• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ni coated steel

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A Study on the Erosion Behavior of the Ceramic Sprayed Coating Layer in the Molten 55% Al-Zn (용융 55%Al-Zn 중에서 세라믹 용사 피막의 침식 거동에 관한 연구)

  • 강태영;임병문;최장현;김영식
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2000
  • Sink roll has been used in molten 55%Al-Zn alloy bath of continuous galvanizing line for sinking and stabilizing working steel strip in molten metal bath. In the process, the sink roll body inevitably build up dross compounds and pitting on the sink roll surface during 55%Al-Zn alloy coated strip production, and the life time of the sink roll is shorten by build up dross compounds and pitting. The present study examined the application of thermally sprayed ceramic coatings method on sink roll body for improving erosion resistance at molten 55% Al-Zn pool. In this experiment, the stainless steels such as STS 316L and STS 430F were used as the substrate materials. The CoNiCr and WE-Co powder were selected as bond coating materials. Moreover $Al_2O_3-ZrO_2-SiO_2 and ZrO_2-SiO_2$ powders selected as the top coating materials. Appearances of the specimens before and after dipping to molten 55%Al-Zn pool were compared and analyzed. As a result of this study, STS430F of substrate, WC-Co of bond spray coatings, $ZrO_2-SiO_2$ power of top spray coatings is the best quality in erosion resistance test at molten 55%Al-Zn pool

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Formation and Growth Mechanisms of Flame-Synthesized Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers (화염합성 시의 탄소나노튜브와 나노섬유의 생성 및 성장 메커니즘)

  • Lee, Gyo-Woo;Jurng, Jong-Soo;Kang, Kyung-Tae;Hwang, Jung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Combustion
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.18-24
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    • 2004
  • Synthesis of carbon nanomaterials on a metal substrate by an ethylene fueled inverse diffusion flame was illustrated. Two stainless steel plates coated with $Ni(NO_3){_2}$ were folded with each other and used as a catalytic metal substrate. Carbon nanotubes and nanofibers with diameters of 20 - 60nm were found on the substrate. From the TEM-EDS analyses, most of the nanomaterials turned out to be Nicatalyzed. Carbon nanotubes were formed on the substrate in the region ranging from about 1,400K to 900K. The formation mechanisms of nanotubes and nanofibers were similar. The synthesis temperature of the nanofibers was lower than that of the nanotubes. The higher synthesis temperature of nanotubes might enhance the activity of the catalyst metal and produce more condensed carbons. The accumulated graphite layers led to form compartments to release the compressive stress in the layers. The growth of carbon nanotubes was bamboo-shaped showing compartments in the inside hollow. The distances between those compartments represented the growth rate that depended on the synthesis temperature.

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Synthesis of Silica Membranes on a Porous Stainless Steel by Sol-Gel Method and Effect of Preparation Conditions on Their Permselectivity

  • Lee, Dong-Wook;Nam, Seung-Eun;Sea, Bong-Kuk;Ihm, Son-Ki;Lee, Kew-Ho
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.25 no.9
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    • pp.1371-1378
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    • 2004
  • A porous stainless steel (SUS) as a substrate of silica composite membranes for hydrogen purification was used to improve mechanical strength of the membranes for industrial application. The SUS support was successfully modified by using submicron Ni powder, $SiO_2$ sols with particle size of 500 nm and 150 nm in turns. Silica top layer was coated on the modified supports under various preparation conditions such as calcination temperature, dipping time and repeating number of dipping-drying process. The calcination temperature for proper sintering was between H ttig temperature and Tamman temperature of the coating materials. Maximum hydrogen selectivity was investigated by changing dipping time. As repeating number of dipping-drying process increased, permeances of nitrogen and hydrogen were decreased and $H_2/N_2$ selectivity was increased due to the reduction of non-selective pinholes and mesopores. For the silica membrane prepared under optimized conditions, permeance of hydrogen was about $3\;{\times}\;10^{-5}\;cm^3{\cdot}cm^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}{\cdot}cmHg^{-1}$ combined with $H_2/N_2$ seletivity of about 20.

