• Title/Summary/Keyword: PCK

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Determinants of Pastors' Economic Preparations for Old Age (목회자의 경제적 노후 준비 결정요인)

  • Song, Chang-Kook
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.61 no.3
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    • pp.29-54
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    • 2009
  • This study is intended to figure out determinants affecting the economic preparations for old age of pastors from major four protestant associations having a church ministerial pension system: the General Assembly of Presbyterian Church in Korea (GAPCK), the Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK), the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK), and the Korean Methodist Church (KMC). Thereby, it conducted a survey to 452 pastors from the four religious associations in Korea. The followings sum up the results of this research. First, it was shown that the conventional idea that there is no need for pastors to prepare for their old age or their preparations for old age imply disbelief had been diminished. Second, there were few pastors who had made economic preparations for their old age privately. Third, associations adopting a compulsory church ministerial pension system were PCK, PROK, and KMC indicating a high occupation of more than 75% whereas GAPCK with an optional system showed a very low percentage of 11.5%. Fourth, with regard to the national pension system, the associations except for PROK (61.8%) had more non-enrolled pastors (53.3%), and they responded economic difficulty as the biggest reason for the unenrollment. Fourth, determinants affecting their economic preparations for old age were academic career, total income, church independency, church reserving, and national pension enrollment. Fifth, among the pastors from the four associations, the ones of PROK prepared for their old age best in consideration of GAPCK. According to the results of this paper, the most critical determinant affecting pastors' economic preparations for old age was total income. Pastors with higher income can make church ministerial pension, national pension, and private preparations while the ones with lower income cannot afford for public as well as private preparations; that is, there exists a polarization phenomenon in pastors' economic preparations for old age. Therefore, it is necessary to make devices to narrow the income gap between pastors in religious associations. Second, even in the associations having a compulsory church ministerial pension system, many pastors were not insured, so it is needed to reform or improve the pension system. Third, it is also required to better the national pension system and change the recognition on it.

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Home Economics Teachers' Reflection on Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Home Economics Education(H-PCK) (가정교과교육학 지식(H-PCK)에 관한 가정과교사의 반성적 성찰)

  • Yu, Nan-Sook;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.83-107
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    • 2009
  • The purpose in this study was to provide a basic resource for enhancing teachers' professional competence by examining how the Home Economics(HE) teachers had formed, developed, and introspected the pedagogical content knowledge in the HE classes of secondary schools. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with six HE teachers working at secondary schools. NVivo program, a kind of CAQDAS was used to analyze the data inductively. This study revealed that the HE teachers reflectively introspected the pedagogical content knowledge in Home Economics Education(H-PCK) as follows: First, as for knowledge of perspective on Home Economics Education(HEE), the research participants encouraged students to solve practical problems regarding the objective of HEE. They tried to foster the students' critical thinking ability related to the daily life. They made eager efforts to achieve the mission of HEE as a practical science. Second, as for knowledge of HE curriculum, the research participants mentioned that there was lack of systematic approach concerned with curriculum development. While reorganizing, they always paid attention to its relation to the students' daily lives, to the relationship between the curriculum contents and the social context. Third, as for knowledge of teaching strategies on practical problem-based instruction, the research participants developed the practical problem-based instruction skills. They mentioned students' difficulties in relating the practical problem-based instruction, too. Fourth, regarding knowledge of context, as teachers mostly prepared for progressed instruction alone without communicating with colleagues in the same school, they yearned for and also formed networks with other HE teachers in order to overcome their limitations.

