• Title/Summary/Keyword: Optimal controls

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Optimization of a microarray for fission yeast

  • Kim, Dong-Uk;Lee, Minho;Han, Sangjo;Nam, Miyoung;Lee, Sol;Lee, Jaewoong;Woo, Jihye;Kim, Dongsup;Hoe, Kwang-Lae
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.28.1-28.9
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    • 2019
  • Bar-code (tag) microarrays of yeast gene-deletion collections facilitate the systematic identification of genes required for growth in any condition of interest. Anti-sense strands of amplified bar-codes hybridize with ~10,000 (5,000 each for up-and down-tags) different kinds of sense-strand probes on an array. In this study, we optimized the hybridization processes of an array for fission yeast. Compared to the first version of the array (11 ㎛, 100K) consisting of three sectors with probe pairs (perfect match and mismatch), the second version (11 ㎛, 48K) could represent ~10,000 up-/ down-tags in quadruplicate along with 1,508 negative controls in quadruplicate and a single set of 1,000 unique negative controls at random dispersed positions without mismatch pairs. For PCR, the optimal annealing temperature (maximizing yield and minimizing extra bands) was 58℃ for both tags. Intriguingly, up-tags required 3× higher amounts of blocking oligonucleotides than down-tags. A 1:1 mix ratio between up- and down-tags was satisfactory. A lower temperature (25℃) was optimal for cultivation instead of a normal temperature (30℃) because of extra temperature-sensitive mutants in a subset of the deletion library. Activation of frozen pooled cells for >1 day showed better resolution of intensity than no activation. A tag intensity analysis showed that tag(s) of 4,316 of the 4,526 strains tested were represented at least once; 3,706 strains were represented by both tags, 4,072 strains by up-tags only, and 3,950 strains by down-tags only. The results indicate that this microarray will be a powerful analytical platform for elucidating currently unknown gene functions.

A Path Navigation Algorithm for an Autonomous Robot Vehicle by Sensor Scanning (센서 스캐닝에 의한 자율주행로봇의 경로주행 알고리즘)

  • Park, Dong-Jin;An, Jeong-U;Han, Chang-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, a path navigation algorithm through use of a sensor platform is proposed. The sensor platform is composed of two electric motors which make panning and tilting motions. An algorithm for computing a real path and an obstacle length is developed by using a scanning method that controls rotation of the sensors on the platform. An Autonomous Robot Vehicle(ARV) can perceive the given path by adapting this algorithm. A sensor scanning method is applied to the sensor platform for using small numbers of sensor. The path navigation algorithm is composed of two parts. One is to perceive a path pattern, the other is used to avoid an obstacle. An optimal controller is designed for tracking the reference path which is generated by perceiving the path pattern. The ARV is operated using the optimal controller and the path navigation algorithm. Based on the results of actual experiments, this algorithm for an ARV proved sufficient for path navigation by small number of sensors and for a low cost controller by using the sensor platform with a scanning method.

Ergonomic Design of Warning Control in Passenger Car Based on Response Time and Preference (반응시간과 선호도를 고려한 승용차 Warning Control 의 인간공학적 설계)

  • Kee, Do-Hyung;Kim, Hyung-Su
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 1998
  • Warning control is one of the most important components in driver's cabin for achieving safe driving. The purpose of this study is to suggest ergonomically optimal location and type of passenger car's warning control. An experiment was conducted using driving simulator, in which nine locations and two types of warning controls -push button, rocker switch- were employed as experimental variables, and response time for warning signal and preference for locations and types of warning controls were measured as dependent variables. The results showed that response time for warning signal was the shortest when warning control was located at the middle left corner of the center fascia, and was the second at the middle center of the center fascia. Preference for warning signal was the highest at the middle left comer of the center fascia, and was the second between the steering wheel column and the center fascia. Although push button was not preferred to rocker switch, response time was shorter for push button than for rocker switch. It was suggested from these results that warning control with the type of push button should he located at among the middle left corner of the center fascia, the middle center of the center fascia, and between the steering wheel column and the center fascia.

