• Title/Summary/Keyword: Number of Teeth

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A Short-Term Study of the Effects of UDCA on Gingival Inflammation in the Beagle Dog (우로수데옥시콜릭산이 치주질환 억제에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Sang-Hyun;Han, Seoung-Min;Choi, Sang-Mook;Ku, Young;Rhyu, In-Chul;Han, Soo-Boo;Lee, Hak-Mo;Kim, Moon-Moo;Kim, Sang-Nyun;Chung, Chong-Pyoung
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1999
  • Ursodeoxycholic acid(UDCA) is a hydrophilic gall bladder acid and has been used as a effective drug for liver disease related to in1munity. This drug inhibits secretions of IL-2, IL-4, and $IFN-{\gamma}$ from T-cells and production of immunoglobulin from B-cells. Also it has been reported that UDCA inhibits production of IL-1 related to the progression of periodontal disease and activation of collagenases. The purpose of the present study was to elucidate the effects of UDCA on inhibition of periodontal disease progression using clinical, microbiological and histometrical parameters. Twelve pure bred, 16 month-old-beagle dogs were used in the study. After ligature-induced periodontal diseases were formed, experimental drugs were applied twice a day and then the results of clinical, microbiological, and histometrical parameters were measured at baselie(initiation of experiment) , 4weeks and 8weeks. The gel with UDCA(concentration 0.5%, 5% 3 dogs in each) was applied to experimental group, chlorhexidine to positive control group(3dogs) and the gel without UDCA(base) to negative control group. After induction of general anesthesia, the maxillary 2nd, 3rd premolars and 1st molar and the mandibular 2nd, 3rd, 4th premolars and 1st molar were ligated in one side selected randomly and were not ligated in the opposite side. The plaque index(PI), gingival index(GI), pocket depth(PD) and gingival crevicular fluid(GCF) volum were measured clinically. The PI and GI were measured at 3 buccal points of all experimental teeth and the GCF was measured only at the 3rd premolar in the maxilla and the 4th premolar in the mandible. In the microbiological study, the samples extracted from the 3rd premolar of the maxilla and the 4th premolar of the mandible at the center of buccal surface were analyzed aerobics, anaerobics and Streptococcus colony forming units, After clinical and microbiological examination at 8weeks, the dogs were sacrificed by carotid artery perfusion. The samples were fixed and sectioned including interproximal area, and the distance from cementoenamel junction(CEJ) to alveolar crest was measured. The results were that PI, GI and PD increased until 4 weeks and decreased at 8 weeks in three groups but the differences between all the groups were not significant. The 0.5% UDCA in non-ligated group showed remarkable decrease of GCF. The experimental group applied 5% UDCA decreased the number of aerobics and anaerobics. The distance from CEJ to alveolar crest was greater in the negative control group on both ligated and non-ligated sides, but the differences were not significant stastically.

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Evaluation of clinical status of fixed prosthesis (고정성 보철물의 임상적 상태에 대한 평가)

  • Yun, Mi-Jung;Jeon, Young-Chan;Jeong, Chang-Mo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2009
  • Statement of problem: Restoring and replacing teeth with fixed prostheses commonly used in dental practice. Because of improper oral hygiene care and inaccurate laboratory procedure, complications of fixed prostheses were found in the mouth of patients. Although many efforts have been continually made to obtain the data of long term prognosis of fixed prostheses, it was difficult to do it. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical status of fixed prostheses. Material and methods: In order to assess the clinical status of fixed prostheses, a total of 161 individuals(aged 17-85, 99 women and 62 men with 1596 unit of fixed prostheses, and 1169 abutments) who first visited the Department of Prosthodontics, Pusan National University Hospital, between April to September, in 2007 were examined. Results and conclusion: The results of this study were as follows: 1. Length of service of fixed prostheses was $8.6{\pm}0.6$ years(mean), 10.0 years(median). 2. Location of fixed prostheses was found to have no statistically significant influence on longevity of fixed prostheses(P>.05). But, the success rate was high in posterior region and in mandible where the failure rate was high in combination(P<.05). 3. Longevity of fixed prostheses made of metal was longest(mean: $13.0{\pm}9.3$, median: 14.0), gold, precious ceramic, non-precious ceramic trailing behind(P<.05). 4. Number of units in fixed prostheses was found to have no statistically significant influence on longevity of fixed prostheses(P>.05). But, the success rate was high in Single-unit and the failure rate was high in over 3-unit(P<.05). 5. Condition of opposing dentition was found to have no statistically significant influence on longevity of fixed prostheses(P>.05). But, the success rate was high in natural dentition(P<.05). 6. Defective margin(28.2%), dental caries(23.0%), periodontal disease(19.3%), periapical disease(16.9%) were frequent complications. In 30.1% of the cases, abutment state after removing fixed prostheses was needed to be extracted.

