• Title/Summary/Keyword: Overlapped Areas

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Study on Application of IUCN Management Category System on Baekdudaegan Protected Area (백두대간보호지역의 IUCN 관리 카테고리 적용 연구)

  • Kim, Seongil;Kang, Mihee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.3
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    • pp.494-503
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    • 2011
  • This study was aimed at applying the IUCN category system to the Baekdudaegan Protected Area. A classification key was developed to apply the system to the overlapped designated protected areas inside of Baekdudaegan Protected Area. Korea national parks and forests managers' and experts' opinions were collected and they all agreed to the use of multiple classification in Baekdudaegan Protected Area. For example, the type of natural forests among the Forest Genetic Resources Reserves was classified to be IUCN Category Ia while other types of Forest Genetic Resources Reserve was classified to be Category IV. And the Protected Forest Landscape was classified to be Category V while the other types of protected forests were classified to be Category VI. The study suggests the need of classification of forest protected areas including Baekdudaegan Protected Area using IUCN system accompanying with protected areas management effectiveness evaluation.

Evaluating Vulnerability to Snowfall Disasters Using Entropy Method for Overlapping Distributions of Vulnerable Factors in Busan, Korea (취약인자의 엔트로피 기반 중첩 분석을 이용한 부산광역시의 적설재해 취약지역 등급 평가)

  • An, ChanJung;Park, Yongmi;Choi, Wonsik
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.2_1
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    • pp.217-229
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    • 2020
  • Recently, weather changes in Korea have intensified due to global warming, and the five major natural disasters that occur mostly include heavy rains, typhoons, storms, heavy snow, and earthquakes. Busan is vulnerable to snow disaster, given that the amount of natural disaster damage in Busan accounts for more than 50% of the total amount in the entire metropolitan cities in Korea, and that the Busan area includes many hilly mountains. In this study, we attempted to identify vulnerable areas for snowfall disasters in Busan areas using the geographic information system (GIS) with the data for both geographical and anthropogenic characteristics. We produced the maps of vulnerable areas for evaluating factors that include altitude, slope, land cover, road networks, and demographics, and overlapped those maps to rank the vulnerability to snowfall disasters as the 5th levels finally. To weight each evaluating factor, we used an entropy method. The riskiest areas are characterized by being located in mountainous areas with roads, including Sansung-ro in Geumjeong-gu, Mandeok tunnel in Buk-gu, Hwangnyeongsan-ro in Suyeong-gu, and others, where road restrictions were actually enforced due to snowfall events in the past. This method is simple and easy to be updated, and thus we think this methodology can be adapted to identify vulnerable areas for other environmental disasters.

A Study on Surveying and Improving Management of Protected Areas in Korea (우리나라 보호지역 관리 실태와 개선방안)

  • Cho, Yong-Hyeon;Lee, Yong-Kwahng
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.64-73
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    • 2010
  • This research intends to suggest the ways to improve protected area management in Korea. To this end, the current protected areas appointed in the nation and their management has been examined, and the problems of management have been identified by means of a field research of protected areas and a survey. In addition, a scheme for an integrated management system has been suggested for management improvement, and a management plan guide, as well as after-evaluation guide, has been suggested. The outcome of the research is as follows. First, the protected area management plan is needed since the protected area in our nation is not managed in a proper way after being appointed as such. Second, when making a management plan, a management organization should make a management plan that can attract voluntary participation from stake-holders by means of efficient communications with them. Third, to maintain the management plan in a consistent and systematic way, related policy, law, and institutions should be (re)formulated. Fourth, an organization responsible only for management of protected areas should be established in consideration of management inefficiency due to the overlapped appointment of managing the protected area. Fifth, the management plan guide and after-evaluation guide can be used for effective protected area management. The results of this study are expected to be helpful for creating a management improvement scheme to address the problems related to the protected areas in our nation. But, it is required to review the guides for the management plan and after-evaluation, and consistent and systemic support from the government in such areas as legislation and policy are also in great need.

