• 제목/요약/키워드: P. thunbergii - Robinia pseudoacacia community

검색결과 8건 처리시간 0.019초

TWINSPAN과 CCA Ordination에 의한 서해안 곰솔림과 토양환경과의 상관 분석 (An Analysis of Correlation between Pinus thunbergii Forests and Soil Conditions by TWINSPAN and CCA Ordination in West Coast of South Korea)

  • 김민하;박종민;장규관
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.45-59
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    • 2016
  • Vegetation and soil conditions of four sites in west coastal forests in South Korea, were examined to analyze the relationship between Pinus thunbergii forests structure and soil conditions. The P. thunbergii forests were divided into four clusters; 1) P. thunbergii - Prunus sargentii var. sargentii, 2) P. thunbergii - Robinia pseudoacacia, 3) P. thunbergii - P. densiflora and 4) P. thunbergii - Quercus serrata. The soil of each site was poor in chemical characteristics but good enough for land plants to grow because of its low salt concentration. According to the results by CCA Ordination, certain excessive soil nutrition has influenced on vegetation and specific species distribution. Forty eight species were found in the whole sites of coastal forests and some species appeared in every site. They are P. thunbergii, R. pseudoacacia, Rhus chinensis, Idesia polycarpa and Morus alba. For the tree species importance value, P. thunbergii was followed by R. pseudoacacia, Q. serrata, P. densiflora, Celtis sinensis, M. alba, I. polycarpa and Q. mongolica in order.

Distribution of Phytolacca americana in a coastal sand dune

  • Min, Byeong-Mee
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the main factors affecting the distribution of Phytolacca americana, an exotic plant species in Korea, in coastal sand dunes. The areas examined from June 2004 to February 2006 were in Sindusagu where was located on Sindu-ri, Wonbuk-myen, Taean-gun, Chungcheongnam-do. The vegetation, sediment properties, sizes and ages of Robinia pseudoacacia, P. americana and Pinus thnunbergii and spatial distribution of P. americana were assessed. Firstly, correlation coefficients (CC) between P. americana's root biomass and sediment properties were not significant. Secondly, of the four community types, P. americana was not in the mixed herbaceous community and its density was the highest in the P. thunbergii-R. pseudoacacia and R. pseudoacacia community The Poisson distribution analysis revealed the distribution of P. americana to be severely clumped. The root biomass of P. americana and the basal area of R. pseudoacacia were significantly correlated, but the CCs between P. thunbergii and other two species were not significant. The ages of P. americana and R. pseudoacacia in a quadrat were significantly correlated. Thirdly, P. americana's ages in a quadrat were mostly similar to each other. Therefore, the spatial distribution of P. americana was largely influenced by R. pseudoacacia but not by the sediment properties, and plants in a narrow area were concurrently germinated.

인천광역시 산지형 도시녹지의 식생구조 및 관리계획: 육지지역을 중심으로 (Vegetation Structure and Management Planning of Mountain Type Urban Green Space in Inchon, Korea : a case study of land area)

  • 조우
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 1998
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate vegetation structure and present management planning of mountain type green space using the green space changes during the 20 years, actual vegetation, and plant community structure in land area of Inchon, Korea. The actual vegetation area in survey sites was consisted of Quercus acutissima community, Robinia pseudoacacia forest, Pinus rigida forest, Q. mongolica-Pinus rigida community, P. rigida-Q. mongolica community, Q. monogolica community and so on. According to the classification by TWINSPAN, 61 survey plots were divided into 9 groups; Q. mongolica-Alnus japonica-R. pseudoacacia-P. densiflora, R. pseudoacacia-Styrax japonica, P. rigida-R. pseudoacacia-Q. mongolica, R. pseudoacacia-P. rigida-Q. mongolica-A. hirusta, Q. mongolica-P. thunbergii, and prunus sargentii-Zelkova serrata community. From this result, ecological succession trend of vegetation seems to be change from artificial result, ecological succession trend of vegetation seems to be change from artificial planting forest to native plant community which was dominated by Quercus spp.. This study area need to manage for the increase of biodiversity through the restoration of naturalness by ecological management of artificial planting forest and ecological planting of injured green space.