The fracture resistance of heat pressed ceramics with wire reinforcement (금속선 강화에 따른 열 가압 도재의 파절저항)

  • Jo, Deuk-Won;Dong, Jin-Keun;Oh, Sang-Chun;Kim, Yu-Lee
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.191-198
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    • 2009
  • Statement of problem: Ceramics have been important materials for the restoration of teeth. The demands of patients for tooth-colored restorations and the availability of various dental ceramics has driven the increased use of new types of dental ceramic materials. Improved physical properties of theses materials have expanded its use even in posterior crowns and fixed partial dentures. However, ceramic still has limitation such as low loading capability. This is critical for long-span bridge, because bridge is more subject to tensile force. Purpose: The wire reinforced ceramic was designed to increase the fracture resistance of ceramic restoration. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the fracture resistance of wire reinforced ceramic. Material and methods: Heat pressed ceramic(ingot No.200 : IPS Empress 2, Ivoclar Vivadent, Liechtenstein) and Ni-Cr wire(Alfa Aesar, Johnson Matthey Company, USA) of 0.41 mm diameter were used in this study. Five groups of twelve uniform sized ceramic specimens(width 4 mm, thickness 2 mm, length 15 mm) were fabricated. Each group had different wire arrangement. Wireless ceramic was used as control group. The experimental groups were divided according to wire number and position. One, two and three strands of wires were positioned on the longitudinal axis of specimen. In another experimental group, three strands of wires positioned on the longitudinal axis and five strands of wires positioned on the transverse axis. Three-point bending test was done with universal testing machine(Z020, Zwick, Germany) to compare the flexural modulus, flexural strength, strain at fracture and fracture toughness of each group. Fractured ceramic specimens were cross-sectioned with caborundum disc and grinded with sandpaper to observe interface between ceramic and Ni-Cr wire. The interface between ceramic and Ni-Cr wire was analyzed with scanning electron microscope(JSM-6360, JEOL, Japan) under platinum coating. Results: The results obtained were as follows: 1. The average and standard deviation in flexural modulus, flexural strength and fracture toughness showed no statistical differences between control and experimental groups. However, strain was significantly increased in wire inserted ceramics(P<.001). 2. Control group showed wedge fracture aspects across specimen, while experimental groups showed cracks across specimen. 3. Scanning electron microscopic image of cross-sectioned and longitudinally-sectioned specimens showed no gap at the interface between ceramic and Ni-Cr wire. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that wire inserted ceramics have a high strain characteristic. However, wire inserted ceramics was not enough to use at posterior area of mouth in relation to flexural modulus and flexural strength. Therefore, we need further studies.

Dental Caries Risk Can Be Predicted by Simply Measuring the pH and Buffering Capacity of Saliva (치아우식과 연관된 타액의 pH와 완충력)

  • Jeong, Soon-Jeong;Apostolska, Sonja;Jankulovska, Mira;Angelova, Dragana;Nares, Salvador;Yoon, Mi-Sook;Lim, Do-Seon;Angelov, Nikola;Jeong, Moon-Jin
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.159-162
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    • 2006
  • This study examined the relationship between the quantity of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus spp. related to dental caries and the degree of acidity in saliva. A total of 240 saliva samples were taken from 80 subjects at the faculty of dentistry in Skopje, Macedonia. The saliva samples were taken by stimulating saliva production stimulation with paraffin chewing. However, no stimulation was applied when obtaining the samples used for measuring the pH. The data showed that in the caries group, S. mutans in 1 ml of saliva formed colonies with confluent growth (CFU > $10^6$ and $10^4-10^5$) in 100% of samples, whereas the Lactobacillus spp. formed colonies with confluent growth in 78.3%. In contrast, no colonies with confluent growth (CFU > $10^6$ and $10^5$) were found in the control group (with healthy intact teeth). In the caries group, the pH of the saliva was slightly acidic (pH = 5.90 - 6.50) and the buffering capacity was very low (below 0.7 ml of saliva per min). On the other hand, the pH of the saliva in the control group was neutral (pH 7.01 - 7.7) and the buffering capacity was high (over 1 ml of saliva per min). The increased number of S. mutans and Lactobacillus spp. in 1 ml of saliva (above $10^5$ CFU or more) from the CRT (Caries Risk Test, Vivadent, Liechtenstein) bacteria test can indicate an increased caries risk as well as slightly higher acidity of the saliva. Overall, these results reveal that the caries risk can be predicted by simply measuring the pH and buffering capacity of saliva, and can be used to monitor the effect of dental hygiene practices with the aim of preventing dental caries.

