• Title/Summary/Keyword: Neutral

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Control of the Neutral Leg in Three-Phase Four-Wire Inverter Using Proportional-Resonant Controller (PR 제어기를 이용한 3상 4선식 인버터 Neutral Leg 제어 방법)

  • Han, Jungho;Song, Joongho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2015
  • In 3-phase 4-wire inverter, the unbalanced loads cause to increase the neutral current which brings the voltage deviation between the split dc-link capacitors to be larger. In order to solve this problem, a neutral leg is provided additively to the ordinary inverter circuit and the associated control methods are devised. This paper proposes a new neutral-leg controller based on a PR controller and shows relatively good performance even under unbalanced linear loads and nonlinear loads. The proposed control strategy illustrates its effectiveness under the various operating conditions through simulation works.

State Feedback Control of the Neutral Leg in Three-Phase Four-Wire Inverter Considering Parameter Variations (파라미터 변동을 고려한 3상 4선식 인버터 Neutral Leg의 상태궤환제어)

  • Han, Jungho;Kim, Heungkyu;Lee, Youngil;Song, Joongho
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2014.07a
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    • pp.514-515
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    • 2014
  • 3상 4선식 인버터에서 불평형 부하는 중성선 전류를 증가시키고, 이는 직류링크 전압 불 평형을 야기한다. 이러한 이유로, neutral leg을 추가하여 불평형 부하에서 중성선전류와 직류링크전압 불평형을 제어방법이 제안되었다. 본 논문은 상태궤환제어를 이용하여 중성선전류와 직류링크전압 불평형을 제어하는 neutral leg 제어기설계 방법을 제안한다. 제안한설계 방법은 neutral leg의 파라미터 변동에도 우수한 특성을 가진다. 시뮬레이션을 통하여 본 논문이 제안한 제어방법의 타당성과 실효성을 증명한다.

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A Theoretical Study of Electronic Structure and Properties of the Neutral and Multiply Charged $C_{60}$

  • 손만식;백유현;이종광;성용길
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.1015-1019
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    • 1995
  • The electronic structures and properties of the neutral and multiply charged C60n ions (n=2+ to 6-) with spin states have been investigated by semi-empirical MNDO calculations. In the ground state, C601- has the lowest total energy and the highest binding energy. The neutral C60 ion is supposed to have a high ionization potential and a high electron affinity. The HOMO and LUMO positions are lower in the cationic C60 than in the anionic C60. The LUMO energy becomes increasingly positive from C601- to C606- and the HOMO energy becomes increasingly negative from C602+ to C60. The HOMO-LUMO gap of the neutral C60 ion is higher than that of the multiply charged C60 ions. From the HOMO-LUMO gap, it seems reasonable to expect that electrons of the multiply charged C60 ions will be more polarizable than those of the neutral C60 ion. The HOMO and LUMO energies increase as the negative charge increases.

Approximate Controllability for Semilinear Neutral Differential Systems in Hilbert Spaces

  • Jeong, Jin-Mun;Park, Ah-Ran;Son, Sang-Jin
    • Kyungpook Mathematical Journal
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    • v.61 no.3
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    • pp.559-581
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we establish the existence of solutions and the approximate controllability for the semilinear neutral differential control system under natural assumptions such as the local Lipschitz continuity of nonlinear term. First, we deal with the regularity of solutions of the neutral control system using fractional powers of operators. We also consider the approximate controllability for the semilinear neutral control equation, with a control part in place of a forcing term, using conditions for the range of the controller without the inequality condition as in previous results.

Nonlinear bending analysis of bidirectional graded porous plates with elastic foundations relative to neutral surface

  • Amr E. Assie
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.129-152
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    • 2024
  • The applicability of a novel incremental-iterative technique with 2D differential/integral quadrature method (DIQM) in analyzing the nonlinear behavior of Bi-directional functionally graded (BDFG) porous plate based on neutral surface is verified in the present works. A formulation of four variables high shear deformation theory is used to describe the kinematic relations with respect to neutral surface rather than mid-plane. Bi-directional material distributions are presented by power functions through both thickness and axial directions. Porosities and voids are distributed by different cosine functions. The large deformations are included within the sense of nonlinear von Kármán strains. The integro-differential equilibrium equations with associated modified boundary conditions are solved numerically and iteratively by using 2D DIQM. Model validations and parametric analysis are depicted to present the influence of neutral axis, nonlinear strains, gradation indices, elastic foundations, and modified boundary conditions on the static deflection in addition to normal and shear stresses. The proposed model is effective in analyzing the static behavior of many real applications in nuclear reactors, marine and aerospace structures with large deformations.

