• 제목/요약/키워드: New Product Marketing

검색결과 570건 처리시간 0.029초

The Relationship between Characteristics of the University Student Crowdfunding Team and Team Performance: Focus on Functional Diversity and Shared-leadership (대학생 크라우드펀딩팀 특성이 팀성과에 미치는 영향: 기능적 배경 다양성과 공유리더십을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sun-Hee;Lee, Sang-Youn
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.99-114
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    • 2022
  • Crowdfunding is one of new financing alternatives and is innovative and creative. In order to proceed with crowdfunding, various functions are required, such as design for screen composition, marketing and promotion for the public, accounting to manage the collected funds, and product production and purchase for reward. In addition, since it is a project that must be completed in a short period of time, cooperation between team members is important. This paper studied how the characteristics of the team conducting crowdfunding affect the team performance in crowdfunding. In this study, we set functional background diversity and shared leadership necessary for crowdfunding as team characteristic variables and crowdfunding amount, completion of work and team innovation as team performance variables. This study tests the hypotheses from 220 university students in 79 teams. The findings suggest that functional diversity and shared leadership are positively related to the completion of work and team innovation but not related to crowdfunding amount. To date, few studies have studied the relationship between characteristics of the crowdfunding team and performance. Therefore, the study on functional diversity and shared leadership in crowdfunding can expand existing crowdfunding study area.

A Study of the Beauty Commerce Customer Segment Classification and Application based on Machine Learning: Focusing on Untact Service (머신러닝 기반의 뷰티 커머스 고객 세그먼트 분류 및 활용 방안: 언택트 서비스 중심으로)

  • Sang-Hyeak Yoon;Yoon-Jin Choi;So-Hyun Lee;Hee-Woong Kim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.75-92
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    • 2020
  • As population and generation structures change, more and more customers tend to avoid facing relation due to the development of information technology and spread of smart phones. This phenomenon consists with efficiency and immediacy, which are the consumption patterns of modern customers who are used to information technology, so offline network-oriented distribution companies actively try to switch their sales and services to untact patterns. Recently, untact services are boosted in various fields, but beauty products are not easy to be recommended through untact services due to many options depending on skin types and conditions. There have been many studies on recommendations and development of recommendation systems in the online beauty field, but most of them are the ones that develop recommendation algorithm using survey or social data. In other words, there were not enough studies that classify segments based on user information such as skin types and product preference. Therefore, this study classifies customer segments using machine learning technique K-prototypesalgorithm based on customer information and search log data of mobile application, which is one of untact services in the beauty field, based on which, untact marketing strategy is suggested. This study expands the scope of the previous literature by classifying customer segments using the machine learning technique. This study is practically meaningful in that it classifies customer segments by reflecting new consumption trend of untact service, and based on this, it suggests a specific plan that can be used in untact services of the beauty field.

A Study on the Effect of Body Satisfaction and Self-efficacy on Appearance Management Behavior and Fashion Consumption Behavior -Focusing on Female College Students in the Dalian Region of China- (신체만족도, 자기효능감이 외모관리행동 및 패션소비행동에 미치는 연구 -중국의 대련(大连) 지역의 여대생을 중심으로-)

  • Jiang Nan;Youngsook Lee
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • 제10권5호
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    • pp.139-147
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    • 2024
  • Currently, fashion consumption is gradually increasing among female consumers, and fashion consumption behavior is affected by many factors. The purpose of this study is to analyze Chinese female college students' physical satisfaction and self-efficacy to find out and analyze how they affect appearance management behavior and fashion consumption behavior, thereby providing information for fashion-related industries marketing strategies and new product development. This study distributed a questionnaire to female college students, and the collected 713 copies were subjected to empirical analysis using SPSS 26.0 and AMOS 26.0. The analysis results are as follows. First, body satisfaction was found to have a positive effect on self-efficacy. Second, body satisfaction was found to have a positive effect on appearance management behavior. Third, self-efficacy was found to have a positive effect on appearance management behavior. Fourth, as a result of the analysis of the effect of appearance management behavior on fashion consumption behavior, it was found that appearance management behavior had a positive effect on ostentatious consumption, impulsive consumption, and practical consumption.

