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Parameterization of the Temperature-Dependent Development of Panonychus citri (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae) and a Matrix Model for Population Projection (귤응애 온도발육 매개변수 추정 및 개체군 추정 행렬모형)

  • Yang, Jin-Young;Choi, Kyung-San;Kim, Dong-Soon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.235-245
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    • 2011
  • Temperature-related parameters of Panonychus citri (McGregor) (Acarina: Tetranychidae) development were estimated and a stage-structured matrix model was developed. The lower threshold temperatures were estimated as 8.4C for eggs, 9.9C for larvae, 9.2C for protonymphs, and 10.9C for deutonymphs. Thermal constants were 113.6, 29.1, 29.8, and 33.4 degree days for eggs, larvae, protonymphs, and deutonymphs, respectively. Non-linear development models were established for each stage of P. citri. In addition, temperature-dependent total fecundity, age-specific oviposition rate, and age-specific survival rate models were developed for the construction of an oviposition model. P. citri age was categorized into five stages to construct a matrix model: eggs, larvae, protonymphs, deutonymphs and adults. For the elements in the projection matrix, transition probabilities from an age class to the next age class or the probabilities of remaining in an age class were obtained from development rate function of each stage (age classes). Also, the fecundity coefficients of adult population were expressed as the products of adult longevity completion rate (1/longevity) by temperature-dependent total fecundity. To evaluate the predictability of the matrix model, model outputs were compared with actual field data in a cool early season and hot mid to late season in 2004. The model outputs closely matched the actual field patterns within 30 d after the model was run in both the early and mid to late seasons. Therefore, the developed matrix model can be used to estimate the population density of P. citri for a period of 30 d in citrus orchards.

The Development and Life Table Parameters of Tetranychus kanzawai (Acarina: Tetranychidae) on Leaves of 'shiranuhi' and Japanese Violet in the Laboratory (한라봉과 왜제비꽃 잎에서 차응애의 발육과 생명표 통계량)

  • Hyun, Heejeong;Kim, Subin;Kim, Dong-Soon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.59 no.2
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    • pp.153-163
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the fitness of Tetranychus kanzawai Kishida on different host plants: young and old leaves of the mandarin orange 'shiranuhi' ((Citrus unshiu × C. sinensis) × C. reticulata), Japanese violet (Viola japonica Langsd.) and kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The development and oviposition experiments were conducted at constant temperatures (20, 25 and 30℃) and a life table parameters were estimated. T. kanzawai could complete it's development on 'shiranuhi' young leaves, japanese violet and kidney bean, while all died during the immature period on 'shiranuhi' old leaves. The total developmental period of T. kanzawai feeding on 'shiranuhi' young leaves was 17.4, 13.4 and 10.2 days at each temperature, respectively, which was longer than 16.1, 9.5 and 7.0 days of kidney bean. The female longevity of T. kanzawai on young leaves of 'shiranuhi' were 19.1, 15.0 and 12.3 days at each temperature, respectively, and there was no significant difference from 22.1, 14.1 and 10.9 days investigated from kidney bean. The fecundity was 18.1, 23.9 and 17.8 eggs per female, which was less than them of japanese violet and kidney bean at each temperature, respectively. As a result of estimating the life table parameters based on the experimental data, intrinsic rate of increase (rm) were significantly different from each other, and appeared in the following order: kidney (0.1542, 0.2563 and 0.3251), japanese violet (0.1087, 0.2007 and 0.2673) and 'shiranuhi' young leaves (0.0868, 0.1002 and 0.1217) at each temperature, respectively. Finally, the management strategy against T. kanzawai in citrus orchards was discussed based on the results.

