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A Review on Environmental Restoration of the Waste Landfills (쓰레기매립지의 환경복원)

  • Kim, Kee Dae;Lee, Eun Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.56-71
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    • 2003
  • Waste landfills have been the center of environmental problems and they must be restored due to environmental pollution, disgusting landscape, and cost of management. It is suggested that they be recycled urban space as cities expand. Specially, nonsanitary waste landfills which have no pollution prevention facilities cause serious problems. Restoring the landfills as parks and golf courses, so on makes more benefits because of cheap use land, closeness to urban area, flat topography applicable to parks and golf courses, and high land values after restoration and the changes to local recreation sites. Restoration of waste landfills is a complex, costly, and interdisciplinary work. But, the waste landfill is a manmade ecosystem. Control, restoration and postmanagement of waste landfills are very important problems. The role of vegetation prevents soil erosion, reduces soil water storage, and obstructs leachate seepage. Early restoration makes derelict lands into man park artificially geared to soil, vegetation, landforms and hydrology. But, Ideal restoration is to make stable ecosystem nature-friendly and compatible with surrounding landscape without more management. Landscape is structured hierarchically with patches and stands as small components and forms forest as large components. Therefore, landscape formation of the waste landfills needs much restoration process. There are many ecological restoration techniques for the waste landfills. Those are divided into artificial and natural methods. The artificial method is anthropogenic plantings while the natural method is to trigger and use succession processes. The most important thing in the restoration of waste landfills is to consider the final restoration objectives of each waste landfill. According to these objectives, the depth of covering layer, planting degree, and structural design should be determined. The effective restoration methods should be selected of artificial and natural options.

Analysis of habitat characteristics of mosquitoes in Danwongu, Ansan city, Korea, based on civil complaint data

  • KIM, Jeong Eun;BAE, Yeon Jae;LEE, Hwang Goo;KIM, Dong Gun
    • Entomological Research
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.540-549
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    • 2018
  • Climate change due to global warming and changes in land use increase the development time and distribution, as well as the abundance, of mosquitoes, thereby negatively affecting human life and health. In this study, we investigated the habitat characteristics of mosquito occurrence sites in Danwon-gu, Ansan city, Korea, based on a daily record of civil pest complaints lodged at the Danwon-gu Community Health Center. We considered two types of factors (natural and artificial) known to affect mosquito occurrence. We confirmed a total of 554 cases of mosquito occurrence from March 2014 to August 2017. The total study area was $49.11km^2$, with urban areas constituting the largest proportion. Additionally, we investigated habitat preferences of mosquitoes in terms of terrain factors; generally, mosquitoes occurred at low elevations and on low slopes. Regarding the preference of oviposition sites, mosquitoes occurred at higher rates near streams and crops lands. The rate of mosquito occurrence tended to increase in areas with dense human populations. Regarding climatic factors, the rate of mosquito occurrence increased in areas with high temperature and low precipitation.

Status, Protection, and Management of Bird Community in Mt. Nam Area (남산 지역 조류 군집의 서식 현황과 보호 및 관리방안)

  • 이우신;조기현;임신재
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.21 no.5_3
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    • pp.665-673
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    • 1998
  • This study was conducted to clarified the relationship between bird community and forest structure and present the counterplan for protection and management of bird community from February 1993 to July 1995 at deciduous and coniferous forest within Mt. Nam area, Seoul, Korea. DBH distribution has not significant differences in each study site. Deciduous forest had more foliage coverage in all layers than coniferous forest. Total 41 species of birds, which were 16 species of resident, 14 species of summer visitor, 4 species of winter visitor, and 7 species of passage migrant were recrded in two study sites. Leaf use rate of birds was increased the increase of coverage. The number of breeding species and pairs, breeding density, and diversity index were greater in deciduous forest than coniferous forest. The number of species and pairs on bush-nesting and foraging guild were greater than other guilds. And the nuber of species and pairs on hole nesting guild were the fewest in nesting guild. Use rate of artificial nests for improvement of habitat quality was greater in coniferous forest than deciduous forest. Maintenance of bush layer, increase of coverage and leaf layer diversity, supply of artificial nests, management of large trees, and control of natural enemy were necessary for protection and management of bird community in Mt. nam area.

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Ecological Forest Management and Reforestation Problem -Comparison of Diameter Increment of Three Genus Betula Species between Artificial and Natural Forest- (생태적 숲관리와 조림 문제 -조림지와 천연림에서 자작나무속 세 수종의 직경생장 비교-)

  • 김갑태
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.224-231
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    • 2003
  • To develope reforestation methods for environmentally sound and ecological forest management, stand structure and radial growth of the trees were investigated and compared by species and study sites. Plantation forest studied on Betula costata, Betula platyphylla var. japonica and Betula davurica, was located at Jawoon-ni Nae-myeun, Hongcheon-gun and natural forest studied on Betula costata, was located at Jangjeon-ni Jinbu-myeun, Pyeungchang-gun. In 12.3 years after planting, differences of annual diameter increment among three Betula species were significant. The highest mean annual diameter increments, 7.67mm was measured in planting Betula costata, and followed by planting Betula platyphylla var. japonica and Betula davurica, and the lowest values. 4.32mm did in natural Betula costata. If planting Genus Beula in this district. Betula costata might be the best species. From these facts, massive planting of three Betula species in this district might have much problems, but might be evaluated as proper trial.

