiation device for coated particle fuel, and discusses the technical results for irradiation testing at HANARO.

KEPCO's Overseas Transmission Business Strategy and Goals (한국전력의 송전분야 해외사업 진출전략과 과제)

  • Byun, Gang;Lee, Hyoung-Han;Min, Byeong-Wook;Yang, Joon-Cheol;Kim, Jong-Hwa
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.14-16
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    • 2003
  • For four decades now KEPCO has experienced an incredible growth rate of over 10% per year in each year. This growth led to the fast development of new facilities, especially in the transmission systems field, and we also managed to gain an enormous amount of experience and technology in the construction and design. With this experience and technology we curbed the electricity demand. Experts now predict that we will enter a new phase in which our growth rate will stagnate and eventually level off. This isn't what KEPCO or any company wants. We are looking for continued growth. In the last decade KEPCO began selling its technology in the generation sector of the electricity business to overseas markets. Sales in the generation sector have been a great success. This decade marks another milestone for KEPCO as overseas sales in the transmission sector began. Our first project, "Myanmar Power System Development Study" and its subsequent successful completion gave us the ammunition necessary to expand in this line of business. This success has also given birth to this paper. KEPCO is still the People's company, but with a new vision. It now hopes to not only sustain a high growth level but to also increase the growth of domestic companies by sharing with them a piece of the proverbial pie, as it ventures forth to be a Global player on the international stage.

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Isotropic Compression Behavior of Lawsonite Under High-pressure Conditions (로소나이트(Lawsonite)의 압력에 따른 등방성 압축거동 연구)

  • Im, Junhyuck;Lee, Yongjae
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2016
  • Powder samples of natural lawsonite (Ca-lawsonite, $CaAl_2Si_2O_7(OH)_2{\cdot}H_2O$) was studied structurally up to 8 GPa at room temperature using monochromatic synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and a diamond anvil cell (DAC) with a methanol : ethanol : water (16 : 3 : 1 by volume) mixture solution as a penetrating pressure transmitting medium (PTM). Upon pressure increase, lawsonite does not show any apparent pressure induced expansion (PIE) or phase transition. Pressure-volume data were fitted to a second-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state using a fixed pressure derivative of 4 leading to a bulk modulus ($B_0$) of 146(6) GPa. This compression is further characterized to be isotropic with calculated linear compressibilities of ${\beta}^a=0.0022GPa^{-1}$, ${\beta}^b=0.0024GPa^{-1}$, and ${\beta}^c=0.0020GPa^{-1}$.

Design and Implementation of a WiFi Trashcan based on Arduino (아두이노 기반 WiT(WiFi Trashcan)의 설계 및 구현)

  • Yoo, Jong-Yeol;Kim, Hyun-Il;Lee, Jang-Ho;Yang, Dong-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.2143-2148
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    • 2016
  • Recently due to development of IT technology, ideas and technology that blend with environment have evolved. This technology can help people's living environment and in the future it is an essential component of the connected society. In this paper, we propose WiT(WiFI Trashcan) which takes advantage of the IT technology fusion and environmental factors at the same time to create a more pleasant environment. WiT provides a free WiFi when trash is disposed in the trash can. WiT detects whether a user disposes trash, determines the volume of the trash and provides free WiFi. To detect trash we use ultrasonic sensor and trash weight is measured by using weight sensor. Also by using Phython programming the measured sensor value is transmitted to Raspberry Pie and WiFi delivery time is determined. We used Arduino and Raspberry Pi to design and implement WiT.

Dietary Habit and Food Intake Status of Sugar-rich Foods among Children in Childcare Facilities in Anyang City - Survey of Parents - (안양시 일부 보육시설 영유아의 당류 함유식품 섭취 및 식습관 실태 - 보육시설 영유아의 부모 대상 설문조사 -)

  • Kim, Hye Won;Pie, Jae Eun
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.923-934
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to provide the basic information for developing sugar related nutrition education programs for children in child-care facilities and their parents. The results showed that the total score of parent's dietary attitudes towards sugar-rich foods was 17.94 and the total score of parent's nutritional knowledge was 3.67. A positive relationship was observed among items of parent's dietary attitudes (p<0.01), and some correlations were also observed between the total score of parent's nutritional knowledge and the total score of parent's dietary attitudes (p<0.05 or p<0.01). The total average score of children's eating behaviors for sugar-rich foods was 23.98, and the item with the highest score was 'I often eat candy, chocolate and jelly'. For children, food that received the highest preference was chocolate, and soft drinks received the lowest preference. The most frequently consumed food item was candy or caramel, and the least frequently consumed food item was soft drinks. There were positive correlation among the total score of children's eating behaviors, food preferences, and food intake frequency (p<0.01). When parent's tried to reduce the sugar intake, children's total score of eating behaviors (p<0.001) and food intake frequency (p<0.001) for sugar-rich food was lower. We conclude that parent's dietary attitudes may influence children's eating behaviors, food preferences, and food intake frequency for sugar-rich foods.