Stimulation of Flowering in Chamaecyparis obtusa Grafts by Gibberellin Treatments (Gibberellin 처리(處理)에 의(依)한 편백나무의 개화촉진(開花促進))

  • Kim, Won Woo;Kim, Zin Suh
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.87 no.4
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    • pp.549-556
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    • 1998
  • To develop the effective methods of flowering stimulation, Hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Sieh. et Zuec.) grafts growing in a seed orchard and in a clone bank in Southern Breeding Station of Cheju were applied with gibberellin treatments, and predicted the seed production potential. In the seed orchard, GA4/7 1.5cc was injected into the stem of drafts and sprayed whale tree crown with GA3 300ppm and GA4/7 300ppm. Un the other hand, in the clonal archives, drafts were given intrusion of GA4/7 1.5cc into the excised and open inner part of bark wind GA3 20mg and sprayed with GA3 300ppm. Additionally, grafts growing in the seed orchard were treated with gibberellins at 3 different periods of time and 3 different treatments during the growing season. The results obtained here are summarized as follows : 1. All of the applications of Gilbberellin promoted female flower formation. Among these, the treatment of intrusion of GA4/7 1.5cc into the excised and open inner part of bark was racist effective, followed by the spraying of GA3 300ppm. Similarly, the applications of gibberellin promoted male flower formation. 2. Regarding the time of applications, treatment on August 15 was more effective than those of August 31 and September 11 in the stimulation of female flowers. On the contrary, there was no significant difference in the number of male flowers among 3 different time treatments. 3. It was supposed that the application of the intrusion of GA4/7 1.5cc into the excised and open inner part of bark on August 15 showing the best effect in female flower formation can produce 22.12kg seeds per ha. 4. Considerable significant difference existed among clones for both female and male flower formations. 5. Flower formation, especially female flower formation, seemed to be partially associated with the genetic potential of individual trees.

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Identification, Larval Host Plant Range, and Damage of the Fruit Sucking Moths to the Major Fruit in Cheonnam Province (주요(主要) 과수(果樹)에 대(對)한 흡수(吸收)나방류(類)의 종류(種類), 유충(幼蟲)의 기주범위(寄主範圍) 및 피해상(被害相)에 관(關)하여(전남(全南) 과수지대(果樹地帶) 중심(中心)))

  • Kim, Kyu-Chin;Lee, Tae-Sik
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.24 no.4 s.65
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    • pp.183-190
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    • 1986
  • Identification of fruit sucking moths, their larval host plant, and degree of damages to fruits were investigated in 198283 at two orchards in Cheonnam province. In this study, 4 families 30 species were collected as fruit sucking moths and among them 10 species are newly recorded in Korea as fruit sucking moth: Catocala electa(B.), Spirama helicina(H.), Erebus ephesperis(H.), Parallelia stuposa(F.), Simplicia niphona(B.), Marumba gaschkewitschii(B. et G.), Agrius convolvuli(L.), Thyatira batis (L.), and Spilosoma niveum(M.). Larval host plants of fruit sucking moths in the vicinity of the fruit orchard include Cocculus trilobus D., Albizzia julibrissin D., Pterocarya rhoifolia S., Jaglans mandshurica M., Solanum melongena L., Brassia campestris S., Rubus idaeus C., Thalictrum aquilegifol L., and Rhus succedanea L. As the damage on different varieties of the main fruit trees, plum was orderly Santa Rosa>Beauty, Apple was Chook>Hong Og, Peach was Choseng Baeg Do>Hwang Do>Baeg Do, and Grape was Campbell Early>Neo Mascat>Golden Queen. Seasonal occurrence of main fruit sucking moth Spirama retorta(C.) showed peak 3 times in early-July, late-July, early-September. Oraesia emerginata(F.) showed peak 3 times in late-July, early-August, early- September and Lagoptera juno(D.) showed peak only in late-July and Adrias tyrannus amurensis(S.) showed peak only in mid-July. Fruit sucking moths were immigrated from p.m. 6 to a.m. 2, with peak in p.m. 10 to p.m. 12.