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Verbal Behaviors and Interactions in Processes of Making Written Test Items Using Paired Think Aloud Problem Solving for Pre-Service Secondary Chemistry Teachers (중등 예비 화학교사의 해결자·청취자 활동을 통한 지필평가 문항 제작 과정에서 언어적 행동 및 상호작용)

  • Kang, Hunsik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.611-623
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    • 2018
  • This study investigated verbal behaviors and interactions in the processes of making written test items using paired think aloud problem solving for pre-service secondary chemistry teachers. The processes of making written test items using paired think-aloud problem solving in four small groups consisting of two pre-service chemistry teachers were recorded and transcribed. The analysis of the results revealed that 'item making' for ten subcategories for solver's verbal behaviors were most frequently exhibited regardless of 'integration' among the components of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). The solver's 'provide', 'modify', 'require agreement', 'ask', 'agree', and 'justify' were also frequently exhibited although fewer than 'item making'. Especially, the solver's 'ask' was more frequently used in 'non-integration', whereas 'justify' was more frequently used in 'integration'. In listener's verbal behaviors consisted of eight subcategories, 'point out', 'ask', and 'agree' were frequently exhibited regardless of 'integration'. Listener's 'ask' and 'agree' were exhibited more in 'non-integration', whereas 'point out' was exhibited more in 'integration'. Many verbal interactions were analyzed to be in 'symmetrical type' more than 'solver-dominant type' or 'listener-dominant type'. 'Symmetrical type' was also more frequently exhibited in 'integration', whereas 'solver-dominant type' was more frequently exhibited in 'non-integration'. There were little differences between 'integration' and 'non-integration' in 'listener-dominant type'. In 23 subcategories of 'symmetrical type', 'ask-provide' and 'point out-justify' were most frequently found. Especially, 'ask-provide' was more frequently found in 'non-integration', whereas 'point out-justify' was more frequently found in 'integration'. 'Point out-modify' was the most frequent in 4 subcategories of 'listener-dominant type', while 'item making-agree' in three subcategories of 'solver-dominant type' regardless of 'integration'. However, only a little of other subcategories of the three types were found.

Requirements of a Science Teachers' Professional Development Programme and a Possible Model (과학 교사의 전문성 계발 프로그램의 조건과 모형)

  • Kim, Hee-Kyong
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.295-308
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of the study is to develop an effective model of a science teachers' professional development program. This study consists of two parts: (1) the theoretical review of science teachers' professional development and (2) a case study of a science teachers' professional development programme in the UK. After reviewing recent research on pedagogical content knowledge and new approaches to educational research, the following suggestions emerged: (1) Continuing Professional Development(CPD) should be embedded in teachers' real practice in the classroom and (2) embedded in the everyday life of learners' within the community. (3) CPD should support the development of teachers' communities of professional practice. The case study of 'CPD through Portfolios of Evidence' in the British programme indicated that collecting explicit evidence of good practice in the classroom and establishing agreement as to what constitutes good practice in a teachers' community helped teachers' professional development. Finally, what emerged from the case study of the CPD programme in the UK and the theoretical review of PCK was the following. An effective CPD model of science teachers should comprise these three stages: (1) providing opportunities of professional development, (2) changing practice in the classroom and research, and (3) spreading and sustaining change. The whole process is circular.

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Investigation of image preprocessing and face covering influences on motion recognition by a 2D human pose estimation algorithm (모션 인식을 위한 2D 자세 추정 알고리듬의 이미지 전처리 및 얼굴 가림에 대한 영향도 분석)

  • Noh, Eunsol;Yi, Sarang;Hong, Seokmoo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.285-291
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    • 2020
  • In manufacturing, humans are being replaced with robots, but expert skills remain difficult to convert to data, making them difficult to apply to industrial robots. One method is by visual motion recognition, but physical features may be judged differently depending on the image data. This study aimed to improve the accuracy of vision methods for estimating the posture of humans. Three OpenPose vision models were applied: MPII, COCO, and COCO+foot. To identify the effects of face-covering accessories and image preprocessing on the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) structure, the presence/non-presence of accessories, image size, and filtering were set as the parameters affecting the identification of a human's posture. For each parameter, image data were applied to the three models, and the errors between the actual and predicted values, as well as the percentage correct keypoints (PCK), were calculated. The COCO+foot model showed the lowest sensitivity to all three parameters. A <50% (from 3024×4032 to 1512×2016 pixels) reduction in image size was considered acceptable. Emboss filtering, in combination with MPII, provided the best results (reduced error of <60 pixels).

