• Title/Summary/Keyword: New energy

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Correlation among Ownership of Home Appliances Using Multivariate Probit Model (다변량 프로빗 모형을 이용한 가전제품 구매의 상관관계 분석)

  • Kim, Chang-Seob;Shin, Jung-Woo;Lee, Mi-Suk;Lee, Jong-Su
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2009
  • As the lifestyle of consumers changes and the need for various products increases, new products are being developed in the market. Each household owns various home appliances which are purchased through the choice of a decision maker. These appliances include not only large-sized products such as TV, refrigerator, and washing machine, but also small-sized products such as microwave oven and air cleaner. There exists latent correlation among possession of home appliances, even though they are purchased independently. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of demographic factors on the purchase and possession of each home appliances, and to derive some relationships among various appliances. To achieve this purpose, the present status on the possession of each home appliances are investigated through consumer survey data on the electric and energy product. And a multivariate probit(MVP) model is applied for the empirical analysis. From the estimation results, some appliances show a substitutive or complementary pattern as expected, while others which look apparently unrelated have correlation by co-incidence. This research has several advantages compared to previous literatures on home appliances. First, this research focuses on the various products which are purchased by each household, while previous researches such as Matsukawa and Ito(1998) and Yoon(2007) focus just on a particular product. Second, the methodology of this research can consider a choice process of each product and correlation among products simultaneously. Lastly, this research can analyze not only a substitutive or complementary relationship in the same category, but also the correlation among products in the different categories. As the data on the possession of home appliances in each household has a characteristic of multiple choice, not a single choice, a MVP model are used for the empirical analysis. A MVP model is derived from a random utility model, and has an advantage compared to a multinomial logit model in that correlation among error terms can be derive(Manchanda et al., 1999; Edwards and Allenby, 2003). It is assumed that the error term has a normal distribution with zero mean and variance-covariance matrix ${\Omega}$. Hence, the sign and value of correlation coefficients means the relationship between two alternatives(Manchanda et al., 1999). This research uses the data of 'TEMEP Household ICT/Energy Survey (THIES) 2008' which is conducted by Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program in Seoul National University. The empirical analysis of this research is accomplished in two steps. First, a MVP model with demographic variables is estimated to analyze the effect of the characteristics of household on the purchase of each home appliances. In this research, some variables such as education level, region, size of family, average income, type of house are considered. Second, a MVP model excluding demographic variables is estimated to analyze the correlation among each home appliances. According to the estimation results of variance-covariance matrix, each households tend to own some appliances such as washing machine-refrigerator-cleaner-microwave oven, and air conditioner-dish washer-washing machine and so on. On the other hand, several products such as analog braun tube TV-digital braun tube TV and desktop PC-portable PC show a substitutive pattern. Lastly, the correlation map of home appliances are derived using multi-dimensional scaling(MDS) method based on the result of variance-covariance matrix. This research can provide significant implications for the firm's marketing strategies such as bundling, pricing, display and so on. In addition, this research can provide significant information for the development of convergence products and related technologies. A convergence product can decrease its market uncertainty, if two products which consumers tend to purchase together are integrated into it. The results of this research are more meaningful because it is based on the possession status of each household through the survey data.

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Binding Mode Analysis of Bacillus subtilis Obg with Ribosomal Protein L13 through Computational Docking Study

