• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nonlinear FE Analysis

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Evaluation for Progressive Collapse Resistance of a RC Flat Plate System Using the Static and Dynamic Analysis (정적 및 동적 해석을 통한 철근콘크리트 무량판 구조의 연쇄 붕괴 저항 성능 평가)

  • Lee, Seon-Woong;Shin, Sung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.245-252
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    • 2011
  • Currently, the design guidelines for the prevention of progressive collapse are not available in Korea due to the lack of study efforts in progressive collapse resistance evaluation of RC flat plate system. Therefore, in this study, three types of analysis were conducted to evaluate the progressive collapse resistance of a RC flat plate system. A linear static analysis was carried out by comparing the demand-capacity ratio (DCR) differences of the systems using the alternate load path method, which is the guideline of GSA. A dynamic behavior was investigated by checking the vertical deflection after removal of the column using the linear dynamic analysis. Lastly, a maximum load factor was investigated using the nonlinear static analysis. The finite element (FE) analyses were conducted using various parameters to analyze the results obtained using effective beam width (EB) model and plate element FEM (PF) model. This study results showed that the strength contributions of the slab in the EB models are underestimated compared to those obtained from the PF models. Therefore, a detailed FE analysis considering the slab element is required to thoroughly estimate the progressive collapse resisting capacity of flat plate system. The scenario of the corner column (CC) removal is the most dangerous conditions where as the scenario of the inner column (IC) removal is the least dangerous conditions based on the consideration of various parameters. The analysis results will allow more realistic evaluations of progressive collapse resistance of RC flat plate system.

Structural Behavior of Composite Basement Wall According to Shear Span-to-Depth Ratio and FE Analysis Considering the Condition of Contact Surface (전단경간비에 따른 합성지하벽의 거동과 접촉면의 조건을 고려한 유한요소 해석)

  • Seo, Soo Yeon
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.118-126
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this paper is to study the structural behavior of Composite Basement Wall (CBW) according to shear span-to-depth ratio through an experiment and predict the nonlinear behavior of CBW by using ADINA program widely has been being used for FE analysis. Especially, this study focuses on the part of CBW in which the Reinforced Concrete (RC) is under compression stress; At the region of CBW around each floor, RC part stresses by compressive force when lateral press by soil acts on the wall. The contact condition between RC wall and steel (H-Pile) including stud connector is main factor in the analysis since it governs overall structural behavior. In order to understand the structural behavior of CBW whose RC part is under compressive stress, an experimental work and finite element analysis were performed. Main parameter in the test is shear span-to-depth ratio. For simplicity in analysis, reinforcements were not modeled as a seperated element but idealized as smeared to concrete. All elements were modeled to have bi-linear relation of material properties. Three type of contact conditions such as All Generate Option (AGO), Same Element Group Option with Tie(SEGO-T) and Same Element Group Option with Not tie(SEGO-NT) were considered in the analysis. For each analysis, the stress flow and concentration were reviewed and analysis result was compared to test one. From the test result, CBW represented ductile behavior by contribution of steel member even if it had short shear span-to-depth ration which is close to "1". The global composite behavior of CBW whose concrete wall was under compressive stress could be predicted by using contact element in ADINA program. Especially, the modeling by using AGO and SEGO-T showed more close relation on comparing with test result.

Hysteresis Behavior of Partially Restrained Smart Connections for the Seismic Performance of Composite Frame (CFT 합성골조의 내진성능을 위한 스마트 반강접합의 이력거동)

  • Kim, Joo Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.99-108
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    • 2015
  • The partially restrained smart CFT (concrete filled tube) column-to-beam connections with top-seat split T connections show various behavior characteristics according to the changes in the diameter and tightening force of the fastener, the geometric shape of T-stub, and material properties. This paper presents results from a systematic three-dimensional nonlinear finite element study on the structural behavior of the top-seat split T connections subjected to cyclic loadings. This connection includes super-elastic shape memory alloy (SMA) T-stub and rods to obtain the re-centering capabilities as well as great energy dissipation properties of the CFT composite frame. A wide scope of additional structural behaviors explain the influences of the top-seat split T connections parameters, such as the different thickness and gage distances of split T-stub.