A Study on Intermediate Layer for Palladium-Based Alloy Composite Membrane Fabrication (팔라듐 합금 복합막 제조를 위한 Intermediate Layer 연구)

  • Hwang, Yong-Mook;Kim, Kwang-Je;So, Won-Wook;Moon, Sang-Jin;Lee, Kwan-Young
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.458-464
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    • 2006
  • The Pd-Ni-Ag alloy composite membrane using modified porous stainless steel (PSS) as a substrate was prepared by a electroless plating technique. In this work, we have introduced the intermediate layer between Pd-based alloy and a metal substrate. As an intermediate layer, the mixtures of nickel powder and inorganic sol such as $SiO_{2}$ sol, $Al_{2}O_{3}$ sol, and $TiO_{2}$ sol were used. The intermediate layers were coated onto a PSS substrate according to various membrane preparation conditions and then $N_{2}$ fluxes through the membranes with different intermediate layers were measured. The surface morphology of the intermediate layer in the mixture of nickel powder and inorganic sol was analyzed using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Finally, the Pd-Ni-Ag alloy composite membrane using the support coated with the mixture of nickel powder and silica as an intermediate layer was fabricated and then the gas permeances for $H_{2}$ and $N_{2}$ through the Pd-based membrane were investigated. The selectivity of $H_2/N_2$ was infinite and the $H_{2}$ flux was $1.39{\times}10^{-2}mol/m^2{\cdot}s$ at the temperature of $500^{\circ}C$ and trans-membrane pressure difference of 1 bar.

Electrochemical characteristics of Ni alloy arc thermal spray coated SS400 steel to improve corrosion resistance in marine environment (해양환경 하에서 SS400강의 내식성 향상을 위한 니켈합금 아크 열용사 코팅 층의 전기화학적 특성)

  • Park, Il-Cho;Kim, Seong-Jong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2016.11a
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    • pp.141-141
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    • 2016
  • 방식 코팅 기술은 조선해양산업은 물론 에너지, 철강 및 비철 소재, 건설 산업 등 산업 전반에서 폭넓게 적용되고 있다. 또한 산업 고도화에 따라 점차 가혹해지는 소재의 적용 환경을 고려해보면 향후 지속적으로 산업 수요가 증대될 것으로 예상할 수 있는 기술이다. 특히 아크 열용사법을 이용한 방식 코팅 기술은 미국이나 일본과 같은 선진국에서는 해양플랜트, 석유 시추시설 등 대형 해양 구조물은 물론 다리, 항만시설과 같은 철재 또는 시멘트 구조물의 방식 기술로 널리 적용되어 일반화된 기술이다. 그러나 국내에서는 아직까지도 초기 비용 상승 및 미약한 관련 기술 등의 이유로 대부분 방식도료를 사용하고 있는 실정이다. 그리하여 단기 수명에 따른 재시공 시 많은 환경오염을 유발하는 방식도료를 대체할 수 있는 아크 열용사법을 이용한 방식코팅 기술에 대한 관심과 수요가 점차 증가되고 있다. 그 일환으로 본 연구에서는 해양 구조물 강재의 방식을 위해 니켈계 용사재료를 이용하여 아크 열용사 코팅을 실시한 후 다양한 전기화학적 실험을 통해 내식성을 평가하고자 하였다. 아크 열용사 코팅은 구조용 강재 SS400강에 대하여 니켈합금 선재(1.6 Ø)를 사용하여 실시하였다. 용사 시 용사거리는 200 mm, 공기압력은 약 $7kg/cm^2$ 정도로 유지하면서 용사코팅을 실시하여 약 $200-250{\mu}m$ 두께로 코팅 층을 형성시켰다. 그리고 전기화학적 실험은 천연해수 속에서 자체 제작한 홀더(holder)를 이용하여 $3.14cm^2$의 용사코팅 층만을 노출시켜 실시하였다. 그리고 기준전극은 은/염화은 전극을, 대극은 백금전극을 사용하였다. 전기화학적 실험을 통해 부동태 특성 및 용사코팅 층 표면의 양극 용해반응 특성을 분석하기 위한 양극분극 실험은 OCP로부터 +3.0 V까지 실시하였다. 또한 부식전위 및 부식전류밀도 분석을 위한 타펠분석은 OCP를 기준으로 -0.25에서 +0.25 V까지 분극시켜 실시하였다. 그리고 주사전자현미경과 3D 분석을 통해 부식손상 표면을 관찰하였다. 그 결과 니켈합금으로 용사코팅된 강재의 내식성이 상당히 향상되었다.