Analysis on elements of policy changes in character industry (캐릭터산업의 정책변인연구)

  • Han, Chang-Wan
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • 통권33호
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    • pp.597-616
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    • 2013
  • Character industry is not only knowledge-based industry chiefly with copyrights but also motive power for creative economy to take a role functionally over the fields of industries because it has industrial characteristic as complement product to promote sale value in manufacturing industry and service industry and increase profit on sales. Since 2003, the national policy related to character has aimed to maximize effect among connected industries, extend its business abroad, enforce copyrights through the improvement of marketing system, develop industrial infrastructure through raising quality of character products. With the result of this policy, the successful cases of connected contents have been crystallized and domestic character industry has stepped up methodically since 2007. It is needed to reset the scales of character industry and industrial stats because there are more know-how of self industry promotion and more related characters through strategy of market departmentalization starting with cartoon, animation, games, novels, movies and musicals. Especially, The Korea government set our target for 'Global Top Five Character Power' since 2009 and has started to carry out to find global star characters, support to establish network among connected industries, diversify promotion channels, and develop licensing business. Particularly, since 2013, There have been prospered the indoor character theme park with time management just like character experimental marketing or Kids cafes using characters, the demand market of digital character focusing on SNS emoticon, and the performance market for character musical consistently. Moreover, The domestic and foreign illegal black markets on off-line have been enlarged, so we need another policy alternative. To prepare for the era of exploding character demand market and diversifying platform, it is needed to set up a solid strategy that is required the elements of policy changes in character industry to vitalize character industry and support new character design and connected contents. the following shows that the elements of policy changes related to the existing policy, the current position of market. Nowadays, the elements of policy changes in domestic character industry are that variety of consumers in the digital character market according to platform diversification, Convergence contents of character goods for the Korean waves, legalization of the illegal black contents market, and controling the tendency of consumers in departmentalized market. This can help find the policy issue entirely deferent with the existing character powers like US, Japan or Europe. In its final analysis, the alternatives are the promotion of models with contract copyrights of domestic and foreign connected contents, the diversification of profit models of platform economy, the additive development of target market related to enlarging the Korean waves, and the strategy of character market for the age-specific tendency according to developing character demand market.

Effects of Purchasing Factors through Social-commerce of Beauty Service on the Consumer Satisfaction and the Repurchasing Intention (소셜커머스를 통한 뷰티서비스 구매요인이 고객만족과 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Soo-Nam;Lee, Han-Joo
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2014
  • As the Internet and smartphones prevail, this study investigated the purchasing factors of a new beauty marketing method, the social commerce, and verified the relationship of such purchasing factors to consumer satisfaction and repurchasing intentions. In order to verify the validity of purchasing factors, five sub-factors, such as service, price, interaction, convenience, and interest were classified, while consumer satisfaction and repurchasing intentions are grouped into one factor, using data about 20-39 years old. According to results of this study, purchasing factors in the beauty service markets through social commerce that had effects on the consumer satisfaction were price, service, convenience, and interest, but no relationship was found with interaction. We can predict that consumers buy not based on community activities among buyers or purchasing comments of others, but rather his/her own subjective thoughts and opinions about the services. As the result of repurchasing intention according to purchasing factors, affecting sub-factors were price, service, and convenience. Repurchasing intention is an positive response that reflects satisfactions. Since low price, satisfaction on the service, and convenience for busy modern people should be met, repurchasing intentions are not affected by interest, but rather systematic and professional service. Also, higher satisfaction on service raises repurchasing intention. In this study, it is clear that not only purchasing factors through social-commerce effect the satisfaction and the repurchasing intention, but also consumer satisfaction mediates partly purchasing factors and the repurchasing intention. And as sub-factors of purchasing factors, price, service, or convenience are more important to the consumer satisfaction than community or replies activities. Thus differentiated and professional customer service, the establishment and enhancement of trendy marketing should improve long term repurchasing intentions. This will lead to the increasing revenue of personal-shop and the developments of beauty markets, so strengthening product sourcing and promotion suitable for mobile shoppers are essential.

