• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nusselt number

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Experimental Study on the Heat Transfer Characteristics of Spiral Fin-Tube Heat Exchangers (나선형 핀튜브 열교환기의 열전달 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Yun Rin;Kim Yongchan;Kim Sru;Choi Jong Min
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.529-535
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    • 2005
  • This study experimentally examines the air-side performance of spiral finned tube heat exchangers. The effects of fin spacing, fin height, and tube alignment were investigated. Reduction of fin spacing decreased the Colburn j factor. However, the effect of fin height on the Colburn j factor was negligible. An increase of tube row decreased the Nusselt number for both staggered and in-line tube alignments. However, the decrease of the Nusselt number for the in-line tube alignment was much more significant than that of the staggered tube alignment. The average Nusselt number of the staggered tube alignment was larger than that of the in-line tube alignment by $10\%$ when the Reynolds number ranged from 300 to 1700. An empirical correlation of the Nusselt number was developed by using geometric parameters of heat exchanger and correction factors. The correction factor considered the effects of tube alignment and number of tube rows on the heat transfer. The proposed correlation yielded a mean deviation of $4\%$ from the present data.

Convective Heat Transfer in Ventilated Space wit=h Various Partitions

  • Bae, Kangyoul;Chung, Hanshik;Jeong, Hyomin
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.676-682
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    • 2002
  • The laminar convective heat transfer in ventilated space with various horizontal partitions was studied numerically and experimentally For the numerical study, the governing equations were solved by using a finite volume method for various numbers Re, Gr, Pr and partition numbers. The experimental study was conducted by using a holographic interferometer. The isotherms and velocity vectors have been presented for various parameters. As the number and length of partition increased, convective heat transfer decreased. Based on the numerical data, correlation equations were obtained for the mean Nusselt number in term of Gr/Re$^2$. In the region of Gr/Re$^2$$\leq$ 1, the mean Nusselt number was small, but in the region of Gr/Re$^2$> 1, the mean Nusselt number was constant.

Studies on Nusselt and Sherwood number for diffusion-advective convection during physical vapor transport of Hg2Br2

  • Kim, Geug Tae;Kwon, Moo Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2021
  • This paper is dedicated to numerical simulation for diffusion-advective convection in a square cavity during physical vapor transport of Hg2Br2. Flow characteristics of the temperature difference between the source and crystal regions, 50℃ (300℃ → 250℃), partial pressures of component argon of 20 Torr and 100 Torr are investigated and presented as velocity vectors and streamlines, isotherms and iso-mass concentrations contours. Moreover, alterations of average Nusselt and average Sherwood numbers with (a) the source and crystal regions, (b) the pressures of component argon of 20 Torr and 100 Torr are analyzed and addressed in details. Both average Nusselt and average Sherwood numbers are seen to decrease with the increasing values of the partial pressures of component argon. Also, it is found that for the two different partial pressures of component argon, average Nusselt numbers at the source region are greater than at the crystal region, and inversely, average Sherwood numbers at the crystal region are greater than the source region by a factor of 3.

Effect of Prandtl Number on Natural Convection in Tilted Square Enclosure with Inner Circular Cylinder (Prandtl 수 변화가 내부 원형 실린더가 존재하는 기울어진 정사각형 밀폐계 내부의 자연대류 현상에 미치는 영향)

  • Mun, Gi Su;Choi, Changyoung;Ha, Man Yeong;Yoon, Hyun Sik
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.38 no.11
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    • pp.935-942
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    • 2014
  • A numerical analysis of the effect of the Prandtl number on the natural convection in a cold outer tilted square enclosure with an inner hot circular cylinder is presented. Several Prandtl numbers (Pr=0.1, 0.7, 7) are considered, with different angles($0^{\circ}$, $15^{\circ}$, $30^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$) for the enclosure and Rayleigh numbers ($Ra=10^3$, $10^4$, $10^5$). The effect of the Prandtl number on the natural convection is analyzed using isotherms and streamline and surface-averaged Nusselt numbers. The flow and heat transfer characteristics are found to be dependent on the time for $Ra=10^5$ and Pr=0.1 at angles of $0^{\circ}$ and $45^{\circ}$. However, in the other cases, the flow and heat transfer characteristics are independent of the time.The surfaceaveraged Nusselt number increases with an increase in the Prandtl number. As the Prandtl number increases, the Nusselt number becomes larger regardless of the angle for $Ra=10^5$. In particular, the Nusselt number steeply increases when the angle is $45^{\circ}$ for $Ra=10^5$ and Pr=0.1.

A Study on the Heat Transfer Characteristics of Turbulent Round Jet Impinge on the Inclined Concave Surface Using Transient Liquid Crystal Method (과도액정 기법을 이용한 오목표면 경사각도에 따른 난류 충돌 제트의 열전달 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lim Kyoung-Bin;Lee Chang-Hee;Lee Sang-Hoon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.30 no.7 s.250
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    • pp.656-662
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    • 2006
  • The effects of concave hemispherical surface with inclined angle on the local heat transfer from a turbulent round jet impinging were experimentally investigated using transient liquid crystal method. This method suddenly exposes a preheated wall to an impinging jet and then the video system records the response of liquid crystals for the measurement of the surface temperature. The Reynolds numbers were used 11000, 23000 and 50000, nozzle-to-surface distance ratio from 2 to 10 and the surface angles $\alpha=0^{\circ},\;15^{\circ},\;30^{\circ}\;and\;40^{\circ}$. Correlations of the stagnation point Nusselt number according to Reynolds number, jet-to-surface distance ratio and dimensionless surface angle are investigated. In the stagnation point, in term of $Re^n$, n ranges from 0.43 in case of $2{\leq}L/d\leq6$ to 0.45 in case of $6. The maximum Nusselt number occurs in the direction of upstream. The displacement of the maximum Nusselt number from the stagnation point increases with increasing surface angle or decreasing nozzle-to-surface distance. The maximum displacement is about 0.7 times of the jet nozzle diameter.