  • Lee, Yu-No;Bang, Woo-Young;Kim, Song-Mi;Lazar, Prettina;Bahk, Jeong-Dong;Lee, Keun-Woo
    • Interdisciplinary Bio Central
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.3.1-3.6
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    • 2009
  • Introduction: GTPases known as translation factor play a vital role as ribosomal subunit assembly chaperone. The bacterial Obg proteins ($Spo{\underline{0B}}$-associated ${\underline{G}}TP$-binding protein) belong to the subfamily of P-loop GTPase proteins and now it is considered as one of the new target for antibacterial drug. The majority of bacterial Obgs have been commonly found to be associated with ribosome, implying that these proteins may play a fundamental role in ribosome assembly or maturation. In addition, one of the experimental evidences suggested that Bacillus subtilis Obg (BsObg) protein binds to the L13 ribosomal protein (BsL13) which is known to be one of the early assembly proteins of the 50S ribosomal subunit in Escherichia coli. In order to investigate binding mode between the BsObg and the BsL13, protein-protein docking simulation was carried out after generating 3D structure of the BsL13 structure using homology modeling method. Materials and Methods: Homology model structure of BsL13 was generated using the EcL13 crystal structure as a template. Protein-protein docking of BsObg protein with ribosomal protein BsL13 was performed by DOT, a macro-molecular docking software, in order to predict a reasonable binding mode. The solvated energy minimization calculation of the docked conformation was carried out to refine the structure. Results and Discussion: The possible binding conformation of BsL13 along with activated Obg fold in BsObg was predicted by computational docking study. The final structure is obtained from the solvated energy minimization. From the analysis, three important H-bond interactions between the Obg fold and the L13 were detected: Obg:Tyr27-L13:Glu32, Obg:Asn76-L13:Glu139, and Obg:Ala136-L13:Glu142. The interaction between the BsObg and BsL13 structures were also analyzed by electrostatic potential calculations to examine the interface surfaces. From the results, the key residues for hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interaction between the two proteins were predicted. Conclusion and Prospects: In this study, we have focused on the binding mode of the BsObg protein with the ribosomal BsL13 protein. The interaction between the activated Obg and target protein was investigated with protein-protein docking calculations. The binding pattern can be further used as a base for structure-based drug design to find a novel antibacterial drug.

Survey of ICT Apply to Plastic Greenhouse, Rack·Pinion Adaption to Single Span and CFD Analysis (온실 ICT융복합 실태조사와 복숭아형 랙피니언천창 적용 단동온실 및 CFD 유동해석)

  • Cho, Kyu Jeong;Kim, Ki Young;Yang, Won Mo
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.308-316
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to investigate the situation of ICT apply to plastic greenhouse, and the results be apply to design of new one. A CFD analysis were conducted to monitering the ventilation and energy saving of the single span greenhouse newly designed. The causes of delay to apply ICT to plastic greenhouse are the high cost for installation(24%), insufficiency of after services(19%), often disorder(16%), unskillful management of soft ware(15%), insufficient ICT efficiency(13%) and unsatisfying of income increase(12%). The parts of problem occurred in ICT plastic greenhouse are the structure, actuator, environmental control system and sensor(approximate 14%, respectively), remote control technique(13%), plant management technique(12%), energy saving technique(10%) and utilization of software(8%). In the condition of lateral window closed, the average wind speed changed to slow, but it was faster in the condition of leeward side window opened than in the condition of lee and winward side window opened. The air movement in the condition of lateral window closed occur by air moving fan not by out air. It is not affect the room temperature but effective the uniformity of room temperature. The average temperature of low height greenhouse was uniform than high height one. The average temperature in condition of 3rd curtain opened become same with outside temperature after 2 hours, but take more 5 hours in condition of 3rd curtain closed.

Preparationand Characterization of Rutile-anatase Hybrid TiO2 Thin Film by Hydrothermal Synthesis