Effects of Storytelling in Advertising on Consumers' Empathy

  • Park, Myungjin;Lee, Doo-Hee
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.103-129
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    • 2014
  • Differentiated positioning becomes increasingly difficult when brand salience weakens. Also, the daily increase in new media use and information load has led to a social climate that regards advertising stimuli as spamming. For these reasons, the focus of advertisement-related communication is shifting from persuading consumers through the direct delivery of information to an emphasis on appealing to their emotions using matching stimuli to enhance persuasion effects. Recently, both academia and industry have increasingly shown an interest in storytelling methods that can generate positive emotional responses and attitude changes by arousing consumers' narrative processing. The purpose of storytelling is to elicit consumers' emotional experience to meet the objectives of advertisement producers. Therefore, the most important requirement for storytelling in advertising is that it evokes consumers' sympathy for the main character in the advertisement. This does not involve advertisements directly persuading consumers, but rather, consumers themselves finding an answer through the advertisement's story. Thus, consumers have an indirect experience regarding the product features and usage through empathy with the advertisement's main character. In this study, we took the results of a precedent study as the starting point, according to which consumers' emotional response can be altered depending on the storytelling methods adopted for storytelling ads. Previous studies have reported that drama-type and vignette-type storytelling methods have a considerably different impact on the emotional responses of advertising audiences, due to their different structural characteristics. Thus, this study aims to verify that emotional response aroused by different types of advertisement storytelling (drama ads vs. vignette ads) can be controlled by the socio-psychological gender difference of advertising audiences and that the interaction effects between the socio-psychological gender differences of the audience and the gender stereotype of emotions to which advertisements appeal can exert an influence on emotional responses to types of storytelling in advertising. To achieve this, an experiment was conducted employing a between-group design consisting of 2 (storytelling type: drama ads vs. vignette ads) × 2 (socio-psychological gender of the audience: masculinity vs. femininity) × 2 (advertising appeal emotion type: male stereotype emotion vs. female stereotype emotion). The experiment revealed that the femininity group displayed a strong and consistent empathy for drama ads regardless of whether the ads appealed to masculine or feminine emotions, whereas the masculinity group displayed a stronger empathy for drama ads appealing to the emotional types matching its own gender as well as for vignette ads. The theoretical contribution of this study is significant in that it sheds light on the controllability of the audiences' emotional responses to advertisement storytelling depending on their socio-psychological gender and gender stereotype of emotions appealed to through advertising. Specifically, its considerable practical contribution consists in easing unnecessary creative constraints by comprehensively analyzing essential advertising strategic factors such as the target consumers' gender and the objective of the advertisement, in contrast to the oversimplified view of previous studies that considered emotional responses to storytelling ads were determined by the different types of production techniques used. This study revealed that emotional response to advertisement storytelling varies depending on the target gender of and emotion type appealed to by the advertisement. This suggests that an understanding of the targeted gender is necessary prior to producing an advertisement and that in deciding on an advertisement storytelling type, strategic attention should be directed to the advertisement's appeal concept or emotion type. Thus, it is safe to use drama-type storytelling that expresses masculine emotions (ex. fun, happy, encouraged) when the advertisement target, like Bacchus, includes both men and women. For brands and advertisements targeting only women (ex. female clothes), it is more effective to use a drama-type storytelling method that expresses feminine emotions (lovely, romantic, sad). The drama method can be still more effective than the vignette when women are the main target and a masculine concept-based creative is to be produced. However, when male consumers are targeted and the brand concept or advertisement concept is focused on feminine emotions (ex. romantic), vignette ads can more effectively induce empathy than drama ads.

