• Title/Summary/Keyword: Number of company

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A Study on Re-Participation and Recommendation by Evaluation of Cruise Tour Attributes (크루즈(Cruise)참가속성 만족도에 따른 재 참가 및 참가추천의사에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Do-Yeong;Kim, Maeng-Seon
    • Journal of Applied Tourism Food and Beverage Management and Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.69-84
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    • 2006
  • Recently, Cruise travel Industry becomes a major market in the SIT tour. this perspective, the primary purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between influencing factors of the Selection Attributes of Cruise Tour. This research aims to provide information to establish customer-oriented marketing strategies in developing by cruise tour. The current study examined related literature finding out the number of the factors to meet future users preference and expectations. Based on examined factors, the study investigated the same dimensions in Korea future cruise industry. The data collected outgoing tourists of travel service company. The Survey instrument consisted of asking respondents a number of questions regarding their intention, preferences, and expectations toward future cruise travel. The result of study showed that a certain number of factors were statistically significant on the future users cruise travel intention. It shows that there was significant difference related to the using purpose and the usage attitude. It can be conducted from the results that respondents expected a certain number of factors when the cruise travel launched in korea.

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Influence analysis of Internet buzz to corporate performance : Individual stock price prediction using sentiment analysis of online news (온라인 언급이 기업 성과에 미치는 영향 분석 : 뉴스 감성분석을 통한 기업별 주가 예측)

  • Jeong, Ji Seon;Kim, Dong Sung;Kim, Jong Woo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2015
  • Due to the development of internet technology and the rapid increase of internet data, various studies are actively conducted on how to use and analyze internet data for various purposes. In particular, in recent years, a number of studies have been performed on the applications of text mining techniques in order to overcome the limitations of the current application of structured data. Especially, there are various studies on sentimental analysis to score opinions based on the distribution of polarity such as positivity or negativity of vocabularies or sentences of the texts in documents. As a part of such studies, this study tries to predict ups and downs of stock prices of companies by performing sentimental analysis on news contexts of the particular companies in the Internet. A variety of news on companies is produced online by different economic agents, and it is diffused quickly and accessed easily in the Internet. So, based on inefficient market hypothesis, we can expect that news information of an individual company can be used to predict the fluctuations of stock prices of the company if we apply proper data analysis techniques. However, as the areas of corporate management activity are different, an analysis considering characteristics of each company is required in the analysis of text data based on machine-learning. In addition, since the news including positive or negative information on certain companies have various impacts on other companies or industry fields, an analysis for the prediction of the stock price of each company is necessary. Therefore, this study attempted to predict changes in the stock prices of the individual companies that applied a sentimental analysis of the online news data. Accordingly, this study chose top company in KOSPI 200 as the subjects of the analysis, and collected and analyzed online news data by each company produced for two years on a representative domestic search portal service, Naver. In addition, considering the differences in the meanings of vocabularies for each of the certain economic subjects, it aims to improve performance by building up a lexicon for each individual company and applying that to an analysis. As a result of the analysis, the accuracy of the prediction by each company are different, and the prediction accurate rate turned out to be 56% on average. Comparing the accuracy of the prediction of stock prices on industry sectors, 'energy/chemical', 'consumer goods for living' and 'consumer discretionary' showed a relatively higher accuracy of the prediction of stock prices than other industries, while it was found that the sectors such as 'information technology' and 'shipbuilding/transportation' industry had lower accuracy of prediction. The number of the representative companies in each industry collected was five each, so it is somewhat difficult to generalize, but it could be confirmed that there was a difference in the accuracy of the prediction of stock prices depending on industry sectors. In addition, at the individual company level, the companies such as 'Kangwon Land', 'KT & G' and 'SK Innovation' showed a relatively higher prediction accuracy as compared to other companies, while it showed that the companies such as 'Young Poong', 'LG', 'Samsung Life Insurance', and 'Doosan' had a low prediction accuracy of less than 50%. In this paper, we performed an analysis of the share price performance relative to the prediction of individual companies through the vocabulary of pre-built company to take advantage of the online news information. In this paper, we aim to improve performance of the stock prices prediction, applying online news information, through the stock price prediction of individual companies. Based on this, in the future, it will be possible to find ways to increase the stock price prediction accuracy by complementing the problem of unnecessary words that are added to the sentiment dictionary.

