• 제목/요약/키워드: Oyster Industry

검색결과 127건 처리시간 0.018초

조미 자숙굴(Crassostrea gigas) 통조림 및 조미 구운굴(Crassostrea gigas) 통조림의 제조 및 품질특성 (Processing and Characteristics of Canned Seasoned Boiled Oyster Crassostrea gigas and Canned Seasoned Roasted Oyster Crassostrea gigas)

  • 박준석;박두현;공청식;이영만;이재동;박진효;김정균
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제51권5호
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    • pp.469-476
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to collect basic data that could be used in the manufacture of two kinds of canned oyster Crassostrea gigas. The steamed oyster was prepared by shucking after boiling for 6 min at $105^{\circ}C$ and then washing and dewatering. The roasted oyster was prepared by baking steamed oyster at $140^{\circ}C$ for 20 min. The manufacturing methods of canned seasoned boiled oyster and canned seasoned roasted oyster were as follows. The boiled or roasted oyster (50 g) was added to a can (RR-90) along with a mixture of seasoning sauce 40 and then seamed using a vacuum seamer under 20 cm Hg after pre-exhausting at $90^{\circ}C$ for 20 min. The two kinds of canned oyster products produced under sterilization of Fo 12 min were tested for cultured bacteria, external appearance, proximate composition, pH, VBN (Volatile basic nitrogen), TBA (Thiobarbiuric aicd) value, amino-N, salinity, color value sensory evaluation, etc. Results showed that the canned seasoned roasted oyster had higher overall acceptability than the canned seasoned boiled oyster. The reason for this was judged to be that the process of roasting at $140^{\circ}C$ for 20 min influenced the sensory evaluation.

Present Status and Prospects of Oyster Industry in Korea

  • Cho Chang-Hwan
    • 한국양식학회지
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.303-309
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    • 1996
  • Oyster is the most important item next to tuna based on the market value in Korea's fisheries exports and it shares more than $90\%$ of the world oyster market. Oyster industry is a vital component of the Korea's aquaculture industry. However, it has faced many problems such as (1) a lower productivity of the culture system, (2) an environmental deterioration of the farming area, (3) a higher labor cost, (4) a shortage of of oysters to export, and (5) a poor seedling in nature. Therefore, including it's business forecast, the above problems and some countermeasures are discussed in this paper.

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레토르트 열처리 조건에 따른 굴자숙수 농축물의 식품성분 특성 비교 (Comparison of Food Component of Oyster Drip Concentrates Steamed under Different Retort Pressures)

  • 윤민석;김형준;박권현;허민수;염동민;김진수
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제42권3호
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    • pp.197-203
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to investigate the food components of cooking drips from shell oysters steamed under various retort pressures. Among the drips from shell oyster steamed under different retort pressures (1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5 kg/$cm^2$) the oyster drip obtained at the 4.5 kg/$cm^2$ of retort pressure had the highest degree of brix, yield, crude protein, glycogen and trichloroacetic acid soluble-N contents, while its salinity was the lowest. In the results of food safety test, the presence of E. coli (18 MPN/100 g>) and viable cell (30 CFU/g>) in the oyster drip was in acceptable level as a food-stuff. However, the sensory evaluation such as color, flavor and taste, total amino acid and free amino acid contents of cooking drip from shell oyster steamed at 4.5 kg/$cm^2$ were inferior to those of oyster wash water. Differences in the major amino acids of total amino acid and free amino acid between oyster cooking drip and oyster wash water were also found. The results suggested that the effective use methods of oyster cooking drip should be investigated.

훈건 굴을 이용한 분말조미소재의 가공 및 품질안전성 (Processing and Shelf-life Stabilities of Flavoring Substances of the Smoke-Dried Oysters)

  • 공청식;지승길;최종덕;강정구;노태현;오광수
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제39권2호
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the optimal processing conditions of smoke-dried powdered oysters and to determine their shelf-life during storage for development of a natural oyster flavoring substance. The optimal conditions for processing of smoke-dried oyster powder with freshy oyster were as follows. Raw shelled oysters were rinsed with 3% saline solution, drained, boiled for 10 minutes at $98^{\circ}C$, and then smoked for 1 hour at $50^{\circ}C$, followed by drying for 4 hours at $80^{\circ}C$ Smoke-dried oyster powder with oyster scraps were prepared as flavoring material. The smoked oyster scraps were submerged in oyster sauce far 10 minutes at room temperature and then dried with hot air for 5 hours at $50^{\circ}C$. The smoke-dried oysters and smoke-dried oyster scraps were then pulverized to 50 mesh and packed in tea bags or vacuum-packed in laminated plastic film bags (PE/PVDC/CPP, $12{\mu}m/15{\mu}m/50{\mu}m$). Compared to non smoke-dried powdered oysters, the smoking and dipping in oyster sauce enhanced the flavor and prevented lipid oxidation of the smoke-dried powdered oyster product. Shelf-life tests indicated that the vacuum-packaging method preserved the quality of smoke-dried powdered oysters stored for 150 days at room temperature.

