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Automatic Wood Species Identification of Korean Softwood Based on Convolutional Neural Networks

  • Kwon, Ohkyung;Lee, Hyung Gu;Lee, Mi-Rim;Jang, Sujin;Yang, Sang-Yun;Park, Se-Yeong;Choi, In-Gyu;Yeo, Hwanmyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.797-808
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    • 2017
  • Automatic wood species identification systems have enabled fast and accurate identification of wood species outside of specialized laboratories with well-trained experts on wood species identification. Conventional automatic wood species identification systems consist of two major parts: a feature extractor and a classifier. Feature extractors require hand-engineering to obtain optimal features to quantify the content of an image. A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which is one of the Deep Learning methods, trained for wood species can extract intrinsic feature representations and classify them correctly. It usually outperforms classifiers built on top of extracted features with a hand-tuning process. We developed an automatic wood species identification system utilizing CNN models such as LeNet, MiniVGGNet, and their variants. A smartphone camera was used for obtaining macroscopic images of rough sawn surfaces from cross sections of woods. Five Korean softwood species (cedar, cypress, Korean pine, Korean red pine, and larch) were under classification by the CNN models. The highest and most stable CNN model was LeNet3 that is two additional layers added to the original LeNet architecture. The accuracy of species identification by LeNet3 architecture for the five Korean softwood species was 99.3%. The result showed the automatic wood species identification system is sufficiently fast and accurate as well as small to be deployed to a mobile device such as a smartphone.

Revegetation and human( I ) -Revegetation of face of the slopes in the future- (녹화(綠化)와 인간(人間)( I ) -앞으로의 비탈면 녹화(綠化)-)

  • Chun, Kun-Woo;Kim, Min-Sik;Iwamoto, Tohru;Ezaki, Tsugio
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.74-87
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    • 2001
  • When the revegetation of the slopes is required, it is more desirable to consider it from the ecological view point rather than from the disaster-preventive one because the environment is critical for the introduction of pioneer plants to the denuded slopes. The ecological point of view adheres to the maintenance of the present, original ecosystem of the construction area. The new revegetation technology is presented using native microorganisms and its effective usuage was discussed based on the data in the research field. Direct seeding is recommended and explained in detail than planting seedlings. The importance of inclination angle of slope face is shown for the successful revegetation from its relationship with the thickness of soil. It is indicated that the introduction of pilot plants to the slopes should include their ability to ease the acid rain effects as much as possible. Finally every construction may not be desirable for the maintenance and improvement of the global ecosystem without the consideration of the opinions mentioned above.

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Diagnosis of Vegetation for the Ecological Rehabilitation of Streams - The Case of the Namhan River - (하천의 생태적 복원을 위한 식생학적 진단 - 남한강을 중심으로 -)

  • Myung, Hyun;Kwon, Sang-Zoon;Kim, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2002
  • This study was designed to present a river model with the aim of restoring the ecosystem and improving the landscape along the urban rivers on the basin of the Namhanl river, a core life channel for the National Capital regin. The revelation of botanical status, transition trend and correlation of plants might lead to providing the urban river restoration projects and ecological river formation projects with basic data for a model of ideal aquatic ecology and landscape. The outcomes of this study could be summed up as follows: 1. The plant communities of river flora found on the basin of the Namhan river could be categorized largely into 39 plant communities 2. Most diverse plants were distributed in the rivers lower reaches such as Unsim-ri where the protected zone of Paldang reservoir for city water borders the body of Jodae swamp where natural streams flow nearby. 3. One of the greatest threats to the biomass of the River Namhan is that the communities of such invasive alien plants as Panicum dichotomiflorum and Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior dominate most parts of the area, a fact that has resulted in a reduced variety of plants and will, sooner or later, be likely to cause an ecological imbalance in the hitherto healthy Aquatic plant life. It is highly advisable to gradually diversify the species of trees and to return the plants bark to their original state since, besides the naturalized plants, plantations afforested with Erigeron canadensis and Erigeron annuus stocks in buckwheat field, Robinia Pseudo-accacia in riverside forest, Pinus rigida in terrestrial forest on the river basin and Larix leptolepis are anticipated to act as interceptors of normal migrations of the fluvial and terrestrial ecosystems. Finally, it seems also desirable to continue to explore the relationship between fluvial and terrestrial ecologies with the purpose of building up a model of natural streams in urban areas based on the surveyed factors for plant life, soil and landscape and, moreover, on the forecasting for overall influences derived from the rotation upon the ecosystem.

