• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nursing Student.

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  • Oh, Kasil
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.33-56
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    • 1974
  • 간호를 장래의 전문직으로 택하려고 공부하는 간호학생들은 완전한 성인으로서의 발달 과정중 후기 성년기에 속한다. 이시기는 자아를 발견하고 인간이 무엇을 믿으며 인간의 가치가 무엇인가를 추구하는 중요한 시기이다. 다시 말해서 어른과 어린이의 과도기에 서서 자신의 이상적 가치와 기성사회의 기존 가치를 잘 융화시켜 독립된 인간으로서 성숙하려는 노력의 시기이다. 그러므로 성년기의 갈등은 인생의 어느 시기보다도 그 정도가 심하게 나타난다. 간호학생들은 이상의 일반적인 성년기 발달의 요구 외에도 간호대학이라는 특수한 배움의 여건 때문에 좀 더 심각한 문제에 대두된다. 특히 소아과 간호대학이라는 실습환경은 여러 가지 복잡한 병실 사정으로 많은 긴장감을 주는 학습경험이다. 어린이의 간호에는 그들의 발달과정에 따른 다양한 역활이 요구된다. 또한 병원이라는 낯선 환경과 어머니를 떨어져야하는 두려움으로 불안한 어린이와 그 어린이의 불안과 두려움으로 인해 우울과 죄의식에 있는 어머니의 간호는 여러 면에서 성년기 학생들에게 긴장감을 일으키게 하는 요인이 된다. 본 연구의 문헌조사는 주로 미국 문헌에 나타난 간호 대학생들의 성년기 성숙을 위한 발달의 요구와, 소아병실의 복잡한 여건으로 발생되는 긴장감을 다루고 있다. 문헌을 기초로 하여 저자는 긴장감을 주는 간호활동을 크게 다섯 부군으로 묶었다. 1. 어린이 환자의 신체적 간호, 2. 어린이 환자나 부모와의 원만한 대화와 상호관계를 위한 간호활동 3. 소아병실에서 요구되는 다양한 간호원의 역활 4. 어린이나 부모의 간호에 대한 의뢰심 5. 간호의 가치나 이상적 간호. 연구방법으로는 49개의 폐쇄식 질문 항목을 가진 질문지를 사용하였다. 질문 항목들은 문헌연구에서 소아과 간호학 실습시 학생들이 긴장감을 느낀다고 밝혀진 내용들이 다. 학생들은 자신의 경험을 "긴장감이 없었다. ""긴장감이 있었다. ""심한 긴장감이 있었다. ""실습 중 경험이 없었다. "의 사항 중 택일을 하게 되어 있다. 연구대상으로는 모 대학교 간호대학 학생으로 산부인과 간호학 실습을 마친 후 소아과 간호학 실습 8주를 완료한 4학년 학생 42명이었다. 자료분석의 결과는 대부분의 학생들에게 소아과 간호학 실습은 긴장감을 주는 경험이 있다고 나타났다. 다음은 연구결과 주목할만한 몇 가지 사항들이다. 1. 어린이 환자의 신체적 간호는 성년기 학생들에게 긴장감을 주는 실습 경험이었다. 특별히 심하게 긴장감을 주었던 간호활동은 어린이환자의 상태가 중한 경우로, 장기간 앓는 아이, 선천성 기형이 있는 아이, 회복이 불가능하여 죽게될 아이나 사망하는 경우의 어린이 간호였다. 이 결과는 간호학의 기본과정 즉, 기초간호학이나 내 외과 간호학 실습만으로 소아과 간호학 실습을 위한 충분한 준비가 되지 못한다는 것을 뜻 할 수도 있다. 한편, 문헌연구에서 밝힌바와 같이 어리고 연약해 보이는 어린이들의 신체조건이 학생들의 간호활동을 어렵게 하는 경우도 될 수 있겠다. 2. 간호학생들의 어린이 환자와의 대화나 원만한 인간관계에서의 긴장감은 이 연구결과로 평가나 제언이 힘들다. 조사결과에서 학생들은 주로 어린이의 상태가 좋지 않은 경우에 심한 긴장감을 가졌고 일반적인 간호의 경우에는 별로 긴장감이 없었다. 이것은 질병의 상태나 화제, 이야기 할 때의 상황에 따라 긴장감의 여부가 달라질 수 있다는 결론이 되겠다. 3. 소아병실에서의 다양한 역활을 수행하는 것은 비교적 긴장감이 많이 생기는 간호활동으로 나타났다. 