• Title/Summary/Keyword: One stub

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Design of a Dual Band-pass Filter Using Fork-type Open Stubs and SIR Structure (포크 형태의 개방형 스터브 및 SIR 구조를 이용한 이중대역 대역통과 여파기의 설계)

  • Tae-Hyeon Lee
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.252-264
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    • 2023
  • This paper proposes a design of a dual-band band-pass filter that integrates a λg/2 open SIR structure, a transmission line, and a fork-type structure with symmetric and asymmetric open stubs. To obtain the dual-band effect, the proposed filter uses the SIR structure and adjusts the impedance ratio of the SIR structure. Therefore, the position of the harmonics of the filter is shifted through the adjustment of the impedance ratio, and this can obtain a double-band effect. In order to obtain the dual-band characteristics, the dual-band effect is obtained by inserting a open stub between the SIR structures with the SIR structure divided in half. In addition, the second frequency response is obtained by adjusting the length of the open symmetrical stub in the fork-shaped structure. The asymmetrical open stub in the fork form achieves optimum bandwidth by adjusting the length. Therefore, the first center frequency of the proposed band-pass filter is 5.896 GHz and the bandwidth is 13.6 %. At this time, the measurement results are 0.13 dB and 33.6 dB. The second center frequency is 5.906 GHz and the bandwidth is 13.6 %. At this time, the measurement results are 0.15 dB and 19.8 dB. The reason is that when the impedance ratio (Δ) is higher than 1, the position of the harmonic is shifted to a lower frequency band. However, if the impedance ratio (Δ) is lowered by one step, the position of harmonics will move to a higher frequency band. The function of the filter designed using these characteristics can be obtained from the measurement result. The proposed band-pass filter has no coupling loss and no via energy concentration loss because there is no coupling structure of input/output and no via hole. Therefore, system integration is possible due to its excellent performance, and it is expected that dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) system applications used in traffic communication systems will be possible.

Wideband Class-J Power Amplifier Design Using Internal Matched GaN HEMT (내부정합된 GaN HMET를 이용한 광대역 J-급 전력증폭기 설계)

  • Lim, Eun-Jae;Yoo, Chan-Se;Kim, Do-Gueong;Sun, Jung-Gyu;Yoon, Dong-Hwan;Yoon, Seok-Hui;Rhee, Young-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2017
  • In order to satisfy the diffusion of multimedia service in mobile communication and the demand for high-speed communication, it is essential to modify and improve high efficiency, wideband and nonlinear characteristic of multiband power amplifier. This research is designed to implement a single-stub matching circuit as a 2nd harmonic one that meets conditions of the Class-J power amplifier. Low characteristic impedance of the single-stub line is necessary to suit conditions of wideband Class-J. This research uses ceramic substrates having high permittivity to implement the single-stub line with low characteristic impedance, which eventually results in an amplifier satisfying the output impedance terms of Class-J in wideband frequency range. This result attributes to use of GaN HEMT packaged with a 2nd harmonic matching circuit and external fundamental circuit. The measurement results of the Class-J amplifier confirms the following characteristics: more than output power of 50 W(47 dBm) in bandwidth of 1.8~2.7 GHz(0.9GHz), maximum drain efficiency of 72.6 %, and maximum PAE characteristic of 66.5 %.

Compact Open-stub Band-pass Filter with Narrow Bandwidth Using Impedance Mismatching of the Transmission- line (전송선로의 임피던스 부정합을 이용한 협대역 개방형 소형 스터브 대역통과 여파기)

  • Yoon, Ki-Cheol;Oh, Seung-Yeon;Oh, Kyoung-Min;Lee, Hyun-Wook;Hong, Tae-Ui;Lee, Jong-Chul
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, the narrow band-pass filter with compact-size using the ${\lambda}g/2$ open stubs is proposed. The filter size is reduced by realization of transmission line at second harmonics and at the same time the power can be transferred to the output by using the fundamental wave generated in the resonator and the transmission line in which the impedance mismatch technique is adopted. Thus, the proposed filter can be reduced to half-length of horizontal transmission line than the conventional one. The experimental results show that insertion loss is 1.58 dB and return loss is 9.86 dB, and the fractional bandwidth is 10 % at the center frequency of 5.8 GHz. The filter size is $10.34{\times}18.56\;mm2$.