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  • Shin, Il;Park, Jin-Hoon
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.699-720
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    • 1995
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of benzalkonium chloride solution as a wetting agent instead of water on dentin bonding with NTG-GMA/BPDM system (All-bond 2, Bisco.) and DSDM system (Aelitebond, Bisco.). Benzalkonium chloride solution is a chemical disinfectant widely used in medical and dental clinics for preoperative preparation of skin and mucosa due to its strong effect of cationic surface active detergent. Eighty freshly extracted bovine lower incisor were grinded labially to expose flat dentin surface, and then were acid-etched with 10 % phosphoric acid for 15 second, water-rinsed, and dried for 10 second with air syringe. The specimens were randomly divided into 8 groups of 10 teeth. The specimens of control group were remoistured with water and the specimens of experimental groups were remoistured with 0.1 %, 0.5 %, and 1.0 % benzalkonium chloride solution respectively. And then, the Aelitefil composite resin was bonded to the pretreated surface of the specimens by use of All-bond 2 dentin bonding system or Aelitebond dentin bonding system in equal number of the specimens. The bonded specimens were stored in $37^{\circ}C$ distilled water for 24 hours, then the tensile bond strength was measured, the mode of failure was observed, the fractured dentin surface were examined under scanning electron microscopy, and FT-IR spectroscopy was taken for the purpose of investigating the changes of the dentin surface pretreated with benzal konium chloride solution followed by each primer of the dentin bonding systems. The results were as follows : In the group of bonding with NTG-GMA/BPDM dentin bonding agent(All-bond 2), higher tensile bond strength was only seen in the experimental group remoistured with 0.1 % benzal konium chloride solution than that in water-remoistured control group(p<0.05). In the group of bonding with DSDM dentin bonding agent (Aelitebond), no significant differences were seen between the control and each one of the experimental group(p<0.05). Higher tensile bond strength were seen in NTG-GMAIBPDM dentin bonding agent group than in DSDM dentin bonding agent group regardless of remoistur ization with benzal konium chloride solution. On the examination of failure mode, cohesive and mixed failure were predominantly seen in the group of bonding with NTG-GMAIBPDM dentin bonding agent, while adhesive failure was predominantly seen in the group of bonding with DSDM dentin bonding agent. On SEM examination of fractured surfaces, no differences of findings of primed dentin surface between the groups with and without remoisturization with benzal konium chloride solution. FT-IR spectroscopy taken from the control and the experimental group reve::.led that some higher absorbance derived from the primers binding to dentin surface was seen at the group pretreated with 0.1 % benzal konium chloride solution than at the control group of remoisturizing with water.

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Complication and Failure Analysis of Fixed Restorations (고정성 보철물과 연관된 합병증과 실패에 관한 조사)