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태안해안국립공원의 식생분포 및 녹지자연도 사정에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Distribution of Vegetation and Assessment of Green Naturality of Taeanhaean National Park)

  • 오구균;김영선;김철의
    • 한국환경생태학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.108-116
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    • 2010
  • 2009년에 태안해안국립공원의 현존식생 및 녹지자연도를 조사하였다. 태안해안국립공원의 현존식생은 11개 식물군락과 기타지역으로 구분되었으며, 2차림인 자연림은 곰솔군락, 소나무군락, 낙엽활엽수군락, 소나무-낙엽활엽수군락 등 6개 식물군락으로, 조림지는 곰솔-낙엽활엽수림, 곰솔-리기다소나무림, 곰솔-밤나무림, 아까시나무림 등 5개 수림으로 구분되었다. 태안해안국립공원의 육지면적 중 녹지자연도 8등급 지역이 약 40.6%로 나타났으며, 반면에 녹지자연도 9등급 지역은 13.7%로 나타났다. 태안해안국립공원의 자연경관과 생물다양성 회복을 위하여 조림수종 제거 등 외래종에 대한 관리가 필요하다.

경상북도 동해안 곰솔림의 군집구조 (Community Structure of Pinus thunbergii Stand in the Eastern Coast of Gyeongsangbuk-do)

  • 천광일;정성철;윤호중;변준기;주성현
    • 농업생명과학연구
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    • 제46권4호
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구는 관광객의 증가 및 개발로 인해 식생의 파편화가 진행되고 있는 해안 곰솔림을 대상으로 효율적인 보전과 관리를 위한 기초자료를 제공하기 위하여 곰솔 우점림에 조사구 70개($20{\times}20m$)를 설치하여 수행하였다. 경상북도 동부 해안가 곰솔림의 군집분석 결과 곰솔림은 3개의 군집(곰솔-소나무군집, 곰솔-아까시나무군집, 곰솔-소나무-팽나무군집)으로 구분되었으며, 다수응답순열절차 검정 결과, 군집은 유의성 있게 나타났다. 지표종 분석 결과, 유의한 종은 소나무, 작살나무, 노간주나무, 산철쭉 등 19종이 분석되었다. 곰솔림의 개체군 구조는 12~26 cm의 직경급이 우점하는 것으로 나타났으며 고봉형 양상(hump-shape pattern)으로 나타났다. 종다양도(H')는 목본층에서 $1.033{\pm}0.234{\sim}1.629{\pm}0.226$, 초본층에서 $2.448{\pm}0.232{\sim}2.545{\pm}0.318$ 사이로 나타났다.

도시자연공원의 식생구조에 따른 관리방안 - 인천광역시 월미공원의 사례 - (Structure and Management Devices of Vegetation at Weolmi Urban Nature Park, Incheon)

  • 조우
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to propose vegetation management devices through analyzing the actual vegetation, flora, plant community structure and soil chemical concentrations in Weolmi urban nature park, Incheon. The actual vegetation of Weolmi Park in various areas is composed of urbanization area(2 types, 25.9%), landscape planting area(4 types, 16.1%), grass and marsh area(5 types, 7.6%) and mountain forest areal(14 types, 50.4%). The flora is composed of 295 taxa with 80 families, 253 species, 35 varieties and 7 formas, and among them there are 16 naturalized plant families, 39 species, 3 varieties. In reflection of size, the number of the species seems high but most of the them are under influence of human disturbance. Nine survey plots of plant community structure are classified into two groups. One is the semi-natural plant community(Prunus sargentii-Acer palmatum, Quercus accutissma-Prunus sargentii, Quercus serrata-Quercus accutissma-Prunus sargentii, Prunus sargentii, and Zelkova serrata-Prunus sargentii) that migrated finn the planting forest to the natural forest and the other is planting forest(Pinus koraienssis-Pinus thunbergii-Abies holophylla-Chamaectparis obtusa, Prunus sargentii, Pinus thunbergii-Alnus firma, Zelkova serrata). The average pH is 4.65 which means the soil acidity is quite high. The concentration of K, Ca, Mg and base saturation is very low. It seems that the environmental pollutants from Incheon Port and industrial plants near by survey site and long-distance transport of air pollutants from China made the soil condition worse. On the basis of the results above, six vegetation management devices are suggested: 1) removing the hazard plants(Pueraia thunbergiana and Humulus japonica), 2) natural landscape management of the middle and long term, 3) increasing species diversity, 4) Robinia pseudoacacia management, 5) keeping the naturalized plants from being distributed any further inside the mountain forest, 6) improving soil acidification.