그러나 재미있는 사실은 학생들이 간호원으로서의 전문가적인 입장에서, 환자나 보호자를 가르칠때는 별로 문제가 없었으나 어린이 기르는 방법이나 어린이 이해면에서 좀 더 잘 안다고 생각되는 어머니가 지켜 볼때의 어린이 간호에는 긴장감을 가진다는 사실이다. 이것은 Jewett의 연구에서 밝힌바와는 상반되는 결과다. 그의 연구에서 학설들은 부모나 어머니들에 의해 전문가로서 인정받고 기대되는 경우가 제일 어려운 경험이 있다고 밝혔다. 4. 어린이 환자나 그들 부모의 간호에 대한 의뢰심은 학생들에게 심한 긴장감을 주는 경험이 있다. 특히 신체적 간호에 대해 의뢰하는 경우에는 더 심한 긴장감을 준다고 표현한다. 일반적으로 부모가 병실에 상주하는 경우에는 그들의 의뢰심이 심하며 이것은 학생들에게 감당하기 힘든 긴장과 어려움을 주게된다. 왜냐하면 성년기의 학생들은 그들 자신이 먼저 타인에게서 이해받기를 원하며 또 관용을 베풀어주기를 원하는데 그것을 남에게 주어야 하는 입장은 학생들을 긴장되게 하는 실습활동인 것이다. 5. 학생들은 그들이 배운 간호의 이상이나 가치가 실습지에서의 여러 경우와 맞지 않는 것을 보았을 때 극심한 긴장감을 갖는다고 밝혔다. 의사나 병원 행정의 사실이 자신의 이상과 맞지 않는다는 것보다는 간호원의 간호업무의 차이에서 더 비판적인 반응을 보였다. 대부분의 성년기 학생들은 그들의 이상적인 간호원상을 그들의 선배나 실무 간호원 중에서 찾으려는 시기에 그들의 간호활동이 이론과 다른 점이나 학생 자신의 소아과 간호의 가치와 다른 것을 보았을 때는 심한 반감과 긴장감을 갖게된다. 이 문제는 어린 사람이 윗 어른과 함께 동료의식을 갖고 일하기 어려운 한국적 사회구조 때문에 더 심하게 긴장감을 주는 경험인지도 모른다. 선배 간호원의 전문인으로서의 권위와 어린이 환자 보호자의 어른으로서의 권위 사이에서 자신의 이상과 가치의 추구는 용이하지 않으며 내적 갈등은 어쩔수 없는 일 일 것이다. 6. 대부분 높은 백분율의 긴장 반응은 죽음이나 환자의 사망에 관련된 간호활동 항목에서 나타났다. 이 연구의 대상 학생들은 2, 3학년에서 죽음에 대한 강의를 들었지만 이 연구 결과에 의하면 충분한 학습 경험이 주어진 것 같지 않다. 어떠한 경우의 죽음에라도 어린이 환자나 그 보호자들의 심리를 잘 이해하고 반응을 잘 관찰해서 적절한 간호를 해 줄 수 있는 다양한 방법의 학습 경험이 필요하다고 보겠다. 7. 학생들의 긴장도가 어린이 간호에 더 심한가, 보호자 간호에 더 심한가를 알기 위한 비교 결과는 비교적 비슷한 정도로 나타났다. 8. 학생들의 소아과 간호학 실습시의 긴장도는 과거의 병실 실습기간의 장, 단이나 가정에서의 어린인 간호의 경험과는 별 연관성이 없었다. 연구의 대상자가 적기 때문에 단정을 하기는 힘이 들지만 소아과 간호학 실습이 다른 병실의 실습과는 분리되어서 완전히 다르게 다루어 져야만 하며 간호교육자들의 주의 깊은 관심과 노력이 필요한 실습교육이 라 하겠다. 이상의 전반적인 고찰에 의하면 한국 성년기 간호학생들의 소아과 간호학 실습은 미국의 경우와 마찬가지로 긴장감을 주는 경험이다. 문화배경의 다른 점은 무시하고라도 Davis와 Oleson이 결론한 바와 같이 "간호대 학생은 어디를 막론하고 다 같은 성격과 문제를 가지고 있다. " 앞으로 보다 효과적인 학생들의 소아과 간호학 실습을 위한 연구를 위해 다음의 몇 가지를 본 연구의 결과를 가지고 제언한다. 1. 보다 여러 지역에서 다양한 교육 방법을 가진 학교의 학생을 대상으로 한 연구의 필요성. 2. 학생들이 실습 전 선입견이나 이미 들어서 생긴 긴장감의 개입 여부를 밝힐 수 있는 연구. 3. 학생 개인의 과거 경침이 긴장감 유발에 미치는 영향을 위한 연구 4. 이 연구의 결과를 입증할 수 있는 종단적 연구. 5. 이 연구에서 나타난 긴장감이 학습 행위에 미치는 영향을 알기 위한 관찰적 연구. 이 연구를 위해 많은 도움을 주셨던 보스턴대학의 Dr. Kennedy와 연세대학의 여러 선생님께 심심한 감사를 드립니다.

