Status, Protection, and Management of Bird Community in Mt. Nam Area

남산 지역 조류 군집의 서식 현황과 보호 및 관리방안

  • 이우신 (서울대학교 산림자원학과) ;
  • 조기현 (서울대학교 산림자원학과) ;
  • 임신재 (서울대학교 산림자원학과)
  • Published : 1998.06.01


This study was conducted to clarified the relationship between bird community and forest structure and present the counterplan for protection and management of bird community from February 1993 to July 1995 at deciduous and coniferous forest within Mt. Nam area, Seoul, Korea. DBH distribution has not significant differences in each study site. Deciduous forest had more foliage coverage in all layers than coniferous forest. Total 41 species of birds, which were 16 species of resident, 14 species of summer visitor, 4 species of winter visitor, and 7 species of passage migrant were recrded in two study sites. Leaf use rate of birds was increased the increase of coverage. The number of breeding species and pairs, breeding density, and diversity index were greater in deciduous forest than coniferous forest. The number of species and pairs on bush-nesting and foraging guild were greater than other guilds. And the nuber of species and pairs on hole nesting guild were the fewest in nesting guild. Use rate of artificial nests for improvement of habitat quality was greater in coniferous forest than deciduous forest. Maintenance of bush layer, increase of coverage and leaf layer diversity, supply of artificial nests, management of large trees, and control of natural enemy were necessary for protection and management of bird community in Mt. nam area.



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