• Title/Summary/Keyword: Operating Method

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ON-OFF' Current Control Method with Frequency Limiter and Operating Characteristics of Brushless DC Motors Using Resolver (리졸버를 사용한 브러쉬 없는 직류전동기의 운전특성과 주파수 제한기를 가진 'ON-OFF'전류제어 방식)

  • 홍성수;권봉환;윤명중
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.35 no.9
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    • pp.396-402
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    • 1986
  • Although the structure of the brushless DC motor is similar to the one of the permanent magnet synchronous motor, its operating characteristics are the same as those of the permanent magnet DC motor. This is the reason that the commutators and brushes in the permanent magnet DC motor can be replaced by the power semiconductor devices and rotor position sensors for the brushless DC motor. In this paper, a current control method is presented to make a sinusoidal current waveform for constant torque generation and the operating characteristics of the brushless DC motor using the resolver as the rotor position sensor is also presented and experimented.

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Determination of Optimal Controlled Switching Instants for Circuit Breaker of Shunt Reactors (분로 리액터용 개폐제어 차단기의 최적 개폐시점 선정)

  • 이우영;박경엽;정진교;김희진
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers B
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    • v.51 no.12
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    • pp.664-669
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    • 2002
  • In this paper the method to determine tire optimal switching instants in order to reduce the transient surges during switching not relevant to the neutral treatment of shunt reactors is presented. This method consists of the following two steps. First, the instants of the voltage peaks between the contacts of each poles and the voltage magnitude as well as the moments of the current zero crosses were found out analytically. Next, the instants of the contact touches or separations were determined in consideration of the rate of decrease of dielectric strength or a circuit breaker and the variation of the its operating time. The results obtained from the EMTP(Electromagnetic Transient Program) analysis studies show that the making instants are established at the peak voltage of each three poles for any conditions of a neutral point and the possible upper limited values of inrush currents due to the variation of the mechanical operating time can be estimated.

A Study on the Optimum Scheme for Determination of Operation Time of Line Feeders in Automatic Combination Weighers

  • Keraita James N.;Kim Kyo-Hyoung
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.1567-1575
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    • 2006
  • In an automatic combination weigher, the line feeders distribute the product to several weighing hoppers. The ability to supply appropriate amount of product to the weighing hoppers for each combination operation is crucial for the overall performance. Determining the right duration of operating a line feeder to supply a given amount of product becomes very challenging in case of products which are irregular in volume or specific gravity such as granular secondary processed foods. In this research, several schemes were investigated to determine the best way for a line feeder to approximate the next operating time in order to supply a set amount of irregular goods to the corresponding weighing hopper. Results obtained show that a weighted least squares method (WLS) employing 10 data points is the most effective in determining the operating times of line feeders.

Self-Oscillating Switching Technique for Current Source Parallel Resonant Induction Heating Systems

  • Namadmalan, Alireza;Moghani, Javad Shokrollahi
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.851-858
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents resonant inverter tuning for current source parallel resonant induction heating systems based on a new self oscillating switching technique. The phase error is suppressed in a wide range of operating frequencies in comparison with Phase Locked Loop (PLL) techniques. The proposed switching method has the capability of tuning under fast changes in the resonant frequency. According to this switching method, a multi-frequency induction heating (IH) system is proposed by using a single inverter. In comparison with multi-level inverter based IH systems, the advantages of this technique are its simple structure, better transients and wide range of operating frequencies. A laboratory prototype was built with an operating frequency of 35 kHz to 55 kHz and 300 W of output power. The performance of the IH system shows the validity of the new switching technique.

An Implementation and Performance Test of Automotive RTOS Based on OSEK/VDX (OSEK/VDX 기반 차량용 RTOS의 구현과 성능 테스트)

  • Cho, Sung-Rae;Kim, Byung-Joon;Jin, Sung-Ho;Lee, Jun-Ho
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2011
  • As the architecture of automotive software is complicated and LOC of software increases, there is an increasing demand for standard operating system. OSEK/VDX defines an industry standard for automotive operating system and middleware. This paper introduces an implementation of RTOS(OSCAR-OSEK) based on OSEK/VDX standard. For better speed of scheduling, we suggest a new method for ready queue implementation considering the characteristic of automotive application software. Also we introduce a method for improving the portability of RTOS on various MCUs. And, we show OSCAR-OSEK implementation and performance test results.