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Health Management and Services of School-Nurse in Special Schools (특수학교의 보건관리)

  • Lee, Kyung Hee;Park, Jae Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.176-192
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    • 1991
  • School nurses, in service of 102 special schools in Korea, were urveyed by mail questionnaires from February to March, 1991 and 77 of hem responded. Collected data were analyzed to establish the direction of health management in special school and to provide basic reference data for improving the quality of the management of school-nurses' services. The major findings are as follows: Out of special schools surveyed, 67.5% is private school and 83.2% is located in city. The average number of classes, students, and educational personnels per special school is 17.2, 194, and 28 respectively. The average age of school-nurses surveyed is 32.7. The proportion of graduates from the junior college and upward was 97.4%, the proportion of the married was 71.4%. Out of respondents, 71.4% has religion : 79.2% has past career in the fields of clinics or public health: 62.3% accompanishes independent services: 77.9% belongs to primary school. About 69% of nursing room in special schools surveyed is located at the first floor. Out of special school surveyed, 90.9% has no organization for school health programms: Only 18.2% entrusted everyone of school doctor, school dentist, and school pharmacists with school health. 46.8% of respondents didn't know about the annual budget for school health programmes. The average annual expenditure for school health programme per special school was 317,000F26. won and the purchase cost for medical supplies accounted for the larger part of them. The monthly average number of students utilizing school nursing room was 71 per school, annual utilization times of school nursing room was 4.4 per student and utilization due to injury was prevalent by 26.6% and there is some differences in using the school nursing room according to disabled area. Rate of referral to medical facilities was 1.4%. The leading reason of referral to medical facilities was high fever among those who have visual handicaps, fracture among those who have emotional disturbance, injury by trauma among others. Nine hundred fifty six students of students in special school surveyed have sufferd from epilepsy and prevalence rate of epilepsy was 6.4%. Only 22.6% of respondents replied that they had physical examination more than 2 times per year. Out of respnodents, 98.7% answered that they had health education and 67.1% of them ansered that they educated in a classroom, 98.7% of respondents emphasized need of sex education. Respondents put the most emphasis on the personal hygiene when they performed health education and they used broadcasting education in the area of visual handicaps, OHP or VTR in hearing handicaps, home correspondence or OHP VTR in other area importantly. About 47% of repondents answered that health education was the most difficult and they emphasized that definite guide on health management was requested. Respondents had self-confidence and high perfomance rate in most of school-nurses' services completely, but so they was not in area of evaluation of school health programmes, an examination of physical strength, evaluation of health education, management of school purification area, suture of wounds. In consideration of above findings, we may conclude that special education for school-nurse in special schools as well as improvement of definite guiding principles are requested to establish direction for health management in special schools and to improve the degree of quality for school-nurses' sevices in special schools.