An Experimental Study on the Natural Convection Heat Transfer with a Heat Source in a Top-Vented Cylindrical Enclosure (내부열원을 갖는 Top-vented 원통형 밀폐공간에서의 자연대류에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kang, Kweon-Ho;Shin, Hyun-Kyoo;Shin, Chee-Burm;Yoo, Jai-suk;Kim, Chul;Park, Young-Moo
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.203-208
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    • 1996
  • An experimental study was conducted on the natural convection heat transfer with a heat source (heater) in a top-vented cylindrical enclosure. Using an Air Controlled Oxidizer (ACO) for treatment of depleted uranium chips, the heat transfer characteristics of the ACO was studied with various heat generation. Heat flux, Nusselt number, Grashof number and Rayleigh number were obtained and the relation between Nusselt number and Rayleigh number was derived.

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Velocity and temperature profiles of Al/water micro fluid in a circular tube with swirl

  • Chang, Tae-Hyun;Lee, Kwon Soo;Lee, Chang-Hoan
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.677-684
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    • 2013
  • A lot study of convection heat transfer on internal flow has been extensively conducted in the past decades using of high specific surface area, increasing heat transfer coefficient, swirling flow and improving the transport properties. This study concerned with the application of a tangential slot swirl generator for improving heat transfer in a horizontal circular copper tube. The Al particles(about $100{\sim}130{\mu}m$) was employed for this experimental work. 3D PIV(particle image velocimetry) technique has employed to measure velocity profiles of Al particles with and without swirl flow. The copper tube is heated uniformly by winding of a heating coil for heat transfer work, having a resistance of 9 ohm per meter. Experiments are performed in the Reynolds number range of 6,800~12,100 with swirl and without swirl using Al particles. Experimental data for comparison of Nusselt number is presented that of with swirl and without swirl along the test tube for the Reynolds numbers. The Nusselt number is improved with increasing of Reynolds numbers or swirl intensities along the test tube. The Nusselt number with swirl flow is about 60.0% to 119.0% higher than that obtained by the Dittus-Boelter equation.

A Numerical Study on the Natural Convection from Two Isothermal Square Beams Attached to an Vertical Adiabatic Plate (수직단열판에 부착된 2개의 등온 사각비임에서의 자연대류 열전달에 관한 수치 해석)

  • Park, Jae-Lim;Bae, Dae-Sok;Kwon, Sun-Sok
    • Solar Energy
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 1991
  • A Steady laminar natural convection heat transfer from two isothermal square beams attached to a vertical adiabatic plate has been studied numerically. The results have been obtained for dimensionless beam spacings, $0.5{\le}D/L{\le}3.0$, and for Gr=5000-10000 at ${\phi}_2/{\phi}_1=1.0$. 1. The local Nusselt number from the beam surface is increased with the dimension-less beam spacing D/L. but that of the downward surface of the lower beam is almost same as the D/L increases. And, the local Nusselt number from the upward surface of a lower beam is greatly increased with D/L. 2. The beam spacings of the maximum mean Nusselt number for the downward surface of an upper beam and the upward surface of a lower beam occur at. D/L =2.6 and 2.0 respectively. 3. The beam spacing for the maximum total mean Nusselt number occurs at D/L = 2.6.

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Heat Transfer characteristics of distance between impinging surface and a plane jet (평면제트와 충돌면과의 거리변화에 따른 열전달 특성)

  • 김동건
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.588-594
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    • 1998
  • Heat transfer characteristics of distance between impinging surface and a plane jet were experi-mentally investigated. The local heat transfer coefficients were measured by a thermochromic liq-uid crystal(TLC) The jet Reynolds number studied was varied over the range from 10,000310 to 30,000310 the nozzle-to-plate distance (H/B) from 4 to 10. It was observed that the Nusselt number increases with Reynolds number the occurrence of the secondary peak in the Nusselt number is within the potential core region the potential core of the jet flow can reach the impinging surface so that the wall jet can a transition from laminar to turbulent flow resulting in a sudden increase in the heat transfer rate.

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A Numerical Study of Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer due to Slot-jet impinging on a Moving flat plate (이동평판에 작용하는 슬롯 충돌제트의 유동 및 열전달에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Seok;Kim, Dong-Keon;Kim, Moon-Kyung;Yoon, Soon-Hyun;Kim, Bong-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2008.11b
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    • pp.2798-2803
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    • 2008
  • The confined slot air jet impinging normally on a moving flat surface has been investigated numerically by using commercial CFD code Ansys CFX-V11. Turbulent flows are modeled using k-w turbulence model. Two-dimensional turbulent flow is considered. Calculations were conducted for a nozzle-to-plate spacing of eight slot nozzle width, at three Reynolds number(Re=4500, 6700 and 10,000) and four surface-to-velocity ratios i.e. 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 1. Results are compared against corresponding cases for heat transfer from a stationary plate. Local Nusselt number is calculated under constant wall temperature condition. The analysis reveals that the average Nusselt number increases considerably with the jet exit Reynolds number, but decrease with the plate velocity.

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