• Title/Summary/Keyword: National geographic information

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The Building Strategies of Natural Park Integration Monitoring System Based on Geographic Information Analysis System

  • Bae, Min-Ki;Lee, Ju-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.95 no.5
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    • pp.605-613
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    • 2006
  • The goal of this study was to propose building strategies of web-based national park monitoring system (WNPMS) using geographic information analysis system. To accomplish this study, at first, this study selected and made integrated management indicators considering physical, ecological, and socio-psychological carrying capacity in national park. Secondly, this study built up an integrated management this system with statistical analysis program for execution of various multivariate analysis and spatial analysis. Finally, WNPMS could identify the relationship among visitors, natural resources, and recreation facilities in national park, and forecast the future management status of each national park in Korea. There results of this study will contribute to prevent the damage of natural resources and facilities, improve visitor's satisfaction, prevent an excess of carrying capacity at national park, and established tailored management strategies of each national park.

Identification of Usable Geographic Information for Pilot of Forest Fire Suppression Helicopter and Its Acquisition from Public Data (산불진화헬기 조종사에게 유용한 지리정보의 식별 및 공공 자료로부터의 획득 방안)

  • Ryu, Young-Ki;Kim, Man-Kyu;Park, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.52-67
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    • 2011
  • The research investigates the identification of necessary geographic information needed by forest fire suppression helicopter pilots, and the ways to acquire the required information from public institutions. Firefighting helicopter pilots demand 7 physical geographic and 13 human geographic data. Applying the geographical information acquired from Korean public institutions, the following 15 characteristics (3 physical geographic, 12 human geographic) can be found: altitude and highlands, river, high population and urban areas, roads, national park and state boundaries, fuel re-supply facilities, freshwater areas, cultural assets, (LPG)gas charging stations, gas stations, ammunition storage areas, ground power cables, and steel towers. Within the database of physical geography, there is a need for improvement on bird habitat details. Also, the availability of visibility, wind directions, and wind velocity data is limited and therefore requires refining. The location of refueling areas can be obtained by applying information received from institutions to the GIS spatial analysis.

Establishment of Point Cloud Location Accuracy Evaluation Facility for Car-mounted Mobile Mapping System for Mapping of High Definition Road Maps (정밀도로지도 제작을 위한 이동식차량측량시스템(MMS) 점군 위치정확도 성능평가 시설 구축)

  • Oh, Yoon Seuk;Kwon, Young Sam;Park, Il Suk;Hong, Seung Hwan;Lee, Ha Jun;Lee, Tae Kyeong;Chang, Soo Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.383-390
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    • 2020
  • Car-mounted MMS (Mobile Mapping System) is the most effective tool for mapping of high definition road maps(HD Map). The MMS is composed of various sensor combinations, and the manufacturing methods and processing software are different for each manufacturer, performance cannot be predicted only by the specifications of the parts. Therefore, it is necessary to judge whether each equipment is suitable for mapping through performance evaluation, and facilities for periodic performance evaluation. In this paper, we explained the MMS performance evaluation facilities built at the SOC Evaluation Research Center of Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology and analyzed the conditions that the evaluation facilities should have through a literature survey and field tests.

Assessment of 3-Dimensional Sunshine Environment Using Geographical Information System Data around Pukyong National University (부경대학교 주변 지역의 지리정보시스템 자료를 이용한 3차원 일조 환경 평가)

  • Kim, Eun-Ryoung;Park, Soo-Jin;Kim, Jae-Jin;Nam, Kyung-Yeub
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.116-131
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    • 2014
  • In this study, sunshine environment in an urban area is analyzed using a numerical model which considers sunshine-duration blocking by topography and buildings. The numerical model used in this study has an improvement in the algorithm detecting sunshine duration in the model domain. The main improvement in the algorithm is to detect sunshine duration using all the surfaces of any grid cell(the previous model uses the center of any grid cell). The improvement in the algorithm gives more accurate evaluation of sunshine duration at corner surfaces of buildings. Using the improvement model and geographic information system(GIS) data, sunshine environment is analysed at an building-congested area in Busan for a week in four seasons. The results show that sunshine duration can be much changed by apartment complexes, high-rise buildings, topography in the model domain.

Advancing National Geographic Information Clearinghouse to Extend Functionality and to Improve Usability (활용활성화를 위한 국가지리정보유통망 고도화 방안 연구)

  • Shin, Dong-Bin;Kim, Dong-Han;Park, Si-Young;Ahn, Jong-Wook
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2007
  • The National Geographic Information Clearinghouse (NGIC) in Korea has been established to share dispersed geographic information in many government organizations. The NGIC has become a main hub for sharing and exchanging geographic information in Korea. However, due to rapid technological advancement, citizens not only require more information but also demand more functions for NGIC. In this regards, this research tries to find the way of developing NGIC from a means of 'information sharing' to an arena of 'information use'. To do so, it suggests new technical frameworks and functionalities for NGIC. Then it recommend policy measures to improve current NGIC.