  • Kwon, Soon Jin;Song, Hoon Sub;Im, Hyo Been;Nam, Jung Eun;Kang, Jin Kyu;Hwang, Taek Sung;Yi, Kwang Bok
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.306-313
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    • 2014
  • Nanoporous $TiO_2$ films are commonly used as working electrodes in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). So far, there have been attempts to synthesize films with various $TiO_2$ nanostructures to increase the power-conversion efficiency. In this work, vertically aligned rutile $TiO_2$ nanorods were grown on fluorinated tin oxide (FTO) glass by hydrothermal synthesis, followed by deposition of an anatase $TiO_2$ film. This new method of anatase $TiO_2$ growth avoided the use of a seed layer that is usually required in hydrothermal synthesis of $TiO_2$ electrodes. The dense anatase $TiO_2$ layer was designed to behave as the electron-generating layer, while the less dense rutile nanorods acted as electron-transfer pathwaysto the FTO glass. In order to facilitate the electron transfer, the rutile phase nanorods were treated with a $TiCl_4$ solution so that the nanorods were coated with the anatase $TiO_2$ film after heat treatment. Compared to the electrode consisting of only rutile $TiO_2$, the power-conversion efficiency of the rutile-anatase hybrid $TiO_2$ electrode was found to be much higher. The total thickness of the rutile-anatase hybrid $TiO_2$ structures were around $4.5-5.0{\mu}m$, and the highest power efficiency of the cell assembled with the structured $TiO_2$ electrode was around 3.94%.

A Critical Liquefaction Resistible Characteristic of Saturated Sands Based on the Cyclic Triaxial Test Under Sinusoidal Loadings (정현하중재하 진동삼축시험에 기초한 포화사질토의 액상화 한계저항특성)

  • 최재순;김수일
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.147-158
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    • 2004
  • Laboratory dynamic tests are carried out to assess the liquefaction potential of saturated sands in most countries. However, simple results such as the maximum cyclic shear stress and the number of cycles at initial liquefaction are used in the experimental assessment of liquefaction potential, even though various results can be obtained from the dynamic test. In addition, it seemed to be inefficient because more than three dynamic tests with different stress ratio have to be carried out to draw a liquefaction resistance experimental curve. To improve the present assessment method fur liquefaction potential, a new critical resistible characteristic far soil liquefaction is proposed and verified through conventional cyclic triaxial tests with Jumunjin sand. In the proposed method, various experimental data such as effective stress path, stress-strain relationship, and the change of excess pore water pressure can be used in the determination of cumulative plastic shear strains at every 1/4 cycle. Especially, the critical cumulative plastic shear strain to initiate liquefaction can be defined in a specific point called a phase change point in the effective stress path and it can be calculated from a hysteric curve of stress-strain relationship up to this point. Through this research, it is found that the proposed cumulative plastic shear strain can express the dissipated energy to resist dynamic loads and consider the realistic soil dynamic behavior of saturated sands reasonably. It is also found that the critical plastic shear strain can be used as a registible index of soils to represent the critical soil dynamic state, because it seems to include no effect of large deformation.

Effect of the Nematode Sterilization of Nursery Medium using QRD Microwave in the Plant Factory (QRD 마이크로파를 이용한 식물공장용 배지의 멸균 효과)

  • Kim, Jin Hyun;Kim, Tae Wook;Lee, Keun Woo;Ha, Yu Shin;Lee, Jae Hyun;Kim, Kyung Min
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.100-107
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    • 2013
  • Unlike general microwave, QRD (Quadratic Residue Diffusor) Microwave used in this study is known as a new technology that enhances the sterilization effect with low power because it is possible to induce the average sterilization by changing wavelength phase difference. Therefore, basic research was conducted on the function that could sterilize culture media for plant factory by using environmentally friendly and low energy consuming QRD Microwave. The results are as follows: It was confirmed that there was no external deformation in the polyurethane foam and rock wool medium when changing the microwave level between 2 and 8 kW in different water content of culture media. However, PDA solid media at 2 kW were not dissolved in 60 and 180 seconds. All of the media were dissolved in other processing. There was little difference in the microwave irradiation level and surface temperature of the strain according to the processing time between Bacillus sp. and Burkholderia sp. In the sterility test according to the microwave irradiation level and processing time, it was confirmed that both Bacillus sp. and Burkholderia sp. grew in the microwave level 2 kW regardless of time. In the microwave level 6 kW, all experimental groups except the processing of Burkholderia sp. for 60 seconds were sterilized, and all of Bacillus sp. was killed in the all experimental groups. In the microwave level 8 kW, it was confirmed that both Bacillus sp. and Burkholderia sp. were sterilized regardless of time. The temperature in microwave-processed media after contaminating strains to each medium was maintained at more than 100 in polyurethane foam and rock wool medium after 60 seconds. In general, it was shown that it was possible to sterilize after 60 seconds. Therefore, it is considered that Bacillus sp. and Burkholderia sp. which are the biggest problems in the plant factory can be adequately sterilized by QRD Microwave used in this study.