Synecological Study of the Forest Vegetation in Mt. Naeyeon, Pohang City, Korea - Focusing on the Southern Area - (내연산 산림식생에 대한 군락생태학적 연구 - 남쪽 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hak-Yun;Kim, Jun-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.318-328
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    • 2017
  • In order to provide basic data for the ecological management of forest vegetation in Southern Naeyeon Mountains, A total of 149 sample plots were selected and vegetation survey was carried out by the phytosociological method of the ZM school to classify vegetation types and to grasp ecological characteristics. The forest vegetation was divided into 10 types in terms of species composition, and had a unit hierarchy of 2 community groups, 4 communities, 6 sub-communities and 6 variants. A total of 19 types of physiognomic vegetation were identified based on uppermost dominant species, of which 18 were natural vegetation and 1 was artificial vegetation. As a result of the analysis of the importance values of constituent species, Quercus mongolica, a potentially natural vegetation element, was found to be relatively more important in most stands than other species, and excluding the artificial interference, most of the areas except for some sites would be changed to Q. mongolica forest. In order to understand the spatial distribution of forest vegetation, 1/5,000 large-scale physiognomic vegetation map was created by the uppermost dominant species. As a result, natural vegetation accounted for 98.2%, the number of vegetation patches was 733 and the average area per patch 3.93ha.

The Analysis of Landscape Ecological Characteristics in Rural Residential Area (농촌 정주공간의 경관생태학적 특성 분석 - 내태1리와 검단1리의 사례지를 중심으로 -)

  • Ra, Jung-Hwa;Cha, Sung Yun;Do, Hu-Jo;Lee, Jung Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this paper is to classify two study sites into the biotope types and investigate the landscape ecological characteristics of them. This will be available for the rural planning in the aspect of environmental preservation. The summaries of the result are as follows. 1) In the result of the area assessment in biotope groups, a dry field (32%) and a paddy field (28%) are more than 50%, but settlement space and water space are less than 10%. The result shows the land use condition of rural areas. 2) In the investigation result of elongation, running water spaces are higher than other biotope groups relatively, it is because they long shaped and 1-3m narrow. 3) In case of Fractal index analysis, residential spaces and cultivated lands are investigated to be lower in numerical value, it is because they have the definite borders and get simple in the border of landscape by human intervention. 4) In case of dispersion degree, the dry field has the highest value because they are located close by forests spread widely around study sites. It means that the land which is used by artificial purpose get more value rather than natural lands 5) In the connectivity analysis, a paddy field and a residential space appear the highest. It is because residence spaces spread intensively through roads and a paddy field, through streams. 6) In rural landscape, the diversity of landscape is investigated to be simple. A paddy field and a dry field contain small sized patches that have been divided by human intervention. Besides, there appear much different vegetation around waterways and farm-roads.

A Study of Creating a Biotope in Namsan Urban Natural Park (남산도시자연공원내 생물서식공간 조성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Hyun-Kyung;Lee, Soo-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.45-58
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    • 2006
  • This study was aimed to propose the plan of creating a biotope reflecting an ecological education as well as its function as the habitats of amphibian in Namsan Urban Natural Park in Seoul. There were Cheonil mineral spring area which was located on the southern side of Namsan, wetlands which was already created on the east valley(800$m^2$) and a buffer area of the circumference(1,100$m^2$) as the biotope sites. Major fields of this study include a survey of the staus, a basic plan, a master plan; a survey of this site was focused on topography, water system, existing vegetation, wildbird, amphibian, trail; a detailed plan was focused on flow plan, planting plan, facility plan. Existing vegetation was classified into 8 types; Pinus densiflora forest, Pinus densiflora planted area, Prunus sargentii-Quercus spp. forest, Pinus rigida forest, Robinia pseudoacacia forest, artificial green space, wetlands, south beltway. There were Pinus densiflora planted area and Prunus sargentii-Quercus spp. forest as major vegetations of this site. 14 species and 33 individuals of wildbirds appeared, Rana temporaria ornativentris and Hynobius leechi were investigated in the wetlands.In particular, habitats of amphibian were divided eco-zone, buffer-zone and restore-zone, and habitats and facilities which would be suitable for the characteristics of each space were planned. As a result, environment elements of good habitats including spawn wetlands of amphibian, harbor of amphibian, water plant of wetland, wild shrubs forest, ecological landscape forest, wetland observation trail, fence of wetland protection and ramp by pebble and log were created at the site. The amphibian biotope of Namsan is rated high as an important space for conserving biodiversity. Accordingly, continuous monitoring of this biotope as a urban habitat is required as the environment changes.

