• Title/Summary/Keyword: Oxidizer Pump

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Liquid Oxygen Test of Oxidizer Pump of a Liquid Rocket Engine (액체로켓엔진용 산화제펌프에 대한 액체산소 성능시험)

  • Hong, Soon-Sam;Kim, Dae-Jin;Kim, Jin-Sun;Kim, Jin-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.37 no.8
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    • pp.805-811
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    • 2009
  • An oxidizer pump of a turbopump for a 30-ton class gas generator cycle engine was tested in the medium of liquid oxygen. The turbine was driven by cold hydrogen gas in the test. The oxidizer pump was operated stably at both design and off-design conditions, satisfying the performance requirements. The pump head coefficient from the liquid oxygen test was 2~3% lower than that from the water test. The power required to run the oxidizer pump was well balanced with the power produced by the turbine.

A Study on the 2-Stage Startup of Liquid Rocket Engine (액체로켓엔진의 2단 시동에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Soon-Young;Cho, Won-Kook
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.03b
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    • pp.324-327
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    • 2008
  • Two stage startup of high thrust liquid rocket engine can reduce the abrupt impulse to the vehicle and engine by changing oxidizer flow rate to the combustion chamber. Also it ensures stable ignition of combustion chamber against hard start and to prevent pump stall by the sudden supply of large mass flow rate. However high discharge pressure of oxidizer pump or temperature rise in gas generator may be a problem in applying the preliminary stage. To solve this problem, we analyzed the effect of the slope of oxidizer pump's head curve and the oxidizer mass flow rate to combustion chamber during preliminary stage using the rocket engine startup analysis code. A moderate slope(${\circleddash}{\sim}$-3) of head curve and 80% mass flow rate during preliminary stage can reduce the oxidizer pump discharge pressure by 15 to 20% comparing with the condition of ${\circleddash}$=-4.37 head curve and 70% mass flow rate. Also it can maintain the turbine inlet temperature rise within 50K from the nominal value.

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Measurements of Vibration and Pressure of an Oxidizer Pump for a 7-tonf Turbopump with a Modified Rear Floating Ring Seal (수정된 후방 플로팅 링 실을 적용한 7톤급 터보펌프 산화제 펌프의 진동 및 압력 측정)

  • Bae, JoonHwan;Kwak, Hyun-Duck;Choi, ChangHo;Choi, JongSoo
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.253-261
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we present an experimental investigation of the frequency characteristics and a visual inspection of an oxidizer pump with a modified rear-floating ring seal for a 7-tonf turbopump. An oxidizer pump typically operates at high rotational speeds and under cryogenic conditions. Despite its low hydraulic efficiency, the floating ring seal is frequently employed as a leakage control solution for turbomachinery because it effectively reduces abrasion by friction. When the oxidizer pump starts up, the floating ring moves excursively but locks up stably against the pump casing when the contact pressure increases. The compressive force on the floating ring depends on the hydrodynamic forces induced by the flow through the floating ring. This force is controlled by the nose position of the floating ring. Based on a validation test for a 7-tonf turbopump with two types of floating rings, we concluded that the floating ring with a small diameter nose can move easily with a low contact pressure in the cooling path. This leads to instability of the pressure fluctuation around the floating ring. In contrast, a floating ring with a large diameter nose has a high contact pressure and attaches strongly to the casing, which causes wear and frictional oxidation between the contact surfaces of the impeller and the floating ring.

Model-Fluid Full-Speed Test of a Turbopump for a 75 Ton Class Rocket Engine (75톤급 로켓엔진용 터보펌프의 실회전수 상사매질 시험)

  • Hong, Soonsam;Kim, Daejin;Kim, Jinhan
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2013
  • A turbopump for a 75 ton class liquid rocket engine was tested at full speed for 20 seconds using model fluid. Liquid nitrogen is used for the oxidizer pump, water for the fuel pump, and hot gas for the turbine. The non-cavitating head of pump from the turbopump assembly test showed a good agreement with that from the pump component test. The relative difference of turbine efficiency between the turbopump assembly test and the turbine component test was 0.3% only. Suction performance from the turbopump assembly test was higher than that of pump component test, which resulted from the thermodynamic effect of cavitation.

Critical Speed Analysis of a 7 Ton Class Liquid Rocket Engine Oxidizer Pump (7톤급 액체로켓엔진 산화제펌프 임계속도 해석)

  • Jeon, Seong Min;Yoon, Suk-Hwan;Choi, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2015
  • A critical speed analysis of oxidizer pump was peformed for a 7 ton class liquid rocket engine as the third stage engine of the Korea Space Launch Vehicle II. Based on the previously developed experimental 30 ton class turbopump and presently developing 75 ton class turbopump for the first and second stage rocket engine of Korea Space Launch Vehicle II, a layout and configuration of the 7 ton class turbopump rotor assembly are determined. A ball bearing stiffness analysis and rotordynamic analysis are performed for both of the bearing unloaded condition and loaded condition. Structural flexibility of the oxidizer pump casing is also included to predict critical speeds. From the numerical analysis, it is confirmed that the rotor system acquires sufficient separate margin of critical speed as a sub-critical rotor even though decrease of critical speed due to the casing structural flexibility.