Effects of Web-Based Nutrition Counseling on Nutrient Intake and Blood Glucose in Type II Diabetic Patients (제 2형 당뇨병 환자의 영양섭취 및 혈당에 웹기반 영양상담이 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Sun-Young;Han, Ji-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.9
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    • pp.1398-1406
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of web-based nutrition counseling on nutrient intake and blood glucose in type ll diabetic Patients. Forty type II diabetic patients, twenty one of them were diabetic patients without complication (Ncx-DM) and nineteen of them were diabetic patients with complication (Cx-DM), participated in a web-based nutrition counseling program. At the first nutrition counseling, the patients were counselled through interview and then follow up nutrition counseling was accomplished four times during eight weeks through tile web-based internet program. Various markers of disease risk including anthropometric indices, nutrient intake and blood glucose were measured before and after the nutrition counseling. After the nutrition counseling, body mass index and waist circumference decreased in both group but did not change significantly. Fasting blood glucose significantly decreased from 153.9 mg/dL to 139.0 mg/dL (p<0.05) in NCX-DM and from 178.2 mg/dL to 128.5 mg/dL (p<0.01) in Cx-DM after the nutrition counseling. Glycosylated hemoglobin level decreased from $9.3\%$ to $8,7\%$ in Ncx-DM and significantly decreased from $9.7\%$ to $7.8\%$ (p<0.01) in Cx-DM after the nutrition counseling. In addition, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol level significantly decreased in both group (P<0,05) after the nutrition counseling. Energy intake decreased significantly in Ncx-DM (P<0.05) and Cx-DM (p<0.01). Although the nutrient intake did not change significantly, the nutrient intake was improved after the nutrition counseling. Therefore, this study shows that the web-based nutrition counseling is effective in improving energy and nutrient intake and influences positively in blood glucose and serum lipids of the patients. In addition, these results indicate that the internet presents us with potential as a new medium for nutrition counseling in informationized society.

Analysis of Dietary Fiber Intake in the Korean Adult Population Using 2001 Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey Data and Newly Established Dietary Fiber Database (식이섬유 D/B 구축과 2001 국민건강 영양조사 식이섬유 섭취량 재평가 -20세 이상 성인을 대상으로-)

  • Yu, Kyung-Hye;Chung, Chin-Eun;Ly, Sun-Yung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.100-110
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    • 2008
  • The present study estimates intake levels of dietary fiber (DF) in Korean adults aged 20 and over, using a newly established dietary fiber database for 3,149 food items, as well as 24-hour recall method data from the 2001 Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey. Dietary fiber intake and food groups are analyzed by gender, age, and region. The average dietary fiber intake, per capita of Korea was estimated to be 12.24g/1,000kcal or 23.58g/day. Calorie-based dietary fiber intake for 20-49 year-old-Korean males, 20-29 year-old females, and the adults who resided in metropolitan areas was under the Adequate Intake for DF, 12 g/1,000 kcal. Further, the dietary fiber intake after adjusting energy intake in people over 75 year-old was estimated to be 75% of AI. Vegetables, cereals and fruits were three major sources of DF for Korean, making up approximately 75% of DF. Regarding the subjects of this study, major sources of dietary fiber were Kimchi and well-polished rice, which supplied 13.98% and 9.16% of total dietary fiber intake, respectively. The result of this study could contribute to the establishment of DRIs for dietary fiber, after adjusting energy intake for Korean aged 75 years and over. The beneficial health effects of DF and the necessity of nutritional education in this area should be continuously emphasized concerning 20-29 year-old people and metropolitan adults.

