• Title/Summary/Keyword: Network Performance

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3G+ CDMA Wireless Network Technology Evolution: Application service QoS Performance Study (3G+ CDMA망에서의 기술 진화: 응용 서비스 QoS 성능 연구)

  • 김재현
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.41 no.10
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2004
  • User-Perceived application-level performance is a key to the adoption and success of CDMA 2000. To predict this performance in advance, a detailed end-to-end simulation model of a CDMA network was built to include application traffic characteristics, network architecture, network element details, and protocol features. We assess the user application performance when a Radio Access Network (RAN) and a Core Network (CN) adopt different transport architectures such as ATM and If. For voice Performance, we found that the vocoder bypass scenario shows 8% performance improvement over the others. For data packet performance, we found that HTTP v.1.1 shows better performance than that of HTTP v.1.0 due to the pipelining and TCP persistent connection. We also found that If transport technology is better solution for higher FER environment since the IP packet overhead is smaller than that of ATM for web browsing data traffic, while it shows opposite effect to small size voice packet in RAN architecture. Though simulation results we showed that the 3G-lX EV system gives much better packet delay performance than 3G-lX RTT, the main conclusion is that end-to-end application-level performance is affected by various elements and layers of the network and thus it must be considered in all phases of the technology evolution process.

Performance Assessment of an Access Point for Human Data and Machine Data

  • Lee, Hoon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.1081-1090
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    • 2015
  • This work proposes a theoretic framework for the performance assessment of an access point in the IP network that accommodates MD (Machine Data) and HD (Human Data). First, we investigate typical resource allocation methods in LTE for MD and HD. After that we carry out a Max-Min analysis about the surplus and deficiency of network resource seen from MD and HD. Finally, we evaluate the performance via numerical experiment.

Performance Evaluations of the Computer Networks for the Voice/Data Coexisted Network Design (음성/데이터 통합망 설계를 위한 이행 단계별 성능평가)

  • Eom, Ki-Bok;Yoe, Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.678-683
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    • 2003
  • This study presents a result of performance with the design of network topology for voice and data integration under computer network. This network is consisted of FastEthernet, other LANs and ATM WAN(wide area network), and performance evaluation of delay in a PBX+IP network, delay in a VoIP network and delay in a IP+ATM network will be shown. We use parameters including network bandwidth, number of packet, routing protocol(IGRP, OSPF). We simulate integrated of voice and data used PBX. we will study further about the case of integrated of voice and data environments using PBX. and, evaluate IP+ATM WAN average measured network delay and average delay of VoIP network.

Comparison of Parallelized Network Coding Performance (네트워크 코딩의 병렬처리 성능비교)

  • Choi, Seong-Min;Park, Joon-Sang;Ahn, Sang-Hyun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.19C no.4
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    • pp.247-252
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    • 2012
  • Network coding has been shown to improve various performance metrics in network systems. However, if network coding is implemented as software a huge time delay may be incurred at encoding/decoding stage so it is imperative for network coding to be parallelized to reduce time delay when encoding/decoding. In this paper, we compare the performance of parallelized decoders for random linear network coding (RLC) and pipeline network coding (PNC), a recent development in order to alleviate problems of RLC. We also compare multi-threaded algorithms on multi-core CPUs and massively parallelized algorithms on GPGPU for PNC/RLC.

A Nexus among Strategic Orientation, Social Network, Knowledge Sharing, Organizational Innovation, and MSMEs Performance

  • MUAFI, Muafi
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.327-338
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    • 2020
  • This study wants to test the nexus among resource orientation, market orientation, social network, and knowledge sharing toward organizational innovation, and the nexus between organizational innovation and MSMEs performance. Questionnaires and interviews are conducted with some MSMEs actors in Central Java Province, Indonesia, in Klaten Regency and Pekalongan City. These two areas have creative MSMEs, especially Batik MSMEs that have been very large and known worldwide. The sampling technique is done purposively with certain criteria for the respondents. The data analysis technique is done using Partial Least Square. This study provides recommendations about strategic practice and policy (resource and market), social network, and knowledge sharing in increasing organizational innovation, and the impact of organizational innovation toward MSMEs performance. It also offers a comprehensive model of the determinant factor of organizational innovation by considering the aspect of strategic orientation, social network, and knowledge sharing. Other unique aspects that are also important to consider are social network and the importance of knowledge sharing in improving MSMEs Performance. The respondents are still limited in two areas, namely, Pekalongan and Klaten, so it still cannot represent the whole population. These areas also have different orientation of production process approach, namely, synthetic and natural dyes.

