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The Role of SMT and Business Network Accentuation on Value Distribution and Performance Consequences  

GALIB, Mukhtar (Hasanuddin University Indonesia)
HAERANI, Siti (Hasanuddin University Indonesia)
MAMIMG, Jumidah (Hasanuddin University Indonesia)
RAZAK MUNIR, Abdul (Hasanuddin University Indonesia)
Publication Information
Journal of Distribution Science / v.20, no.5, 2022 , pp. 97-104 More about this Journal
Purpose: This study intends to analyze the effect of competitor pressure and customer pressure on social media technology use and the value of the business network and their implications for marketing performance. Research design, and methodology: A constructed questionnaire was conducted with 90 respondents of MSME's Business Actors in South Sulawesi Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis was applied to analyze and verify all the data. Results: Competitor pressure has a significant effect on social media technology, Competitor pressure has a positive and significant impact on business network accentuation. Customer pressure has a positive and significant impact on social media technology. Customer pressure has a positive and significant impact on business network accentuation. Social media technology utilization has a significant impact on Business Network Accentuation. Social media technology utilization has a significant effect on Marketing Performance. Business Network has a significant effect on Marketing Performance. Conclusions: It is an important thing for MSMEs to increase the use of social media technology to meet the demands of consumers and pressure from competitors. The use of social media technology must be implemented effectively and efficiently so that it can be utilized as an effective tool for distributing the value that own by a company to improve the company's marketing performance.
Competitor pressure; Customer pressure; Social Media; Technology;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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