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Developing the Satellite Image based e-Thematic Construction and Management System -Case Study of Supporting Forest Administrative Service- (위성영상기반 전자주제도 작성 및 관리시스템 개발 - 산림행정업무지원서비스를 사례연구로 -)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Jo, Yun-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2006
  • Recently the dramatical development of domestic spatial information technology and the successful construction of Korea NGIS(Nation Geographic Information System) have been the foundation of the scientific national territory utilization and management. However, there still exists the original problems to construct the thematic maps for supporting the various administrative services because administrative officials tend to depend on paper maps and inventories to generate spatial information, process, upgrade and manage. In this situation, there is a greater need to develop GIS system for the effective construction of various thematic maps. In this study, the satellite image based high accurate e-thematic construction and management system was developed to support the forest administrative service such as generating user based forest thematic maps, modifying them, analyzing and outputting through GIS, GPS and satellite images. For the case study, the previous forest paper map of Jeju Island was converted in format of raster and vector data using satellite images to maintain more exact location information so that this system helps to manage domestic spatial information scientifically and effectively within shorter time then support the standard for domestic spatial information. Moreover, this system plays the role of DSS(Decision Supporting System) for forest administrative affairs by integrating the attribute data, managing the GPS data and linking the multimedia data. For this, the additional main objective of this study was acquired powerful GIS component, which is called as e-mapping component, so that it could be regarded as enabling interoperability and reusability within this application. For the future works, the essential element idea and technology in this study could be applied very usefully to other official works such as constructing thematic maps and supporting the desired affairs.

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Pulping Properties of Bast Fibers of Paper Mulberry by Pre-steaming and 2-stage Cooking System (증기 전처리 및 2단 증해 시스템에 의한 닥 인피부의 펄프화 특성)

  • Hwang, Ji Hyun;Seo, Jin Ho;Kim, Hyoung Jin
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2013
  • The traditional Hanji-making was confronted with lots of industrial disadvantages and economic problems, due to the original hand-made process. Recently, the studies on the automation of overall Hanji manufacturing process is carried out by applying the commercial chemical pulping method in order to expand industrial application or efficiency of non-wood fibrous materials. However, the application of commercial pulping methods to the bast tissues of paper mulberry leads to the chemical and mechanical deterioration of cellulosic fibers. In this study, the optimal cooking method using the bast parts of paper mulberry produced by an auto-scraping device was applied to minimize the damage of fiber strength for the paper yarn manufacture. The pre-steaming treatment and alkaline pulping systems were evaluated in removal efficiency of lignin and pectin materials within the bast tissue of paper mulberry. With the application of pre-steaming treatment and 2 stage pulping system using potassium carbonate and then sodium hydroxide, kappa values were decreased two times more in lignin removal than the single stage of pulping method. It was also identified from SEM images and ATR-FTIR spectra that the pectin components within cellular structure of bast tissue were easily removed and the debarked bast parts by a auto-scraping device were easily defiberized by 2-stage pulping sequence using potassium carbonate/sodium hydroxide pulping system.

Perspectives of methodology for Heighten Public Awareness of Dangsan Forest as Cultural Contents -Case of Alternative Trail of Jeoji Oreum Connected with Dang in Jeju Island- (문화콘텐츠로서의 당산숲 인식 증진을 위한 방법론 고찰 -당(堂)과 연계시킨 제주도 저지오름 대안 탐방로 모색을 사례로-)

  • Choi, Jai-Ung;Kim, Dong Yeob
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.924-934
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    • 2013
  • Traditional village forests in the Jeju Island represent unique cultural landscape with a history of more than several hundred years as a national cultural asset in Korea. There are 368 Oreums, parasitic volcanoes, and 391 shrines of Dang(Divine place) in Jeju. Currently, the shrines of Dang are damaged by the Jeju Olle trail path and road constructions. It's time for cultural consents to be obtained with locality and globality. And need to produce our own unique contents, glocal cultural contents. In this study, the establishment of trail path of Jeoji Oreum in relation to the Dang in the Jeju Island was investigated. By linking the Dangsan forest to the Jeoji Oreum trail path, it enables the path to contact with traditional cultural landscape. Rural villages in Jeju with the Oreum and Dang are expected to get an international attention as to have traditional cultural landscapes of Korea. It needs to be managed to retain their original form and in connection with the trail path.

