• 제목/요약/키워드: Non fishing vessel

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재결서 분석을 통한 어선-비어선간 충돌사고에 관한 연구 (A study on the collision between fishing vessel and non fishing vessel using the analysis of written verdict)

  • 이유원;김석재;박문갑
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제49권2호
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    • pp.136-143
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    • 2013
  • The analysis of the written verdicts in recent five years was conducted to obtain preventive measures of collision between fishing vessel and non fishing vessel. As a result, a collision much happened in offshore trap for fishing vessel and below 5,000 tons of small and medium class for non fishing vessel. A person involved in a marine accident occupied 68% in sixth class deck officer and small boat operator for fishing vessel and 29% in third class deck officer for non fishing vessel. 90% of the collision happened in a underway by operating state and 84% in sight of one another by visibility state. The systemic radar training was required since 47% of the collisions was occurred on the condition of radar operation in fishing vessel. The main cause of poor lookout was a intensive fishing and poor lookout on movement by radar for fishing vessel and one man watch system and no recognition of one another by radar for non fishing vessel. This result is expected to contribute for the decrease of collision.

설문분석을 통한 어선 비어선간 충돌사고에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Collision between Fishing Vessel and non Fishing Vessel using Questionnaire Analysis)

  • 박문갑;전영우;이유원
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.716-723
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    • 2013
  • The postal or group questionnaire survey was conducted to inquire into the cause of collision between fishing vessel and non-fishing vessel targeting fishing vessel personnel(FVP), non-NFVP and a person involved in a marine accident. As a result, we could verify the root cause of collision, a negligence of lookout which noted overwork for FVP and careless for non-FVP. The cause of collision by inappropriate avoid action was poor communications for FVP and non-FVP. To reduce collision, we need to be trained to take a sharp lookout, a radio communication by VHF and the collision avoidance actions by early and substantial action to keep well clear. The results are expected to contribute for the reduction of collision and victims.

EU의 IUU 어업 예비 비협력 제3국 지정에 대한 대응방안 연구 (A study on EU listing Korea as yellow-card non-cooperating third countries against IUU fishing and Korean countermeasures)

  • 이종근
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.912-923
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    • 2015
  • In the results of analyzing Korean corrective action for what are required to be improved according to EU listing Korea as yellow-card non-cooperating third countries against IUU fishing, in order to establish advanced fishery order, it is thought that the following additional improvements are required. (1) The introduction of integrated management system of fishing vessel sailing route, fishing activity, fish catch, and inshore fishing vessel must be considered. (2) It is necessary to establish a system to cross check catch transaction, catch landing, and fish catch report submitted by fishing vessel. (3) Catch transshipment approval system shall be introduced. And a system of reporting and checking catch transshipment at sea shall be reinforced. (4) Punishment shall be strengthened to the extent of making people to perceive that loss due to punishment is larger than profit made from illegal fishing. (5) It shall be so improved that more than a certain percentage of all vessels with fish and fish products caught in waters outside Korea's judicial waters shall be arbitrarily chosen and searched besides a case of being suspected to be IUU fishing. In conclusion, on being listed by EU as yellow-card non-cooperating third countries against IUU fishing, Korean fishery management system shall be generally reexamined, and it shall serve as an occasion to exterminate IUU fishing and to advance fishery management system.

우리나라의 해양사고에 대한 고찰 (Study on the marine casualties in Korea)

  • 강일권;김형석;김정창;박병수;함상준;오일환
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제49권1호
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2013
  • Fishing vessels have been causing more than 70% of marine casualty in Korea. As a view of the occurring number of marine casualty, it is obvious for fishing vessel to account for the absolute high portion of that in comparison with the non-fishing vessels. That is a natural outcome because fishing vessels have occupied more than 90% of all registered Korean vessels. If we consider it not occurring number, but occurring ratio, we could find out that fishing vessels accounted for 5 times lower than non-fishing vessels in marine casualties. Nevertheless, fishing vessels have not immunity from responsibility for marine casualties at all, because the tendency of it in fishing vessel has been dominating the whole marine casualties in Korea. So for reduction of them, it is indispensable to decrease the casualties of fishing vessel. In this study, the authors tried to carry out many items of them to compare the occurring number with the occurring ratio, and dealt with the casualties of collision and machine damage in detail, because those have not only been occurring most frequently in casualties in Korea, but also led to the death and injury of lives. To reduce the collision and the machine damage, the operator have to keep the watch more strictly and check and keep the machine in good order. And it is necessary for the operator to take more education and training intended to decrease those systematically and continuously, especially for the crews of fishing vessels.

