• Title/Summary/Keyword: New correction factor

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Single-Stage High Power Factor Converter for 90-260Vrms Input (90-260Vrms 입력 범위를 갖는 단일 전력단 고역률 컨버터)

  • 김학원;문건우;조관열;윤명중
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.18-29
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    • 2002
  • Generally, the single-stage power factor corrected converter has a problem of high dc link voltage. In the case of high line voltage, especially, the dc link voltage is verb high under the light load condition. To solve this problem, a new single stage power factor corrected AC/DC converter has been proposed. The proposed converter has huck topology as a power factor corrector. To prove feasibility of the proposed converter, the design example of the proposed converter has been presented. The design considerations and experimental results for the proposed converter have been shown. The experimental results show that the line input current harmonics can meet IEC1000-3-2 Class D requirements for the range of line input voltage from 90Vrms to 260Vrms.

Beam-Like Ship Vibration Analysis in Consideration of Fluid (유체력을 고려한 보-유추 선체진동 해석)

  • Son, Choong-Yul
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.206-213
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    • 1999
  • In the beam-like ship vibration analysis. three-dimensional correction factor(J-factor) can be calculated by considering the three-dimensional effect of the two-dimensional added mass. However, existing method is time-consuming with low accuracy in respect of global vibration analyses for vessels with large breadth. In this paper, to improve the demerit of the previous method, a new method of the beam-like ship vibration analysis is introduced In this method. the three-dimensional fluid added mass of surrounding water is calculated directly by solving the velocity potential problem using the Boundary Element Method (BEM). Then the three-dimensional added mass is evaluated as the lumped mass for each strip. Also, the beam-like ship vibration analysis for the structural beam model if performed with the lumped mass considered. It was verified that this new method is useful for the beam-like ship vibration analysis by comparing results obtained from both the existing method and the new method with experimental measurements for the open top container model.

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Sensorless Control of 3-phase PFC AC/DC Converter using Kalman Filter (칼만필터를 이용한 3상 PFC AC/DC 컨버터의 센서리스 제어)

  • Park, Jun-Sung;Kwon, Young-Ahn
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.998-1004
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    • 2016
  • This paper investigates a new sensorless control appling a virtual flux oriented vector control without the line voltage sensor for the power factor correction of 3 phase PWM converter. The DC output voltage is controlled by applying the kalman filter algorithm for the virtual flux estimation and the synchronous phase is obtained by using the estimated virtual flux equation based on kalman filter. This method is used to reduce the calculation time of the system and obtain a stable control that the input current including the harmonics and the noise is improved. The proposed system implement PFC algorithm in the variable region of DC output voltage. It can obtain the unity power factor, and can precisely control the DC output voltage in the load variation and in the variable voltage range. The performance of the proposed algorithm is verified through simulation and experiment.

A Novel Step-up AC-DC Converter with PFC by Discontinuous Current Control (전류불연속 제어에 의한 새로운 PFC 승압형 AC-DC 컨버터)

  • Kim, Choon-Sam;Shim, Jae-Sun;Kim, Chun-Sik;Lee, Hyun-Woo;Kwak, Dong-Kurl
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.142-148
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, authors propose a novel step-up AC-DC converter operated with power factor correction (PFC) and with high efficiency. The proposed converter behaves with discontinuous current control (DCC) of input current. The input current waveform in the proposed converter is got to be a discontinuous sinusoid form in proportion to magnitude of at input voltage under the constant duty cycle switching. Therefore, the input power factor is nearly unity and the control method is simple. In the general DCC converters, the switching devices are turned-on with the zero current switching (ZCS). But turn-off of the switching devices is done at the maximum current. To achieve a soft switching at turn-off, the proposed converter uses a new partial resonant circuit, which results in the very low switching loss and the high efficiency of converter.

A Study On The Power Factor Correction Of The Boost Converter Without The Input Current Measurement (입력 전류의 측정이 필요없는 Boost 컨버터의 역률 보정에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Sang-Jun;Lee, Kwang-Won
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1996.07a
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    • pp.376-378
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    • 1996
  • This paper presents a new PFC control method which replaces a fast line current measurement with a filtered load current measurement. Using the power balance relation between the input and the output of the boost converter. the input current can be described as the function of load current. Thus the PWM signal which effects the switching control of the boost converter is generated using the PFC input voltage, the PFC output voltage and the load current as input variables. By using a filter between the bridge rectifier and a dc-to-dc converter, the input voltage of the dc-to-dc converter is forced to always maintain above zero volt. Then the input current traces a sinewave in phase. The proposed scheme accomplishes a very high power factor and a low harmonic distortion of the line current. The validity of this scheme is demonstrated through simulation.