Distributed Control of the Arago's Disc System with Gain Scheduler

  • Ibrahim, Lateef Onaadepo;Choi, Goon-Ho
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2017
  • Arago's disk system consists of a speed controller of the DC motor (inner loop controller) and a position controller of the magnetic bar angle (main controller), which are implemented by the design of the PI and PID controller, respectively. First, we analyzed the nonlinear characteristics of the Arago disk system and found the operating point range of three locations as a result. In this paper, a gain scheduler method was applied to guarantee a constant control performance in the range of $0{\sim}130^{\circ}C$, and a structure to change the controller according to the control reference value based on the previously obtained operating points was experimentally implemented. The Distributed Control Systems (DCS) configuration using the Controller Area Network (CAN) was used to verify the proposed method by improving the operational efficiency of the entire experimental system. So, simplicity of the circuit and easy diagnosis were achieved through a single CAN bus communication.

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Novel estimation method of operating life in lithium-ion pouch cells

  • Kim, Hyosung;Kim, Jaekwang;Kim, Nayeong;Lee, Ilbok;Hwang, Keebum;Bae, Joongho;Yoon, Songhun
    • Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
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    • v.67
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    • pp.266-275
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    • 2018
  • Herein, a novel operating life (OL) test method was evaluated with 200 mAh pouch-type lithium-ion batteries. By combining the calendar life (CL) test with intermediate pulse power cycling, more realistic life prediction was possible, which encompassed real operation of batteries accompanying with thermal acceleration. Larger capacity decrease and resistance increase of pouch cell were observed in the OL test, which was well explained using the SEI film growth model. After dissemble of pouch cell, capacity loss and resistance increase mostly occurred within anode, reflecting that SEI film growth on anode surface was highly attributable to cell degradation.

Optimized Design for Yard Operating System Layout of Automated Container Terminal (자동화항만의 야드 운영시스템 레이아웃 설계)

  • Hong, Dong-Hee;Chung, Tae-Choong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.10D no.1
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2003
  • Construction of automated terminal it urgently demanded to gain the foundation of hub-port in north east Asia. Therefore we suggest an adequate operating system layout of automated terminal in Korea. In this paper the aim of automated terminal operating system is satisfied. four basic models are divided according to moving course of export and import cargo of each automated equipments, several input data are changed and analyzed dynamically by Trial and Error method, and then an optimized operating system model is selected, and designed for yard operating system layout on the basis of the selected model. Particularly, the productivity of automated port is up to the kind of automated equipments. However, because expense and present work process must be considered actually. In order to prevent confusion of the work, the method to optimize the present work and substitute prevent equipments and automated equipments was designed. It is a premise that ail the yard equipments described in this paper must be automatic except quay crane.

Parameter Estimation by OE model of DC-DC Converter System for Operating Status Diagnosis

  • Jeon, Jin-Hong;Kim, Tae-Jin;Kim, Kwang-Su;Kim, Kwang-Hwa
    • KIEE International Transaction on Electrical Machinery and Energy Conversion Systems
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    • v.4B no.4
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    • pp.206-210
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    • 2004
  • This paper deals with a parameter estimation of the DC-DC converter system for its diagnosis. Especially, we present the results of parameter estimation for the DC-DC converter model by the system identification method. The parameter estimation for the DC-DC converter system aims at the diagnosis of its operating status. For the operating status diagnosis of the DC-DC converter system, we assume that the DC-DC converter system is an equivalent model of the Buck converter and estimate the main parameter for on-line diagnosis. In addition, for verification of an estimated parameter, we compare a bode plot of the estimated system transfer function and measurement results of the HP4194 instrument. It is a control system analyzer for system transfer function measurement. Our results confirm that the main parameter for diagnosis of the DC-DC converter system can be estimated by the system identification method and that the aging status of the system can be predicted by these results on operating status.

A study on the MVNO Wholesale Price in Competitive Communication Service Market (경쟁적인 통신서비스 시장에서 MVNO 도매대가 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Sawng, Yeong-Wha;Bae, Khee-Su;Jeon, Heung-Joo
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.217-231
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    • 2012
  • In the past, companies should make enormous facility investment and acquire a right to do business in order to join communication markets, but now they can do business without important facilities, such as communication networks. Such a movement to ease regulations about companies which want to newly join the communication industry is expected not only to change a competition frame of the mobile communication market but also to greatly affect the entire communication industry. Through this study aiming to look into a way to calculate a reasonable wholesale price related to the government's introduction of the Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) system, I came up with a following result. I applied the operating profit percentage and the ratio of operating gain to cost to the cost plus model and retail minus model, respectively, to calculate the wholesale price and found that when I calculated with the cost plus model applying the operating profit percentage, I could get the highest wholesale price. On the other hand, I got the lowest wholesale price with the retail minus model by applying the operating profit percentage. Division of expenses and calculation of profit percentage are important factors in calculating the wholesale price and such results are expected to help accurate calculation of the MVNO wholesale price.