A Study on the Deriving of Areas of Concern for Crime using the Mental Map (멘탈 맵을 이용한 범죄발생 우려 지역 도출에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Su Jeong;Shin, Dong Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.177-188
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    • 2019
  • Recently, citizens are feeling anxious as 'Motiveless Crime' increases. The quality of citizens life is degraded and the degree of crime fear is increasing. In this study, based on various variables related to crime other than actual crime occurrence status, crime occurrence points (point line polygon) felt by citizens are created by using mental map methodology. And the purpose of this study is to derive the area of concern for crime through spatial overlap analysis using kernel density estimation analysis. It also uses spatial overlay analysis using kernel density estimation to derive areas of concern for crime occurrence. As a result, the local residents' request point and the areas of concern for crime were overlapped. In addition, the mental map indicating the fear of crime was constructed by mapping mainly the areas between the facilities, the non-construction area such as the narrow area, the security CCTV, the streetlight. This study is meaningful in that it tried to derive a crime occurrence concern area by using mental map method unlike the previous study related to crime. The results of this study, such as mental map, could be used in various fields such as construction of fragile crime map, guideline of crime prevention through environment design.

Isolation and Identification of Yeasts from Wild Flowers in Gyejoksan, Oseosan and Beakamsan of Korea (대전 계족산과 충남 오서산 및 전북 백암산 주위 야생화들로부터 효모의 분리 및 동정)

  • Min, Jin-Hong;Ryu, Jin-Ju;Kim, Ha-Kun;Lee, Jong-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.47-51
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    • 2013
  • Yeasts isolated from wild flowers of Gyejoksan in Daejeon city, Oseosan in Chungchungnamdo, and Baekamsan in Jeollabukdo, Korea were identified by comparison of nucleotide sequences for PCR-amplified D1/D2 region of 26S rDNA or internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1 and 2 including 5.8S rDNA using BLAST. Twelve yeast strains of ten species and seventeen yeast strains of ten species were isolated from wild flowers of Gyejoksan and Oseosan, respectively. And thirty seven yeast strains of twenty four species were isolated from wild flowers of Baekamsan. Total thirty four yeast species were isolated from three different sample collection areas, but only nine species were overlapped from the at least two different sampling areas: Cryptococcus sp., Cryptococcus aureus, Cryptococcus flavescens, Cryptococcus flavus, Metschnikowia sp., Pseudozyma aphidis, Rhodotorula glutinis, Sporobolomyces carnicolor, and Sporobolomyces ruberrimus. Among them only Cryptococcus aureus was occurred from all three different collection sites. Other twenty five species were restricted to specific collection site suggesting that each area has distinctive yeast flora.

Detection and Reconstruction of Road Infromation from Maps by Optical Meural Metwork (시각 신경망을 참고로 한 지도에서의 도로정보의 추출과 복원)

  • Lee, U-Beom;Hwang, Ha-Jeong;Kim, Uk-Hyeon
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.859-870
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    • 1997
  • Computerized map reading system is one of the most important application areas in the image processing.A map databaes can be used for a wide range of scial activities such as narural resource assessment,regional plan-ming,and reaffic nabigation system. The road segments,however,are extracted as briken in the area where they are overlapped and interupted by chracters and symbols.Few approaches have been taken to complete road segnents interupted by map symbols.In this paper,a movel approach for the extracation and completion of road segements interupted by map symbols is proposed using neural networks.The system is applied to 1/25,000 scaled maps published by the Grographical Survey Unstitute of Ministry of Construction of Korea.It will be shown that the system can extract and reconstruct road segmetns for the various areas of maps sucessfully.

