• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multiple People

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The Effects of Anxiety about Economic Well-Being in Old Age on Problem Drinking among Middle-aged Adults: Focusing on the Moderating Effects of Social Support (중장년층의 경제적 노후불안이 문제음주에 미치는 영향: 사회적 지지의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Kang, Sion;Kang, Sorang;Moon, Sangho
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.763-780
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine whether middle-aged people's anxiety about economic well-being in old age affects problem drinking and to verify whether there is relationship between anxiety about economic well-being in old age and to examine the problem drinking could be mitigated by social supports. We used the 2015 Korean Adults' Psycho-Social Anxiety Survey data. To detect the moderating effect of social supports, we employed a method of hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The result of the study showed that the higher the anxiety about economic well-being in old age among middle-aged adults, the higher was the likelihood of problem drinking. Moreover, the relationship between anxiety about economic well-being in old age and problem drinking could be moderated by social supports. Based on the empirical findings, this study suggests that education to deal with middle-aged people's anxiety about economic well-being in old age should be developed and recommends that counseling and community programs for social supports to be implemented as a preventive approach.

A Study on the Elderly's User Experience by Using Virtual Reality (가상현실 기기를 활용한 고령자 사용자 경험에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Sik;Lee, Kang-Nyeon
    • Journal of the Korea Knowledge Information Technology Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.305-317
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    • 2018
  • This study is about the elderly people's use and experience of Virtual Reality (VR) in order to enhance their quality of life. Leisure is main activity of the elderly. As a result, the quality and diversity of leisure affects the quality of the elderly people's life. VR services including video contents could provide them with advanced and interesting experiences. Across the world, population aging becomes one of the most important problems in each society. The social and economic burden of aging is serious challenge to sustainability welfare of the world, including S. Korea. The authors used virtual reality devices to conduct experiments on 99 aged 50 to 90 (men's average age : 75 and women's average age : 70.8). Through the survey, major variants were measured such as system quality, present sense, enjoyment, intent to reuse, and awareness of advanced technology. Multiple regression analyses with the presence as a dependent variable resulted in a sense of closeness (t = 5.381, p <. 01) and a sense of clarity (t = 4.494, p <. 01). The presence of an independent variant had significant effects on pleasure (t = 4.312, p <. 01) and significant effects on the intent to reuse (t = 3.323,).Therefore, it can be interpreted that the higher the sense of existence, the more pleasure and the intent to reuse it. As a result, the possibility of using VR devices and content to enjoy leisure activities can be found in this study even if the elderly group is unfamiliar with IT devices.

AI-Based Object Recognition Research for Augmented Reality Character Implementation (증강현실 캐릭터 구현을 위한 AI기반 객체인식 연구)

  • Seok-Hwan Lee;Jung-Keum Lee;Hyun Sim
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.1321-1330
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    • 2023
  • This study attempts to address the problem of 3D pose estimation for multiple human objects through a single image generated during the character development process that can be used in augmented reality. In the existing top-down method, all objects in the image are first detected, and then each is reconstructed independently. The problem is that inconsistent results may occur due to overlap or depth order mismatch between the reconstructed objects. The goal of this study is to solve these problems and develop a single network that provides consistent 3D reconstruction of all humans in a scene. Integrating a human body model based on the SMPL parametric system into a top-down framework became an important choice. Through this, two types of collision loss based on distance field and loss that considers depth order were introduced. The first loss prevents overlap between reconstructed people, and the second loss adjusts the depth ordering of people to render occlusion inference and annotated instance segmentation consistently. This method allows depth information to be provided to the network without explicit 3D annotation of the image. Experimental results show that this study's methodology performs better than existing methods on standard 3D pose benchmarks, and the proposed losses enable more consistent reconstruction from natural images.

Factors Affecting Housing Environment Satisfaction among Living in Apartments Areas Considering the Difference the Regional Elderly Population Ratio (지역 고령인구비율 차이를 고려한 아파트 거주 가구주의 주거환경만족도 영향요인)

  • Yun Hwan Kim;Hyosang Han
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.167-178
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    • 2024
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the factors influencing the satisfaction of the housing environment of householders living in apartments in the region according to the difference in the elderly population ratio. Methods: The analysis was conducted from the 2021 housing survey in Chungcheongbuk-do and Jeollanam-do region, where the elderly population ratio is the high and low regions. The subjects of the study consisted of 552 people in Chungcheongbuk-do and 616 people in Jeollanam-do, and analysis was performed with t-test and multiple regression. Results: In the Chungcheongbuk-do region(p<0.05), Ease access to commercial facilities, Ease access to medical facilities, Ease access to public institution, Ease access to cultural facilities, Ease access to city parks and green spaces, Ease access to public transportation, Level of air pollution, Relationship with neighbors, and Jeollanam-do region showed positive influences(p<0.05) in Waterproof condition, Safety from fire, Ease access to commercial facilities, Ease access to cultural facilities, Ease access to public transportation, Educational environment, Level of air pollution, Relationship with neighbors. There was a difference(p<0.05) between regions in Waterproof condition, Safety from fire, Ease access to medical facilities, Ease access to public institution, Ease access to city parks and green spaces, Educational environment. Conclusion: The factors influencing housing environment satisfaction according to the elderly population ratio by region were different. it is judged necessary to consider regional population groups when establishing and promoting city development and housing environment improvement project plans.