Effects of the Applications of Clay Minerals on the Early Growth of Red Pepper in Growing Medium (점토광물 처리에 따른 상토에서 고추의 초기생장 효과)

  • Lee, Dong-Gi;Lee, Seok-Eon;Kim, Deok-Hyun;Hong, Hyeon-Ki;Nam, Ju-Hyun;Choi, Jong-Soon;Lee, Moon-Soon;Woo, Sun-Hee;Chung, Keun-Yook
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.463-470
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    • 2012
  • As the advanced seeding technology through use of plug tray for good cultivation of seeds was propagated along with the expansion and development of horticultural industry, the use of bed soils as growing medium has recently been increased. In this study, the effects of the four clay minerals such as illite, phyllite, zeolite, and bentonite on the early growth of red pepper in the bed soil were investigated. Furthermore, proteome analysis for the leaf and stem samples of red pepper treated with only illite was performed. Of the seedling cultured, the healthy and regular size seeds were selected and cultivated in the pots, after they were treated with four clay minerals. The experiment was performed during the whole six weeks in the glasshouse of the Chungbuk National University. The growth lengths, fresh and dry weights of red pepper were significantly higher in the treatments of illite, phyllite, zeolite, and bentonite than in the control. In addition, the uptake of $K^+$, $Ca^{2+}$, and $Mg^{2+}$ were higher in the treatment of illite, phyllite, zeolite, and bentonite than in the control. The 2-DE patterns for the red pepper by the applications of illite, phyllite, zeolite, and bentonite were similar to each other. Therefore, compared to the samples of control, the proteome analysis for the samples of red pepper treated by only illite were performed. Proteome analysis for red pepper showed that plastid fructose-1, 6-bisphosphate aldolase class 1, aldolase, and glyceraldehydes 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, all of which were involved in the energy metabolism, were highly expressed in leaf tissue by illite treatment. In stem tissue, NAD-dependent formate dehydrogenase involved in energy metabolism, potassium transport protein, and GIA/RGA-like gibberellins response modulator were highly expressed. Based on the results obtained from the proteome analysis, it appears that the proteins specifically and differentially expressed on the illite treatment may be involved in the enhanced growth of red pepper. The identification of some proteins involved in the response of vegetable crops to the treatment of clay mineral can provide new insights that can lead to a better elucidation and understanding of mechanism on their molecular basis.

The Construction and Application of Planning Support System for the Sustainable Urban Development (지속가능한 도시개발을 위한 계획지원시스템의 구축과 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hee-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.1 s.118
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    • pp.133-155
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    • 2007
  • The sustainable urban development has emerged as a new paradigm of urban studies in recent years. A review of the literature of land use and transport policies in relation to sustainable development reveals a consensus that the main objectives of sustainable strategy should decrease the numbers and length of journeys, and change the land use pattern towards mixed use and high density. However, there is a lack of empirical research as to what types of policies might influence effectively the reduction in the energy consumption and emission of $CO_2$. in order to sustain urban development. This paper tries to construct the conceptual structure of the PSS(planning support system), which is designed to the simulation of the probable effects of policies and planning of different kinds in cities, and evaluate the sustainablilty level according to construct the structure of the PSS(planning support system), which is designed to the simulation of the probable effects of policies and planning of different kinds in cities, and evaluate the sustainablilty level according to the alternative scenarios. The PSS is composed of three components (input-modeling-output). The core of PSS is integrating land use-transport-environment modeling. The advantages of integrating land use-transport-environment modeling are well known, but there are very few such integrated modeling packages in practice. So this paper tries to apply TRANUS software, which is an integrated land use and transport model. The TRANUS system was calibrated to city of Yongin for the base year. The purpose of the application of TRANUS to Yongin is to examine the operability of TRANUS system in Korea. From the outputs and results of operating the system, TRANUS may be effectively used to evaluate the effects of alternative sustainable urban development policies, since sustainablilty indicators can be extracted from several aspects such as land use consumption, total trips, distance and cost, energy consumption, ratio of transport split.