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CRLH Rectangular Waveguide with Balanced Condition above Cut-off Frequency (차단 주파수 이상에서 평형 조건을 만족하는 CRLH 직각 도파관)

  • Kim, Dong-Jin;Lee, Jeong-Hae
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.912-918
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, a composite right-/left-handed(CRLH) rectangular waveguide satisfying a balanced condition above the cut-off frequency is presented. The proposed structure consists of one shorted stub and two twisted H-plane irises which produce an effectively negative permeability and permittivity, respectively. The CRLH structure can independently control the series and shunt resonance frequencies of a CRLH transmission line which determine the left-handed(LH) and right-handed(RH) bands due to a minimized coupling between a shorted stub and twisted H-plane irises. Thus, the design of the CRLH waveguide satisfying a balanced condition is possible. To analyze the CRLH structure, a crossly connected equivalent circuit is derived. The simulated and measured results confirm that the proposed CRLH waveguide has a transmission property without a band gap among the LH and RH bands.

Thermo-mechanical compression tests on steel-reinforced concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns with high performance materials

  • David Medall;Carmen Ibanez;Ana Espinos;Manuel L. Romero
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.533-546
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    • 2023
  • Cost-effective solutions provided by composite construction are gaining popularity which, in turn, promotes the appearance on the market of new types of composite sections that allow not only to take advantage of the synergy of steel and concrete working together at room temperature, but also to improve their behaviour at high temperatures. When combined with high performance materials, significant load-bearing capacities can be achieved even with reduced cross-sectional dimensions. Steel-reinforced concrete-filled steel tubular (SR-CFST) columns are one of these innovative composite sections, where an open steel profile is embedded into a CFST section. Besides the renowned benefits of these typologies at room temperature, the fire protection offered by the surrounding concrete to the inner steel profile, gives them an enhanced fire performance which delays its loss of mechanical capacity in a fire scenario. The experimental evidence on the fire behaviour of SR-CFST columns is still scarce, particularly when combined with high performance materials. However, it is being much needed for the development of specific design provisions that consider the use of the inner steel profile in CFST columns. In this work, a new experimental program on the thermo-mechanical behaviour of SR-CFST columns is presented to extend the available experimental database. Ten SR-CFST stub columns, with circular and square geometries, combining high strength steel and concrete were tested. It was seen that the circular specimens reached higher failure times than the square columns, with the failure time increasing both when high strength steel was used at the embedded steel profile and high strength concrete was used as infill. Finally, different proposals for the reduction coefficients of high performance materials were assessed in the prediction of the cross-sectional fire resistance of the SR-CFST columns.

Complete collapse test of reinforced concrete columns

  • Abdullah, Abdullah;Takiguchi, Katsuki
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.157-168
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, experimental investigation into the behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) columns tested under large lateral displacement with four different types of loading arrangements is presented. Each loading arrangement has a different system for controlling the consistency of the loading condition. One of the loading arrangements used three units of link mechanism to control the parallelism of the top and bottom stub of column during testing, and the remaining employed eight hydraulic jacks for the same purpose. The loading systems condition used in this investigation were similar to the actual case in a moment-resisting frame where the tested column was displaced in a double curvature. Ten model column specimens, divided into four series were prepared. Two columns were tested monotonically until collapse, and unless failure took place at an earlier stage of loading, the remaining eight columns were tested under cyclic loading. Test results indicated that the proposed system to keep the top and bottom stubs parallel during testing performed well.

Edge Router Selection and Traffic Engineering in LISP-Capable Networks

  • Li, Ke;Wang, Sheng;Wang, Xiong
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.612-620
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    • 2011
  • Recently, one of the problems with the Internet is the issue of scalability. To this end, locator/identifier separation protocol (LISP), which separates end-system identifiers and routing locators, has been proposed as a solution. In the LISP deployed network, the ingress and egress nodes of inter-AS traffic is determined by edge router selection (ERS) and endpoint identifier-routing locator mapping assignment (ERMA). In this paper, joint optimizations of ERS and ERMA for stub networks with and without predetermined link weights are studied and the mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulations for the problems are given. To make the problem with optimizable link weights tractable, a revised local search algorithm is also proposed. Simulation results show that joint optimization of ERS and ERMA enables better network performance.