살균조건에 따른 굴 보일드통조림 및 죽염 굴 보일드통조림의 식품 품질 특성 (Quality Characteristics of Canned Boiled Oyster and Canned Boiled Oyster in Bamboo Salt in Various Sterilization Conditions)

  • 공청식;제해수;정재헌;권순재;이재동;윤문주;최종덕;김정균
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제26권6호
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    • pp.1231-1244
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    • 2014
  • Oysters, especially are excellent source of several mineral including iron, zinc and selenium, which are often low in the mordern diet. They are also an excellent source of glycogen, vitamin B12 and considered the healthiest when eaten raw on the half shell in good tasted season from November to March. This study was investigated for the purpose of obtaining basic data which can be applied to processing of two kinds of canned boiled oyster (canned boiled oyster, canned boiled oyster in bamboo salt). Shucked oyster meat was cooked in steam (15min) after washing with water, filled 90g into can (301-3), added with salt solution and then precooked for 10 min. at $100^{\circ}C$. Canned boiled oyster was added 1.5% salt solution 60mL. Canned boiled oyster in bamboo salt was added 0.5% salt solution 30mL and 0.7% bamboo salt solution 30mL. The cans were seamed using a vacuum seamer, and then sterilized for various Fo values (Fo 8~12 min.) in a steam system retort at $116^{\circ}C$, $118^{\circ}C$. Viable bacterial count, proximate composition, pH, salinity, yield, VBN, amino-N, TBA, mineral, color value, free amino acid, hardness and sensory evaluation of two kinds of canned boiled oyster produced at various sterilization condition (Fo 8~12 min.) were measured after divide to meat and juice. The results showed that canned boiled oyster in bamboo salt sterilized at Fo 8 min. was the most desirable because this condition is the most economical and tasty.

굴을 이용한 조미 건조포의 개발 (Development of Seasoned and Dried Oyster Slice)

  • 허민수;박창경;지성준;민관희;김민정;김은정;강경태;김진수
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 2007
  • 남해안 일대에서 다량 생산되고 있는 굴의 소비 촉진을 위하여 조미 굴포의 제조를 시도하였다. 굴 첨가비율에 따른 조미 굴포의 일반성분, 색조 및 관능검사의 결과로 미루어 보아 조미 굴포의 제조를 위한 굴의 최적 첨가비율은 30%로 판단되었다. 최적 조건에서 제조한 조미 굴포는 조미 수리미포에 비하여 아미노산의 총함량은 차이가 없었으며 주요 아미노산으로는 glutamic acid, leucine, lysine 및 threonine 등이었다. 또한, 조미 굴포의 칼슘 및 인 함량은 조미 수리미포에 비해 높았으며, 조미 굴포의 유리아미노산의 총함량 및 taste value는 각각 1,576.8 mg/100 g 및 226.05이었고 맛의 지대하게 영향을 미치는 아미노산은 glutamic acid 및 aspartic acid이었다.

패각의 소성 특성 및 지속성 담지체 제조에 관한 연구 (A study on the Calcination Characteristics and Supporter for Durability using waste shell such as Crassostrea gigas)

  • 김용렬;윤철훈
    • 한국응용과학기술학회지
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 2009
  • Today, wastes of much quantity by fast industrialization and increase in population, population concentration etc. of modem society are increasing. Much oyster shell is breeding by character and conduct of oyster-industry for a long time among them. Oyster shell which breed by-product in oyster cultivating industry that specific gravity of domestic seashore cultivating industry is high is causing environmental problem by problem and so on hindrance, nature spectacle's waste and health hygiene on administration if it is pollution of district along the coast fishing ground, number of public ownership being stored in open area in seashore. About new material just-in-time through recycling and he of oyster shell by these problem wide that study. Go forward more and investigate special quality that is oyster shell's physical chemistry red in this research and oyster shell oyster shell which cause several environmental problems developing ability agricultural chemicals that use this encapsulating micro by ability carrier that is environmentally application possibility examine wish to.