A Study on Soil Moisture Estimates Performance Using Various Land Surface Models (다양한 지표모형을 활용한 토양수분 예측 성능 평가 연구)

  • Jang, Ye-Geun;Sin, Seoung-Hun;Lee, Tae-Hwa;Jang, Won-Seok;Shin, Yong-Chul;Jang, Keun-Chang;Chun, Jung-Hwa;Kim, Jong-Gun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.64 no.1
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2022
  • Soil moisture is significantly related to crop growth and plays an important role in irrigation management. To predict soil moisture, various process-based model has been developed and used in the world. Various models (Land surface model) may have different performance depending on the model parameters and structures that causes the different model output for the same modeling condition. In this study, the three land surface models (Noah Land Surface Model, Soil Water Atmosphere Plant, Community Land Model) were used to compare the model performance (soil moisture prediction) and develop the multi-model simulation. At first, the genetic algorithm was used to estimate the optimal soil parameters for each model, and the parameters were used to predict soil moisture in the study area. Then, we used the multi-model approach based on Bayesian model averaging (BMA). The results derived from this approach showed a better match to the measurements than the results from the original single land surface model. In addition, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the single model and utilizing multi-model methods can help to increase the accuracy of soil moisture prediction.

Perspectives on the Characteristics and Meanings as of a Traditional Ecological Landscape as Dangsan Forest and Dangsan Ritual Place in Seoseong-ri, Wando-gun (완도군 서성리 당산숲.당산제 공간의 전통생태경관적 특성 및 의미 고찰)

  • Choi, Jai-Ung;Kim, Dong-Yeob;Kim, Mi-Heui;Jo, Lock-Whan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2012
  • Traditional village forests called Dangsan forests and Bibo forests in Korea represent an unique cultural landscape with a history of more than several hundred years. Feng-shui forest in China, Satoyama and Shinto shrine forest in Japan are recognized internationally as 'traditional ecological landscapes'. Dangsan forests and Bibo forests have been preserved through generations in the villages, and are no less valuable than Feng-shui forest, and Satoyama. However, the names of Dangsan forest and Bibo forest have not been well recognized worldwide. Dangsan forest in Seoseong-ri, Wando-gun is located on a mountain slope at a riparian forest. It consists of an evergreen broadleaf forest and Carpinus laxiflora forest. The characteristics of Dangsan forest in Seoseong-ri could be found at 10 sacrifice offering places. Two Dangsan trees on the coastal area are included in the sacrifice offering places. Cultural heritage can retain their value when they are fully sustained. Additional construction, demolition or modification should be banned. Furthermore, all means must be taken to facilitate the preservation of monuments and the value and meanings pertaining to them should not be distorted. In a respect of authenticity, Dangsan forest in Seoseong-ri, Wando-gun seems to have original Dangsan culture based on animism with a philosophic background, where a religious service for the mountain god is held at rock of mountain god, and Dangsan ritual is held at shrine on January 8 at 4:00 am by lunar calendar. Relating to the conservation and management of cultural heritage in international discussion, the importance is that whether there is sustainability on the right to the enjoyment of cultural heritage. Dangsan forest in Seoseong-ri is leaved alone to the public. The forest need a social mechanism to support the recovery of deformed shrine and to heighten public awareness of Dangsan forest in order to claim the value as a unique traditional ecological landscape in Korea.

