A Case Study on Design Characteristics of Museums in Jeju - Focused on Landscape Management Guideline of Jeju Special Self-governing Province -

제주지역 박물관의 의장적 특징에 관한 사례연구 -제주특별자치도 경관관리지침을 중심으로-

  • Published : 2013.02.25


As architecture has a role of vessel that contains human life, architecture of museums in a region must be a vessel that contains identity of the region. Jeju Province possesses excellent natural landscape acknowledged by the world. As such, architectural design of museums in Jeju region, differentiated in terms of natural, humanistic and cultural characteristics from other regions, must include identity of Jeju. Jeju has established and is operating so many museums with different themes that it is referred to as the heaven of museums. In addition, museums as cultural facilities must be the measure of cultural level representing regional identity and perform the role of advance guard that leads architectural culture of the region. Also, such excellent architectural asset is an important landscape element that increases value of the region. Based on Landscape Management Guideline established in 2009 by Jeju Special Self-governing Province under such critical mind, this study will support design problems and improvements of museums through case study and analysis on design characteristics of national and private museums in Jeju. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to provide basic data to be pursued by future museums that contain identity of Jeju, based upon the results of analysis described above.



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