• 제목/요약/키워드: Operational experience

검색결과 278건 처리시간 0.022초

중국기업의 사내벤처 운영과정과 성공요인: 하이얼(Haier) 중심으로 (Operational Process and Success Factors of Corporate Venture in a Chinese Company: A Case Study of Haier)

  • 호우위로;김원경;허문구
    • 아태비즈니스연구
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.87-113
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - Focusing on Haier, a successful corporate venture in China, we analyse the operating mechanism and success factors of corporate venture, and reveal the necessary factors for the successful implementation of corporate venture. Design/methodology/approach - This study is a single case study centred on Haier, a successful corporate venture in China. Findings - The operational process of Haier's corporate venture includes six key aspects: project selection, team building, resource allocation and support, project implementation, risk control measures, performance evaluation and rewards. In terms of success factors, the support of top management with leadership capability of value creation and sharing is very important for the success of corporate venture. Secondly, a multi reward mechanism can be introduced to motivate employees and improve performance. Thirdly, it is important to integrate corporate culture into the operating mechanism of an corporate venture. Fourthly, flexible operations that break down rigid organisational boundaries and transform the organisation into a more open platform for entrepreneurship can increase the likelihood of success. Finally, empowering employees with operational discretion can also have a positive impact on the success of an Corporate Venture. Research implications or Originality - This study contributes to theory and practice by analysing the success conditions of corporate venture, providing new understanding and drawing new perspectives, especially from the experience of Haier. The results suggest strategies and flexibility for successfully pursuing corporate venture, and provide important experience for international companies to help them gain competitive advantage in global competition. It also helps corporate leaders to promote new directions and innovations and improve their strategies to respond to dynamic environments.

구체적 조작물을 활용한 교수-학습과 평가자료 개발에 관한 연구 (A Study of Teaching-Learning Method Using Real Objects and Development of Materials for Student Evaluation - Focused on 1st Grade Middle School Students -)

  • 고혜정;김승동
    • 한국학교수학회논문집
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study came to start to be helpful in that the teachers in field produced evaluation subject about the mathematics and applied by analyzing the performance capacity for the students about the subject developed through the application of subject about the teaching-learning model that can utilize the learners' learning experience and the development of items that can evaluate it by utilizing various and concrete operational materials as an object of the first year at the middle schools. The concrete purpose of realizing it is as follows. 1. This study is to develop the teaching-learning model centered on activities adequate to utilize various and concrete operational materials. 2. This study is to develop evaluation data for utilizing the concrete operational materials by making construction through the application of developed teaching-learning model as possible. 3. This study is to present standards initiative for reliable and fair marking about the evaluation data and to analyze the students' practice capacity by using it effectively. For accomplishing the purpose of this research, this study is the work-oriented teaching and learning model using learning data that can be easily found around the surroundings and 8 evaluation programs in order that the experience-oriented learning based on circumstances learning among the learning models of constructivism. Also, it is to examine the result after applying that on a basis of 25 students, consisted of only on class in a year, in the first year at the small size of agricultural middle schools. The result of this study from this research is as follows. First, as a result of frequency survey, of response about the developed evaluation data it showed positive response more than 80% of all the items. The atmosphere of self-directed learning was produced because the developed evaluation data could induce activity-based learning naturally by stimulating the students' curiosity and promoting interest. Second, this study executed t-test for the result of questionnaire about the mathematics propensity, and there were significant differences in 19 items among 25 items. It presented that the application of data about the teaching-learning and evaluation directly using concrete operational materials to the constructional learning by level might have desirable affect on the students' mathematical propensity. It came to be a motive that could increase value recognition and interest on the subject of mathematics by investigating a mathematical principle rule and confirming it through activity learning using the concrete operational materials.