Study of the Prediction of Fatigue Damage Considering the Hydro-elastic Response of a Very Large Ore Carrier (VLOC) (유탄성 응답을 고려한 초대형 광탄 운반선(VLOC)의 피로 손상 예측 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Beom-Il;Song, Kang-Hyun
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2019
  • Estimating fatigue damage is a very important issue in the design of ships. The springing and whipping response, which is the hydro-elastic response of the ship, can increase the fatigue damage of the ship. So, these phenomena should be considered in the design stage. However, the current studies on the the application of springing and whipping responses at the design stage are not sufficient. So, in this study, a prediction method was developed using fluid-structural interaction analysis to assess of the fatigue damage induced by springing and whipping. The stress transfer function (Stress RAO) was obtained by using the 3D FE model in the frequency domain, and the fatigue damage, including linear springing, was estimated by using the wide band damage model. We also used the 1D beam model to develop a method to estimate the fatigue damage, including nonlinear springing and whipping by the vertical bending moment in the short-term sea state. This method can be applied to structural members where fatigue strength is weak to vertical bending moments, such as longitudinal stiffeners. The methodology we developed was applied to 325K VLOC, and we analyzed the effect of the springing and whipping phenomena on the existing design.

Static and dynamic characterization of a flexible scaled joined-wing flight test demonstrator

  • Carregado, Jose;Warwick, Stephen;Richards, Jenner;Engelsen, Frode;Suleman, Afzal
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.117-144
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    • 2019
  • High Altitude and Long Endurance (HALE) aircraft are capable of providing intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities over vast geographic areas when equipped with advanced sensor packages. As their use becomes more widespread, the demand for additional range, endurance and payload capability will increase and designers are exploring non-conventional configurations to meet the increasing demands. One such configuration is the joined-wing concept. A joined-wing aircraft is one that typically connects a front and aft wings in a diamond shaped planform. One such example is the Boeing SensorCraft configuration. While the joined-wing configuration offers potential benefits regarding aerodynamic efficiency, structural weight, and sensing capabilities, structural design requires careful consideration of elastic buckling resulting from the aft wing supporting, in compression, part of the forward wing structural loading. It has been shown already that this is a nonlinear phenomenon, involving geometric nonlinearities and follower forces that tend to flatten the entire configuration, leading to structural overload due to the loss of the aft wing's ability to support the forward wing load. Severe gusts are likely to be the critical design condition, with flight control system interaction in the form of Gust Load Alleviation (GLA) playing a key role in minimizing the structural loads. The University of Victoria Center for Aerospace Research (UVic-CfAR) has built a 3-meter span scaled and flexible wing UAV based on the Boeing SensorCraft design. The goal is to validate the nonlinear structural behavior in flight. The main objective of this research work is to perform Ground Vibration Tests (GVT) to characterize the dynamic properties of the scaled flight vehicle. Results from the experimental tests are used to characterize the modal dynamics of the aircraft, and to validate the numerical models. The GVT results are an important step towards a safe flight test program.

Study of a Mixed Finite Element Model for the Analysis of a Geometrically Nonlinear Plate (기하학적 비선형 판재 해석을 위한 혼합형 FE Model 연구)

  • Kim, Woo-Ram;Choi, Youn-Dae
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.1427-1435
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    • 2010
  • A mixed finite element model was developed using the classical plate theory to analyze the nonlinear bending of a plate. The appropriate weight functions for the constraints integrated over the domain were determined by the Lagrange multiplier method by using the principle of minimum virtual energy; which provides the constitutive relations between force-like variables and strains. All of detail terms of element wise coefficient matrices and associate tangent matrices to be used in the Newton iterative method are presented. Then, the linear solutions of the current model and those of the traditional displacement model under the SS (simple support) boundary conditions were compared with the existing analytical solution. The post-processed images of the nonlinear results of the force-like variables are presented to show the continuity of the solutions at the joint of the element boundaries. Finally, the converged nonlinear finite element solutions of the current model are compared with those of existing traditional displacement model.

Numerical Verification of Hybrid Optimization Technique for Finite Element Model Updating (유한요소모델개선을 위한 하이브리드 최적화기법의 수치해석 검증)

  • Jung, Dae-Sung;Kim, Chul-Young
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.6 s.52
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2006
  • Most conventional model updating methods must use mathematical objective function with experimental modal matrices and analytical system matrices or must use information about the gradient or higher derivatives of modal properties with respect to each updating parameter. Therefore, most conventional methods are not appropriate for complex structural system such as bridge structures due to stability problem in inverse analysis with ill-conditions. Sometimes, moreover, the updated model may have no physical meaning. In this paper, a new FE model updating method based on a hybrid optimization technique using genetic algorithm (GA) and Holder-Mead simplex method (NMS) is proposed. The performance of hybrid optimization technique on the nonlinear problem is demonstrated by the Goldstein-Price function with three local minima and one global minimum. The influence of the objective function is evaluated by the case study of a simulated 10-dof spring-mass model. Through simulated case studies, finally, the objective function is proposed to update mass as well as stiffness at the same time. And so, the proposed hybrid optimization technique is proved to be an efficient method for FE model updating.