Identification by 16S rDNA Partial Sequencing of Thermophilic Bacteria with Fermentation of Pig Manure (16S rDNA 증폭에 의한 부분염기서열을 이용한 분뇨 발효 관련 고온 호기성 박테리아의 동정)

  • Kim, Myung Kil;Choi, Don Ha;Choi, In Gyu;Kim, Byung Gyu;Song, Jae Gyung
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.68-78
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate the identification of thermophilic hacterial with fermentation of pig manure. To identify the characters of thermophilic bacteria related to fermentation at a high temperature condition, we selected 28 different kinds of original settling thermophilic bacteria that were sampled at different 23 areas. They were distributed 11×105108CFU at medium and the enzyme activity at 55C incubation condition, especially cellulase and a-amylase, were higher than those of 30C. Partial sequencing data for 165 rDNA region were obtained from 28 samples representing 15 different genera. Bacillus subcilis, one of those bacteria, has endodermic spores at high fermented condition.

The Analysis of Landscape Ecological Effect of Forest by Trail-Building (등산로 개설에 의한 산림의 경관생태학적 영향 분석)

  • Lee, Woo-Sung;Park, Kyung-Hun;Kim, Dong-Pil
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.128-137
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of hiking trails on forest landscape's fragmentation, based on which also to assess the landscape-ecology-based integrity by small drainage area by selecting Bukhansan National Park as a survey target. The results of effect analysis are as follow; size of forest patch decreased; the density of patch and edge increased; patch shape became complicated; the dimensions of core area noticeably decreased and proximity degree between patch increased after trail-building. In addotion, the assessment results of overall landscape ecology-based integrity by small drainage basin showed that the Bukhansan catchment area was highest making 3.7 point, while Gugi catchment area was rated the lowest making 1.6 point. Putting the above results together, it is necessary to prohibit the opening up of unnecessary trails and to make room for ecological restoration of damaged and disturbance area to their original state as nature goes for landscape-ecology-based conservation and management of forests.

Development of a decision supporting system for forest management based on the Tabu Search heuristic algorithm (Tabu Search 휴리스틱 알고리즘을 이용한 산림경영 의사결정지원시스템 구현)

  • Park, Ji-Hoon;Won, Hyun-Kyu;Kim, Young-Hwan;Kim, Man-Pil
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.229-237
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    • 2010
  • Recently, forest management objectives become more complex and complicated, and spatial constraints were necessarily considered for ecological stability. Now forest planning is required to provide an optimized solution that is able to achieve a number of management objectives and constraints. In this study, we developed a decision supporting system based on the one of dynamic planning techniques, Tabu Search (TS) heuristic algorithm, which enable one to generate an optimized solution for given objectives and constraints. For this purpose, we analyzed the logical flow of the algorithm and designed the subsequence of processes. To develop a high-performance computing system, we examined a number of strategy to minimize execution time and workloads in each process and to maximize efficiency of using system resources. We examined two model based on the original TS algorithm and revised version of TS algorithm and compared their performance in optimization process. The results showed high performance of the developed system in providing feasible solutions for several management objectives and constraints. Moreover, the revised version of TS algorithm was appeared to be more stable for providing results with minimum variation. The developed system is expected to use for developing forest management plans in Korea.

Torrefaction Characteristics of Wood Chip for the Production of High Energy Density Wood Pellet (고에너지밀도 펠릿제조를 위한 목재칩 반탄화 특성)

  • Lee, Jae-Won;Kim, Young-Hun;Lee, Soo-Min;Lee, Hyoung-Woo
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.385-389
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    • 2012
  • In this study, torrefaction of mixed softwood chips under anoxic condition was performed to improve energy density and maintain consistent quality of biomass. Characteristics of torrefied biomass depending on reaction time (30 min) and temperature (240, 260,280C) were investigated. Torrefaction of mixed softwood chips significantly improved the heating value compared to that of untreated biomass. As the torrefaction temperature was increased, the carbon content of torrefied biomass increased from 46.55 to 55.73%, while its hydrogen and oxygen contents decreased from 6.00 to 5.87% and from 30.55 to 27.21%, respectively. Most of hemicelluloses and volatile compounds were removed during torrefaction. The highest heating value was 5132 kcal/kg when torrefaction was performed at280C for 30 min. It implied that the heating value increased by 13% compared to that of original biomass. However, the condition of effective torrefaction was at 240C for 30 min when weight loss and energy yield was considered.