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Damage, Occurrence, and Optimal Control Period of Eurytoma maslovskii Affecting Japanese Apricot (Prunus mume) Fruits in Jeonnam Province (복숭아씨살이좀벌(Eurytoma maslovskii )에 의한 전남지역 매실 피해현황, 발생생태 및 방제적기)

  • Choi, Duck-Soo;Ko, Sug-Ju;Ma, Kyeong-Cheul;Kim, Hyo-Jeong;Kim, Do-Ik;Kim, Hyeun-Woo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.191-197
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    • 2015
  • Fruit drop due to Eurytoma maslovskii infestations of Japanese apricot (Prunus mume) is a serious economic issue in most parts of Jeonnam Province, with the exception of the coastal areas such as Wando, Shinan, Yeosu, and Muan. The average incidence of fruit drop was 67% in 2013 and 33.3% in 2014. E. maslovskii larvae overwinter inside the pits of Japanese apricots. Larval survival rates decrease to less than 30% after a rainy summer season. The eggs are long oval of 0.68 mm, 0.29 mm and ivory white. Mature larva is of 6.56 mm, 3.18 mm. Free pupa are black, adult females and males of 6.97 mm, 4.90 mm lengths, respectively, while the ovipositor is 0.64 mm in length. Adult emergence occurs from early April to early May, when Japanese apricot fruits are from 4 mm to 17 mm in diameter. Adults persist for 13.5 d after emergence, and the sex ratio of females to males was found th be 45.9:54.1. Although up to four eggs may be oviposited per fruit, only one larva will ultimately survive, ans the larvae are cannibalistic. The period during which E. maslovskii is able to oviposit on Japanese apricots only lasts from mid- to late April (fruit diameter: 12~16 mm). When the diameter of the fruit is >16 mm, the pit of the Japanese apricot hardens and larvae have difficultly penetrating the stone. Therefore, the most effective method of controlling this pest is to spray orchards with a control agent 2~3 times, at 5 d intervals, beginning in mid- April.

Effect of White and Blue Wind Net Shading on the Quality of 'Fuji' and 'Hongro' Apple Fruits (백색 및 청색 방풍망 차광 처리가 '후지', '홍로' 사과 과실의 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Kyeong-Jin;Seo, Jeong-Hak;Yoon, Hong-Ki;Seo, Jeong-Seok;Joo, Jung-Il;Chun, Jong-Pil
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.120-129
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    • 2020
  • In Yesan-gun, Korea's main apple-producing region, the area of apple cultivation and yield are declining. In particular, the worsening quality of fruits due to unusually high temperatures amid recent climate change has also become a major challenge for apple orchards located on flatlands. The objective of this research is to investigate quality changes of apples according to different growing environments, depending on the shade of the sun, by covering the trees with different colors of wind nets. A white and blue wind nets with a hole size of 2 × 2 mm is installed on two experimental trees, 17-year-old 'Fuji' and 'Hongro', which are planted 1.5 m × 3.5 m in the north-south direction. Treatment of wind nets effectively lowered fruit surface temperature regardless of apple variety. When measuring the temperature of the fruit surface at 2 pm, the temperature of the air was 34.8℃, but the 'Fuji' of the untreated blocks was the highest at 40.0℃, while the blue wind net and the white wind net were significantly lower at 34.9℃ and 36.6℃, respectively. In 'Hongro', the results showed that the surface temperature was effectively lowered by recording 38.3℃ for the blue wind net and 38.5℃ for the white wind net treatment when the untreated one was 44.2℃. According to the color difference in 'Fuji', the skin redness (a) was the lowest with untreated control at 16.5, but the blue and white wind net treatment higher at 18.0 and 19.3, respectively. In 'Hongro', the white wind net treated fruit also showed a much higher skin redness than the untreated control of 28.1, showing much higher a of 34.9. Sunburn damage in 'Fuji' apples amounted to 9.4% in untreated control. However, the blue and white wind net treatment revealed to 3.8% and 4.2%, respectively. In 'Hongro', those damage in the fruits treated with blue or white wind net, accounted for only 8.8% and 12.4%, respectively, significantly lower than 28.8% occurrence of untreated one. And, these results were understood to be the result of low UV radiation being blocked by the treatment of wind nets.