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The Effect of Consumers' Value Motives on the Perception of Blog Reviews Credibility: the Moderation Effect of Tie Strength (소비자의 가치 추구 동인이 블로그 리뷰의 신뢰성 지각에 미치는 영향: 유대강도에 따른 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Chu, Wujin;Roh, Min Jung
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.159-189
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    • 2012
  • What attracts consumers to bloggers' reviews? Consumers would be attracted both by the Bloggers' expertise (i.e., knowledge and experience) and by his/her unbiased manner of delivering information. Expertise and trustworthiness are both virtues of information sources, particularly when there is uncertainty in decision-making. Noting this point, we postulate that consumers' motives determine the relative weights they place on expertise and trustworthiness. In addition, our hypotheses assume that tie strength moderates consumers' expectation on bloggers' expertise and trustworthiness: with expectation on expertise enhanced for power-blog user-group (weak-ties), and an expectation on trustworthiness elevated for personal-blog user-group (strong-ties). Finally, we theorize that the effect of credibility on willingness to accept a review is moderated by tie strength; the predictive power of credibility is more prominent for the personal-blog user-groups than for the power-blog user groups. To support these assumptions, we conducted a field survey with blog users, collecting retrospective self-report data. The "gourmet shop" was chosen as a target product category, and obtained data analyzed by structural equations modeling. Findings from these data provide empirical support for our theoretical predictions. First, we found that the purposive motive aimed at satisfying instrumental information needs increases reliance on bloggers' expertise, but interpersonal connectivity value for alleviating loneliness elevates reliance on bloggers' trustworthiness. Second, expertise-based credibility is more prominent for power-blog user-groups than for personal-blog user-groups. While strong ties attract consumers with trustworthiness based on close emotional bonds, weak ties gain consumers' attention with new, non-redundant information (Levin & Cross, 2004). Thus, when the existing knowledge system, used in strong ties, does not work as smoothly for addressing an impending problem, the weak-tie source can be utilized as a handy reference. Thus, we can anticipate that power bloggers secure credibility by virtue of their expertise while personal bloggers trade off on their trustworthiness. Our analysis demonstrates that power bloggers appeal more strongly to consumers than do personal bloggers in the area of expertise-based credibility. Finally, the effect of review credibility on willingness to accept a review is higher for the personal-blog user-group than for the power-blog user-group. Actually, the inference that review credibility is a potent predictor of assessing willingness to accept a review is grounded on the analogy that attitude is an effective indicator of purchase intention. However, if memory about established attitudes is blocked, the predictive power of attitude on purchase intention is considerably diminished. Likewise, the effect of credibility on willingness to accept a review can be affected by certain moderators. Inspired by this analogy, we introduced tie strength as a possible moderator and demonstrated that tie strength moderated the effect of credibility on willingness to accept a review. Previously, Levin and Cross (2004) showed that credibility mediates strong-ties through receipt of knowledge, but this credibility mediation is not observed for weak-ties, where a direct path to it is activated. Thus, the predictive power of credibility on behavioral intention - that is, willingness to accept a review - is expected to be higher for strong-ties.

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A Comparative Study on the Ginseng Consumption Culture of College Consumers in Korea and China - Focused on Attitudes Toward Ginseng and Intention to Purchase it - (한국과 중국 소비자의 인삼 소비문화 비교 연구 -대학생 소비자의 인삼에 대한 태도와 구매 의도를 중심으로)

  • Siwuel Kim
    • Journal of Ginseng Culture
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    • 제6권
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    • pp.135-151
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    • 2024
  • In order to compare the ginseng consumption culture of Korean and Chinese college students, their purchase status of ginseng products, attitudes toward ginseng, and satisfaction with ginseng products were examined, and the purchase and recommendation intention of ginseng products was investigated. It targeted 267 Korean college students and 318 Chinese college students who had experience eating ginseng products. As a result of the survey, in the case of Korean college student consumers, interest in ginseng products increased compared to before COVID-19, and the intention to purchase and recommend ginseng products increased. In addition, the higher the satisfaction with ginseng, the higher the frequency of ginseng purchase experience, the higher the social benefit attitude toward ginseng, and the higher the age, the higher the intention to purchase and recommend ginseng products. Chinese college student consumers had higher parental purchases than Korea, higher positive intentions to purchase and recommend social and psychological benefits, and their 20s are already more interested and friendly than Korea. What Korean college students and Chinese college student consumers have in common is that interest in health, safety, and environment has increased since before COVID-19, and interest in ginseng-related products has changed in individual experiences, indicating that individual experiences are important and Chinese college student consumers are influenced by parents. In particular, COVID-19 is an opportunity to recognize the importance of health, which is important to those in their 20s, and is actually related to purchase intention. Focusing on these results, it seems that expansion to preferred products for college student consumers and differentiation of marketing strategies according to family influence and consumption culture should be made, and these new changes due to COVID-19 seem to be a timely opportunity. At a time when interest in health and safety has increased, strategic preparations are needed for the future consumersociety to respond to changesin product diversity and convergence, changes in marketing media to meet consumer consumption values, and changesin consumer family types, such assingle households.