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Ultrastructure of the Follicular Oocyte Surface in Rana dybowskii

  • Ju, Jung-Won;Im, Wook-Bin;Kwon, Hyuk Bang;Choi, Hueng-Sik
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2001
  • Rana ovarian follicles consist of oocyte, vitelline envelope, granulosa cells, and theca/epithelial layer. Using scanning electron microscopy, the surface structure of each follicular component was investigated. Changes in oocyte surface during oocyte maturation were also examined. Theca/epithelial layer was almost transparent and some blood vessels and granulosa cells were observed underneath in intact follicle. The number of granulosa cells was estimated to be 6700-7200 per oocyte. The granulosa cells partially overlapped each other and their microvilli penetrated the vitelline membrane via holes present in the vitelline envelope and seemed to be linked to oocyte microvilli. After removal of the vitelline envelope by microforcep, oocyte microvilli were observed on the surface of the devitellined oocyte. The oocyte microvilli formed partial clusters on the surface of white spot area which appears iust before germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), whereas they were evenly distributed in other areas. The microvilli became shorter and less dense with oocyte maturation. The lengths of oocyte microvilli in the immature and mature oocyte were 1.5 $\mu$m and 0.6 $\mu$m, respectively. The present study suggests a fundamental structural change occurring on the oocyte surface during maturation.

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Improvement Scheme of Airborne LiDAR Strip Adjustment

  • Lee, Dae Geon;Lee, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.355-369
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    • 2018
  • LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) strip adjustment is process to improve geo-referencing of the ALS (Airborne Laser Scanner) strips that leads to seamless LiDAR data. Multiple strips are required to collect data over the large areas, thus the strips are overlapped in order to ensure data continuity. The LSA (LiDAR Strip Adjustment) consists of identifying corresponding features and minimizing discrepancies in the overlapping strips. The corresponding features are utilized as control features to estimate transformation parameters. This paper applied SURF (Speeded Up Robust Feature) to identify corresponding features. To improve determination of the corresponding feature, false matching points were removed by applying three schemes: (1) minimizing distance of the SURF feature vectors, (2) selecting reliable matching feature with high cross-correlation, and (3) reflecting geometric characteristics of the matching pattern. In the strip adjustment procedure, corresponding points having large residuals were removed iteratively that could achieve improvement of accuracy of the LSA eventually. Only a few iterations were required to reach reasonably high accuracy. The experiments with simulated and real data show that the proposed method is practical and effective to airborne LSA. At least 80 % accuracy improvement was achieved in terms of RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) after applying the proposed schemes.

Design of efficient location system for multiple mobile nodes in the wireless sensor network

  • Kim, Ki-Hyeon;Ha, Bong-Soo;Lee, Yong-Doo;Hong, Won-Kee
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Information Technology Applications Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.81-84
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    • 2005
  • Various design schemes for network using wireless sensor nodes have been widely studied on the several application areas ranging from the real world information collection to environmental monitor. Currently, the schemes are focused on the design of sensor network for low power consumption, power-aware routing protocol, micro miniature operating system and sensor network middleware. The indoor localization system that identifies the location of the distributed nodes in a wireless sensor network requires features dealing with mobility, plurality and other environmental constraints of a sensor node. In this paper, we present an efficient location system to cope with mobility of multiple mobile nodes by designing a location handler that processes location information selectively depending on the nodes' density in a specific region. In order to resolve plurality of multiple mobile nodes, a routing method for the location system is also proposed to avoid the occurrence of overlapped location data.

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A Study on the network of public library in urban areas with plural library facilities -About the composition of the public library network- (대도시의 공공도서관 네트워크 구성에 관한 연구 -지역 도서관네트워크 구성에 관하여-)

  • 이상호;공순구
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.25
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    • pp.221-228
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    • 2000
  • These days, we face of the flood of books published, and data day by day. But there are some trouble to serve the knowlodge and date to the users efficently with a single library. Thats why we think about the way of the cooporation and the connection in modern library for the method of widening the service. As the result of the issue, the establishment for the relation of each library is needed to be done, and the composition of the public library network in same area and limit are also needed. Establishing the library network, the civil life will be much influenced by the service of a library. With the existing ways, library cant arrange data efficently by them selves, and the users are limited. But the library network collect the data with alloting the work to each portion, so it can be possible to gather the specipic data, and the cost caused by needless and overlapped data can be decreased remarkably. Furthermore, the location of the library can be closer than the existing one due to the less cost to maintain the library. As I explained, the convenience of using the library can make an effect on more people to use a library than before.

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