• Title/Summary/Keyword: Music Mood

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A Study on the Epic Functions of Baroque Music in the Movie - Based on the movie - (영화 속 바로크 음악의 서사적 기능 연구 -영화 <친절한 금자씨>를 중심으로-)

  • Ahn, Jun-Hee;Jeon, Yoon-Han
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.617-627
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    • 2018
  • Baroque music was the birth and growth era of modern music, but it was not composed for movies. Baroque music, however, is a feature that is inserted into the movies in many different forms, leading to the overall mood and narrative, and the ability to express the characters' feeling and inner word. Therefore, in this study, five Baroque music works, including the main theme song 'Vivaldi Cantata RV.684' in the movie , are produced, and analyzed through tonal, tempo, dynamics, musical notes, tones, rhythms, musical instrument, and genre. Through analysis, we will study what epic functions and roles Baroque music plays in movies.

A Case of Clinical Application of Music Therapy in Patient with PTSD (외상후스트레스장애 환자에 대한 음악요법의 적용 일례)

  • Kwon, Soon-Jae;Yang, Jong-Chul;Park, Tae-Won;Chung, Young-Chul;Chung, Sang-Keun
    • Anxiety and mood
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.50-54
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    • 2012
  • Music therapy had been widely used in the area of psychiatry. However recently, participation of psychiatrist has been decreased, due to recent trends of emphasizing biological psychiatry and rapid effectiveness of pharmacotherapy. A 46 years old male PTSD patient was admitted to psychiatric ward. He has suffered from PTSD symptoms, such as intrusive distressing recollection of his past traffic accident, social avoidance, insomnia and depression. Music therapy, which is conducted by a psychiatrist and a music therapist, was applied. This case suggests the positive role of music therapy in treatment of PTSD and emphasizes the importance of participation of psychiatrist, as an organizer during music therapy.

Effects of Different Types of Sounds on Visitors' Profile of Mood States (POMS) in a Healing Forest Area (치유의 숲에서 다른 유형의 소리가 방문객의 기분상태(Profile of Mood States: POMS)에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sang-Oh;Kim, Sang-Mi;Park, Seung-Chan;Choi, Sol-ah
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.423-433
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    • 2016
  • This study compared the effect of different types of sounds(no sounds, sounds of nature, music, and sounds of children playing) on profile of mood states(POMS) in a healing forest. Data were collected from 231 respondents selected from among visitors to the 'Healing Field' in 'Jangseong Chukryongsan Pyeonbaek Healing Forest' in October, 2012. Each respondent was exposed to one type of sound. The results showed that there were differences in POMS among the different sound treatment groups. Sounds of children playing showed negative effects on POMS. Unexpectedly, however, sounds of nature and musical sounds had no effects on POMS. These tendencies were consistently found not only for total mood disturbance score (TMDS) but also for POMS by factors (i. e. tension, anger, vigor, fatigue, confusion, depression). Perceived crowding level was positively correlated with TMDS(r=0.568) and POMS by factors (range: r=0.331 - 0.571). This paper discusses the research results and suggests several managerial implications.

An Ontological and Rule-based Reasoning for Music Recommendation using Musical Moods (음악 무드를 이용한 온톨로지 기반 음악 추천)

  • Song, Se-Heon;Rho, Seung-Min;Hwang, Een-Jun;Kim, Min-Koo
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.108-118
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose Context-based Music Recommendation (COMUS) ontology for modeling user's musical preferences and context and for supporting reasoning about the user's desired emotion and preferences. The COMUS provides an upper Music Ontology that captures concepts about the general properties of music such as title, artists and genre and also provides extensibility for adding domain-specific ontologies, such as Mood and Situation, in a hierarchical manner. The COMUS is music dedicated ontology in OWL constructed by incorporating domain specific classes for music recommendation into the Music Ontology. Using this context ontology, we believe that the use of logical reasoning by checking the consistency of context information, and reasoning over the high-level, implicit context from the low-level, explicit information. As a novelty, our ontology can express detailed and complicated relations among the music, moods and situations, enabling users to find appropriate music for the application. We present some of the experiments we performed as a case-study for music recommendation.