Structural Properties of Social Network and Diffusion of Product WOM: A Sociocultural Approach (사회적 네트워크 구조특성과 제품구전의 확산: 사회문화적 접근)

  • Yoon, Sung-Joon;Han, Hee-Eun
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.141-177
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    • 2011
  • I. Research Objectives: Most of the previous studies on diffusion have concentrated on efficacy of WOM communication with the use of variables at individual level (Iacobucci 1996; Midgley et al. 1992). However, there is a paucity of studies which investigated network's structural properties as antecedents of WOM from the perspective of consumers' sociocultural propensities. Against this research backbone, this study attempted to link the network's structural properties and consumer' WOM behavior on cross-national basis. The major research objective of this study was to examine the relationship between network properties and WOM by comparing Korean and Chinese consumers. Specific objectives of this research are threefold; firstly, it sought to examine whether network properties (i.e., tie strength, centrality, range) affect WOM (WOM intention and quality of WOM). Secondly, it aimed to explore the moderating effects of cutural orientation (uncertainty avoidance and individuality) on the relationship between network properties and WOM. Thirdly, it substantiates the role of innovativeness as antecedents to both network properties and WOM. II. Research Hypotheses: Based on the above research objectives, the study put forth the following research hypotheses to validate. ${\cdot}$ H 1-1 : The Strength of tie between two counterparts within network will positively influence WOM effectivenes ${\cdot}$ H 1-2 : The network centrality will positively influence the WOM effectiveness ${\cdot}$ H 1-3 : The network range will positively influence the WOM effectiveness ${\cdot}$ H 2-1 : The consumer's uncertainty avoidance tendency will moderate the relationship between network properties and WOM effectiveness ${\cdot}$ H 2-2 : The consumer's individualism tendency will moderate the relationship between network properties and WOM effectiveness ${\cdot}$ H 3-1 : The consumer's innovativeness will positively influence the social network properties ${\cdot}$ H 3-2 : The consumer's innovativeness will positively influence WOM effectiveness III. Methodology: Through a pilot study and back-translation, two versions of questionnaire were prepared, one in Korean and the other in Chinese. The chinese data were collected from the chinese students enrolled in language schools in Suwon city in Korea, while Korean data were collected from students taking classes in a major university in Seoul. A total of 277 questionnaire were used for analysis of Korean data and 212 for Chinese data. The reason why Chinese students living in Korea rather than in China were selected was based on two factors: one was to neutralize the differences (ie, retail channel availability) that may arise from living in separate countries and the second was to minimize the difference in communication venues such as internet accessibility and cell phone usability. SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 7.0 were used for analysis. IV. Results: Prior to hypothesis verification, mean differences between the two countries in terms of major constructs were performed with the following result; As for network properties (tie strength, centrality and range), Koreans showed higher scores in all three constructs. For cultural orientation traits, Koreans scored higher only on uncertainty avoidance trait than Chinese. As a result of verifying the first research objective, confirming the relationship between network properties and WOM effectiveness, on Korean side, tie strength(Beta=.116; t=1.785) and centrality (Beta=.499; t=6.776) significantly influenced on WOM intention, and similar finding was obtained for Chinese side, with tie strength (Beta=.246; t=3.544) and centrality (Beta=.247; t=3.538) being significant. However, with regard to WOM argument quality, Korean data yielded only centrality (Beta=.82; t=7.600) having a significant impact on WOM, whereas China showed both tie strength(Beat=.142; t=2.052) and centrality(Beta=.348; t=5.031) being influential. To answer for the second research objective addressing the moderating role of cultural orientation, moderated regression anaylsis was performed and the result showed that uncertainty avoidance moderated between network range and WOM intention for both Korea and China, But for Korea, the uncertainty avoidance moderated between tie strength and WOM quality, while for China it moderated between network range and WOM intention. And innovativeness moderated between tie strength and WOM intention for Korea but it moderated between network range and WOM intention for China. As a result of analysing for third research objective, we found that for Korea, innovativeness positively influenced centrality only (Beta=.546; t=10.808), while for China it influenced both tie strength (Beta=.203; t=2.998) and centrality(Beta=.518; t=8.782). But for both countries alike, the innovativeness influenced positively on WOM (WOM intention and WOM quality). V. Implications: The study yields the two practical implications. Firstly, the result suggests that companies targeting multinational customers need to identify segments which are susceptible to the positive WOM and WOM information based on individual traits such as uncertainty avoidance and individualism and based on that, develop marketing communication strategy. Secondly, the companies need to divide the market on Roger's five innovation stages and based on this information, enforce marketing strategy which utilizes social networking tools such as public media and WOM. For instance, innovator and early adopters, if provided with new product information, will be able to capitalize upon the network advantages and thus add informational value to network operations using SNS or corporate blog.