Strength of connection fixed by TOBs considering out-of-plane tube wall deformation-Part 1: Tests and numerical studies

  • Wulan, Tuoya;Wang, Peijun;Xia, Chengxin;Liu, Xinyu;Liu, Mei;Liu, Fangzhou;Zhao, Ou;Zhang, Lulu
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2022
  • This paper presents a study on the behavior of a bolted T-stub to square tube connection using Thread-fixed One-side Bolts (TOBs) through tests and numerical simulations. It outlines a research work of four connections with focus on the failure modes and strengths of the connection under tensile load. It was observed that the thread anchor failure caused by shear failure of hole threads controlled the final failure of the connection in the tests. Meanwhile, the out-of-plane deformation of tube wall resulted in the contact separation between hole threads and bolt threads, which in turn reduced the shear strength of hole threads. Finite element models (FEMs) allowing for the configuration details of the TOBs fixed connection are then developed and compared with the test results. Subsequently, the failure mechanism of hole threads and stress distribution of each component are analyzed based on FEM results. It was concluded that the ultimate strength of connection was not only concerned with the shear strength of hole threads, but also was influenced by the plastic out-of-plane deformation of tube wall. These studies lay a foundation for the establishment of suitable design methods of this type of connection.

DOVE : A Distributed Object System for Virtual Computing Environment (DOVE : 가상 계산 환경을 위한 분산 객체 시스템)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Do;Woo, Young-Je;Ryu, So-Hyun;Jeong, Chang-Sung
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.120-134
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    • 2000
  • In this paper we present a Distributed Object oriented Virtual computing Environment, called DOVE which consists of autonomous distributed objects interacting with one another via method invocations based on a distributed object model. DOVE appears to a user logically as a single virtual computer for a set of heterogeneous hosts connected by a network as if objects in remote site reside in one virtual computer. By supporting efficient parallelism, heterogeneity, group communication, single global name service and fault-tolerance, it provides a transparent and easy-to-use programming environment for parallel applications. Efficient parallelism is supported by diverse remote method invocation, multiple method invocation for object group, multi-threaded architecture and synchronization schemes. Heterogeneity is achieved by automatic data arshalling and unmarshalling, and an easy-to-use and transparent programming environment is provided by stub and skeleton objects generated by DOVE IDL compiler, object life control and naming service of object manager. Autonomy of distributed objects, multi-layered architecture and decentralized approaches in hierarchical naming service and object management make DOVE more extensible and scalable. Also,fault tolerance is provided by fault detection in object using a timeout mechanism, and fault notification using asynchronous exception handling methods

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  • Cho, Young-Gon;Park, Sung-Taek;Park, Kwang-Soo
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.468-476
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to observe the morphologic change of dentinal surface, adhesion in interface between dentin and bonding agents, and penetration pattern of resin tags into dentinal tubles according to bonding procedure of ONE-STEP universal adhesive system. Ten extracted human molars were mounted in dental stone and sectioned to expose mid-coronal occlusal dentin and again sectioned tooth crown apically. Specimens were randomly assigned to three groups for dentin conditioning with 32% phoshoric acid, two coats of bonding agents after dentin conditioning, and bond of composite resin. The surfaces of dentin were treated with etch ant and applied bonding agent, and bonded composite resin according to the directions of manufacturer. Specimens which were boned composite were sectioned longitudinally for observing interfaces between resin and dentin. Two of specimens which were sectioned longitudinally were immersed in 6 N HCL for 30 seconds and 1% NaOCL for 12 hours to partially demineralize and deproteinize the dentin substrate. Each specimen was mounted on a brass stub, sputter-coated with gold and observed under SEM. The result were as follows : 1. On the dentinal surface which was conditioned with 32% phosphoric acid. the smear layer was completely removed. orifices of dentinal tubules were opened 3-$5{\mu}m$ wide. and dentinal surface was irregular. 2. On the dentinal surface which was applied ONE-STEP. bonding agent. resin particles were observed on the orifices of dentinal tubules and intertubular dentin. 3. There were close adaptation between dentin and resin and were the pattern which composite invaded into dentin. 4. 1-$3{\mu}m$-wide hybrid layer was visible in the interface between dentin and resin. 5. Long and funnel shaped resin tags were observed in demineralized specimens. and the surfaces of tags were rough.

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