우리나라의 어선 해양사고에 대한 안전대책 (Safety countermeasures for the marine casualties of fishing vessels in Korea)

  • 강일권;김형석;신형일;이유원;김정창;조효제
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제43권2호
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    • pp.149-159
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    • 2007
  • Marine casualties of fishing vessels were analyzed to reduce the sacrifice of human life using data of the Korean Maritime Safety Tribunal from 1995 to 2004 in Korea. The occurred number of fishing vessel casualties were likely to be higher portion than non-fishing vessels, but the occurring ratio of fishing vessel casualties were marked 2.96 times lower than that of non-fishing vessel casualties. The occurring ratios of bigger fishing vessel casualties were higher than smaller ones. Most marine casualties were resulted from the human factors such as poor watchkeeping, negligent action for engine and etc. The trend of marine casualties showed that the machinery damage hold the first and collision accidents took the second, but on a point of cause of them, operating errors took first and poor handling or inspection of machinery held the second place. Because those two casualties took major portion, and very important problems for safety of fishing vessels, so we ought to try to reduce the factors before everything else. In addition, since collision, sinking and capsizing in marine casualties have led to death, missing and injury of lives, it is necessary for navigation operators to take more educations and training intended to reduce the marine casualties systematically and continuously.

국내 해역의 월별 해양사고건수에 관한 통계적 고찰 (A Statistical Observation on the Monthly Number of Marine Accidents in Korean waters)

  • 김정훈
    • 한국항해항만학회지
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    • 제32권10호
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    • pp.751-757
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    • 2008
  • 본 논문에서는 월별 해양사고건수를 이용하여 국내 해역의 해양사고에 관한 통계적인 기초분석을 수행하였다. 이를 위해서 해역간 해양사고건수의 차이여부, 연간 해양사고건수의 차이여부, 그리고 월간 해양사고건수의 차이여부 등을 국내 해역별 및 어선과 비어선으로 나누어 일원분산분석을 통해 확인하였다. 그리고 추가적으로 사후분석을 수행하여 분석그룹에 대한 평균차이의 검정을 하였다 결론적으로 해역간 사고건수에는 서해, 남해, 그리고 동해순으로 많았고 서로 유의한 차이가 있었다. 연간 사고건수의 차이에서는 어선의 경우 남해와 동해에서, 비어선의 경우 남해에서 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 또한 월간 해양사고건수에 대한 차이에서는 어선에 대해서만 서해와 동해에서 서로 유의한 차이를 보였다.

Prediction of Longline Fishing Activity from V-Pass Data Using Hidden Markov Model

  • Shin, Dae-Woon;Yang, Chan-Su;Harun-Al-Rashid, Ahmed
    • 대한원격탐사학회지
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2022
  • Marine fisheries resources face major anthropogenic threat from unregulated fishing activities; thus require precise detection for protection through marine surveillance. Korea developed an efficient land-based small fishing vessel monitoring system using real-time V-Pass data. However, those data directly do not provide information on fishing activities, thus further efforts are necessary to differentiate their activity status. In Korea, especially in Busan, longlining is practiced by many small fishing vessels to catch several types of fishes that need to be identified for proper monitoring. Therefore, in this study we have improved the existing fishing status classification method by applying Hidden Markov Model (HMM) on V-Pass data in order to further classify their fishing status into three groups, viz. non-fishing, longlining and other types of fishing. Data from 206 fishing vessels at Busan on 05 February, 2021 were used for this purpose. Two tiered HMM was applied that first differentiates non-fishing status from the fishing status, and finally classifies that fishing status into longlining and other types of fishing. Data from 193 and 13 ships were used as training and test datasets, respectively. Using this model 90.45% accuracy in classifying into fishing and non-fishing status and 88.23% overall accuracy in classifying all into three types of fishing statuses were achieved. Thus, this method is recommended for monitoring the activities of small fishing vessels equipped with V-Pass, especially for detecting longlining.