Fit of the number of insurance solicitor's turnovers using zero-inflated negative binomial regression (영과잉 음이항회귀 모형을 이용한 보험설계사들의 이직횟수 적합)

  • Chun, Heuiju
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.1087-1097
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to find the best model to fit the number of insurance solicitor's turnovers of life insurance companies using count data regression models such as poisson regression, negative binomial regression, zero-inflated poisson regression, or zero-inflated negative binomial regression. Out of the four models, zero-inflated negative binomial model has been selected based on AIC and SBC criteria, which is due to over-dispersion and high proportion of zero-counts. The significant factors to affect insurance solicitor's turnover found to be a work period in current company, a total work period as financial planner, an affiliated corporation, and channel management satisfaction. We also have found that as the job satisfaction or the channel management satisfaction gets lower as channel management satisfaction, the number of insurance solicitor's turnovers increases. In addition, the total work period as financial planner has positive relationship with the number of insurance solicitor's turnovers, but the work period in current company has negative relationship with it.

The Impact of Human Resource Innovativeness, Learning Orientation, and Their Interaction on Innovation Effect and Business Performance : Comparison of Small and Medium-Sized vs. Large-Sized Companies (인적자원의 혁신성, 학습지향성, 이들의 상호작용이 혁신효과 및 사업성과에 미치는 영향 : 중소기업과 대기업의 비교연구)