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Evaluation of Degradation of Isothermally Aged Plasma-Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coating (플라즈마 용사 열차폐 코팅의 열화 평가)

  • Koo, Jae-Mean;Seok, Chang-Sung;Kang, Min-Sung;Kim, Dae-Jin;Lee, Dong-Hoon;Kim, Mun-Young
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.475-480
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    • 2010
  • The thermal barrier coating of a gas turbine blade was degraded by isothermal heating in a furnace and by varying the exposure time and temperature. Then, a micro-Vickers hardness test was conducted on the cross section of the bond coat and Ni-based superalloy substrate. Further, the thickness of TGO(Thermally Grown Oxide) was measured by using an image analyzer, and the changes in the microstructure and element contents in the coating were analyzed by using an optical microscope and by performing SEM-EDX analysis. No significant change was observed in the Vickers hardness of the bond coat when the coated specimen was degraded at a high temperature; delamination was observed between the top coat and the bond coat when the coating was degraded for 50 h at a temperature $1,151^{\circ}C$.

Small-Scale Wind Energy Harvester Using PZT Based Piezoelectric Ceramic Fiber Composite Array (PZT계 압전 세라믹 파이버 어레이 복합체를 이용한 미소 풍력 에너지 하베스터)

  • Lee, Min-Seon;Na, Yong-Hyeon;Park, Jin-Woo;Jeong, Young-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.418-425
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    • 2019
  • A piezoelectric ceramic fiber composite (PCFC) was successfully fabricated using $0.69Pb(Zr_{0.47}Ti_{0.53})O_3-0.31[Pb(Zn_{0.4}Ni_{0.6})_{1/3}Nb_{2/3}]O_3$ (PZT-PZNN) for use in small-scale wind energy harvesters. The PCFC was formed using an epoxy matrix material and an array of Ag/Pd-coated PZT-PZNN piezo-ceramic fibers sandwiched by Cu interdigitated electrode patterned polyethylene terephthalate film. The energy harvesting performance was evaluated in a custom-made wind tunnel while varying the wind speed and resistive load with two types of flutter wind energy harvesters. One had a five-PCFC array vertically clamped with a supporting acrylic rod while the other used the same structure but with a five-PCFC cantilever array. Stainless steel (thickness: $50{\mu}m$) was attached onto one side of the PCFC to form the PZT-PZNN cantilever. The output power, in general, increased with an increase in the wind speed from 2 m/s to 10 m/s for both energy harvesters. The highest output power of $15.1{\mu}W$ at $14k{\Omega}$ was obtained at a wind speed of 10 m/s for the flutter wind energy harvester with the PZT-PZNN cantilever array. The results presented here reveal the strong potential for wind energy harvester applications to supply sustainable power to various IoT micro-devices.

Fabrication and Characterization of an Antistiction Layer by PECVD (plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition) for Metal Stamps (PECVD를 이용한 금속 스탬프용 점착방지막 형성과 특성 평가)

  • Cha, Nam-Goo;Park, Chang-Hwa;Cho, Min-Soo;Kim, Kyu-Chae;Park, Jin-Goo;Jeong, Jun-Ho;Lee, Eung-Sug
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.225-230
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    • 2006
  • Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) is a novel method of fabricating nanometer scale patterns. It is a simple process with low cost, high throughput and resolution. NIL creates patterns by mechanical deformation of an imprint resist and physical contact process. The imprint resist is typically a monomer or polymer formulation that is cured by heat or UV light during the imprinting process. Stiction between the resist and the stamp is resulted from this physical contact process. Stiction issue is more important in the stamps including narrow pattern size and wide area. Therefore, the antistiction layer coating is very effective to prevent this problem and ensure successful NIL. In this paper, an antistiction layer was deposited and characterized by PECVD (plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition) method for metal stamps. Deposition rates of an antistiction layer on Si and Ni substrates were in proportion to deposited time and 3.4 nm/min and 2.5 nm/min, respectively. A 50 nm thick antistiction layer showed 90% relative transmittance at 365 nm wavelength. Contact angle result showed good hydrophobicity over 105 degree. $CF_2$ and $CF_3$ peaks were founded in ATR-FTIR analysis. The thicknesses and the contact angle of a 50 nm thick antistiction film were slightly changed during chemical resistance test using acetone and sulfuric acid. To evaluate the deposited antistiction layer, a 50 nm thick film was coated on a stainless steel stamp made by wet etching process. A PMMA substrate was successfully imprinting without pattern degradations by the stainless steel stamp with an antistiction layer. The test result shows that antistiction layer coating is very effective for NIL.