유효충돌속도에 따른 어선 충돌사고 피해 상관성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Correlation between Effective Impact Speed and the Severity of Collision Accidents with Fishing Vessels)

  • 박현구;박영수;박상원
    • 한국항해항만학회지
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    • 제47권4호
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    • pp.202-211
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    • 2023
  • 국내 해양사고에서 어선의 충돌사고는 타 선종보다 빈번하고 사고 심각도는 높은 편에 속한다. 과거 큰 피해를 불러온 국내 어선충돌사고의 시사점은 어선이 충돌 직전까지 높은 항행 속력을 유지하고 있었다는 것과 어선이 규모 차이가 큰 선박과 충돌하였다는 점에 있다. 본 논문에서는 어선의 충돌사고 결과로 나타나는 선박피해 심각도를 선박의 속력과 분석하여 상관관계를 확인하는 연구를 하였다. 이를위해 도로교통분야에서 활용되고 있는 유효충돌속도(Effective Impact Speed)라는 개념을 두 선박의 충돌상황에 적용하였고 2016년부터 2022년까지 해양사고 재결서 중 어선과 어선, 어선과 비어선 충돌사고 데이터를 수집하여 총 617척 선박의 유효충돌속도를 산출하였다. 분석된 데이터를 바탕으로 유효충돌속도를 독립변수, 선박피해 심각도를 종속변수로 하는 이항 및 다항 로지스틱 회귀분석을 수행하여 두 변수의 상관성을 살펴보았다. 분석결과 유효충돌속도와 선박피해 심각도가 서로 통계적으로 유의하다는 것과 선박피해심각도는 유효충돌속도와 함께 선박의 질량에도 큰 영향을 받는다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.

딥러닝을 활용한 유자망어선 조업행태 분류모델 개발 (Development of Fishing Activity Classification Model of Drift Gillnet Fishing Ship Using Deep Learning Technique)

  • 김광일;김병엽;유상록;이정훈;이경훈
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제57권4호
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    • pp.479-488
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    • 2024
  • In recent years, changes in the fishing ground environment have led to reduced catches by fishermen at traditional fishing spots and increased operational costs related to vessel exploration, fuel, and labor. In this study, we developed a deep learning model to classify the fishing activities of drift gillnet fishing boats using AIS (automatic identification system) trajectory data. The proposed model integrates long short-term memory and 1-dimensional convolutional neural network layers to effectively distinguish between fishing (throwing and hauling) and non-fishing operations. Training on a dataset derived from AIS and validation against a subset of CCTV footage, the model achieved high accuracy, with a classification accuracy of 90% for fishing events. These results show that the model can be used effectively to monitor and manage fishing activities in coastal waters in real time.

허베이 스피리트호의 기름유출에 따른 바다유어낚시어선 이용객의 경제적 손실평가연구 (Evaluating the Economic Damages to Anglers of the Marine Recreational Charter due to the Herbei Spirit Vessel Oil Spill)

  • 표희동
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • 제36권3호
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    • pp.289-302
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    • 2014
  • This paper aims to evaluate the indirect economic damages to anglers of the marine recreational charter caused by marine pollution associated with the Herbei Spirit vessel, which spilled 12,547 kl of crude oil in Taean coastal areas in December 2007. In order to evaluate the indirect cost to anglers of the charter fishing, consumer surplus for charter fishing is estimated using a Poisson model (PM), a negative binomial model (NBM), a truncated Poisson model (TPM), and a truncated negative binomial model (TNBM), which account for the characteristics of count data (non-negative discrete data), for individual travel cost method (ITCM). Because of over-dispersion problem in PM and TPM, NBM and TNBM are considered to be more appropriate statistically. All parameters such as income, fishing careers, travel cost and catch that are estimated are statistically significant and theoretically valid. Based on TNBM results, consumer surplus per trip and per person was estimated to be 277 thousand won, total consumer surplus per person and per year about 2.3 million won, and the marginal effect of consumer surplus on % changes in catch rate is about 33 thousand won. The consumer surplus was converted into total indirect economic damages for aggregation which are evaluated to be 125 billion won, reflecting the number of anglers and damage rate.