• Title/Summary/Keyword: Natural and rural landscape

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Study on the Measuring Landscape Sensitivity of Buildings in Natural Landscape (자연경관에 도입되는 건축물의 경관민감도 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Ji-Hoon;Choi, Won-Bin;Shin, Min-Ji
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2018
  • As high-rise buildings came in, the landscape of rural areas and natural landscapes often got damaged. Therefore, this study aims to prevent this, grasp the extent of the influence of the surrounding landscape, to grasp the range of height that can be permitted and present the direction of landscape management of agriculture and natural landscape. This study tried to grasp the range of height by using price sensitivity analysis method for two apartment and apartment complex which entered DangJin city and SeoSan city. First, in the case of a two apartment, the range of the height allowable section was from the 6th floor to the 11th floor in close range view, and it was a section from the 7th floor to the 12th floor in medium range view. In the case of the apartment complex, the range of the height allowable range was from the 10th floor to the 17th floor in close range view, the 9th floor to the 16th floor in medium range view. The stress index was found to be positive in a two apartment in close range view, and in the apartment complex case. therefore it was better to set it to a lower in the Range of Acceptable Height(RAH). Second, it showed no difference in the sensitivity of landscape to gender. Thirdly, the results of the landscape sensitivity analysis of major and non-major showed the difference in the medium range view picture of the apartment complex. Majors are lower than the point of minimum height(PMinH) than non-Majors. In the case of major, the stress index was 1.4. it turned out that it was better to make a decision closer to point of minimum height (PMinH). In the case of non-major, the stress index was -1.3. it was also able to accept decision close to the point of maximum height (PMaxH). Since the results of the above research gave changes only in the variable of the height of the landscape, we can not grasp the point of interaction with other variables, and future research is considered necessary.

A Study on the Status of Stonewall as a Cultural Resource in Rural Regions at Jeju Island (제주도 농촌지역내 돌담 문화자원의 활용을 위한 실태조사 연구)

  • Choi, Yong-Bok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.12 no.3 s.32
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2006
  • Stonewall in Jeju has been regarded as the one of the most esthetic landscape in rural regions. In addition, they have been played as a useful facility to protect houses or crops from strong winds, but also to indicate the boundary of ownership. In the recent research, stonewall has been appointed as the one of important components in rural landscape. Thus, stonewall in Jeju retains intrinsic and real value by many usages in rural regions. However, in spite of it's value, stonewall has been abandoned without any concerns and political measures. Now stonewall is urgently needed to be dealt by a certain political measure for protection. Therefore, the depth of concerns and systematic management measures for protection should be discussed and made, otherwise the destruction of these natural valuable structures will be continued. In this sense, the purpose of this paper, first of all, is to examine the status of stonewall in jeju. And then, with the result of this examination, political measures and suggestions to protect stonewall are proposed. Several areas such as Sungsan, Sinchon, and so on in Jeju are selected as the sample areas for this study, and examination are carried with a wide range of literature reviews and the GIS technology for data collection and analyses.

The Analysis of Landscape Ecological Characteristics in Rural Residential Area (농촌 정주공간의 경관생태학적 특성 분석 - 내태1리와 검단1리의 사례지를 중심으로 -)

  • Ra, Jung-Hwa;Cha, Sung Yun;Do, Hu-Jo;Lee, Jung Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this paper is to classify two study sites into the biotope types and investigate the landscape ecological characteristics of them. This will be available for the rural planning in the aspect of environmental preservation. The summaries of the result are as follows. 1) In the result of the area assessment in biotope groups, a dry field (32%) and a paddy field (28%) are more than 50%, but settlement space and water space are less than 10%. The result shows the land use condition of rural areas. 2) In the investigation result of elongation, running water spaces are higher than other biotope groups relatively, it is because they long shaped and 1-3m narrow. 3) In case of Fractal index analysis, residential spaces and cultivated lands are investigated to be lower in numerical value, it is because they have the definite borders and get simple in the border of landscape by human intervention. 4) In case of dispersion degree, the dry field has the highest value because they are located close by forests spread widely around study sites. It means that the land which is used by artificial purpose get more value rather than natural lands 5) In the connectivity analysis, a paddy field and a residential space appear the highest. It is because residence spaces spread intensively through roads and a paddy field, through streams. 6) In rural landscape, the diversity of landscape is investigated to be simple. A paddy field and a dry field contain small sized patches that have been divided by human intervention. Besides, there appear much different vegetation around waterways and farm-roads.