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A Study of the Effect of Model Characteristics on Purchasing intentions and Brand Attitudes (광고모델 특성이 구매의도와 브랜드태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sung-Duck;Youn, Myoung-Kil;Kim, Ki-Soo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2012
  • Businesses make use of advertising strategy using models to give consumers efficient product information. Modern advertisements often make use of models for greater reminiscence to create messages and remind viewers of the product. The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of each type of model. The subjects were 230 college students in their twenties or older, and the material was collected from October 20, 2011 to November 5, 2011 to examine the effects of model characteristics on buying intention as well as attitude toward a brand. A questionnaire survey was used; investigators gave one copy to each interviewee. The study investigated the characteristics of each model using a questionnaire of each 40 copies with five kinds of photographs. The characteristics of models had great influence on buying intention and attitude toward the brand: First, factor 2 (being honest and virtuous and having good credit and a good press assessment) and factor 3 (being interesting and a good communicator and creating good memories) had great influence on buying intention. Factor 2 was explained by reliability, and factor 3 by the efficiency of the model in creating a feeling. Second, factors 1 (being attractive, smart, unique, friendly, loved by others, and popular), 2, and 3 influenced attitude toward brand. Factor 1 encapsulated the outgoing characteristics of a model, factor 2 was based on reliability, and factor 3 was based on the efficiency of the model in creating a feeling. The model's positive effects on buying intention and attitudes toward brand shall be examined. For their positive influence on buying intention, reliability and efficiency shall be given attention. For their positive influence on attitude toward brand, creating a good impression, having outgoing characteristics, being reliable, and efficiency shall be given attention. The findings were as follows: Model characteristics influencing buying intention were similar to those influencing attitude toward brand. The differences were as follows. First, reliability and efficiency influenced buying intention. When customers were asked to consider the influence on buying intention of an advertisement, regardless of the strength of the buying intention, they considered these two characteristics. Customers decided to buy based not only on the credibility of the product as presented in the advertisement but also the transmission of the contents of the advertisement. Second, outgoing characteristics, reliability, and efficiency influenced attitude toward a brand. The attitude toward a brand was said to be the attitude toward the business. The attitude is produced even after buying, so businesses view it as very important. The attitude might vary depending upon the model used rather than the brand. Therefore, a model with outgoing characteristics was thought to be important. Therefore, attitude toward a brand whose model influenced buying intention as well as attitude toward brand had outgoing characteristics. The result is that an image the model was related to attitude toward the brand. As such, customers would buy the goods advertised. However, an outgoing image of a model was also important to create a positive attitude toward a business brand. For instance, talent Park Gyeong-Rim's photo was used to promote cosmetics about 10 years ago. When she worked as a model of cosmetics products, she had to make compensation for losses and damages because she made a mistake on a talk show program. At that time, customers who had bought the cosmetics product asked for refunds of several billion won. As such, models who are said to be the face of the businesses they represent can play an important role. To advertise in the most attractive and effective way, the current image of a model should be investigated by examining current activities and news articles after selecting the model, and the model's efficiency and attitude toward the brand should be examined. Factors that stimulate customers' buying decisions can be used to plan advertisement that have positive influence on a brand. This study had the limitation of investigating mainly college students and there were insufficient copies of the questionnaire. The investigation was not done widely but in detail so that a concrete investigation could not be done. Further studies shall supplement these shortcomings and discuss new directions.

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