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지상운영시험을 통한 ADS-B 효과에 관한 연구 (A Study on Benefits of Ground Operational Test using ADS-B in Tae-An Airport)

  • 홍교영;오경륜;김도현
    • 한국항공운항학회지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2007
  • The ADS-B test is a program that is examining the use of ADS-B, especially CDTI for aircraft surveillance in Korea. The ADS-B project is to provide operational benefits to Air Traffic Controllers in the selected area and provide first operational experience of ADS-B in ATCS environment of South Korea. For these objectives, the ground station has installed in Tae-An airport, Participation in the Ground Test has been limited to 4 Aircraft of Hanseo University which are installed ADS-B equipment. Ground test is a test that is examining on the movement area of Tae-An Airport on the assumption that the visibility is below weather minia of the airport. This test have been experimented as pre-arranged scenarios. In view of the results achieved, it has shown that the volume of voice communication between controller and pilot are remarkably reduced. Additionally, as both pilots and air traffic controllers are able to see the positions of traffic in the vicinity of the aircraft, the test has demonstrated that it is possible for ADS-B not only to decline the controller's workload, but also to enhance pilot situational awareness in the near future.

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온라인 패션 쇼핑몰 창업의 실패 경험에 관한 연구 -텍스트 마이닝과 근거이론을 적용하여- (A Study on the Failure Experiences of Online Fashion Shopping Mall Startups -Applying Text Mining and Grounded Theory-)

  • 서민정
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제47권6호
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    • pp.1096-1112
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    • 2023
  • Many entrepreneurs who launched online fashion shopping malls faced failure compared to those who achieved success. Recognizing the importance of research that reflects reality, this study explores entrepreneurs' experiences during the failure process of online fashion shopping malls. Two studies utilized YouTube videos documenting such online fashion shopping malls' failure. Study 1 employed text mining techniques, including high-frequency analysis and topic modeling, while Study 2 used a qualitative research method, specifically grounded theory. Study 1 identified the prominent experiences of operating online fashion shopping malls, while Study 2 provided a holistic perspective on the failure processes. The integrated findings from both studies highlight that entrepreneurs' passion for fashion motivates them to establish online fashion shopping malls, yet they encounter numerous challenges during the operational process. Insufficient business preparation and operational capabilities contribute to their failure to achieve financial goals. Despite efforts to boost sales and profit, entrepreneurs often close their businesses due to inadequate funds and waning motivation. The outcomes of this study can inform us about the operational challenges faced by online fashion shopping malls and offer valuable insights for developing new strategies to sustain and improve them.

정부지원 과제의 시스템엔지니어링 적용 교훈 : 사례 연구 (Lessons Learned from Application of Systems Engineering to Government Funded Project : Case Study)

  • 김진일;염충섭;신중욱
    • 시스템엔지니어링학술지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2019
  • The systems engineering standard process is intended to be customized for a given project environment and system characteristics. This study describes the experience gained by applying systems engineering to government-funded projects. The characteristics of government funded project are lack of common development process among the participating organizations and mechanism to determine system requirements. This study describes the contents of the systems engineering activities, including development of operational concept, system requirements, verification requirements (test cases), test verification plan, and implementation of system test and lessons learned from these activities.

불규칙 하중을 받는 Shell 구조물의 동적 신뢰성 해석에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Dynamic Reliability Analysis of the Shell Structure under Random Loads)

  • 배동명
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.334-345
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    • 1997
  • Reliability-based design approaches are needed for cylindrical shell structure whose design and operational experiences are few and which are subjected to external loads of random loads. In designing new type of structure, it is very difficult to evaluate the safety factors due to lack of previous design data and operational experience. To solve the above mentioned problem, much attention is being focussed on rational reliability based design approaches. This paper deals with weight-optional reliability-based design of cylindrical shell structure subjected to structural reliability constraints taking into account of the effect of local buckling and interactive behavior between local and global buckling. Present mentioned is compared with the exiting optional design method based only on safety factors. Numerical simulation reveals that the present method leads to lighter structure (4% reduction in weight compared to the existing optimal design) with the same reliability index. For larger structures with more number of structural members and possible failure modes, the present W0RBD procedure will be an efficient tool in designing cost-effective rationalized economic design.

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KOMPSAT-2 AOCS Control Mode & Power Safe Mode Design

  • Rhee, Seung-Wu;Kim, Hak-Jung;Lee, Joo-Jin
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2005
  • KOMPSAT-2 is the second Korean earth observation satellite after KOMPSAT-l: the 1 meter GSD cartographic capability and planning to launch at the end of 2005 by ROKOT launch vehicle. The dedicated AOCS operational modes are designed for KOMPSAT-2 based on KOMPSAT-l experience All of AOCS operational modes requires gyro information. To compensate this drawback, Power Safe Mode is designed and implemented. Successfully AOCS on-board software is developed and extensively verified through a nonlinear simulation process. The simulation results of Power Safe Mode and Science Fine Submode are provided to demonstrate its functionality as well as its performance.