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Discrete-Time Dynamic Modeling and Start-Up Inrush Elimination Technique for New Push-Pull Quantum Series Resonant Rectifier with Wide Output Voltage Range (출력전압 범위가 넓은 새로운 푸시풀 퀀텀 직렬공진형 정류기를 위한 이산시간 동적 모델링과 기동 돌입전류 제거기법)

  • Moon, Gun-Woo;Yoon, Suk-Ho;Kim, Yong
    • The Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.100-108
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    • 1997
  • A combined buck and boost push-pull quantum series resonant rectifier(PPQSRR) is newly proposed to achieve a power factor correction without start-up inrush current. Based on the developed dynamic modeling of the proposed rectifier, an inrush current elimination control technique is proposed and the usefullness of the proposed rectifier and control method are verified by computer simulation and experimental results. With the proposed control method, a high power factor and wide range of output voltage can be obtained.

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A New Harmonics Reducing Type High Factor Single-Phase Rectifier Circuit (새로운 고조파 저감형 고역율 단상정류 회로)

  • Kim, Chil-Yong;Mun, Sang-Pil;Cho, Man-Chul;Shu, Ki-Young;Kwon, Soon-Kurl
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.468-472
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    • 2007
  • For small capacity rectifier circuits such as these for consumer electronics and appliances, capacitor input type rectifier circuits are generally used. Consequently, various harmonics generated within the power system become a serious problem. Various studies of this effect have been presented previously. The absence of switching devices makes systems more tolerant to over-load, and brings low radio noise benefits. We propose a power factor correction scheme using a LC resonant in commercial frequency without switching devices. In this method, It makes a sinusoidal wave by widening conduction period using the current resonance in commercial frequency, Hence, the harmonic characteristics can be significantly improved, where the lower order harmonics, such as the fifth and seventh orders are much reduced. The result are confirmed by the theoretical and expermental implementations

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A Study on Novel Step-Up AC-DC Chopper of High Efficiency by using Lossless Snubber Capacitor (새로운 무손실 스너버 커패시터를 이용한 고효율 스텝 업 AC-DC 초퍼에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, Dong-Kurl;Kim, Sang-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.1103-1104
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, authors propose a novel step-up AC-DC chopper operated with power factor correction (PFC) and with high efficiency. The proposed chopper behaves with discontinuous current control (DCC) of input current. The input current waveform in the proposed chopper is got to be a discontinuous sinusoid form in proportion to magnitude of ac input voltage under the constant duty cycle switching. Therefore, the input power factor is nearly unity and the control method is simple. In the general DCC chopper, the switching devices are turned-on with the zero current switching, but turn-off of the switching devices is switched at current maximum value. To achieve a soft switching of the switching turn-off, the proposed chopper is used a new partial resonant circuit. The result is that the switching loss is very low and the efficiency of chopper is high.

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Soft Switching Bridgeless PFC Buck Converters

  • Emrani, Amin;Mahdavi, Mohammad;Adib, Ehsan
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.268-275
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    • 2012
  • Based on the standards that limit the harmonic pollution of electronic systems, the use of PFC converters is mandatory. In this paper, a new resonant bridgeless PFC converter is introduced. By eliminating the input bridge diodes, the efficiency is improved. Moreover, soft switching conditions for all of the semiconductor elements are achieved without adding any extra switches. As a result, high efficiency is attained. The proposed converter is analyzed and the theoretical and simulation results of the proposed converter are presented. In order to verify the validity of the analysis, a 40 w prototype converter is implemented and experimental results are presented. The experimental results show that high efficiency is attained while achieving a high power factor.

A New AC/DC Rectifier Using One Power Circuit for Unity Power Factor and Dual Output Application (이중 출력과 단위 역률을 갖는 새로운 단일 전력단 정류기)

  • Chun, Se-Hwan;Lee, Dong-Yun;Park, Nam-Ju;Hyun, Dong-Seok
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.237-239
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    • 2003
  • 이 논문은 이중 출력과 단일 역률 적용에 대한 하나의 전력단 회로를 사용한 새로운 정류기를 나타낸다. 제안된 정류기는 부스트와 플라이백 컨버터가 결합된 하나의 전력단 회로를 갖는 구조를 가지고 있고, PFC(power factor correction) 와 일정 출력 전압 제어를 동시에 수행한다. 따라서, 제안된 정류기는 전형적인 AC/DC 정류기들(멀티 권선을 갖는 플라이 백 정류기, 투 스테이지 방식을 사용한 부스트와 플라이백 컨버터가 결합된 정류기 등등)보다 낮은 비용과 작은 사이즈의 장점을 갖는다. 제안된 정류기 회로의 동자 원리는 본 논문에서 상세하게 기술 되어진다. 그리고 시뮬레이션을 통하여 제안된 정류기의 타당성을 증명하였다.

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