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On Investigation of Status of Sex Education and Sex Education Needs of High School Students by Their Sexual Experience (일부지역 고등학생의 성교육 실태와 성경험에 따른 성교육 요구도 조사)

  • Lee, Seon-Suk;Cho, Soon-Ja;Sin, Yeon-Soon;Choi, In-Sook;Lee, Deok-Weon
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.5
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    • pp.85-105
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for practical and concrete program development, which can give students satisfaction in sex education. To achieve this purpose, an actual status of sex education for high school student and their sexual experience were investigated. And then tried to find out if there is difference of satisfaction in sex education and contents that they want to learn based on having sexual experience or not. For this study, a questionnaire of sexual awareness was conducted on 562 students among first graders and second graders of high school located in Kongju city, from on October 4th, 2004 to on October 15th. But only 550 answer sheets among 562 were analyzed, for 12 answer sheets were not proper enough to apply to this study. The collected data was computerized using SPSS WIN in frequency and percentage for actual condition of sex education and sexual experience and for satisfaction at the result of sex education based on having sexual experience or not. And then the $x^2$-test was verify the difference. The requirement for sex education, based on having sexual experience or not, was analyzed using t-test by computerizing the average and standard deviation. The conclusion of this study are as followings; 1. 93.8% students have ever been taught for sex education by teachers, but nursing teacher among them was the higher percentage than any other teachers. They took courses for sex education in discretion class, and the teaching method was a kind of lecture. 2. After taking sex education, 37.6% students said that it was boring, for they had already known the contents of the courses, and 43.8% students said that they acquired sex knowledge through the Internet and mass media. 3. It was highest percentage that 36.9% students had no agony about sex. The most serious worry was a sexual impulse and the sexual psychology of the opposite sex. To solve these worries, 61.6% students said that they consulted with their friends. 4. It showed that 89.9% male students and 71.6% female students had experiences various lascivious materials, 81.4% male students, 7.2 female students experienced masturbation, 52.7% female student and 44.8% male students experienced kissing or hugging, and 13.7% male students and 9.9% female students experienced sexual intercourse. 5. The satisfaction for sex education based on having sexual experience or not was different. In short, it showed that the students who experienced sexual experiences such as accessing to lascivious materials, kissing, hugging, and sexual intercourse except masturbation thought that sex education was important than the students who didn't experience sexual experiences. On the other hand, the students who didn't experience sexual experiences were more satisfied with the contents and level of sex education than the students who experienced sexual experiences. 6. The requirement for sex education based on having sexual experience or not was also different. The students who experienced sexual experiences wanted to learn an acquaintance with the other sex than the others. On the other hand, the students who didn't experience sexual experience wanted to learn friendship and love. The students who experienced sexual experience except masturbation was more desirable for taking sex education than the other students. In conclusion, it is fully required that sex education should be regular subject in school and teachers who are charge of sex education should be experts in this field, for only expert can teach systematic and adequate sex knowledge to students. In addition, it is also essential to understand contents of sex education which can be satisfactory for students' requirement. So we should develop concrete and practical programs for sex education.

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The Study of Physical Trauma on Adolescent during exercise: Focused on Judo (청소년의 운동 중 신체적 외상에 대한 연구: 유도를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jongrok;Oh, Chung-Uk;Lee, Minseon;Suh, Dongwha
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.1938-1945
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    • 2014
  • This study intends to investigate physical trauma in the adolescent during exercise of teenage elite judo players in Seoul. The subjects were male 67, female 14, totally 81 in middle and high school student and the data collected june the first to 28th, 2013. A data were analyzed frequency analysis, chi-square test and t-test using SPSS 16.0 program. The questionaire was contained 6 categories, experience, region, types, time, causes, intervention and preventionof sports injury. The highest results of each categories of this study is that experience of injury is 77(95.1%), region is knee 35(70.0%), type is contusion 42(54.5%), time is summer 54(70.1%), cause is body crash 40(51.9%), and intervention is going hospital 46(59.7%). To prevent physical trauma, we should recognize physical trauma durind exercise as a health problem. And to prevent physical trauma, relatives should make prevention prorgram for adolescent sports players. It will improve their quality of life.

The Relationship between Alcohol Use and Drinking Problems Among College Students (대학생의 음주실태와 음주문제와의 관계)

  • Lee, Mi Ra
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.4619-4628
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between alcohol use and drinking problems among college students. Data were collected by structured questionnaires from 400 college students by convenient sampling methods from September 26 to October 14, 2011. Data were analyzed by SPSS/WIN 15.0 program. The results were as follows: According to the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT), subjects were classified into four groups such as 40.2% of no problem, 36.7% of drinking problem, 6.8% of high risk drinking problem and 16.3% of alcohol dependence. The alcohol use and drinking problems were significant difference for gender, age, type of residence, age of first drinking, cause of drinking, frequency and amount of drinking. The alcohol use was correlated with drinking problems: social function impairment(r=.601, p<.01), behavior problem(r=.579, p<.01), family and interpersonal impairment(r=.637, p<.01). The influencing factors of drinking problems were alcohol use(${\beta}$=.640, p=.000). This study concludes that it is necessary to establish alcohol use policies on campus and develop temperance education program to reduce alcohol consumption and drinking problems.