부산항 해상교통관제 서비스의 품질개선에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Enhancement of the Quality of Pusan Port Traffic Management Service)

  • 이은방;윤정수
    • 해양환경안전학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 해양환경안전학회 2001년도 춘계학술발표대회
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    • pp.105-133
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    • 2001
  • World trade has been increasing continuously in total volume, on the other hand, environmental protection on sea and conservation of fishery resources has been rising up the major issue. All of the world are pushing their efforts two major purposes to the full, one is taking competitive place in marine transportation throughout the world and another Is environment protection. Pusan Port as world leading Port put its all effort in bring more ocean going vessels and securing their traffic route by providing them more information related marine traffics through PTMS in port. During two years of operation, statistics of marine traffic accidents showed that many dynamic casualties such as collisions, groundings, and rammings has been decreased. However, due to increasing cargo volume, limited water area and unpredictable weather condition, potential risks still exist high. In this paper, in order to maximize the efficiency of PTMS and reduce various risks in the future, we examine risk factors over operational results and experience, and propose reasonable operational methods of PTMS.

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Innovative step-up direct current converter for fuel cell-based power source to decrease current ripple and increase voltage gain

  • Salary, Ebrahim;Falehi, Ali Darvish
    • ETRI Journal
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    • 제44권4호
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    • pp.695-707
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    • 2022
  • As for the insufficient nature of the fossil fuel resources, the renewable energies as alternative fuels are imperative and highly heeded. To deliver the required electric power to the industrial and domestic consumers from DC renewable energy sources like fuel cell (FC), the power converter operates as an adjustable interface device. This paper suggests a new boost structure to provide the required voltage with wide range gain for FC power source. The proposed structure based on the boost converter and the quazi network, the so-called SBQN, can effectively enhance the FC functionality against its high operational sensitivity to experience low current ripple and also propagate voltage and current with low stress across its semiconductors. Furthermore, the switching power losses have been decreased to make this structure more durable. A full operational analysis of the proposed SBQN and its advantages over the conventional and famous structures has been compared and explained. Furthermore, a prototype of the single-phase converter has been constructed and tested in the laboratory.

The Effect of eWOM Information Characteristics and Brand Community Experience Value on Brand Trust, Conversion

  • HAN, Sang-Seol
    • 산경연구논집
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.35-49
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - According to the recently changing consumer smart environment and consumer decision-making process, this study investigates the structural relationship between electronic(online) WOM information characteristics and brand community experience value types on specific brand reliability and brand transformation. In particular, the characteristics of word of mouth information and the experience value of brand community users were divided into detailed fac tors and approached. Methodology - In order to proceed with this study, we review previous studies and setting hypotheses. The hypothesis was verified through a survey that was conducted for the consumers with online consumption activities in less than six months. With reference to previous studies, operational definition was made for the questionnaire design. In order to verify the hypothesis, 282 people were statistically analyzed through the survey This data were used for AMOS for confirm hypothesis established. Results - eWOM information characteristics were classified into usefulness, timeliness and un-bias, and online community experience values were classified into interaction, playfulness, and virtuality. In addition, it is to investigate the relationship between the brand reliability and user's experience value in brad community. The main results are as follows. The first result was that usefulness and un-bias, which are the eWOM information characteristics had a positive effect on forming brand reliability. However, the factor of timeliness did not affect brand reliability. Second, in terms of user experience value and brand reliability in the brand community. It was fo und that experience values such as interaction, playfulness, and vituality all had a positive influence on brand reliability. Third, it was found that brand reliability has a positive influence on the on-line conversion activity of users. Conclusions - Through this study, the field of online consumer behavior research is expanding, and this study suggested that careful management is necessary according to the type or characteristics of eWOM information. Additionally, it presents the importance of the user's empirical value in the brand community influencing brand attitude and reliability. In practice, the implementation of the marketing communication mix in digital marketing has recently been underway to enhance the conversion behavior of users. At this level, it also reveals the preceding factors that increase user conversion behavior.