  • Yun, Mi-Jung
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.149-159
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    • 2011
  • Restoring and replacing teeth with fixed prostheses commonly used in dental practice. Because of improper oral hygiene care and inaccurate laboratory procedure, complication of fixed prostheses was found in the mouth of patient. Although many efforts have been continually made to obtain the data of long term prognosis of fixed prostheses, it was difficult to do it. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical status of fixed prostheses to improve the quality of dental care. In order to assess the clinical status of fixed prostheses, a total of 154 individuals (aged 22-82, 88 women and 66 men loaded with 578 unit of fixed prostheses, and 423 abutments) who visited the Department of Prosthodontics, Pusan National University Hospital, between January 2009 to December 2009 and removed old fixed prostheses were examined. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Length of service of fixed prostheses was $10.3{\pm}05.5$ years (mean), 10.0 years (median). 2. Location of fixed prostheses was found to have statistically significant influence on longevity of fixed prostheses (P<.05). The longevity of fixed prostheses was high in anterior-posterior combination region (mean:13.1, median:13.5) than anterior and posterior region. 3. Longevity of fixed prostheses made of metal was longest (mean:13.3, median:12.3). 4. Number of units in fixed prostheses was found to have no statistically significant influence on longevity of fixed prostheses (P>.05). 5. Condition of opposing dentition was found to have statistically significant influence on longevity of fixed prostheses (P>.05). The fixed prostheses lasted longest when opposed by complete denture (mean:17.1, median:19.7), removable partial denture, fixed prosthesis and natural dentition trailing behind (P<.05) 6. Periodontal disease (37.5%), dental caries (19.0%), defective margin (18.4%) were frequent complications. In 33.1% of the cases, abutment state after removing fixed prostheses was needed to be extracted.

Classification of the Family Congridae(Anguilliformes) from Korea (한국산(韓國産) 붕장어과(科)(뱀장어목(目)) 어류(魚類)의 분류(分類))

  • Lee, Chung-Lyul;Park, Mi-Hye
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.132-159
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    • 1994
  • The taxonomic revision of the family Congridae was made based on the specimens collected from the south-western coasts of the Korea from June 1988 to Oct. 1993. The family Congridae was classified into 8 species belonging to 6 genera. based on the external and internal morphological characters : Anago anago, Ariosoma anagodies, Ariosoma shiroanago shiroanago, Conger myriaster, Conger japonicus, Gnathophis nystromi nystromi, Rhechias retrotincta and Uroconger lepturus. Among the species reported as the congrid eels from Korea until now, four species were transferred into different generic or specific name Conger flavirostris into Ariosoma anagoides ; Astroconger myriaster into Conger myriaster ; Congrina retrotincta into Rhechias retrotincta and Rhynchocymba nystromi into Gnathophis nystromi nystromi. A Korean congrid eel, Ariosoma shiroanago shiroanago, was reported for first time in Korea. Intergeneric characters of the family Congridae were the form of the lateralline scales, the state of the tip of tail, the segmented state of the dorsal and anal fin rays, the existance of the supraoccipital bone and of lateral ethmoid process of the skull, the origin of dorsal fin and the forms of upper labial flange. The interspecific classification was made according to the characters such as the numbers of sensory pores of head part and in front of vent, teeth rows and numbers of upper and lower jaw, the numbers of vertebrae, the body color, the shapes of the head part, the color of intestine, the size of eye, the structure of air bladder and the number of branchiostegal rays. A new key on the taxonomical characteristics to the genera and species of the family Congridae has been estabilished and their distribution in Korea is described.

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Changes of root length and crestal bone height before and after the orthodontic treatment in nail biting patients (손톱 깨물기 습관을 가진 아동의 교정 치료 시 전치부 치근 길이와 치조골 높이의 변화)

  • Hwang, Chung-Ju;Yang, Jae-Hong
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.34 no.1 s.102
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    • pp.47-61
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    • 2004
  • Although the purpose of orthodontic treatment is to increase the function and esthetics of the jaws along with increasing stability, there are many side effects during the treatment itself, such as root resorption and alveolar bone resorption. Such resorption of the apical root Is unpredictable, and may even proceed into the dentin layer. Once the process has begun, it is irreversible. By evaluating the effect of many oral habits, especially that of nail biting, in correlation with the root and the periodontal tissues, the appropriate biomechanics for orthodontic treatment can be taken into consideration, along with the possibility of root resorption and alveolar bone loss during orthodontic treatment, and any legal problems that might occur. Among the male and female patients of the ages $10\~15$ without skeletal deformity, 63 were chosen as the experiment group with known nail biting habits at time of examination, and within the same age group without nail biting habits as the control. After the orthodontic treatment, number of the experiment group was 31 and the control group was 22. The periapical radiographies of anterior teeth were taken and the assesment of the root length and alveolar bone level were taken before(T1) and after(T2) the orthodontic treatment. The results from this study were as follows : 1. Before the orthodontic treatment, average crown-to-root ratio of the experimental group showed noticeably high values in 4 maxillary incisors and mandibular right central incisor. 2. Before the orthodontic treatment, comparing the root length, maxillary and mandibular right central incisors and both mandibular incisors had a smaller value in the experimental group. 3. Before the orthodontic treatment, comparing and evaluating the alveolar bone loss measured from the cemento-enamel junction to the alveolar bone crest, some crestal bone of the experiment group showed greater loss than the control. 4. After the orthodontic treatment, there was shortening of the root length and loss of the crestal bone in both groups. 5. After the orthodontic treatment, the changes of C/R ratio and the shortening of root length were significantly high in the experimental group. 6. After the orthodontic treatment, the level of alveolar crestal bone showed greater loss in the experimental group.