A Change of Self-Esteem and Emotion of Adults with Developmental Disabilities through Positive Psychology Programs Using Coffee Activities (커피 매개 긍정심리프로그램을 통한 발달장애성인의 자존감과 정서 변화)

  • 김주연;강영심;이유정
    • The Journal of Special Children Education
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.185-216
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of positive psychology programs using coffee activities on emotion changes and self-esteem improvements of adults with developmental disabilities. Method: This program was conducted for five adults with development disabilities who were attending non-degree courses by the National University of Busan City. To collect data, Self-Esteem scale to measure participants' self-esteem level and MAACL(Multiple Affect Adjective Check List) to identify emotion-changes were used as pre-and post-tests. Wilcoxon signed tests were used to determine whether there was a significant differences between the pre-and-post tests mean score to analyze the data. In order to compensate for the limitations of the examination design before and after a single group, the contents related to the change in the emotion and self-esteem of participants were observed and analyzed at each session. Result: First, the self-esteem of people with developmental disabilities was improved. Second, the positivity among people with developmental disabilities who participated in the positive psychology program was increased and negativity decreased. Third, the adults with developmental disabilities showed negative emotions in the early stages of their activities, but they discovered their strengths and felt a sense of achievement during their various experiences of positive emotions over and over again. Conclusion: These results suggest that a positive psychology program is an effective program that improves self-esteem and affects emotion changes in the adults with developmental disabilities.

Analysis of the Affecting Factors on the Bike-sharing Demand focused on Daejeon City (대전시 공유자전거 이용수요에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Do, Myungsik;Noh, Yun Seung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.1517-1524
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    • 2014
  • In recent years, the interest of environmental-friendly transportation modes has been growing. This is because of social and environmental problems such as increasing gas price and climate change. In Europe, bike-sharing service, one of the environmental-friendly transportation modes, has been already operated. Bike-sharing service named "Tashu" has been operated in Daejeon city since 2009. This study is a fundamental research to increase utilization efficiency of bike-sharing service and to decide optimal locations of bike stations. In addition this study examines characteristics of bike usage and analyzes factors affecting to demands using multiple regression model. Based on the result of examining of characteristics of bike usage, the rate of bike usage is higher compared with installation rate of public bike stations near parks in Daejeon. In addition demands of bike usage in weekend is higher than in weekday. It reveals that the main purpose of bike usage could be recreational activities. The return rate at the same location with rental station is comparatively high. Moreover, bike usage pattern is biased in specific areas (Dunsan and Yuseong) because bike-sharing stations are not equally located. As a result of multiple regression model, the factors affecting to demands are number of passengers in buses, length of bike lanes, parks, distance to waterfront, and rate of young people. A statistical significance of factors (r-square) is 0.748, which has strong relationship.

Automatic Extraction of Eye and Mouth Fields from Face Images using MultiLayer Perceptrons and Eigenfeatures (고유특징과 다층 신경망을 이용한 얼굴 영상에서의 눈과 입 영역 자동 추출)

  • Ryu, Yeon-Sik;O, Se-Yeong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.31-43
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents a novel algorithm lot extraction of the eye and mouth fields (facial features) from 2D gray level face images. First of all, it has been found that Eigenfeatures, derived from the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of the binary edge data set constructed from the eye and mouth fields are very good features to locate these fields. The Eigenfeatures, extracted from the positive and negative training samples for the facial features, ate used to train a MultiLayer Perceptron(MLP) whose output indicates the degree to which a particular image window contains the eye or the mouth within itself. Second, to ensure robustness, the ensemble network consisting of multiple MLPs is used instead of a single MLP. The output of the ensemble network becomes the average of the multiple locations of the field each found by the constituent MLPs. Finally, in order to reduce the computation time, we extracted the coarse search region lot eyes and mouth by using prior information on face images. The advantages of the proposed approach includes that only a small number of frontal faces are sufficient to train the nets and furthermore, lends themselves to good generalization to non-frontal poses and even to other people's faces. It was also experimentally verified that the proposed algorithm is robust against slight variations of facial size and pose due to the generalization characteristics of neural networks.