  • Yoh, Eunah
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this research is to explore differences between small and medium-sized companies and large-sized companies in the impact of human resource innovativeness(HRI), learning orientation(LO), and HRI-LO interaction on innovation effect and business performance. Although learning orientation has long been considered as a key factor influencing good performance of a business, little research was devoted to exploring the effect of HRI-LO interaction on innovation effect and business performance. In this study, it is investigated whether there is a synergy effect between innovative human workforce and learning orientation corporate culture, in addition to each by itself, to generate good business performance as well as a success of new innovations in the market. Research hypotheses were as follows, including H1) human resource innovativeness(HRI), learning orientation(LO), and interactions of HRI and LO(HRI-LO interaction) positively affect innovation effect, H2) there is a difference of the effect of HRI, LO, and HRI-LO interaction on innovation effect between large-sized and small-sized companies, H3) HRI, LO, HRI-LO interaction, innovation effect positively affect business performance, and H4) there is a difference of the effect of HRI, LO, HRI-LO interaction, and innovation effect on business performance between large-sized and small-sized companies. Data were obtained from 479 practitioners through a web survey since the web survey is an efficient method to collect a national data at a variety of fields. A single respondent from a company was allowed to participate in the study after checking whether they have more than 5-year work experiences in the company. To check whether a common source bias is existed in the sample, additional data from a convenient sample of 97 companies were gathered through the traditional survey method, and were used to confirm correlations between research variables of the original sample and the additional sample. Data were divided into two groups according to company size, such as 352 small and medium-sized companies with less than 300 employees and 127 large-sized companies with 300 or more employees. Data were analyzed through t-test and regression analyses. HRI which is the innovativeness of human resources in the company was measured with 9 items assessing the innovativenss of practitioners in staff, manager, and executive-level positions. LO is the company's effort to encourage employees' development, sharing, and utilizing of knowledge through consistent learning. LO was measured by 18 items assessing commitment to learning, vision sharing, and open-mindedness. Innovation effect which assesses a success of new products/services in the market, was measured with 3 items. Business performance was measured by respondents' evaluations on profitability, sales increase, market share, and general business performance, compared to other companies in the same field. All items were measured by using 6-point Likert scales. Means of multiple items measuring a construct were used as variables based on acceptable reliability and validity. To reduce multi-collinearity problems generated on the regression analysis of interaction terms, centered data were used for HRI, LO, and Innovation effect on regression analyses. In group comparison, large-sized companies were superior on annual sales, annual net profit, the number of new products/services in the last 3 years, the number of new processes advanced in the last 3 years, and the number of R&D personnel, compared to small and medium-sized companies. Also, large-sized companies indicated a higher level of HRI, LO, HRI-LO interaction, innovation effect and business performance than did small and medium-sized companies. The results indicate that large-sized companies tend to have more innovative human resources and invest more on learning orientation than did small-sized companies, therefore, large-sized companies tend to have more success of a new product/service in the market, generating better business performance. In order to test research hypotheses, a series of multiple-regression analysis was conducted. In the regression analysis examining the impact on innovation effect, important results were generated as : 1) HRI, LO, and HRI-LO affected innovation effect, and 2) company size indicated a moderating effect. Based on the result, the impact of HRI on innovation effect would be greater in small and medium-sized companies than in large-sized companies whereas the impact of LO on innovation effect would be greater in large-sized companies than in small and medium-sized companies. In other words, innovative workforce would be more important in making new products/services that would be successful in the market for small and medium-sized companies than for large-sized companies. Otherwise, learning orientation culture would be more effective in making successful products/services for large-sized companies than for small and medium-sized companies. Based on these results, research hypotheses 1 and 2 were supported. In the analysis of a regression examining the impact on business performance, important results were generated as : 1) innovation effect, LO, and HRI-LO affected business performance, 2) HRI by itself did not have a direct effect on business performance regardless of company size, and 3) company size indicated a moderating effect. Specifically, an effect of the HRI-LO interaction on business performance was stronger in large-sized companies than in small and medium-sized companies. It means that the synergy effect of innovative human resources and learning orientation culture tends to be stronger as company is larger. Referring to these result, research hypothesis 3 was partially supported whereas hypothesis 4 was supported. Based on research results, implications for companies were generated. Regardless of company size, companies need to develop the learning orientation corporate culture as well as human resources' innovativeness together in order to achieve successful development of innovative products and services as well as to improve sales and profits. However, the effectiveness of the HRI-LO interaction would be varied by company size. Specifically, the synergy effect of HRI-LO was stronger to make a success of new products/services in small and medium-sized companies than in large-sized companies. However, the synergy effect of HRI-LO was more effective to increase business performance of large-sized companies than that of small and medium-sized companies. In the case of small and medium-sized companies, business performance was achieved more through the success of new products/services than much directly affected by HRI-LO. The most meaningful result of this study is that the effect of HRI-LO interaction on innovation effect and business performance was confirmed. It was often ignored in the previous research. Also, it was found that the innovativeness of human workforce would not directly influence in generating good business performance, however, innovative human resources would indirectly affect making good business performance by contributing to achieving the development of new products/services that would be successful in the market. These findings would provide valuable managerial implications specifically in regard to the development of corporate culture and education program of small and medium-sized as well as large-sized companies in a variety of fields.

Effect of Gamiojeoksan Remnants used as Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Korean mint

  • Ryu, Jai-Hyunk;Choi, Seong-Kyu;Yun, Kyeong-Won;Seo, Young-Nam;Seo, Kyoung-Sun;Kim, Hyun-jin
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.215-219
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    • 2009
  • In these experiments Gamiojeoksan remnant components were analyzed to recycle this medicinal herb remnant fertilizers. The basic growth of Korean mint by application of Gamiojeoksan remnants were higher than control. As the amount of fertilizers were increased, plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves and number of branches were increased. The growth and yield were the highest in the treatment of 30 g/pot. Weight of whole plant of Korean mint has a tendency to be heavy in application of herbs remnant than that of control.