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Optimal Conditions for the Distribution of Cryoprotectant into the Intact Fish Muscle of Oncorhynchus mykiss during Freeze/Thaw Cycling

  • Kong Chang Suk;Park Kun Young
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.10-16
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    • 2005
  • Conditions for sufficient and rapid distribution of a cryoprotectant (sorbitol solution) into intact fish muscle (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were studied as changing in the residual Ca2+ ATPase activity during freeze/thaw cycling. Chunks of the fish muscle were immersed in 4 concentrations of sorbitol solutions ($20\%$, $30\%$, $45\%$, and $60\%$) by a shaker mechanism at 5$^${circ}C. Whole immersion samples (W) showed a higher value of the residual Ca2+ ATPase activity than those in the untreated controls (C), except in the treated controls (TC), while less effect of immersion concentration could be found. Comparing the extent of penetration of sorbitol into the surface layer to inner layer of immersed fish chunks, outer portion samples achieved excellent cryoprotection with $100\%$ of the residual ATPase activity values or more. For the inner portion samples, $30\%$ and $45\%$ sorbitol solution treatments indicated a higher ATPase activity than $60\%$ treatment. At high concentrations, mass transfer rates during osmotic dehydration might berapid and it causes faster surface drying by dewatering at surface solute layer. Periodically immersed and relaxed samples, W (5-3-1), led to good cryoprotection effect: W (5-3-1) indicated high residual Ca2+ ATPase activity values and the residual ATPase activity values excess $100\%$ in immersion of $30\%$ and $45\%$ sorbitol solutions.

Systolic Design with Asynchronous Controls for Digital-Signal Processings (디지털 신호처리를 위한 비동기 제어 시스톨릭 설계)

  • 전문석
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.410-424
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    • 1993
  • In this paper, we present new techniques for designing systolic arrya and asynchronous arrays for digital-signal processings. More specifically, we propose a systolic array with simple local interconnections which achieves optimal performance without having undesirable features such as preloading input data or global broadcasting. As asynchronous array for digital-signal processings, which can speed up the total computation time significantly is also which can speed up the total computation time significantly is also presented. The key component of the asynchronous array is a presented. The key component of the asynchronous array is a comunicaiton protocol which controls input data flow properly and efficiently. Finally, performance of the arrays is analyzed and a simulation using Occam programmed in a Transputer network is reported.

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Modeling of vision based robot formation control using fuzzy logic controller and extended Kalman filter

  • Rusdinar, Angga;Kim, Sung-Shin
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.238-244
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    • 2012
  • A modeling of vision based robot formation control system using fuzzy logic controller and extended Kalman filter is presented in this paper. The main problems affecting formation controls using fuzzy logic controller and vision based robots are: a robot's position in a formation need to be maintained, how to develop the membership function in order to obtain the optimal fuzzy system control that has the ability to do the formation control and the noise coming from camera process changes the position of references view. In order to handle these problems, we propose a fuzzy logic controller system equipped with a dynamic output membership function that controls the speed of the robot wheels to handle the maintenance position in formation. The output membership function changes over time based on changes in input at time t-1 to t. The noises appearing in image processing change the virtual target point positions are handled by Extended Kalman filter. The virtual target positions are established in order to define the formations. The virtual target point positions can be changed at any time in accordance with the desired formation. These algorithms have been validated through simulation. The simulations confirm that the follower robots reach their target point in a short time and are able to maintain their position in the formation although the noises change the target point positions.

