• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nature-Based Solutions

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Formulating Analytical Solution of Network ODE Systems Based on Input Excitations

  • Bagchi, Susmit
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.455-468
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    • 2018
  • The concepts of graph theory are applied to model and analyze dynamics of computer networks, biochemical networks and, semantics of social networks. The analysis of dynamics of complex networks is important in order to determine the stability and performance of networked systems. The analysis of non-stationary and nonlinear complex networks requires the applications of ordinary differential equations (ODE). However, the process of resolving input excitation to the dynamic non-stationary networks is difficult without involving external functions. This paper proposes an analytical formulation for generating solutions of nonlinear network ODE systems with functional decomposition. Furthermore, the input excitations are analytically resolved in linearized dynamic networks. The stability condition of dynamic networks is determined. The proposed analytical framework is generalized in nature and does not require any domain or range constraints.

Vicious Cycle of MAC Protocols of Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks: Problem Statement

  • Htike, Zaw;Hong, Choong-Seon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2012.06d
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    • pp.294-296
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    • 2012
  • In cognitive radio ad hoc networks, secondary users need to exchange control information before data transmission. This task is not trivial in cognitive radio networks due to the dynamic nature of environment. This problem is sometime called rendezvous problem of cognitive radio network. The rendezvous problem is normally tackled by using two famous approaches: the use of common control channel (CCC) and using channel hopping (a.k.a sequence-based protocols). However, these two famous solutions form a vicious cycle while solving the rendezvous problem. The main purpose of this paper is to point out how and why this vicious cycle is formed.

Design Data Exchange in an Integrated Architectural Design Environment: A Product Model Approach Using STEP Technology (통합 건축 설계 환경에서의 설계 정보의 교환에 관한 연구: STEP을 이용한 Product Modeling 접근 방법)

  • 김인한;김유진
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.44-52
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    • 1997
  • A design process is difficult to describe comprehensively because a design problem has a multi-disciplinary nature and the design itself evolves as solutions are attempted by the designer. The process of design has been investigated in this paper with the purpose of characterizing the role that a system of this kind may have. In defining the system, an approach has been used that privileges the relationships with the existing CAD tools based on data exchange standards in course of definition today. Integrated design environment normally consists of a centralized data model a data management system and a set of CAD tools. In this study, all further investigations are directed towards the data management system, as one of the main components of the proposed environment. Moreover, product modeling, as a prerequisite for the data management core, is taken into special consideration.

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Synthesis and Characterization of Sodium Acrylate and 2-Acrylamido-2- Methylpropane Sulphonate (AMPS) Copolymer Gels

  • Jassal, Manjeet;Chattopadhyay, Ritwik;Ganguly, Debojyoti
    • Fibers and Polymers
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2004
  • A series of superabsorbents based on acrylic acid (AA), sodium acrylate, 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulphonic acid, N,N'-methylene bis-acrylamide (MBA) were prepared by inverse suspension polymerization. These hydrogels were further crosslinked on the surface with polyethylene glycol-600 (PEG-600). The water absorbency or swelling behaviors for these xerogels in water and 0.9% saline solutions, both under free condition and under load were investigated. Absorption characteristics of these hydrogels were found to depend on nature and concentration of crosslinker in the system. It was also found that the saline absorption was significantly improved as the incorporation of AMPS in the polymer was increased. The surface crosslinking introduced in the polymers was found to improve the absorption under load characteristics without lowering the free water absorption capacities of the polymer to a considerable extent.


    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.39-61
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    • 2017
  • In this present article, we analyzed the heat and mass transfer characteristics of the nonlinear unsteady radiative MHD flow of a viscous, incompressible and electrically conducting fluid past an infinite vertical porous plate under the influence of Soret and chemical reaction effects. The effect of physical parameters are accounted for two distinct types of thermal boundary conditions namely prescribed uniform wall temperature thermal boundary condition and prescribed heat flux thermal boundary condition. Based on the flow nature, the dimensionless flow governing equations are resolved to harmonic and non harmonic parts. In particular skin friction coefficient, Nusselt number and Sherwood number are found to evolve into their steady state case in the large time limit. Parametric study of the solutions are conducted and discussed.

Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Treatment of Al Alloys (알루미늄 합금의 플라즈마전해산화 처리 기술)

  • Mun, Seong-Mo;Kim, Ju-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2016.11a
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    • pp.115.2-115.2
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    • 2016
  • Al alloys are being used widely for automobile, aerospace and mechanical components because of their high strength ratio to weight. However, still they suffer from abrasion or corrosion owing to insufficient resistances to friction or mechanical impact and chemical attack. Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) method is one of the promising surface treatment methods for Al alloys which can render better hardness than aluminum anodic oxide (AAO) films prepared by conventional anodizing method in acidic solutions. In this presentation, some basic nature of PEO film formation and growth process on Al alloys will be presented based on the experimental results obtained and discussed in view of dielectric breakdown and reformation and the role of various anions in film breakdown and reformation of PEO films.

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Framework for Innovative Mechanical Design Using Simulated Emergent Evolution (창발적 기계설계를 위한 컴퓨터기반 프레임워크)

  • Lee, In-Ho;Cha, Ju-Heon;Kim, Jae-Jeong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.701-710
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    • 2002
  • The framework, described in this paper, involves artificial evolutionary systems that re -produce aimed solutions through a simulated Darwinian evolution process. Through this process the framework designs structures of machines innovatively and emergently especially in the stages of conceptual and basic design. Since the framework simulates the evolution of nature, it inevitably involves processes that converse the natural evolution to the artificial evolution. For the conversion, based on several methods as the building block modeling, Artificial Life, evolutionary computation and the law of natural selection, we propose a series of processes that consists of modeling, evaluation, selection, evolution etc. We have demonstrated the implementation of the framework with the design of multi-step gear systems.

Impact of thermal effects in FRP-RC hybrid cantilever beams

  • Tahar, Hassaine Daouadji;Abderezak, Rabahi;Rabia, Benferhat;Tounsi, Abdelouahed
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.78 no.5
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    • pp.573-583
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    • 2021
  • This paper presents a theoretical approach of the structures reinforced with bonded FRP composites, taking into account loading model, shear lag effect and the thermal effect. These composites are used, in particular, for rehabilitation of structures by stopping the propagation of the cracks. They improve rigidity and resistance, and prolong their lifespan. In this paper, an original model is presented to predict and to determine the stresses concentration at the FRP end, with the new theory analysis approach. The model is based on equilibrium and deformations compatibility requirements in and all parts of the strengthened beam, i.e., the concrete beam, the FRP plate and the adhesive layer. The theoretical predictions are compared with other existing solutions. The numerical resolution was finalized by taking into account the physical and geometric properties of materials that may play an important role in reducing the stress values. This solution is general in nature and may be applicable to all kinds of materials.

A Stochastic Linear Scheduling Method using Monte Carlo Simulation

  • Soderlund, Chase;Park, Borinara
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.169-173
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    • 2015
  • The linear scheduling method or line-of-balance (LOB) is a popular choice for projects that involve repetitive tasks during project execution. The method, however, produces deterministic schedule that does not convey a range of potential project outcomes under uncertainty. This results from the fact the basic scheduling parameters such as crew production rates are estimated to be deterministic based on single-point value inputs. The current linear scheduling technique, therefore, lacks the capability of reflecting the fluctuating nature of the project operation. In this paper the authors address the issue of how the variability of operation and production rates affects schedule outcomes and show a more realistic description of what might be a realistic picture of typical projects. The authors provide a solution by providing a more effective and comprehensive way of incorporating the crew performance variability using a Monte Carlo simulation technique. The simulation outcomes are discussed in terms of how this stochastic approach can overcome the shortcomings of the conventional linear scheduling technique and provide optimum schedule solutions.

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The Standardization Modeling concerning Organizational Composition and a Management System for the Protection of Personal Information (개인정보 보호를 위한 조직구성과 관리체계에 관한 표준화 모델링)

  • Seo, Woo Seok;Jun, Moon Seog
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2012
  • Since the passing of the Personal Information Act in March 2011 and its initial introduction in September, over the one year to date diverse security devices and solutions have been flowing into the market to enable observance of the relevant laws. Beginning with security consulting, corporations and institutions have focused on technology-based business in order to enable observance of those laws competitively in accordance with 6-step key procedures including proposal, materialization, introduction, construction, implementation, and execution. However there has not been any investment in human resources in the field of education such as technology education and policy education relative to the most important human resources field nor investment in professionals in the organization for the protection of personal information or in human resources for operating and managing IT infrastructure for actual entire personal information such as special sub-organizations. In this situation, as one process of attracting change from the nature of the technology-based security market toward a professional human resource-based security infrastructure market, it is necessary to conduct research into standardization modeling concerning special organizational composition and a management system for the protection of personal information.