Research on the Performance of Protocols and the Evaluation Metric for VIDEO Transmissions in an Ad Hoc Network

  • Chen, Ruey-Shin;Chao, Louis R.;Chen, Ching-Piao;Tsai, Chih-Hung
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2009
  • Video transmission effectiveness in the Ad Hoc network is becoming important recently, if different routing protocols are applied. Some researchers conclude that the reactive protocols are better for file transfer protocol (FTP) and constant bit rate (CBR) or hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) transmission in an Ad Hoc wireless network but the performance report of video transmission is not much. This study adopts Qualnet (Network Simulator) as a simulation tool for environmental designing and performance testing, and employs an experimental design with eight groups. Our experiment shows that: (1) The performance of AODV (reactive) protocol is better than DSDV, ZRP and DSR when the transmission load has only one video stream; (2) Proactive (DSDV) and Hybrid protocols (ZRP) are better for a smaller Ad Hoc network when it transmits a video stream with some applications (VoIP, FTP and CBR). We conclude that packet loss rate is sensitive to the quality of video transmission and it has negative relationship with Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) value. In addition, our experiment also shows that PSNR is a simple Metric for the performance evaluation of video transmission.

The Study of Performance Evaluation of Train Communication Network for EMU (전동차 차량 네트웍 성능평가기술 연구)

  • Lee Su-Gil;Han Seong-Ho;Koo Dong-Hoe;Song Young-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2003.10c
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    • pp.659-665
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents a Train Communication Network simulator (TCNS) that can be used to evaluate the performance of TCN. TCN was accepted as the standard of the protocol for the communication network in trains. We carry out some simulation tests using the TCNS to show practical uses of the simulator. Results of some simulation tests are also reported. This paper presents a Train Communication Network simulator(TCNS) that can be used to evaluate the performance of TCN. TCN was accepted as the standard of the protocol for the communication network in trains. TCN of fieldbus was adopted as international standardization IEC 61375 in 1999. It has been operating on G7 train in korea. This paper developed TCNS(Train Communication Network simulator) as a simulator for performance evaluation. We can verify TCNS for preventing many kinds of occurring problems between the devices in data-communication. This study was developed TCNS as a simulator for the performance evaluation. We analyzed correlation between token, transmission data per paket and transmission speed of bus, through the TCNS, also analyzed result according to error rate of TCN. We carry out some simulation tests using the TCNS to show practical uses of the simulator. Results of some simulation tests are also reported.

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Design of Space Search-Optimized Polynomial Neural Networks with the Aid of Ranking Selection and L2-norm Regularization

  • Wang, Dan;Oh, Sung-Kwun;Kim, Eun-Hu
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1724-1731
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    • 2018
  • The conventional polynomial neural network (PNN) is a classical flexible neural structure and self-organizing network, however it is not free from the limitation of overfitting problem. In this study, we propose a space search-optimized polynomial neural network (ssPNN) structure to alleviate this problem. Ranking selection is realized by means of ranking selection-based performance index (RS_PI) which is combined with conventional performance index (PI) and coefficients based performance index (CPI) (viz. the sum of squared coefficient). Unlike the conventional PNN, L2-norm regularization method for estimating the polynomial coefficients is also used when designing the ssPNN. Furthermore, space search optimization (SSO) is exploited here to optimize the parameters of ssPNN (viz. the number of input variables, which variables will be selected as input variables, and the type of polynomial). Experimental results show that the proposed ranking selection-based polynomial neural network gives rise to better performance in comparison with the neuron fuzzy models reported in the literatures.

Design and Performance Evaluation of Support Vector Machine based Loss Discrimination Algorithm for TCP Performance Improvement (TCP 성능개선을 위한 SVM 기반 LDA 설계 및 성능평가)

  • Kim, Do-Ho;Lee, Jae-Yong;Kim, Byung-Chul
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.451-453
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    • 2019
  • Recently, as the use of wireless communication devices has increased, the wireless network usage has increased, and a wired network and a wireless network have been mixed to form a network. Existing TCP algorithms are designed for wired networks. Therefore, in the modern network environment, packet loss can not be accurately distinguished and improper congestion control is performed, resulting in degradation of TCP performance. In this paper, we propose SLDA (Support Vector Machine based Loss Discrimination Algorithm) which can accurately classify the packet loss environment to improve TCP performance and evaluate its performance.

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The Role of SMT and Business Network Accentuation on Value Distribution and Performance Consequences

  • GALIB, Mukhtar;HAERANI, Siti;MAMIMG, Jumidah;RAZAK MUNIR, Abdul
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study intends to analyze the effect of competitor pressure and customer pressure on social media technology use and the value of the business network and their implications for marketing performance. Research design, and methodology: A constructed questionnaire was conducted with 90 respondents of MSME's Business Actors in South Sulawesi Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis was applied to analyze and verify all the data. Results: Competitor pressure has a significant effect on social media technology, Competitor pressure has a positive and significant impact on business network accentuation. Customer pressure has a positive and significant impact on social media technology. Customer pressure has a positive and significant impact on business network accentuation. Social media technology utilization has a significant impact on Business Network Accentuation. Social media technology utilization has a significant effect on Marketing Performance. Business Network has a significant effect on Marketing Performance. Conclusions: It is an important thing for MSMEs to increase the use of social media technology to meet the demands of consumers and pressure from competitors. The use of social media technology must be implemented effectively and efficiently so that it can be utilized as an effective tool for distributing the value that own by a company to improve the company's marketing performance.