Response of Open-ended Pipe Pile Foundation at Offshore Sites to Seaquake Induced by the Vertical Seismic Excitation of the Seafloor (해저면의 수직 지진 진동에 의해 유발된 해진에 대한 해상 개단 강관 말뚝 기초의 거동)

  • 최용규;남문석
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 1998
  • During an earthquake, there are three main components of excitation : horizontal excitation of the ground, vertical excitation of the pile due to superstructure feedback produced by vertical excitation of the ground, and the seawater excitation induced by the vertical ground shaking, that is, "the seaquake." These excitations could have effects on the soil plugs in open-ended pie piles installed at offshore sites. In this study, seaquake excitation induced by the vertical ground shaking was simulated by pulsing the water pressure at the seabed. During a seaquake, due to the induced excess porewater pressure and pressure gradients in the soil, the capacity of open-ended pipe piles installed in a simulated sea depth of greate than 220 m was reduced serevely and the soil plugging resistance was degraded by more than 80% The soil plug was failed because of eh upward seepage forces that developed in the soil plug due to excess pore water pressure produced in the bottom of the soil plug during the seaquake, The compressive capacity of ar open-ended pile in a simulated sea depth of less than 220 m was reduced only by about 10% and the soil plug resistance was degraded by less than 5%.s than 5%.

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Improved Star Topology Aggregation using Line Segment (라인 세그먼트를 이용한 향상된 Star Topology Aggregation)

  • Kim, Nam-Hee
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.11C no.5
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    • pp.645-652
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we aggregate multi-links information between boundary nodes using the line segment scheme that aggregates topology in-formation within PG referring bandwidth and delay parameter. The proposed scheme can search multi-links efficiently using the depth priority method based on hop count instead of searching all links. To do this, we propose a modified line segment algorithm using two line segment method that represents two points which consist of delay-bandwidth pair to reduce topology information and provide a flexibility to the multi pie-links aggregation. And we apply it to current star topology aggregation. To evaluate performance of the proposed scheme, we compare/analyze the current method with the proposed scheme with respect to call success rate, access time and crankback rate. Through the simulation result analysis, the proposed star topology aggregation scheme presents the better performance than existing scheme.

Awareness and Intake of Caffeine-Containing Foods among High School Students in Seoul (서울 일부 고등학생의 카페인 함유식품에 대한 인식 및 섭취 실태)

  • Cheong, Ji-Hye;Choi, Kyoung-A;Kim, Yu-Mi;Kim, Myung-Hee;Choi, Mi-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.179-190
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    • 2021
  • The high caffeine intake by adolescents has been a concern. The purpose of this study was to examine the awareness and consumption of caffeine-containing foods among 443 high school students using a questionnaire. An analysis of the spending patterns of the students' weekly allowance showed that the amounts spent on purchasing caffeine-containing foods were higher for female students than male students (P <0.001). The scoring of the perception of caffeine was 3.1 out of 5, interest in the caffeine content of food was 2.6, consumption of caffeine-containing foods was 2.6, and usefulness of caffeine-containing foods was 2.7. The awareness of caffeine content in food was significantly higher in females (7.3 out of 11) than male students (6.7) (P<0.01). Approximately 59% of students perceived that the relationship between caffeine-containing foods and health, was harmful, and the experience of side effects after taking caffeine was significantly higher in female students than males. These side effects include heartburn (P<0.001), headache or dizziness (P<0.001), irregular heartbeat (P<0.05), and hands and feet shake (P<0.01). Caffeine-containing foods were purchased at convenience stores (62.1%). The factor considered when purchasing caffeine-containing foods was taste (72.2%), and the use of nutrition labeling for caffeine-containing foods scored 2.0 out of 5 points. When assessing the intake of caffeine-containing foods, the foods consumed more than once a week were in the order of coke, chocolate, chocolate milk, chocolate pie, and chocolate bars. These results suggest that it is necessary to prepare a caffeine-related nutrition guide improvement by sales management, and strengthen food labeling standards for the desirable recognition of caffeine and its safe intake by adolescents.

RaspberryPi board control with GPIO (GPIO를 사용한 RaspberryPi 보드 제어)

  • Lee, Sung-jin;Choi, Chul-kil;Choi, Byeong-yoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2014.05a
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    • pp.429-431
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    • 2014
  • Raspberry Pi is in the UK (Paspberry Pi) Foundation created a compact / Cheap PC and was developed as part of the educational project. RCA connection jack and has been released in March 2012 was also sold out in one hour. Raspberry Pi Linux kernel based operating system called Raspberry Pi using optimized Raspbian Debian-based operating systems are often used to be free. Raspberry Pi is currently in the field of IoT with the board quite Cubie limelight and Cubie board holds more data. Arduino is quite easy to reach and access to the avr but impossible to include any custom code associated to a library and customize drawbacks must be solved only. Raspberry Pi using the Raj Caribbean and limitations of low cost, but there is a small output. So, for a combination of the two, with GPOI was reminiscent of hardware control. In this paper, using GPIO Cooking Hacks RaspberryPi board for controlling input and output by using the shield is insufficient expansion raspberry pie was confirmed that the good operation was verified.

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