The Associated Factors with Scaling Experience among Some Workers in Small and Medium-Sized Companies (중소 사업장 근로자의 치석제거 경험 관련요인)

  • Lee, Jae Ra;Han, Mi Ah;Park, Jong;Ryu, So Yeon;Lee, Chul Gab;Moon, Sang Eun
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.333-340
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    • 2017
  • The prevalence of periodontal disease was steadily increased. The best prevention methods for periodontal disease are teeth brushing and scaling. The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of scaling experience and related factors among some workers. Total 455 workers in 5 manufacturing companies in Gwangju were selected using convenience sampling method. General characteristics, work-related characteristics, oral health-related characteristics and scaling experience were collected by self-reported questionnaires. Chi-square tests, t-tests and multiple logistic regression analysis were performed to investigate the factors influencing the scaling experience using SPSS software. Statistical significance was defined as a p-value<0.05. The proportion of scaling experience during the past year was 47.0%. In simple analysis, age, current working position, number of oral disease, interest in oral health, use of secondary oral products, oral health screening use, oral health education experience and awareness of scaling inclusion in the National Health Insurance (NHI) coverage were associated with scaling experience. Finally, the odds ratios (ORs) for scaling experience were significantly higher in younger subjects (adjusted OR [aOR], 3.09; 95% confidence internal [CI], 1.60~5.96), assistant manager (aOR, 2.68; 95% CI, 1.55~4.63), subjects with high interest in oral health (aOR, 2.15; 95% CI, 1.02~4.52), subjects with oral health screening use (aOR, 2.76; 95% CI, 1.50~5.11) and awareness of scaling inclusion in the NHI coverage (aOR; 2.91, 95% CI, 1.80~4.72) in multiple logistic regression analysis. Scaling experience was relatively low (47.0%). The related factors with scaling experience were age, working position, use of screening and awareness of scaling inclusion in the NHI coverage. Considering these factors will increase the utilization rate of scaling.


  • Ryu, Hyun-Seop;Kim, Hyo-Suck;Lee, Chang-Seop;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.345-354
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to make public oral health plan more effective and the improvement of the hospital management system for better clinical dental practice. Distribution and trends were examined in all patients who had been examined and diagnosed at Department of Pedodontics, Dental Hospital, Chosun University over 10 year-period from 1990 to 1999 Results were as follows, 1. The number of patients per year was increasing trend after 1996 and higher visiting rate in male(55.9%) than in female(44.1%). 2. Age distribution had shown $3\sim4$ year-old cup being the largest (23.4%) and each percentage of $5\sim6,\;7\sim8,\;0\sim2,\;9\sim10,\;11\sim12,\;13\sim14,\;above\sim15$ year-old group was 19.9%, 17.7%, 14.6%, 12.6%, 8.0%, 3.3%. 0.5%. 3. Geographic distribution showed a majority of patients in Kwang-Ju (83.0%). Group in the suburbs of Kwang-Ju(Jang-Sung group) was 5.4%. 4. Dental caries showed the highest percentage(40.5%) in chief complaints and percentage of oral exam, orthodontic problem, oral pain, trauma, supernumerary teeth, swelling was 13.9% 12.6%, 8.8%, 7.4%, 5.5%, 4.9%. 5. In all patients with traumatic problem, crown fracture showed the highest percentage(41.4%) and percentage of subluxation was 19.4%. 6. Majority(78.7%) of patients were not refered, and percentage of patients refered from local clinic was 20.5%. 7. Patients who had periodic check-up comprised 19.6%, and percentage of after 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24month was 36.7%, 22.2%, 13.5%, 11.3%, 5.4%, 11.0%.

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