효소분해 진주조개(Pinctada fucata martensii) 젓갈의 제조 및 품질특성 (Preparation and Quality Characteristics of Enzymatic Salt-fermented Pearl Oyster, Pinctada fucata martensii)

  • 김인수;김혜숙;한병욱;강경태;박정민;오현석;한강욱;김진수;허민수
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제39권1호
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2006
  • As a part of the investigation for utilizing pearl oyster by-products, a rapid salt-fermented pearl oyster using commercial enzyme was prepared and also examined on the characteristics. The salt-fermented pearl oyster prepared by optimal condition, which was prepared by mixing of minced pearl oyster, 15% salt, and 1% $Protamex^\circledR$ and fermented for 4 weeks, was superior in hydrolysis degree (28.7%) and ACE inhibitory activity (92.6%) to salt-fermented pearl oyster prepared by other conditions, such as the use of whole tissue, different enzymes $(Alcalase^\circledR,\;Neutrase^\circledR\;and\;Flavourzyme^\circledR)$, different salt concentrations (20 and 25%), and different fermentation periods (2, 6 and 8 weeks). There were, however, some shortcomings with this product. It showed a dark green color and an unfavorable bitter taste. These shortcomings were improved by the addition of seasoning paste. The calcium and phosphorus contents of the seasoned salt-fermented pearl oyster were 64.2 mg/100 g and 71.6 mg/100 g, respectively, and the calcium content based on phosphorus was a good ratio for absorbing calcium. The total amino acid content of the seasoned and salt-fermented pearl oyster was 7,054 mg/100 g and the major amino acids ware aspartic acid (555.1 mg/100 g), glutamic acid (1,131.2 mg/100 g), alanine (658.2 mg/100 g), and lysine (695.5 mg/100 g). The seasoned salt-fermented pearl oyster, along with angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity (98.3%), also showed a recognizable level (87.5%) of anti-oxidative activity.

토마토소스 및 토마토페이스트소스 첨가 구운굴(Crassostrea gigas)통조림의 제조 및 품질특성 (Processing and Characteristics of Canned Roasted Oyster Crassostrea gigas Added with Tomato Sauce and Tomato Paste Sauce)

  • 박준석;박두현;공청식;이영만;이재동;박진효;김정균
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제51권6호
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    • pp.647-655
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    • 2018
  • This study collected basic data on two types of canned roasted oyster Crassostrea gigas. Oysters Crassostrea gigas were immersed at $105^{\circ}C$ for 6 min and then washed and dehydrated before pre-drying. Roasted oysters were prepared by baking boiled oysters at $140^{\circ}C$ for 20 min. The canned roasted oyster added with tomato sauce was prepared as follows. An aluminum can was filled with 50 g of roasted oyster and 40 g of mixed seasoning sauce, degassed at $90^{\circ}C$ for 3 min and vacuum-sealed using a double seamer under a 20 cmHg vacuum. The canned roasted oyster added with tomato paste sauce was prepared similarly by adding the same amount of tomato paste sauce instead of tomato sauce. Microbial growth, appearance, proximate composition, pH, volatile basic nitrogen (VBN), thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value, amino-N, salinity, color value, texture, free and total amino acids, and minerals were measured in the two products. A sensory evaluation indicated that the canned roasted oyster added with tomato paste sauce had preferable characteristics over the canned roasted oyster sauce added with tomato sauce.

굴 자숙향의 발현성분 (The Precursors and Flavor Constituents of the Cooked Oyster Flavor)

  • 강진영;노태현;황석민;김영아;최종덕;오광수
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제43권6호
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    • pp.606-613
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    • 2010
  • In order to elucidate a mechanism responsible for the development of the odor characteristics of cooked, desirable-flavored shellfish, oysters were extracted using various solvents and the resulting extracts were evaluated organoleptically after cooking. The 80% aqueous methanol extract was found to produce a desirable cooked flavor. This oyster extract was fractionated using ion-exchange column chromatography and dialysis, and each of the fractions was subjected to cooking, followed by organoleptic evaluation. The outer dialysate fraction such as acidic and amphoteric water-soluble fractions produced a cooked oyster flavor. The volatile flavor compounds identified from cooked oyster included 29 hydrocarbons, 20 alcohols, 16 acids, 12 aldehydes, nine nitrogen-containing aromatic compounds, eight ketones, five furans, three esters, three phenols, and one benzene.