Correlations between quality indices and consumer acceptance in environment-friendly 'Campbell early' grapes (친환경 포도의 품질 인자와 소비자 기호도의 상관성 분석)

  • Lee, Da Uhm;Bae, Jeong Mi;Ku, Kyung Hyung;Choi, Jeong Hee
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.1058-1064
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the correlation between physicochemical (color, soluble solids content (SSC), pH, titratable acidity (TA), and firmness) and sensory (appearance, taste, odor, and texture) characteristics of environment-friendly 'Campbell early' grapes to identify quality indices. For analysis, samples of similar-sized grapes were collected from five orchards. The results showed that the physicochemical characteristics of CIE L, CIE a/b, SSC, pH, TA, and firmness and the sensorial characteristics of color intensity, freshness of stem, odor, sourness, sweetness, and elasticity were different among groups. Correlation analysis results showed that an increase in sweetness and firmness and a decrease in sourness were associated with an increase in overall acceptance. Sourness and sweetness were positively correlated with CIE L (r=0.88) and firmness (r=0.95), individually. In the principal component analysis results, component F1 and F2 explained 44.35% and 33.77%, respectively, of the total variance (78.12%). F1 represented firmness, sweetness, elasticity, hardness, grape odor, color intensity, sweet odor, sourness, and damage degree. F2 represented CIE L, TA, CIE a, CIE a/b, SSC/TA, SSC, and peel thickness. The results showed that consumer acceptance of 'Campbell early' grapes can be determined by assessing physicochemical attributes of firmness, CIE L, TA, CIE a, CIE a/b, SSC/TA, and SSC and various sensorial attributes including sweetness, fruit elasticity, fruit hardness, grape odor, and color intensity.

An Investigation of Local Naming Issue of Phoenix dactylifera (대추야자나무(Phoenix dactylifera)의 명칭문제 고찰)

  • Kim, Young-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 2018
  • In the Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Judas, Greece, and Rome, Phoenix dactylifera was planted in gardens or orchards to signify life, blessing, and victory. Branches of Phoenix dactylifera, likened to high and precious, were referred to one of the gifts to the king in the second century BC and have been used in the Feast of Tabernacles. And they were engraved on the walls of the temple and along with cherub. Besides, Phoenix dactylifera is compared with a righteous person in the Bible since it grows straight despite strong winds. And, it was used as a symbol of honesty, justice, and right. Churches call the week before Easter Palm Sunday since the crowd laid the leaves of date palm trees on the road and shouted "Hosanna" while waving the date palm branches when Jesus entered Jerusalem. Moreover, pilgrim in the Middle Ages was called 'Palmer' in English due to custom of returning with the leaves and branches of date palm trees as a memorial of the Holy Land pilgrimage. This study analyzes naming issue of Phoenix dactylifera through the old literature and 27 versions of the most influential Bibles in History of Bible Translation in Korea, China, and Japan. Phoenix dactylifera is translated into Chinese as '棕櫚(Trachycarpus fortunei)', a native tree of China. 棕櫚 is similar to Phoenix dactylifera, but its fruit and leaf are quite distinct. This being so, translating Phoenix dactylifera as 棕櫚 has a limit to convey symbolic meaning adequately. In the Japanese Bible, on the other hand, Phoenix dactylifera is translated as 'なつめやし(Natsumeyashi)' meant date palm tree. Most of Protestant Bible in Korea use 'Jongryeo' like Chinese Bible while translation in Korean Catholic Bible(2005) varies from one scripture to another: 'Yaja Namu (Palm Tree)' - 38 times, 'Jongryeo Namu' - 5 times, and 'Daechu Yaja Namu (Date Palm Tree)' - 3 times. Date Palm Tree, 'Jongryeo Tree', and Palm Tree don't grow in Korea. However, they had long been recognized as Haejo(海棗), Jongryeo(?櫚), and Yaja(椰子) respectively through China and Japan. Each of them called by a distinct name correspond with its own characteristic and used separately in Korean Classics as Jongryeo and Haejo were identified in ancient Chinese literatures. It seems that more confusion was raised since 'Palm' was translated as 'Jongryeo' in several books including "?藤和英大辭典 (1915)", "Modern 朝鮮外來語辭典(1938)", and "Latin-Korean Dictionary(1995)". However, the Latin term 'Palmae' is translated into English as either palm tree or date palm. The results of this study suggest that more accurate translation of Phoenix dactylifera in the Bible would be 'Daechu Yaja Namu (Date Palm Tree)' and using different name fit for its own characteristic would be more appropriate.