Seismic response of non-structural components attached to reinforced concrete structures with different eccentricity ratios

  • Aldeka, Ayad B.;Dirar, Samir;Chan, Andrew H.C.;Martinez-Vazquez, Pedro
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.1069-1089
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents average numerical results of 2128 nonlinear dynamic finite element (FE) analyses of lightweight acceleration-sensitive non-structural components (NSCs) attached to the floors of one-bay three-storey reinforced concrete (RC) primary structures (P-structures) with different eccentricity ratios. The investigated parameters include the NSC to P-structure vibration period ratio, peak ground acceleration, P-structure eccentricity ratio, and NSC damping ratio. Appropriate constitutive relationships were used to model the behaviour of the RC P-structures. The NSCs were modelled as vertical cantilevers fixed at their bases with masses on the free ends and varying lengths so as to match the vibration periods of the P-structures. Full dynamic interaction was considered between the NSCs and P-structures. A set of seven natural bi-directional ground motions were used to evaluate the seismic response of the NSCs. The numerical results show that the acceleration response of the NSCs depends on the investigated parameters. The accelerations of the NSCs attached to the flexible sides of the P-structures increased with the increase in peak ground acceleration and P-structure eccentricity ratio but decreased with the increase in NSC damping ratio. Comparison between the FE results and Eurocode 8 (EC8) predictions suggests that, under tuned conditions, EC8 provisions underestimate the seismic response of the NSCs mounted on the flexible sides of the plan-irregular RC P-structures.

Nonlinear finite element modeling of the self-centering steel moment connection with cushion flexural damper

  • Ali Nazeri;Reza Vahdani;Mohammad Ali Kafi
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.87 no.2
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    • pp.151-164
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    • 2023
  • The latest earthquake's costly repairs and economic disruption were brought on by excessive residual drift. Self-centering systems are one of the most efficient ways in the current generation of seismic resistance system to get rid of and reduce residual drift. The mechanics and behavior of the self-centering system in response to seismic forces were impacted by a number of important factors. The amount of post-tensioning (PT) force, which is often employed for the standing posture after an earthquake, is the first important component. The energy dissipater element is another one that has a significant impact on how the self-centering system behaves. Using the damper as a replaceable and affordable tool and fuse in self-centering frames has been recommended to boost energy absorption and dampening of structural systems during earthquakes. In this research, the self-centering steel moment frame connections are equipped with cushion flexural dampers (CFDs) as an energy dissipator system to increase energy absorption, post-yielding stiffness, and ease replacement after an earthquake. Also, it has been carefully considered how to reduce permanent deformations in the self-centering steel moment frames exposed to seismic loads while maintaining adequate stiffness, strength, and ductility. After confirming the FE model's findings with an earlier experimental PT connection, the behavior of the self-centering connection using CFD has been surveyed in this study. The FE modeling takes into account strands preloading as well as geometric and material nonlinearities. In addition to contact and sliding phenomena, gap opening and closing actions are included in the models. According to the findings, self-centering moment-resisting frames (SF-MRF) combined with CFD enhance post-yielding stiffness and energy absorption with the least amount of permeant deformation in a certain CFD thickness. The obtained findings demonstrate that the effective energy dissipation ratio (β), is increased to 0.25% while also lowering the residual drift to less than 0.5%. Also, this enhancement in the self-centering connection with CFD's seismic performance was attained with a respectable moment capacity to beam plastic moment capacity ratio.

Design, simulation and experimental analysis of fiber-reinforced silicone actuators

  • Sina Esmalipour;Masoud Ajri;Mehrdad Ekhtiari
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.91 no.2
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    • pp.211-225
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    • 2024
  • Soft bending actuators have gained significant interest in robotic applications due to their compliance and lightweight nature. Their compliance allows for safer and more natural interactions with humans or other objects, reducing the risk of injury or damage. However, the nonlinear behaviour of soft actuators presents challenges in accurately predicting their bending motion and force exertion. In this research, a new comprehensive study has been conducted by employing a developed 3D finite element model (FEM) to investigate the effect of geometrical and material parameters on the bending behaviour of a soft pneumatic actuator reinforced with Kevlar fibres. A series of experiments are designed to validate the FE model, and the FE model investigates the improvement of actuator performance. The material used for fabricating the actuator is RTV-2 silicone rubber. In this study, the Cauchy stress was expanded for hyperelastic models and the best model to express the stress-strain behaviour based on ASTM D412 Type C tensile test for this material has been obtained. The results show that the greatest bending angle was achieved for the semi-elliptical actuator made of RTV2 material with a pitch of 1.5 mm and second layer thickness of 1 mm. In comparison, the maximum response force was obtained for the semi-elliptical actuator made of RTV2 material with a pitch of 6 mm and a second layer thickness of 2 mm. Additionally, this research opens up new possibilities for development of safer and more efficient robotic systems that can interact seamlessly with humans and their environment.