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Outbreak and Responsiveness of the Pharmacy Programs on the Pharmacy Practice Education (중동호흡기증후군(MERS) 발생관련 전국 약학대학의 실무실습교육 대응현황)

  • Choi, Kyung Hee;Choi, Kyung Suk;Lee, Young Sook;Kim, Jaeyoun;Jeong, Kyeong Hye;Oh, Jung Mi;Choi, Kyung Eob;Ra, Hyeon Oh;Lee, Euni
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2017
  • Background: Pharmacy curriculum change was made from a 4-year program to a 2+4 year program in year 2009 in Korea. The change has resulted in more educational exposures on patient-centered practice environments for about 1,400 hours in the last year of the professional pharmacy program. When the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) outbreak hit Seoul and suburban areas and propagated to other provinces in Korea, emergency response to avoid student infection in the pharmacy practice sites became an urgent issue. While other health professional programs such as medicine and nursing had activated emergency preparedness manuals, timely and clear guidelines were not disseminated to all pharmacy programs and protective measures largely relied on individual pharmacy program. Methods: A survey was developed by the Committee on Pharmacy Practice Experience Programs in the Korean College of Clinical Pharmacy to document the status of pharmacy programs during the Korea MERS outbreak in 2015. The 10-question survey was distributed to the pharmacy practice experience coordinators to 34 out of 35 pharmacy schools in Korea by emails. Results: Our findings showed that 82.4% of the program coordinators (28/34) responded to the survey, 96.4% of the programs did not have emergency preparedness manuals, administrative meetings were held in 89.3% of the pharmacy programs, the rotation schedules were modified or withheld in 53.6% of schools, and the changes were mostly observed from the programs classified as MERS outbreak regions. Conclusion: Further needs in establishing the emergency preparedness manual should be explored for pharmacy education stakeholders.

The effects and related factors of public service announcement on hand-washing (국민 손씻기 홍보사업 효과 및 관련요인)

  • Kim, Hyun-Soo;Lee, Moo-Sik;Kim, Byung-Hee;Yang, Nam-Young;Hwang, Hae-Jung;Hong, Jee-Young;Hong, Soo-Jin;Kim, Eun-Young;Kim, Young-Tek;Park, Youn-Jin;Lim, Go-Un
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate derived factors associated with a public service announcement on handwashing to evaluate the effect of this announcement. Methods: In early september, 1,000 persons over 19 years old was investigated by Computer Aided Telephone Interview, at last 993 persons for analysis. Outcomes were the exposure to the public service announcements on handwashing, the comprehension of this announcements, the intention of behavioral change and the practice of handwashing. Results: In particular, the proportion of exposure is more women and highly educated. The comprehension of the announcement was no statistically significant difference. The intention of behavior change showed higher in workers and understanding of the announcements. The practice of handwashing is higher in women and lower in student/unemployed. There was no difference in practice in accordance with the exposure, the comprehension and the intention of behavioral change. Conclusions: About the comprehension of the announcements and the intention of behavioral change, the effects of the public service announcements on handwashing can be very positive. But it does not affect the actual practice of hand washing. The handwashing promotion programs will have to devise a strategy and structure, operation method considering realistic and scalable platform.