A Study on the Change and Management of Historical Landscape Forest of Taeneung, Joseon Dynasty Royal Tomb, Seoul, Korea (조선왕릉 태릉(泰陵)의 역사경관림 변화와 관리방안)

  • Kim, Myoung-Sin;Lee, Kyong-Jae;Kim, Jong-Yup;Hur, Ji-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.56-72
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    • 2015
  • This study area for this research was the Taereung of the 2009 World Heritage-listed Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty. The Taereung space was divided into that of the royal tomb space, religious service space, transposition space and entry space. The original vegetation is assumed to have been planted at the right, left and backside of the tomb based on historical research literature. Regarding the original vegetation landscape of Taeneung, it was assumed that Pinus densiflora was distributed around the tomb lines and tomb space, Pinus densiflora was distributed in the religion services space and transposition and Alnus japonica was distributed in the entry space. By the present status of vegetation in Taeneung, the Pinus densiflora forest was the widest area with 50.3% with the broadleaf forest at 33.7%. Quercus aliena, Quercus acutissima, and Quercus mongolica were the main species found in Taeneung. The planting area was 7.9% and Pinus densiflora were the main species planted. To analyze the plant community structure of Taeneung, 108 plots were set and divided into four spaces. The importance of the percentage of those districts was analyzed on a spatial basis and it was found that the current dominant species of the tomb space was Pinus densiflora. However, as Pinus densiflora began dying out, the power of Quercus acutissima increased and an ecological succession from the Pinus densiflora forest to Quercus aliena forest was made. In the spaces of religious services and transposition, Pinus densiflora was decreasing and Quercus spp. was expanded. In the space of entry, the dominant species were Pinus densiflora and Quercus aliena, Pinus densiflora and Quercus aliena. As soil of this area is argillaceous, Pinus densiflora is expected to disappear in the end. The prior vegetation(assumed) and present vegetation of Taeneung were compared and analyzed and a goal of vegetation management and the way in which to manage vegetation were suggested. The goal of vegetation landscape management was to analyze ecological characteristics and vegetation changes, maintain and restore a landscape suitable for historical landscape forests by space. About the space of the tomb, Pinus densiflora forests and Pinus densiflora planting zones forests should be maintained and there should be efforts to restore and manage the Pinus densiflora forests, instead of the Quercus spp. forests. About the space of religious services, Pinus densiflora forests and Pinus densiflora planting zones should be maintained and managed and there should be efforts to restore and manage Pinus densiflora forests to replace Quercus spp. Pinus densiflora forests in the space of transposition should be maintained and managed and Pinus densiflora forests should be restored to replace Quercus spp. trees. Alnus japonica forests should be restored in the space of entry.

Effects of Forest Fire on the Forest Vegetation and Soil (II) (황폐산지(荒廢山地)에서의 산불이 삼림식생(森林植生) 및 토양(土壤)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관한 연구(研究)(II))

  • Woo, Bo Myeong;Kwon, Tae Ho;Ma, Ho Seop;Lee, Heon Ho;Lee, Jong Hak
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.68 no.1
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 1985
  • The second year's results of surface fire effects on forest vegetation and soil properties and fire tolerance of various tree species were investigated in Mt. Gwanak, Kyunggi-do, successively after the study of the first year's effect in the same place. Soil moisture contents, organic matters, and most of soil nutrients including exchangeable bases had increased just after fire and went down to become somewhat constant. Available phosphorous at fired area decreased until it became similar to that at unfired area, while pH of subsoil was continuously increasing from just after fire till after 1 year. For Lespedeza and Weigela species, fire tolerance of tree crown was the lowest but reproductive capacity was the highest. And both of them were high for Rhododendron species. More exact classification into Increasers, Decreasers, Invaders and Neutral species was possible in the second year's study. According to comparison of similarities, it was found that the vegetational structure at fired area is slowly restoring to original state as time goes.