Landscape of Erosional Basin in Korea -In case of land-use changes of hills- (우리 나라 침식분지의 경관 -구릉지의 토지이용 변화를 중심으로-)

  • Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.83-96
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    • 2000
  • Erosional basins formed in middle and upper reaches of Korean great rivers have been main life space of local small and middle cities, but previous studies on erosional basins are widely apart from residents' life and are in shortage with the endeavor to elucidate the man and environment relationship. This paper analyzes the factors and the modes of land-use changes of hills in the erosional basin. In this paper four erosional basins with different geological conditions are selected to elucidate the effect of geological factor(Geochang: granite, Chogye: metamorphic rock, Angye: gravelly sedimentary rock, Maseong: limestone). And the distribution of land use on the transverse and longitudinal cross-section map of the hill is described. The landscape of erosional basin is consisted of surrounding mountains, hills, dissected valleys, and incoming river's floodplain. Dissected valleys and incoming river's floodplain were reclaimed early as paddy field and hills have been used as woodland up to recently. Residents have a new appreciation of hills as a productive hill out of a traditional holy space[mountain] by influence of capitalistic thought that 'natural environment is a sort of productive resource'. Population increase is the another pressure of hill reclamation. The modes of landscape changes due to natural conditions are as follow: (1) In Geochang basin with dense tectolineament spacing, the gentle part of hill is used as field, orchard and agricultural-industrial complex site and the steep part is as woodland. (2) Hills in Angye basin with sparse tectolineament spacing are relatively flat because of maintaining a part of original denudational surface, and are used as orchids, field, paddy fields and agricultural-industrial complex site. The dissection valleys between hills are gentle concave and are used as paddy fields. (3) Hills in Maseong basin are wide and flat, and are used as fields, orchards, and agricultural-industrial complex site. (4) Because hills in Chogye basin, a closed type, are weared by affluents and are narrow and short. Hills are used as woodland and wide dissected valleys are reclaimed as paddy fields.

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Estimation of Pesticide Leaching Potential Using GUS, RF and AF Index in Cheju Citrus Orchard Soils (제주도 감귤원 토양에서 GUS, RF, AF 지수를 이용한 농약의 용탈잠재성 평가)

  • Oh, Sang-Sil;Moon, Doo-Khil;Chung, Jong-Bae;Hyun, Hae-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2002
  • Contamination of groundwater by agrochemicals used in the regional-scale Is now a major environmental problem, and this is especially true for Cheju island where virtually all potable water is from groundwater. The objective of this study was to assess leaching potential of eight pesticides in soils of citrus orchards using groundwater ubiquity score (GUS), retardation factor (RF) and attenuation factor (AF). Considering GUS estimated in 30 citrus orchard soils, metribuzin and metolachlor were classified as leacher, alachlor in volcanic ash soils and linuron in non-volcanic soils were classified as leacher, but chlorothalonil and chlorpyrifos were classified as non-leacher. For RF values, metribuzin was classified to be mobile in soils of low organic carbon, metolachlor and alachlor were classified to be moderately immobile in most soils, but linuron, diuron, diniconazole, chlorothalonil and chlorpyrifos were all classified to be very immobile. For AF values, diniconazole, chlorothalonil, and chlorpyrifos were classified to be very unlikely leachable in all of the soils, metribuzin was classified to be likely leachable, and metolahclor, alachlor, linuron and diuron were classified to be leachable only in non-volcanic soils. Although there were some variations in the relative potential of teachability of pesticides estimated with the three different indices, the ranking was essentially determined on the base of the intrinsic properties of the chemicals and environmental properties. Among the eight pesticides, metribuzin, metolachlor, and alachlor, which have high water solubility and low Koc values, have a significant leaching potential especially in non-volcanic ash soils of low organic carbon. But diniconazole, chlorothalonil, and chlorpyrifos, which have low water solubility and high Koc values, were classified to be very immobile in all of the soils. Therefore, to lower the possibility of pesticide contamination of the groundwater in Cheju island, those pesticides which have high water solubility and low Koc values should be used with care in soils of low organic carbon including non-volcanic ash soils.