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A Study on Evaluation of the Priority Order about Framework Data Building (기본지리정보 구축 우선순위 평가에 관한 연구)

  • 김건수;최윤수;조성길;이상미
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.361-366
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    • 2004
  • Geographic Information has been used widely for landuse and management, city plan, and environment and disaster management, etc., But geographic information has been built for individual cases using various methods. Therefore, the discordancy in data, double investment, confusion of use and difficulty of decision supporting system have been occurred. In order to solve these problems, national government is need to framework database. This framework database was enacted for building and use of National Geographic Information System and focused on basic plan of the second national geographic information system. Also, the framework database was selected of eight fields by NGIS laws and 19 detailed items through meeting of framework committee since 2002. In this research, The 19 detailed items( road, railroad, coastline, surveying control point etc.,) of framework database consider a Priority order, In the result of this research, the framework database is obtain to a priority order for building and the national government will carry effectively out a budget for the framework database building. Each of 19 detailed items is grouping into using the priority order of the framework database by AHP analysis method and verified items by decision tree analysis method. The one of the highest priority order items is a road, which is important for building, continuous renovation, and maintain management for use.

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Suitability Review on Development Plans of Offshore Wind Farm Based on National Wind Map and Geographic Information (국가바람지도 및 국가지리정보에 의한 해상풍력단지 개발계획의 적합성 검토)

  • Kim, Hyun-Goo;Hwang, Hyo-Jung;Song, Kyu-Bong;Hwang, Sun-Young;Yun, Jin-Ho
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.534-535
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this research aims preliminary assessments of the proposed plans of offshore wind farm development based on the recently established national offshore wind map and suitability assessment system of offshore wind farm. Incheon Mueodo, Busan Dadaepo-Gadukdo, Sinangun Haeodo have been assessed considering geographic constraints such as water depth, offshore distance, national park, grid connection, and meteorological constraint such as wind power density and wind direction. According to the assessment, Mueodo plan has a weak point in grid connection and several geographic limitations are involved in Haeodo plan while Dadaepo-Gadukdo seems the most possible plan among the review cases. Because of limited assessment in this research, more detail and further consideration are necessary to make a decision of a feasibility project at proposed sites.

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Energy-efficient Data Dissemination Scheme via Sink Location Service in Wireless Sensor Networks (무선 센서망에서 위치정보 선제공 기법을 이용한 에너지 효율적인 데이타 전달방안)

  • Yu, Fu-Cai;Choi, Young-Hwan;Park, Soo-Chang;Lee, Eui-Sin;Tian, Ye;Park, Ho-Sung;Kim, Sang-Ha
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2007.10d
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    • pp.240-243
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    • 2007
  • Geographic routing has been considered as an efficient simple, and scalable routing protocol for wireless sensor networks since it exploits pure location information instead of global topology information to route data packets. Geographic routing requires the sources nodes to be aware of the location of the sinks. In this paper, we propose a scheme named Sink Location Service for geographic routing in wireless Sensor Networks, in which the source nodes can get and update the location of sinks with low overhead. In this scheme, a source and a sink send data announcement and query messages along two paths respectively by geographic routing. The node located on the crossing point of the two paths informs the source about the location of the sink. Then the source can send data packet to the sink by geographic routing. How to guarantee that these two paths have at least one crossing point in any irregular profile of sensor network is the challenge of this paper.

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Strategies to develop GIS industry with increasing demands for geographic information (지리정보수요변화에 따른 GIS산업 발전전략에 관한 연구)

  • 최병남;정윤희;양광식
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.439-452
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    • 2003
  • Geographic Information System(GIS) market in Korea was made based on "the First Master Plan for the korean National GIS" Recently the private GIS market is growing rapidly for LBS, Telematics, Web Geographic Information Service. So, the purpose of this study is to make the development strategies reflected ′moving the core of GIS market′ from public to private sector. By using the Model of Added Value chain, the business model which reflect features of geographical information best, we analyzed markets and classified them into four fields along the uses and degrees of added value. The features of markets in each field are researched and the ways of development about each fields are established. And the business model for geoaphic information circulation is made for development of GIS. market. To realize the development strategies in each field, this study proposes the national roles.

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Three-Phase Database Design for a Geographic Information System (지리(地理) 정보(情報) 시스템을 위한 삼단계(三段階) 데이터베이스 설계(設計))

  • Ock, Han-Suk;Kim, Gap-Youl;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Kim, Sang-Wook;Shin, Jae-Ho;Yang, Jae-Ung
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.18
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    • pp.343-353
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    • 1998
  • Effective design of a database is essential for operating application systems efficiently. This paper discusses database design for a geographic information system. This goals of database design are multiple: to satisfy the information content requirements of the specified users and applications; to provide a natural and easy-to-understand structuring of the information; and to support processing requirements and any performance objectives such as response time, processing time, and storage space. Database design is a very complex process and is decomposed in three phases: conceptual, logical, and physical design. In this paper, we first collect and analyze the requirements for a geographic information system. We also perform database design for these requirements through the three design phases systematically. Our results would contribute to the effective construction of a database for a geographic information system.

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