The analysis of power quality characteristics in high speed train through neutral section of catenary system (절연구간운행 고속철도차량 전력품질 특성 분석)

  • Hong, Hyun-Pyo;Choi, Eui-Seong;Lee, See-Bin;Lee, Hee-Soon
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.634-643
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    • 2011
  • The neutral section was installed in order to prevent conflict with different phase angle source in electric railway catenary system. The speed of electric train reduced due to coasting operation by notch off when it passed the neutral section. And, the catenary wire was damaged and the accident might be happened because of the arc generation when the electric train passed the neutral section with notch off condition. The inrush current of main transformer installed tiling train is analyzed during the operation of MCB(main circuit break) passing through the neutral section. The instantaneous waveform of load current were analyzed in case of powering and regenerative braking. Inrush current waveform with run of AC railway train showed that inrush current waveform and harmonics, the inrush current generated from main transformer in train has bad effects on power quality problem. In order to reduce these inrush currents, the MCB is connected when the phase angle of voltage is 90 degree. This paper is to measure inrush current and harmonics in main transformer of high speed train in neutral section of electric railway. This measurement report is used to control minimum inrush current in algorithm and power phase angle.

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Control and Design of a Arc Power Supply for KSTAR's the Neutral Beam Injection

  • Ryu, Dong-Kyun;Lee, Hee-Jun;Lee, Jung-Hyo;Won, Chung-Yuen
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.216-226
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    • 2015
  • The neutral beam injection generate ultra-high temperature energy in the tokamak of nuclear fusion. The neutral beam injection make up arc power supply, filament power supply and acceleration & deceleration power supply. The arc power supply has characteristics of low voltage and high current. Arc power supply generate arc through constant output of voltage and current. So this paper proposed suitable buck converter for low voltage and high current. The proposed buck converter used parallel switch because it can be increased capacity and decrease conduction loss. When an arc generated, the neutral beam injection chamber occur high voltage. And it will break output capacitor of buck converter. Therefore the output capacitor was removed in the proposed converter. Thus the proposed converter should be designed for the characteristics of low voltage and high current. Also, the arc power supply should be guaranteed for system stability. The proposed parallel buck converter enables the system stability of the divided low output voltage and high current. The proposed converter with constant output be the most important design of the output inductor. In this paper, designed arc power supply verified operation of system and stability through simulation and prototype. After it is applied to the 288[kW] arc power supply for neutral beam injection.

Single-dose Intramuscular Toxicity of Neutral Natured Blood Stasis Pharmacopuncture in Sprague-Dawley Rats

  • Yeo, In Ho;Lee, Eun Yong
    • Journal of Pharmacopuncture
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.41-45
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: This study was performed to analyze the single-dose toxicity of neutral natured blood stasis pharmacopuncture extracts. Methods: All experiments were conducted at Biotoxtech, an institution authorized to perform non-clinical studies, under the regulations of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). Sprague-Dawley rats were chosen for the pilot study. Doses of neutral natured blood stasis pharmacopuncture extracts, 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mL, were administered to the experimental group, and the same doses of normal saline solution were administered to the control group. This study was conducted under the approval of the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee. Results: In all 4 groups, no deaths occurred, and the neutral natured blood stasis pharmacopuncture extracts administered by intramuscular (IM) injection was over 1.0 mL/animal. No significant changes in the body weights between the control group and the experimental group were observed. To check for abnormalities in organs and tissues, we used microscopy to examine representative histological sections of each specified organ; the results showed no significant differences in any organs or tissues. Conclusion: The above findings suggest that treatment with neutral natured blood stasis pharmacopuncture extracts is relatively safe. Further studies on this subject should be conducted to yield more concrete evidence.

A Study on the Analysis and Application of Neutral Line Zero Sequence Currents Reduction Device in Commercial Facility Loads (상업용 설비 부하의 중성선 영상전류 저감장치 분석 및 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Chul;Lee, Il-Moo;Paik, Seung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.54-60
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    • 2004
  • With the proliferation of nonlinear loads such as commercial facilities in all of modern society high neutral harmonic currents have been observed. High neutral currents in three-phase four-wire distribution systems can cause lots of harmonic problems. The most common solution of neutral harmonic currents reduction is a zero phase sequence filter using zig-zag transformer. This paper analyzes a commercially available neutral line zero sequence currents reduction device and applies the equipment to commercial office loads for eliminating harmonics. Experimental results m compared numerically and graphically with simulation results through the use of MATLAB.

The Impression Evaluation of the Cloth's Wearer in Relation to Tone Combination and Body Type of Wearer (의복의 톤조합과 착용자의 체형에 따른 인상평가 (제1보))

  • Paeng, Suk-Kyung;Kang, Kyung-Ja
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.1007-1021
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of wearers' body types and clothes' neutral tone combination on impression formation. The experimental materials developed for this study are a set of stimulus and response scales(7-point semantic). The stimulus include 45 pictures manipulated by computer simulation in wears' body types and neutral tone variation. The subjects are 540 female undergraduate students in Gyeong-nam. The results of this study are as follows: Impression factor of the stimulus consisted of 5 different dimensions including tenderness, cuteness, attractiveness, elegance, intrepidity. Each impression of neutral tone combinations, along with wears' body types, had a significant effect on tenderness, attractiveness, and intrepidity. Especially, it had the strongest effects on attractiveness. Each impression of wearers' body types along with neutral tone combinations affected cuteness significantly. According to the fact above, wears' body types and neutral tone combination have a significant influence on the impression formation of wearers.

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