Multimedia Contents Recommendation Method using Mood Vector in Social Networks (소셜네트워크에서 분위기 벡터를 이용한 멀티미디어 콘텐츠 추천 방법)

  • Moon, Chang Bae;Lee, Jong Yeol;Kim, Byeong Man
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2019
  • The tendency of buyers of web information is changing from the cost-effectiveness to the cost-satisfaction. There is such tendency in the recommendation of multimedia contents, some of which are folksonomy-based recommendation services using mood. However, there is a problem that they does not consider synonyms. In order to solve this problem, some studies have solved the problem by defining 12 moods of Thayer model as AV values (Arousal and Valence), but the recommendation performance is lower than that of a keyword-based method at the recall level 0.1. In this paper, we propose a method based on using mood vector of multimedia contents. The method can solve the synonym problem while maintaining the same performance as the keyword-based method even at the recall level 0.1. Also, for performance analysis, we compare the proposed method with an existing method based on AV value and a keyword-based method. The result shows that the proposed method outperform the existing methods.

Effect of Music Therapy on Anxiety and Vital Sign of Nasal Closed Reduction Under General Anesthesia (전신마취 하 비골골절 수술 환자에서 음악요법이 환자의 불안 및 활력징후에 미치는 영향)

  • Suh, Bum-Sin;Na, Young-Cheon
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.369-374
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Most of the patients who underwent surgery feels variable kinds of fear or anxiety; an uncomfortable mood state that happens without specific object affects patient's satisfaction before and after the surgery. As music therapy is rather noninvasive method generally used in reducing patient's anxiety, the authors researched about the extent of anxiety with the change of vital sign before the operation while comparing with the cases of patients who took the music therapy at closed reduction under general anesthesia. Method: We divided the patients in 4 groups; A with the premedication (Midazolam, Dormicum$^{(R)}$) before the operation, B with the premedication and music therapy, C with only music therapy, D with no premedication or therapy. And we measured the vital signs after the arrival at the operation room, after induction and 20 minutes after the operation. Also we observed the changes of anxiety index with the STAI (State Trait Anxiety Inventory)-K (Korea)YZ 1 hour before and 8 hours after the surgery. Result: The group B showed the least changes in blood pressure as the group D showed the highest change. Both group C and A showed increase in blood pressure but the upswing in group A was lower than group C. At the change of pulse rate group B showed the lowest upswing also group D showing the highest. Group B showed quite a few upswing but lower than group D, but, at the same time, group A showed lower upswing when comparing two cases. After analysis of STAI-KYZ score, the anxiety relatively decreased in group B and C in comparison with group D. And the index of anxiety state of group A showed just as much to group D. Conclusion: The music therapy is better healthcare method compared to other therapies in reducing anxiety also with satisfying effect who underwent operation. The authors recommend music therapy assisted with use of premedication for better relief of anxiety.

Determinations of Impulsive Buying Behavior: An Empirical Analysis of Consumers' Purchase Intentions for Offline Beauty Products

  • Tayyaba Tanveer;Mustaghis ur Rahman;Syeda Qurat ul Ain Kazmi
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2024
  • Ingrained in multiple consumption theories, this research covers the seven determinants (Hedonic Consumption, Consumers' mood, Store layout, product promotion, Persons' situation, Materialism, and Product Attributes) of purchase intentions of a consumer. For this study, 384 offline shoppers were surveyed and found that out of seven, six determinants significantly trigger impulse buying behavior of customers of beauty products in a modern market setting while one determinant 'Materialism' did not have any influence on the impulse buying behavior. The relationships of the variables were statistically checked by multiple linear regression. Results of this study show that a consumer's mood has a significant impact on impulse buying as it can trigger the impulse behavior of consumers. Person situations also have a positive impact on impulse buying it means time, money, fear of missing out can active impulse buying. Store layout can also trigger that unplanned purchase which means store lighting, the music of the store, ambiance may affect the purchasing. Product promotion has an impact on spontaneous purchase which indicates that free coupons, discounts, free delivery, offers to attract the customer to sudden purchase. Product design, packaging, color, labeling indicate a positive and significant impact on impulse buying. However, materialism indicates an insignificant impact on impulse buying.