A Case Study on Design Characteristics of Museums in Jeju - Focused on Landscape Management Guideline of Jeju Special Self-governing Province - (제주지역 박물관의 의장적 특징에 관한 사례연구 -제주특별자치도 경관관리지침을 중심으로-)

  • Park, Chung-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2013
  • As architecture has a role of vessel that contains human life, architecture of museums in a region must be a vessel that contains identity of the region. Jeju Province possesses excellent natural landscape acknowledged by the world. As such, architectural design of museums in Jeju region, differentiated in terms of natural, humanistic and cultural characteristics from other regions, must include identity of Jeju. Jeju has established and is operating so many museums with different themes that it is referred to as the heaven of museums. In addition, museums as cultural facilities must be the measure of cultural level representing regional identity and perform the role of advance guard that leads architectural culture of the region. Also, such excellent architectural asset is an important landscape element that increases value of the region. Based on Landscape Management Guideline established in 2009 by Jeju Special Self-governing Province under such critical mind, this study will support design problems and improvements of museums through case study and analysis on design characteristics of national and private museums in Jeju. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to provide basic data to be pursued by future museums that contain identity of Jeju, based upon the results of analysis described above.

A Study on Planning Characteristics and the Status in the Landscape Master Plan of City and County - Focused on 22 Cities and Counties in Jeollanam-do, Korea - (시·군 경관계획 현황 및 계획 특성 연구 - 전라남도 22개 시·군을 대상으로 -)

  • Yoo, Changgeun;Byun, Kyeonghwa
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2017
  • This study is to analyze establishment status and planning characteristics of the landscape master plan of 22 cities and counties in Jeollanam-do, Korea. The landscape master plans have been established in 19 cities and counties and among them they were established in 11 cities and counties before 2010. They tend to be made in city governments earlier than county governments. Community visions are implied with four meanings, 'landscape ecological', 'administrative economic', 'historical cultural', 'abstraction sensitive' in expression. For setting zones, axises, and bases of landscapes, characteristics of each landscape zone are emphasized with unification and connectivity of axises and bases of landscapes as one unit to local governments. Proposal of design principle or guideline of landscape by elements tend to be higher than landscape types. Locational characteristics of local governments have influenced to landscape types and characteristics of natural environments have been strongly reflected in landscape plan in particular.

A Study on Changes in Residents' Consciousness on Urban Landscape - Focused on Yeongam-gun in Jeollanam-do - (도시경관에 대한 주민의식 변화 연구 - 전라남도 영암군을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Yun-Hag;Yoo, Chang-Geun;Park, Sung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we investigated and analyzed changes about the landscape consciousness of Yeongam-gun residents, in chronological order. As a result, the landscape consciousness of 10 years ago and the present has not changed significantly. Also, the residents' consciousness of the Yeongam-gun landscape image has not changed from 10 years ago, and we recognize that it is necessary to preserve and form the natural landscape. As for the problem of urban landscape, the needs of residents for the development of urban infrastructure facilities and the development of tourist spots are higher than 10 years ago, and the problem of each landscape element is found as the formation and management of a road environment. It was found that the degree of satisfaction with the Yeongam landscape is generally below average, compared to 10 years ago. Residents' willingness to participate in landscape projects has changed as the number of respondents who do not want to participate has increased compared to 10 years ago, and the project method must be promoted by residents / administration / experts as one. The awareness is judged as administrative agencies need to change from the role of regulation-oriented in the past to the role of resident support and cooperation.

Study on the Application of Environmental Planning in the Establishment of Rural Spatial Planning (농촌공간계획 수립에 따른 환경계획 적용방안 연구)

  • Jin-Oh Kim;Kyung-Sook Woo;Jin-Pyo Kim;Byeong-Hwa Song;Jeong-Hwan Lee
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 2024
  • This study is intended to identify environmental issues following the implementation of rural space planning and propose a plan to strengthen environmental planning. Rural areas have excellent natural environmental resources, so it is necessary to consider their impact on the environment, and flexible planning guidelines taking into account rural reality are needed so that rural development is not reduced due to excessive regulations. Therefore, the scope of this study was set as the scope of the study to derive a basic plan when establishing a rural space plan and a plan to strengthen an environmental plan when establishing a regeneration plan. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, on-site surveys and expert advice in the field of rural planning are used, and as the rural space planning system is implemented, it is intended to be used as a basic study when evaluating the environment.