환경오염(環境汚染)이 식물군집(食物群集)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Studies on the Effect of Environmental Pollution on the Structure of Plant Community)

  • 김태욱;이경재;박인협;김준선
    • 한국환경농학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 1983
  • 울산공업단지내(蔚山工業團地內)에 위치(位置)한 돗질산식생(植生)을 오염원(汚染源)에서부터의 거리에 따른 조사구별(調査區別) 환경요인(環境要因)과 식생상태(植生狀態)를 분석(分析)한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1) 토양(土壤)의 전질소함양(全窒素含量), 유기물함량(有機物含量), $P_2O_5$의 함량(含量), CEC는 오염원(汚染源)에서 거리가 멀어질 수록 증가(增加)를 하며, Al함량(含量)은 감소(減少)를 한다. 2) 식생조사결과(植生調査結果) 방동사니, 실새풀, 도깨비바늘, 댕댕이덩굴, 바랭이, 여뀌, 곰솔, 돼지풀, 철쭉, 아카시나무등(等)이 내오염성(耐汚染性)이 강(强)한 식생(植生)이었다. 3) 대기오염(大氣汚染)의 피해(被害)가 심(甚)하지 않은 곳에서는 13종(種)의 식물(植物)이 출현(出現)하나, 오염(汚染)이 극심(極甚)한 조사국(調査局)에서는 7종(種)의 식물(植物)만이 존재(存在)한다. 4) 대기오염(大氣汚染)의 증가(增加)에 따라 개체수(個體數), 종다양도(種多樣度), 균재도(均在度), 류사도지수(類似度指數)가 감소(減少)한다. 5) 대기오염원(大氣汚染源)에서의 거리가 멀어질 수록 물질생산량(物質生産量)이 증가(增加)된다. 또한 돗질산지역(地域) 아카시나무림분(林分)은 현존량(現存量)은 4.41t/㏊, 년간물질생산량(年間物質生産量)은 $0.67ton/ha{\cdot}yr$이고, 오염(汚染)의 피해(被害)가 없는 대조구(對照區)에서의 현존량(現存量)은 39.47ton/㏊이고, 년간물질생산량(年間物質生産量)은 $7.73ton/ha{\cdot}yr$이다.

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산국과 감국의 자생지 환경특성과 식생 비교 (Comparison of Vegetation and Habitat Condition of Dendranthema boreale and Dendranthema indicum in Korea)

  • 송홍선;김성민;박용진
    • 한국약용작물학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 2012
  • This study compared the differences between the Dendranthema boreale and Dendranthema indicum in their habitat, soil adaptability, species composition and community structure in Korea. More D. boreale distributed than D. indicum to in the place where high elevation and on the surface of low degree slope. Both D. boreale and D. indicum growed well in south-east direction of the slope. The soil pH of D. boreale and D. indicum was 6.1 and 7.1, respectively. Ca, Mg, Na and organic matter content of the soil of D. boreale habitat was significantly lower than that of the D. indicum habitat. There were 102 and 88 taxa, in D. boreale and D. indicum habitat, respectively. Both species generally distributed along with herbs than along with trees. The important species found in D. boreale habitat were Artemisia princeps (57.1%) and Humulus japonicus (33.3%), and the D. indicum habitat were Miscanthus sinensis (42.9%) and Lonicera japonica (38.1%). The D. boreale group was classified into Artemisia princeps, Crepidiastrum denticulatum, Miscanthus sinensis, Humulus japonicus, Pueraria lobata, Lespedeza bicolor, Lonicera japonica and Rubus crataegifolius community. The D. indicum group was classified into Artemisia capillaris, Peucedanum japonicum, Boehmeria pannosa, Pinus thunbergii, Lonicera japonica, Quercus acutissima and Robinia pseudoacacia community. There is a large difference bewteen D. boreale and D. indicum in their habitat, soil adaptability, species composition and community structure.