Hot Test of a Turbopump for a Liquid Rocket Engine (액체로켓엔진용 터보펌프의 고온 성능시험)

  • Hong, Soon-Sam;Kim, Dae-Jin;Kim, Jin-Sun;Kim, Jin-Han
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.33 no.12
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    • pp.933-938
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    • 2009
  • Hot test of a full-scale turbopump for a 30-ton-thrust liquid rocket engine was carried out. The turbopump is composed of an oxidizer pump, a fuel pump, and a turbine on a single shaft. Model fluid was used in the test, that is, hot air for the turbine and water for the pumps. The turbopump was operated stably at full speed for 120 seconds. In terms of performance characteristics of pumps and turbine, the results from the turbopump assembly test are compared with those from the turbopump component tests which were performed at about half of the design rotational speed.

Performance Test of an Oxidizer Tunnel-Type Pipe for Launch Vehicle (발사체 산화제 터널형 배관 성능시험)

  • Kil, Gyoung-Sub;Han, Sang-Yeop;Kho, Hyeon-Seok;Shin, Dong-Sun;Cho, In-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.273-277
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    • 2009
  • An oxidizer tunnel-type pipe, which shall transport oxidizer from an oxidizer tank to a turbo-pump of an engine, studied is installed through a fuel tank located under an oxidizer tank. A tunnel-type pipe can save weight compared to a detour-type pipe, however may vary the temperature of fuel stored in a fuel tank because of a broad heat transfer area. Hence in this study the characteristics of main oxidizer pipe and thermal propagation from oxidizer to a fuel tank are monitored by a cryogenic performance test with a tunnel-type pipe. In addition, the possibility of adaptation of an oxidizer tunnel-type pipe to launcher system is also analyzed.

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The Effect of Partial Blockage of Flow Passage to Performance Change of a Liquid Rocket Engine (유로 단면 부분 폐쇄가 액체로켓엔진 성능 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Won Kook
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 2015
  • The analysis has been performed on the blockage effect at the propellant flow passage in a liquid rocket engine. This simulates an example of emergency situation where flow passage is partially blocked. The analysis method has been validated by predicting the pump head and flow rate within 1% precision against the measured data of turbopump-gas generator coupled test. When the oxidizer passage is reduced it is predicted that the mixture ratio decreases, the oxidizer pump head increases and the gas generator pressure increases. When the fuel passage is reduced it is predicted that the mixture ratio increases, fuel flow rate decreases and the fuel pump head increases.

Modeling and Simulation of Combustion Chamber Test Facility Oxidizer Supply System (연소기 연소시험설비 산화제 공급시스템 해석)

  • Chun, Yonggahp;Cho, Namkyung;Han, Yeoung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.92-97
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    • 2012
  • The propulsion system of space launch vehicle generates thrust by supplying oxidizer and fuel to combustion chamber. KSLV-II 2nd stage engine, currently under development by KARI, is to use liquid oxygen as a oxidizer and JET-A1 as a fuel. The 2nd stage pump-fed engine is mainly composed of combustion chamber, turbo-pump and engine supply system. To develop liquid propulsion engine, the development of combustion chamber must be preceded. For performance validation of the combustion chamber, the designed and manufactured combustion chamber should be tested in combustion chamber test facility (CCTF). The detailed design for the planned CCTF in Naro Space Center was conducted. The oxidizer supply system modeling using AMESim was performed based on the results of the detailed design, and the oxidizer supply characteristics was analyzed in this paper.

Modeling and Simulation of Combustion Chamber Test Facility Oxidizer Supply System (연소기 연소시험설비 산화제 공급시스템 해석)

  • Chung, Yong-Gahp;Cho, Nam-Kyung;Han, Yeoung-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.502-506
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    • 2012
  • The propulsion system of space launch vehicle generates thrust by supplying oxidizer and fuel to combustion chamber. KSLV-II 2nd stage engine, currently under development by KARI, is to use liquid oxygen as a oxidizer and JET-A1 as a fuel. The 2nd stage pump-fed engine is mainly composed of combustion chamber, turbo-pump and engine supply system. To develop liquid propulsion engine, the development of combustion chamber must be preceded. For performance validation of the combustion chamber, the designed and manufactured combustion chamber should be tested in combustion chamber test facility (CCTF). The detailed design for the planned CCTF in Naro Space Center was conducted. The oxidizer supply system modeling using AMESim was performed based on the results of the detailed design, and the oxidizer supply characteristics was analyzed in this paper.

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