Effects of Academic Emotions and Interpersonal Relations on SNS Addiction Tendency by Gender Differences in College Students (성별에 따른 대학생의 학업정서와 대인관계 능력이 SNS 중독 경향성에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Hae Ok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.269-277
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to grasp the influence of a college student's academic emotions and the ability of interpersonal relations according to gender on the SNS addiction tendency. Data were collected through a self-reported structured questionnaire from 130 college students using convenient sampling methods from September 1 to October 31, 2015. The research result showed that in the case of male college students, only the ability of interpersonal relations (${\beta}=-.41$, p=.009) was understood as a variable with an influence on the SNS addiction tendency, having approximately 16% power of explanation (F=2.26, p=.049) after controlling for age, daily average duration of using SNS, subjectively-perceived level of dependence on SNS, and one's own level of using SNS. In the case of female college students, it was understood that the daily average duration of using SNS (${\beta}=.42$, p<.001) and positive academic emotions(${\beta}=.27$, p=.010) were variables having an influence on the SNS addiction tendency, having approximately 28% power of explanation (F=5.19, p<.001). Accordingly, to solve the psycho-social health problems related to male and female students' SNS addiction based on this research, it might be helpful for planning a program by taking into account the differences between the related variables according to gender.

Knowledge and Practice of College Entrants Toward Hepatitis B (일부 대학신입생들의 B형 간염에 대한 지식과 실천)

  • Chi, Sung-Ai;Chang, Kyou-Chull;Park, Jong-Yoon
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.21 no.1 s.23
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    • pp.31-46
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    • 1988
  • In order to designate a present status necessary for establishment of preventive measures and guidelines of health education against hepatitis B in the course of secondary school education, knowledge and practice toward hepatitis B virus infection was surveyed by a questionnare method on total of 4,855 college entrants in the academic year of 1987 and analyzed the data collected using IBM PC(Trigem 88-II) with SAS package program. About two per cent of college entrants had past history of HBV infections not showing any difference between both sexes and geographical regions. About one third(33.7%) of total students had tested hepatitis B surface antigen(HBsAg), only 4% had tested hepatitis B surface antibody(HBsAb) and vaccination rate amounted to 24.6%, one fourth of total subjects. Both serological tests and vaccination were most commonly performed during adolescence, showing higher rates in female students than in male students. The rates also seemed to be higher in those from urban cities than those from rural cities. Students who had acquired correct knowledge that hepatitis B was infected by virus were amounted to 78.5% of college entrants, and remaining 21.5% had misunderstood that rickettsia, bacteria, fungi or parasites were causal agents. Female students were better aware of the causal agents than male students but there was no difference between places of growth. As for mode of transmission of HBV, 51.5% of male students and 47.7% of female students had correct knowledge. A very few student had known that fact that HBV was transmitted by body fluids such as tear(6.9%), nasal discharge(10.1%) and semen or vaginal secretion(19.2%) and majority(75%) of students had misunderstood that hepatitis B virus would be transmitted per os through food ingestion. Approximately one half(48.9%) of college entrants had knew correctly whom to be vaccinated. Approximately one half of the students knew that hepatr;ma(57.8%) and liver cirrhosis(57.4%) might complicate with hepatitis B virus infection, whereas 12.0% of the students responded that bronchitis was one of the complications of hepatitis B infection. In summary of the above results, we highly recommend that health education program for eradication of hepatitis B virus infection should be introduced in curricula of secondary school education in this country.

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Alcohol intake, smoking, and 2nd to 4th digit ratio of university students (대학생의 음주 및 흡연과 손가락 길이비(2D:4D))

  • Kim, Soo-Il;Kim, Keum-Sook;Cho, Keun-Ja
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.3983-3990
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    • 2012
  • The hazardous effects of heavy alcohol intake and smoking to body systems have been identified by numerous studies, and there is many influencing factors on alcohol intake and smoking choices. The aim of this study is to identify the correlation between alcohol intake and digit ratio (2D:4D), as well as smoking and digit ratio (2D:4D) in university students. Participants were 121 male and 314 female university students. After filling in questionnaire related alcohol and smoking history, 2nd and 4th finger lengths were measured on both hands using vernier callipers with photocopy. This study showed 2D:4D of the males was 0.95, and that of the females was 0.96. There was a significant difference between male and female in digit ratio. The digit ratio according alcohol intake level significantly differed in only women's left hand. The digit ratio according smoking level significantly differed in only men's left hand. Moreover, The digit ratio was negatively associated with alcohol intake and smoking. The results of this study suggest that the digit ratio (2D:4D) affected with fetal testosterone concentration is negatively related to alcohol intake and smoking. Therefore, the digit ratio would be used in preventive program of alcohol intake and smoking of adolescent, or in antialcoholism /smoking cessation program as a biological basic data.