Suitability Assessment of Rural Public Spaces and Facilities - A Case Study of Okgwa-myeon(Myeon Unit, Region Unit, Village Unit), Gokseong-gun, Jeollanam-do - (농촌마을 공공공간 및 시설의 입지적합성 평가를 위한 사례연구 - 전남 곡성군 옥과면 일대(거점면단위, 권역단위, 마을단위) 대상으로-)

  • Suh, Joo-Hwan;Kim, Jin-Oh;Song, Byeong-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.145-154
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    • 2015
  • With the rapid change of rural communities and increasing desire for social welfare, the demand for the quality of public spaces and facilities is increasing. However, inefficient location of rural public space and facility has caused problems such as economic inefficiency, inconvenient accessibility, environmental pollution, unsustainable energy use, and disturbance of visual landscape. This study aims to evaluate suitability of public spaces and facilities in three types of rural village: rural downtown village, rural clustered village, and individual village. As a way to measure the suitability of public spaces and facilities, we assessed indicators of suitability in terms of accessibility, usability, biophysical environment, and sustainable management. To evaluate the accessibility, we applied indicators such as distance from residential areas, public transit, market and public facilities. For the evaluation of biophysical environment, we applied indicators such as slope, elevation, aspect, and occurrence of natural disasters. We analyzed digital maps representing the indicators listed above using GIS. We also conducted a survey and face-to-face interviews to evaluate usability and sustainability of management which are not possible to understand through maps. As a result, we identified that suitability of public spaces and facilities in downtown villages is higher than clustered and individual villages. In particular, suitability of infrastructure facilities, social welfare facilities, and income generation facilities in downtown village are higher than those in clustered and individual villages. The suitability of tourism facilities is generally lower than other types of public facility across the three types of villages. Tourism facilities in clustered village have been identified especially unsuitable compared to other types of villages. We expect the outcome of the research is helpful to improve allocation of public spaces and facilities in rural villages.

Analysis on the Image and Visual Preference of Bridge Landscapes - A Focus on Background Landscape and Bridge Type - (교량경관의 이미지 및 시각적 선호도 분석 - 배경경관 및 교량형태를 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Sung-Gwan;Chae, So-Jung;Kim, Kyung-Tae;Lee, Woo-Sung;Park, Kyung-Hun;You, Ju-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.82-91
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    • 2007
  • Currently, bridges are regarding as the structure with formative, scenic and environmental values more than their function as simple passageways. Because an attempt to work on the diversity of the bridge types and installation of the large structures on bridge are part of the project of the regional amenity enterprises, a study that harmonizes bridges with landscape is needed at this point in time. This background can influence the direction of bridge landscapes that considers local features by analysis of visual preferences on a bridge simulated scene. The results were as follows: analyzing the change of the simulated landscape image, forest landscape are damaged by the input of a bridge which was natural, harmonic and intimate. On the other hand, when a bridge was inserted into the ocean landscape, it was thought to improve the ocean landscape, especially, upper part form of arch bridge various or suspension bridge were improved in polished and various image. The insertion of a bridge into an urban landscape change from a negative image to a beautiful, harmonic and attractive image. The intimate, harmonic and natural image of a rural landscape was damaged by inserting a bridge. As analysis result about change of landscape preference by input of bridge, there is difference between before and after as input the bridge, and bridge influences as main object in the simulated scene. Visual preference was the highest in the ocean landscape, and the lowest in the suspension bridge in the rural landscape. The complicated shape of bridge follows on the background type difference certainly appear. Thee simulated scene preference except the urban landscape of the simulated scene fell generally Especially, fall of preference of girder bridge in the forest and ocean landscape, suspension bridge in the rural landscape appeared notedly.

Estimating Esthetic Values of Agricultural Landscape Affected by Socioeconomic Characteristics (사회경제적 특성과 전문성에 따른 농촌경관의 심미적 가치 평가의 차이)

  • Choi, Jaeyong;Park, Yong-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.105-119
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    • 2007
  • Numerous developments have damaged agricultural landscapes and consequently agricultural areas have lost the amenity and their traditional culture. Despite the fact that damaged agricultural landscape is irreversible, precautionary policies for conserving agricultural landscapes in Korea have not been established properly. Meanwhile, social demands for well preserved rural landscapes have increased. This study, thus, aims to evaluates esthetic values of agricultural landscapes in order to prepare the basis for the formulation of properly informed policies. Bearing in mind the purpose of the study, firstly, present status of agricultural landscapes has been surveyed. Secondly, agricultural landscape values were estimated in friendliness, ruralness, and preference with 30 selected slides and 4 computer simulated pictures out of 305 pictures. The survey has been carried out with two student's groups of the landscape architecture majored (50 people) and the ordinary majored (68). The results implicated that agricultural landscape preferences has not been changed for 10 years to some extent. However, landscape majored respondents showed low preferences on the artificial creatures than the non-majored. Lastly, Recommendations for the agricultural landscape policy was made that the necessary developments should be considers form, colour, location, and size according to the natural landscape.