A Study on the Equivalent Thermal Circuit for HTS Power Cable (초전도 전력케이블의 열 등가 회로에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Su-Kil;Lee, Heung-Jae
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.61-65
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    • 2010
  • To develop the thermal analysis method for the thermal behavior of HTS power cable system, cooled with sub-cooled liquid nitrogen, new thermo dynamic model for HTS cable system is introduced. The introduced thermal model is mainly modified from the thermal circuit following to IEC60287 for underground power cable systems such as XLPE or paper wrapped insulation cables. The thermal circuits for HTS cables are similar to the forced cooled underground cable system but the major thermal parameters and the configuration is apparently different to the normal cable systems so there has been no proposals in this field of analysing method. In this paper, 154kV HTS cable system has been introduced as an aspects of thermal models and a thermal circuit is proposed for the fundamentals on the dynamic rating systems for the HTS cable system. By using the thermal circuit developed in this paper, the optimal controls on the sub-cooling system's capacity become possible and it is expected to make the efficiency of HTS cable higher than conventional static controls.

A design of optimal filter for single sensor based acoustic reflection control (단일 센서 기반 반향음 제어를 위한 최적 필터 설계)

  • Jeon, Shin-Hyuk;Ji, Youna;Park, Young-cheol;Seo, Young-Soo
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.353-360
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    • 2017
  • The single sensor based acoustic reflection control system separates the incident and reflected signals from the single sensor output, and reduces the reflected signal by generating an out-of-phase signal from the incident signal component. In this paper, we propose an optimal filter design method for a single sensor based reflection control system. In the proposed method, it is shown that the optimum control filter design is possible by using the measured impulse responses of the reflection and control paths. The reflection control algorithm based on the proposed optimal filter achieves better performance than the conventional adaptive filter-based algorithm and effectively controls the reflection without the initial convergence time. We performed computer simulations using the signals obtained in a 1-dimensional acoustic duct environment, and from the simulation results, it was confirmed that the proposed optimal filter has robust performance even in noisy environment.

Development of Artificial Neural Network Model for Predicting the Optimal Setback Application of the Heating Systems (난방시스템 최적 셋백온도 적용시점 예측을 위한 인공신경망모델 개발)

  • Baik, Yong Kyu;Yoon, younju;Moon, Jin Woo
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study aimed at developing an artificial neural network (ANN) model to predict the optimal start moment of the setback temperature during the normal occupied period of a building. Method: For achieving this objective, three major steps were conducted: the development of an initial ANN model, optimization of the initial model, and performance tests of the optimized model. The development and performance testing of the ANN model were conducted through numerical simulation methods using transient systems simulation (TRNSYS) and matrix laboratory (MATLAB) software. Result: The results analysis in the development and test processes revealed that the indoor temperature, outdoor temperature, and temperature difference from the setback temperature presented strong relationship with the optimal start moment of the setback temperature; thus, these variables were used as input neurons in the ANN model. The optimal values for the number of hidden layers, number of hidden neurons, learning rate, and moment were found to be 4, 9, 0.6, and 0.9, respectively, and these values were applied to the optimized ANN model. The optimized model proved its prediction accuracy with the very storing statistical correlation between the predicted values from the ANN model and the simulated values in the TRNSYS model. Thus, the optimized model showed its potential to be applied in the control algorithm.

A cost model for determining optimal audit timing with related considerations for accounting data quality enhancement

  • Kim, Kisu
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.129-146
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    • 1995
  • As society's relience on computerized information systems to support a wide range of activities proliferates, the long recognized importance for adequate data quality becomes imperative. Furthermore, current trends in information systems such as dispersal of the data resource together with its management have increased the difficulty of maintaining suitable levels of data integrity. Especially, the importance of adequate accounting (transaction) data quality has been long recognized and many procedures (extensive and often elaborate checks and controls) to prevent errors in accounting systems have been introduced and developed. Nevertheless, over time, even in the best maintained systems, deficiencies in stored data will develop. In order to maintain the accuracy and reliability of accounting data at certain level, periodic internal checks and error corrections (internal audits) are required as a part of internal control system. In this paper we develop a general data quality degradation (error accumulation ) and cost model for an account in which we have both error occurrences and error amounts and provide a closed form of optimal audit timing in terms of the number of transactions that should occur before an internal audit should be initiated. This paper also considers the cost- effectiveness of various audit types and different error prevention efforts and suggests how to select the most economical audit type and error prevention method.

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