Uses of Music by People with Adventitious Visual Impairments (중도시각장애인의 음악 활용)

  • Yang, Ji Hye;Park, Hye Young
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.41-60
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated how people who became blind midway through life used music and how these uses differed according to individual factors. Sixty-one late-blind adults aged 40 to 60 years attending six welfare centers for the blind in Seoul and Gyeonggi region participated in this research. Participants were asked to complete a 25-question survey in Braille on music utilization and preference, as well as the purpose of music utilization. The response rate was 87.1%. The results were as follows. First, with regard to listening preference, they reported preferring to listen to upbeat popular music on the radio when resting at home. They liked to sing along to lyrics reminiscent of personal memories. String instruments were preferred when playing an instrument. With regard to the reason for using music, inducing mood change was found to be the biggest reason, followed by seeking enjoyment, comfort, sense of achievement, and sense of belonging. Third, for people with adventitious visual impairments, individual factors, such as gender, level of disability, and period without eyesight, did not reveal any significant differences. Last, participants were found to obtain a higher sense of belonging through music compared to those having low vision. Regarding time without eyesight, it appeared that the shorter the period, the higher the sense of belonging participants had from utilizing music, and vice versa. This study provides fundamental information for organizing an effective music program that can meet the needs and demands of people with adventitious visual impairments.

Song-Induced Autobiographical Memory of Patients With Early Alzheimer's Dementia (노래를 통한 초기 알츠하이머 치매환자의 자서전적 기억)

  • Han, Seung Ah
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.49-66
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the song-induced autobiographical memory of patients with early Alzheimer's Dementia (AD) by comparing the effects of patient-selected songs (M-AD) versus music therapist-selected songs (M-MT). A total of 19 patients with early AD participated in this study. In the M-AD and M-MT conditions, each participant listened to a song and was instructed to recall memory. The time to recall memory, the specificity of the memory, mood changes, and the type of recalled memory were measured. Perceived familiarity and preference of the used songs and association of the song with the recalled memory were also analyzed. The results of the study showed that the M-AD condition elicited more specific memory and positive mood change than the M-MT condition. In addition, AD patients reported a higher level of familiarity with and preference of songs in the M-AD condition, compared to the M-MT condition. These results indicate that patient-selected songs, which have a personal meaning to an individual, could be effectively used for intervening with memory of this population, which would support music therapists to make better decision with regard to song selection. Further studies would be needed to deepen the understanding of autobiographical memory in older population with cognitive impairment and to propose more effective music therapy strategies for intervening with memory.

Eclectic Music Idiom in Changgeuk "Medea" (창극 <메디아>의 절충주의 음악어법)

  • Shin, Sa-Bin;Lee, Woo-Chang
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.659-671
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    • 2013
  • Through Korean traditional opera (changgeuk) Medea, composer Hwang Ho-jun showed eclectic music idiom by 1) writing music (jakchang) on manuscript paper and score, 2) introducing the "song-through" format, 3) including various solo melodies, 4) maximizing the effect created by a singing narrator (dochang) with the chorus master and a mixed chorus, 5) seeking an interplay of tension and release by using both discord and chord, 6) achieving the effect of kil-bakkum, the Korean traditional method of modulation, through modulation and borrowed chord of Western music. In Medea, instrumentalists adopted suseong-banju (Korean traditional accompaniment) which does not spoil the voice of singers. Hwang adopted song for the way how singers express various hidden sides of play among song, aniri (narration) and balim (gesture) and introduced the Sung-through format in which the play is comprised entirely of song. In Medea, oral sounds expressing wail, lament, cheer, sneer and scream are often used and various solo melodies appear that fit for personalities of characters, clearly showing what bunchang (singers' singing songs divided according to characters) is all about. And discord and chord are effectively used according to the development and mood of play. Hwang also achieved successfully the effect of kil-bakkum by abandoning the traditional modulation method and boldly introducing modulation and borrowed chord of Western music.