Exploring a Learning Progression for Integrated Process Skills in Earth Science Inquiry (지구과학 탐구에서 통합 탐구 기능에 대한 학습발달과정 탐색)

  • Lee, Kiyoung;Park, Jaeyong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.222-238
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to explore a learning progression for integrated process skills in Earth science inquiry. For the purpose, a hypothetical learning progression (HLP) that capture how students' integrated process skills of science become sophisticated over time is developed through the literature review. This learning progression contains four components of the integrated process skills of science: designing inquiry, collecting data, analyzing data, and forming conclusion. Three hypothetico-deductive inquiry tasks of Earth science that start from recognition of the given problem to the forming conclusion are developed in order to document students' integrated process skills. A total of 126 students from middle, high, college level students participated in this study. After conducting the Earth science inquiry tasks, the integrated process skills of individual students are assessed by element based on HLP. In addition, the validation process for HLP was administered by applying the Rasch model using the students' assessment data. Finally, based on the analyzed data, the empirical learning progression (ELP) is developed by revising and supplementing the HLP. This study can help to find scaffolding methods to effectively improve the students' integrated process skills in Earth science inquiry class by identifying the factors that affect students' development of integrated process skills. It also provide implications for improving teachers' PCK of Earth science inquiry instruction.

The difference of measurement results between the questionnaire and performance assessment of Pre-service teacher's TPACK competency (예비교사의 TPACK 역량 측정 설문과 수행평가 결과의 차이)

  • Choi, Kyeongsik;Paik, Seoung-Hey
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.437-449
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the results of the developed questionnaire and performance assessment for measuring TPACK competency of pre-service teachers. For this purpose, we developed the TPACK questionnaire for pre-service teachers. Then, through the performance assessment task and interview data related to the 'change of the moon and the celestial bodies', the TPACK competency of the pre-service teachers was analyzed and compared with the questionnaire results. The results of the questionnaire showed that PCK and TPK of the pre-service teachers were high, and the TCK and TPACK were relatively low. However, as a result of analyzing the performance assessment of pre-service teachers who showed low TPK in the questionnaire, it was found that the TPK was high. Conversely, as a result of analyzing the performance assessment of pre-service teachers who showed high TPK in the questionnaire, it was found that the TPK was low. In addition, as a result of analyzing the performance assessment of pre-service teachers who showed low TCK in the questionnaire, it was found that the TCK was very high. Conversely, as a result of analyzing the performance assessment of pre-service teachers who showed high TCK in the questionnaire, the actual TCK competency was found to be low. Although TPCK was high in the questionnaire, TPCK was found to be low through actual results of performance assessment. Through these results, it was confirmed that TPACK measurement tools measure self-efficacy rather than actual capability.

Research on the manual development for activating teaching consulting in mathematics (수업컨설팅 활성화를 위한 매뉴얼 개발 - 수학 교과를 중심으로 -)

  • Choe, Seung-Hyun;Hwang, Hye Jeang;Nam, Geum Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 2013
  • The main goal of the research is to develop instructional consulting manual to help math teachers improve classroom teaching. Improving the quality of teaching in schools is stressed as a central focus of meaningful classroom instruction and high quality education. In this research, teaching consulting was defined as an activity that covers reflection process oriented towards formative assessment and continuing professional development. Within this context, subject-specific teaching consulting and teaching professionalism with focus on PCK was reviewed. Further, the questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the current situation of teaching consulting and teachers' needs for consulting. And also, specific examples of subject-specific consulting based on our previous consulting experiences in math classes were shown. Alternative ways to improve subject teaching were derived through the conferences where consultants and consultees analyze video-taped lessons conducted by the consultees. By those results, a manual for invigorating teaching consulting was developed. The contents of the manual consists of setting conditions of teaching consulting and its implementation in the classroom teaching. The first part of the manual contains steps to establish teaching consulting system, the qualification and role of the consultant, system evaluation, etc. The second part of the manual presents the pre-preparation, prescription and implementation and follow-up management steps. Each part of the manual provides consultants with specific guidelines for each step. Finally, recommendations for making policy related to ways to invigorate teaching consulting was suggested. It is expected that specific examples and cases of subject-specific teaching consulting presented in this research will be used to narrow the gap between theory and practice of teaching consulting, and to help math, science and English teachers develop teaching professionalism.