Comparative Review of Domestic & USA's Site Design Certification Index and Criteria for Sustainability - Focusing on Water & Soil+Vegetation Index - (국내외 외부공간의 지속가능성 인증지표 및 기준의 비교검토 - 물과 토양 및 식생 평가항목을 중심으로 -)

  • Chun, Seung-Hoon;Chae, Soo-Kwon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.430-440
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    • 2020
  • The application contents, process, and its limitations are discussed for the setting of Korean legal guides & criteria for water cycle and ecological condition in development project of land use by thorough comparison and examination of prerequisites and credits of water cycle and soil+vegetation by USA's SITES (Sustainable Sites Initiative). In the case of SITES, due to the implementation procedure operated as a non-governmental independent assessment system by Green Business Certification, Inc, the natural condition of water cycle and soil-vegetation items-the key element of ecosystem services can be quantitatively assessed, well along with its legal and institutional guidelines and regulations. On the other hand, in the case of Korea, as a part of the national certification procedure for green building, the ecological area ratio system still have very limited role as an only amenity resource in the creation of artificial green spaces and insufficiency of management system for rain water. In conclusion, it was understood as an urgent situation in necessary for prompt establishment of site's sustainability certification system at the national level, based on management of water circulation and natural soil & vegetation in developed area with consideration of various land uses and types of development projects.

Ecological Forest Management and Reforestation Problem -Comparison of Diameter Increment of Juglans mandshurica between Artificial and Natural forest- (생태적 숲관리와 조림 문제1-조림지와 천연림에서 가래나무의 직경생장 비교-)

  • 김갑태
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.309-315
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    • 2004
  • To estimate planting results of deciduous broad-leaved species, forest structure and radial growth of the trees were investigated and compared by species and studied sites. Plantation forest studied on Juglans mandshurica, was located at Jawoon-ni Nae-myeun, Hongcheon-gun and natural forest studied on Juglans mandshurica, was located at Jangjeon-ni Jinbu-myeun, Pyeungchang-gun. In 9 years after planting, differences of annual diameter increment among three stand origins were significant. The highest mean annual diameter increments of J. mandshurica, 7.31mm/year was measured in natural seedlings, and followed by sprouting trees 6.93mm/year. The lowest values, 5.28mm/year did in planting trees. Early radial growth of planting J. mandshurica was measured lower than that of sprouting or natural seedlings. These facts means that planting J. mandshurica is not proper regeneration methods. Other regeneration methods of J mondshurica forest, by sproutings, direct seeding and natural seeding, might be researched and recommended.

A Study on Space Creation and Management Plan according to Characteristics by Type in Each Small-Scale Biotope in Seoul - Base on the Amphibian Habitats - (서울시 소규모 생물서식공간 유형별 특성에 따른 조성 및 관리방안 연구 - 양서류 서식지를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Ha-Ju;Han, Bong-Ho;Kim, Jong-Yup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.110-126
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    • 2024
  • This study conducted a classification of small-scale biological habitats created in Seoul to analyze and synthesize location characteristics, habitat structure, biological habitat functions, and threat factors of representative sites, as well as derive creation and management problems according to the ecological characteristics. The aim was to suggest improvement measures and management items. Data collected through a field survey was used to categorize 39 locations, and 8 representative sites were selected by dividing them into location, water system, and size as classification criteria for typification. Due to the characteristics of each type, the site was created in an area where amphibian movement was disadvantageous due to low or disconnected connectivity with the hinterland forest, and the water supply was unstable in securing a constant flow and maintaining a constant water depth. The habitat structure has a small area, an artificial habitat structure that is unfavorable for amphibians, having the possibility of sediment inflow, and damage to the revetment area. The biological habitat function is a lack of wetland plants and the distribution of naturalized grasses, and threats include the establishment of hiking trails and decks in the surrounding area. Artificial disturbances occur adjacent to facilities. When creating habitats according to the characteristics of each type, it was necessary to review the possibility of an artificial water supply and introduce a water system with a continuous flow in order to connect the hinterland forest for amphibian movement and locate it in a place where water supply is possible. The habitat structure should be as large as possible, or several small-scale habitats should be connected to create a natural waterfront structure. In addition, additional wetland plants should be introduced to provide shelter for amphibians, and facilities such as walking paths should be installed in areas other than migration routes to prevent artificial disturbances. After construction, the management plan is to maintain various water depths for amphibians to inhabit and spawn, stabilize slopes due to sediment inflow, repair damage to revetments, and remove organic matter deposits to secure natural grasses and open water. Artificial management should be minimized. This study proposed improvement measures to improve the function of biological habitats through the analysis of problems with previously applied techniques, and based on this, in the future, small-scale biological habitat spaces suitable for the urban environment can be created for local governments that want to create small-scale biological habitat spaces, including Seoul City. It is significant in that it can provide management plans.