Estimation of Forest Productivity for Post-Wild-fire Restoration in East Coastal Areas (동해안 산불피해지 복구를 위한 산림생산력의 추정)

  • Koo, Kyo-Sang;Lee, Myung-Jong;Shin, Man-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.36-44
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    • 2010
  • In order to rehabilitate forest sites damaged by wildfire via natural or artificial restoration, it is important to determine right tree species, which can acclimate to biogeoclimatic environment at the sites. The objectives of this study were to develop site index equation of different tree species for estimating forest productivity and to provide information on species selection for post-wildfire restoration. Site index equation was developed based on environmental information from wildfire damaged areas in Gangneung, Goseong, Donghae, and Samcheok, where were located in east coastal areas of South Korea. Despite the small numbers (4~5) of environmental variables used for the development of the site index equations, statistical analysis (e.g. mean difference, standard deviation of difference, and standard error of difference) showed relatively low bias and variation, suggesting that those equations can provide relatively high capability of estimation and practical applicability with high effectiveness. The small numbers of the variables enabled the model to be applied in a wide range of usages including determination of appropriate tree species for post-wildfire restoration. The estimation of forest site productivity showed the possibility of large distribution in east coastal region as the best site for Korean ash (Fraxinus rhynchophylla) and original oak (Quercus variabilis) that can be used for firebreak in the region. These results imply that damages by forest fire can be reduced significantly by replacing existing pure coniferous forests in the area with ones dominated by broad-leaved deciduous stands, which can play an important role as fire break and/or prevent a transition from surface fire to crown fire.

Analysis of Spatial Changes in the Forest Landscape of the Upper Reaches of Guem River Dam Basin according to Land Cover Change (토지피복변화에 따른 금강 상류 댐 유역 산림 경관의 구조적 변화 분석)

  • Kyeong-Tae Kim;Hyun-Jung Lee;Whee-Moon Kim;Won-Kyong Song
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.289-301
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    • 2023
  • Forests within watersheds are essential in maintaining ecosystems and are the central infrastructure for constructing an ecological network system. However, due to indiscriminate development projects carried out over past decades, forest fragmentation and land use changes have accelerated, and their original functions have been lost. Since a forest's structural pattern directly impacts ecological processes and functions in understanding forest ecosystems, identifying and analyzing change patterns is essential. Therefore, this study analyzed structural changes in the forest landscape according to the time-series land cover changes using the FRAGSTATS model for the dam watershed of the Geum River upstream. Land cover changes in the dam watershed of the Geum River upstream through land cover change detection showed an increase of 33.12 square kilometers (0.62%) of forests and 67.26 square kilometers (1.26%) of urbanized dry areas and a decrease of 148.25 square kilometers (2.79%) in agricultural areas from the 1980s to the 2010s. The results of no-sampling forest landscape analysis within the watershed indicated landscape percentage (PLAND), area-weighted proximity index (CONTIG_AM), average central area (CORE_MN), and adjacency index (PLADJ) increased, and the number of patches (NP), landscape shape index (LSI), and cohesion index (COHESION) decreased. Identification of structural change patterns through a moving window analysis showed the forest landscape in Sangju City, Gyeongsangbuk Province, Boeun County in Chungcheongbuk Province, and Jinan Province in Jeollabuk Province was relatively well preserved, but fragmentation was ongoing at the border between Okcheon County in Chungcheongbuk Province, Yeongdong and Geumsan Counties in Chungcheongnam Province, and the forest landscape in areas adjacent to Muju and Jangsu Counties in Jeollabuk Province. The results indicate that it is necessary to establish afforestation projects for fragmented areas when preparing a future regional forest management strategy. This study derived areas where fragmentation of forest landscapes is expected and the results may be used as basic data for assessing the health of watershed forests and establishing management plans.

Using Mean Residual Life Functions for Unique Insights into Strengths of Materials Data

  • Guess Frank M.;Zhang Xin;Young Timothy M.;Leon Ramon V.
    • International Journal of Reliability and Applications
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2005
  • We show how comparative mean residual life functions (MRL) can be used to give unique insights into strengths of materials data. Recall that Weibull's original reliability function was developed studying and fitting strengths for various materials. This creative comparing of MRL functions approach can be used for regular life data or any time to response data. We apply graphical MRL's to real data from tests of tensile strength of high quality engineered wood.

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