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A Study of Science Teachers' Perception on Knowledge Information Processing Competency (지식정보처리역량에 대한 과학교사의 인식 조사)

  • Son, Mihyun;Jeong, Daehong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.693-703
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    • 2018
  • One of the important competencies in knowledge and information society is the competency of Knowledge information processing. This is closely related to science education and described as one of the core competencies in the 2015 national curriculum revision. Even with a general agreement of the educational necessity of this competency, its practice in class depends mostly on teachers' will. Therefore, we surveyed science teachers' perceptions and classroom condition about the competency of Knowledge information processing, and we analyzed the questionnaires of 64 middle and high school teachers in Seoul and interviewed three teachers. As a result, all teachers shared the importance of Knowledge information processing competency and explained it in terms of social paradigm and goal of the subject. However, there were not many cases of actual practice in class. The teachers answered that time for Knowledge information processing competency is not enough in class and they also lack of PCK on this competency. About half of the teachers had experiences in teacher training about Knowledge information processing competency but most of their experiences are related to information utilization literacy. The importance of Knowledge information processing competency was very high in three factors (collection, analyzation, and utilization), among which information analysis was the highest. Middle school teachers showed higher scores in most questions even though the differences were not significant, and high school teachers showed higher scores in the importance of information sources at a significant level. In order to cultivate competencies, it is necessary to expand the meaning of science inquiry so as to cover this competency and to consider ways of linking with other subjects and develop methods of teaching and learning.

Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes by Sulindac Sulfide in Human Colorectal Cells (인간 대장암 세포주에서 sulindac sulfide 처리에 의해 차별적으로 발현되는 유전자 군의 분석)

  • Shin, Seung-Hwa;Kim, Jong-Sik
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.17 no.7 s.87
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    • pp.996-1001
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    • 2007
  • To investigate whether sulindac, sulindac sulfone, and sulindac sulfide could affect cancer cell viabilities, human colorectal HCTl16 cells were treated with 10 ${\mu}M$ of each NSAID. Among treated NSAms, sulindac sulfide dramatically decreased the cell viabilities detected by MTS and the cytotoxic effect showed dose-dependent manner. To understand the molecular mechanism of cell death in response to sulindac sulfide treatment, we performed oligo DNA microarray analysis. We found that 23 genes were up-regulated more than 2 folds, whereas 33 genes were down-regulated more than 2 folds by treatment of 10 ${\mu}M$ sulindac sulfide. Among the up-regulated genes, we selected 3 genes (NAG-1, DDIT3, PCK2) and performed RT-PCR and quantitative real-time PCR to cofirm microarray data. The results of RT-PCR and real-time PCR were highly accorded with those of microarray experiment. As NAG-1 is well-known gene as tumor suppressor, we detected changes of NAG-1 expression by 10 ${\mu}M$ of sulindac, sulindac sulfone, and sulindac sulfide. The results of RT-PCR and quantitacve real-time PCR indicated that sulindac sulfide was the strongest inducer of NAG-1 among treated NSAIDS. This result implies that induction of NAG-1 by sulindac sulfide plays important role in cell death of colorectal cancer. Overall, we speculate that these results may be helpful in understanding the molecular mechanism of the cancer chemoprevention by sulindac sulfide in human colorectal cancer.