A study on the Application of a Monitoring System for Gas Insulaterd Switchgear (가스절연개폐장치용 감시시스템 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Bae;Kim, Min-Su;Song, Won-Pyo;Kim, Deok-Su;Jeon, Chan-Seok;Gil, Gyeong-Seok
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers C
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2002
  • ln this paper, it was reported the developed results of the monitoring unit for 72.5kY GIS which it is one part of the monitoring system for the substation that Korea Railway Company is promoting. In order to monitor the operational status of GIS, four parameters were chosen: the number of times of the circuit breaker switching, tightness of the gas-sealed units (circuit breaker / disconnecting switch / earthing switch), the number of times of the lightning arrestor operating and the leakage current of the lighting arrester. We constructed the monitoring system that can be judged the operating condition of the GIS from the signal of the suitable sensor for the purpose. Therefore, it is possible to on line monitoring for the condition of the GlS without efforts of the Periodic inspection.

Video Watermarking Scheme for Scalable Video Coding using ROI

  • Yoon, Ji-Sun;Kwon, Seong-Geun;Lee, Suk-Hwan;Song, Yoon-Chul;Kim, Min-Hwan;Kwon, Ki-Ryong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.796-806
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents a blind video watermarking algorithm that has the robustness against spatial, temporal, and SNR scalability and transcoding for the copyright protection of video contents in heterogeneous multimedia service. The proposed process of watermark embedding and detecting is accomplished on base layer for considering spatial scalability. The watermark consists of the string and the ordering number of string for considering temporal scalability. Thus, each of frames has the bitstream of one character and a ordering number of its character. To robust against FGS, the proposed algorithm quantizes low and middle frequency coefficients in ROI region of each of frames and embeds its watermark bitstream into the specific bits of the quantized coefficients. Experimental results verified that the proposed algorithm satisfies the invisibility of watermark and also has the robustness against spatial scalability, temporal scalability and FGS.

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A Study on the Demand Forecasting by using Transfer Function with the Short Term Time Series and Analyzing the Effect of Marketing Policy (단기 시계열 제품의 전이함수를 이용한 수요예측과 마케팅 정책에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Myeong-Yu;Rhee, Jong-Tae
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.400-410
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    • 2003
  • Most of the demand forecasting which have been studied is about long-term time series over 15 years demand forecasting. In this paper, we set up the most optimal ARIMA model for the short-term time series demand forecasting and suggest demand forecasting system for short-term time series by appraising suitability and predictability. We are going to use the univariate ARIMA model in parallel with the bivariate transfer function model to improve the accuracy of forecasting. We also analyze the effect of advertisement cost, scale of branch stores, and number of clerk on the establishment of marketing policy by applying statistical methods. After then we are going to show you customer's needs, which are number of buying products. We have applied this method to forecast the annual sales of refrigerator in four branch stores of A company.

Trends of Recycling Technology on End of Life Vehicle (폐자동차 재활용의 기술동향)

  • 이현용;송준엽;윤주호;홍존희;이원배
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.1244-1247
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    • 2004
  • In the last year, the number of registered vehicles in Korea surpassed the 14 million mark, and increase in number continuously. Nowdays, this tendency has raised some problems inevitably in the view of expansion of ELV and earth environment pollution resulted from it. Currently, the domestic recycle rate of ELV is about 75%. the reason of the row rate of it is due to that dismantling company can not obtain the needed recycling technology. State of art for recycling technology of ELV in domestic & foreign was introduced.

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A Case Study on the Capacity Design for Manufacturing Process of Bearing-Race (베어링궤도 제조공정의 용량설계에 관한 사례연구)

  • Moon, Dug-Hee;Song, Cheng
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.349-355
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    • 2002
  • In order to build a new factory, we must have answers regarding the following questions; 1. what is to be produced? 2. how are the products to be produced? 3. how much of each product will be produced? The answers are related to product-design, process-design and capacity-design respectively and they are used for layout-design as the input data. Especially capacity design decision provides the information regarding the number of equipments required and the balance of the line. This paper introduces a case study on the capacity design for a new factory where the retainers of ball bearing are manufactured. A simulation model is developed with ARENA for analyzing the system considered. The major objectives of the study are evaluating the performance of the line which is originally suggested by the company, and finding out alternatives for improving the system. Number of WIP between the processes are also investigated because it affects the space planning of the layout.