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An Analysis on Landscape Ecological Pattern of the Geumho River Watershed Forest (금호강 유역 산림의 경관생태적 패턴분석)

  • Park, Kyung-Hun;Jung, Sung-Gwan;Lee, Hyun-Taek;Oh, Jeong-Hak;Kim, Kyung-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 2004
  • An artificial disturbance like fragmentation in watershed forest has impacted a sustainability of watershed ecosystem, therefore this research quantified the landscape structure in the Geumho river watershed using landscape indices and GIS. Landscape indices were calculated from the forest distributed maps for 24 subwatersheds. Three common factors, which explained about 85% of the variation in the original data, were extracted by a factor analysis. The fragmentation gradient in forest landscape, which was calculated from the factor scores, was correlated with proportion of urban land (r=0.827, p<0.01, R2=0.685), elevation (r=-0.637, p<0.01) and slope gradient (r=-0.593, p<0.01). The result of the study presented that the methodology and the values of landscape indices to assess the structural patterns of forest landscape for the Geumho river watershed management. Future research will be directed towards the detection of impacts of landscape patterns and their changes on the integrity of watershed environments.

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Community and Population Structure of Berchemia berchemiaefolia Forest (망개나무림(林)의 군집(群集) 구조(構造)와 개체군(個體群) 구조(構造))

  • Lee, Joon Hyouk;Yun, Chung Weon;Hong, Sung Cheon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.94 no.4 s.161
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    • pp.269-276
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    • 2005
  • This research was carried out in order to make clear population and community structure of Berchemia berchemiaefolia forest surveyed from October 1998 to October 2004 which was located in Janggok-Ri Gunwi-Gun, Kyungpook province. B. berchemiaefolia community was classified into 3 groups such as Picrasma quassioides group, Carex ciliata-marginata group and Typical group using ZM methods. In case of floristic composition structure according to crown stories, B. berchemiaefolia occupied 42.82%, 34.43%, and 5.28%, in tree layer, subtree layer and shrub layer, respectively. Importance value of Quercus variabilis, Platycarya strobilacea and Quercus serrate species was generally high. Species diversity of Picrasma quassioides group indicated 1.6669 which was highest value among the 3 vegetation groups. Population of B. berchemiaefolia showed overall the structure of reverse J type in DBH class showing the peak between 6 cm and 10 cm and reached 14 meters in height class, and the age structure of the population ranged from 11 years to 60 years showing regular distribution type. Stump sprout or/and epicormic branch made numerous stems around original stump of previous generation which was considered to be cut and disappeared by residents. Seedlings or/and saplings of B. berchemiaefolia were intensively occurred in the opened areas of forest road. Those things could be certainly considered to establish management plan of B. berchemiaefolia forest.

The Determination of Probability Distributions of Annual, Seasonal and Monthly Precipitation in Korea (우리나라의 연 강수량, 계절 강수량 및 월 강수량의 확률분포형 결정)

  • Kim, Dong-Yeob;Lee, Sang-Ho;Hong, Young-Joo;Lee, Eun-Jai;Im, Sang-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study was to determine the best probability distributions of annual, seasonal and monthly precipitation in Korea. Data observed at 32 stations in Korea were analyzed using the L-moment ratio diagram and the average weighted distance (AWD) to identify the best probability distributions of each precipitation. The probability distribution was best represented by 3-parameter Weibull distribution (W3) for the annual precipitation, 3-parameter lognormal distribution (LN3) for spring and autumn seasons, and generalized extreme value distribution (GEV) for summer and winter seasons. The best probability distribution models for monthly precipitation were LN3 for January, W3 for February and July, 2-parameter Weibull distribution (W2) for March, generalized Pareto distribution (GPA) for April, September, October and November, GEV for May and June, and log-Pearson type III (LP3) for August and December. However, from the goodness-of-fit test for the best probability distributions of the best fit, GPA for April, September, October and November, and LN3 for January showed considerably high reject rates due to computational errors in estimation of the probability distribution parameters and relatively higher AWD values. Meanwhile, analyses using data from 55 stations including additional 23 stations indicated insignificant differences to those using original data. Further studies using more long-term data are needed to identify more optimal probability distributions for each precipitation.