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Predicting Health-Promoting Behaviors in Patients with Stomach Cancer (건강증진행위의 영향요인 분석 -위암환자중심 -)

  • 오복자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.681-695
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    • 1995
  • It has been noted that a genetic alteration of cells influenced by unhealthy lifestyle In addition to a series of other carcinogens increases various neoplasmic diseases. Therefore the importance of lifestyle that minimizes such impact on health should be emphasized. Since stomach cancer, the most common neoplasmic disease in Korea, is re-lated to the Korean lifestyle and as there's a possibility of its recurrence, people with stomach cancer need to lead a healthy lifestyle. The purpose of this study is to provide a basis for nursing intervention strategies to promote health promoting behaviors that are constructive to a healthy lifestyle. A multivariate model was constructed based on the fender's health promotion model and Booker's health belief model by including influential factors such as hope. The sample was composed of 164 patients with stomach cancer who visited outpatient clinics of a university hospital in Seoul. The following instruments were used in the study after some adaptation : Wallston and others' multidimensional health locus of control scale Laffrey's health conception scale, Lawston and others' health self- rating scale, Walker and others' health promotion lifestyle profile and Rogenberg's self esteem scale. In addition Moon's health belief scale was used with some modification. For self efficacy, the present author constructed a self-efficacy scale based on previous research. The above mentioned instruments were tested in a pilot study with 24 patients with stomach cancer. The reliabilities of instruments were tested with Cronbach's alpha(0.574∼0.949). Data were analyzed using a SAS program (or Pearson correlation coefficients, descriptive correlational statistics and stepwise multiple regression. The results are as follows : 1. The scores on the health promoting behavior scale ranged from 55 to 145 with a mean of 107.91 (S. D : 16.50). The mean scores(range 1-4) on the different dimensions were nutrition 3.14, exercise 2.48, stress management 2.69, health responsibility 2.65, interpersonal relationship 2.878E self actualization 2.85. 2. There were significant correlations among all the predictive variables & the health promoting behavior (r=.20-.55, p〈.01) 3. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that : 1) Hope was the main predictor and accounted for 29.8% of the total variance. 2) Self efficacy, perceived barriers & self esteem accounted for an additional 14.6% of the total variance. 3) Hope, self efficacy, perceived barriers & self esteem altogether accounted for 44.3% of the total variance. In conclusion, hope, self efficacy, perceived barriers & self esteem were identified as important variables that contributed to promote health promoting behavior.

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Influence of Educational Experience and Attitude toward Performance Confidence of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Care Helpers (요양보호사들의 심폐소생술 교육경험과 태도가 수행자신감에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Susie;Seo, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.281-289
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of educational experience and attitude toward performance confidence of cardiopulmonary resuscitation amongcare helpers. This study was conducted using a descriptive survey design. Participants were 140 care helpers in C-province. Data were collected from February to April, 2017 using self-report questionnaires andthe collected data were analyzed using the SPSS WIN 20.0 program. Differences amongstudy variables by participants' characteristics were analyzed by a t-test, ANOVA, and Scheffe' test. Correlations between attitudes and confidence of CPR performance by Pearson's correlation coefficients. Factors influencing confidence in CPR were analyzed by Multiple regression. There were significant positive correlations between attitude and confidence in CPR(r=0.41, p<0.001). The result showed that the more than fourhours of education(${\beta}=0.28$) and a positive attitude toward CPR increased CPR performance confidence. Based on the present findings, CPR education should be included continuously in the workplace and developed to appropriately cope with cardiac arrest emergency situations in care facilitiesfor elderly people. Therefore, customized CPR education programs should be developed care helpers and included in job training and refresher education courses for care helpers.

A Study on the Factors Affecting on Worker's Quality of Life (근로자의 삶의 질 영향요인 연구)

  • Park, Eun-Hee;Kim, Hye-Suk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.581-589
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to confirm the effect of the marital satisfaction, depression, and self-esteem on the quality of life. 131 workers in K area were used for the final analysis. The data collection was conducted from March 15nd, 2017 to April 10th, 2017. The quality of life was measured by means of Korean version of life scale abbreviated version, WHOQOL-BREF. Descriptive statics, t-test, two-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient and step wise multiple regression with SPSS/WIN 18.0 were used to analyze the data. As a result of study, it was confirmed that regular workers were higher than irregular workers in the quality of life, marital satisfaction, depression, and self-esteem all. The quality of life was explained by the martial satisfaction, depression, averagely monthly pay, and spouse relationship as 34.3%. It is necessary to essentially implement the government's support and the corporate cooperation for the improvement of working condition in order to enhance the life quality of workers. Also, workers need to give value to themselves leading their life and form a positive relationship with people around them not to let their family life be negatively affected due to the employment stress.