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Association between emotional support from family and tooth brushing according to cohabitation among adults (강원특별자치도 일부 지역 성인의 가족 동거 상태에 따른 가족의 정서적 지지와 칫솔질 실천의 연관성)

  • Yu-Rim Lee;Nam-Hee Kim
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: This study examines the association between emotional support and tooth brushing according to family cohabitation in the socio ecological model. Methods: The study used data from face-to-face interviews of 719 adults aged 30-90 years, living in Gangwon State. The dependent variables were tooth brushing after lunch and dinner (including before going to bed). The independent variables were living conditions and emotional support. Multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted to confirm the association between emotional support and tooth brushing. Results: The results showed that 81.4% of people lived with their family, and 85.9% had family (friends) with whom they could share oral problems (p<0.01). Among those living with their family, 82.3% (p>0.05) brushed after lunch and 81.9% (p>0.05) brushed after dinner. Tooth brushing after lunch was 1.5 times more likely among those who shared oral problems with their family (friends); however, this was not statistically significant (95% CI: 0.92-2.29). Tooth brushing after dinner was 1.0 times more likely among those who shared oral problems with their family (friends); however, this was not statistically significant (95% CI: 0.43-2.35). Conclusions: Emotional support may help to promote tooth brushing practice among adults.

Factors affecting Insomnia by Degree of Subjective Noise Perception in School Meal Facility Workers (학교 급식시설 종사자의 주관적 소음 인지 정도가 불면증에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Jung, Yunju;Park, Heeju;Lee, Yoon-Jung;Baek, Eun-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aims to identify the level of subjective noise perception among School Meal Facility Workers and analyze the relationship between subjective noise perception and insomnia, as well as the factors affecting insomnia. Methods: School meal facility workers were surveyed from November 1 to December 31, 2021, and 717 people were selected as participants for the study. Using SPSS/WIN 25.0, t-test, x2 test, and multiple logistic regression analysis were conducted. The Korean Insomnia Severity Index (ISI-K) was used to evaluate insomnia. Results: The variables that showed significant differences in insomnia in general characteristics, health-related characteristics, subjective health perception, and subjective noise perception of the study participants were mental disorders such as subjective health perception, work stress, depression, etc., gastrointestinal disorders, and subjective noise perception, among which subjective health perception, mental disorders such as depression, and subjective noise perception were analyzed as factors influencing insomnia. Conclusion: To improve the quality of insomnia and sleep among school meal facility workers, there is a need to improve healthcare, emotional management, and noisy work environments.

Effect of SNS Sports Community participants' Perception of Sports Value on Perception of Fun and Sports Activities

  • Wei Zhong;Sunmun Park
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.416-426
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    • 2024
  • This study shows that, in a situation where the influence of the mobile Internet is increasing in all areas of modern society, SNS users' participation in sports has a significant impact on the development of the sports market and the public's exercise methods and sports awareness. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the impact of awareness of sports values through SNS on participation in sports activities. In order to achieve this research purpose, the population of the study was adults who had experience participating in SNS sports communities. The sampling method used was convenience sampling, and a total of 300 people, 150 men and 150 women, were selected as research subjects through sharing the questionnaire link online and via email. The survey tool used was a questionnaire, and it was modified and supplemented for this study based on a questionnaire that had secured reliability and validity in previous studies. The statistical analysis used for data analysis was frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS Windows 20.0 Version. The conclusions obtained in this study through data analysis according to these methods and procedures are as follows. First, SNS sports community participants' perception of sports value was found to partially affect their perception of fun. Second, SNS sports community participants' perception of sports value was found to partially affect sports activities. Third, SNS sports community participants' perception of the fun of sports partially influenced sports activities.

The impact of Academic Resilience of Chinese Students Participating in Sports on their Adaptation to College Life

  • Haolong Xu;Sunmun Park
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.427-437
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of Chinese international students' academic resilience on acculturation stress and college life adjustment. In order to achieve this research objective, the research subjects were Chinese students participating in sports in Korea. The sampling method was convenience sampling, and a total of 300 people, 150 men and 150 women, were selected as research subjects through sharing the questionnaire link online and email. The research tool used in this study was a questionnaire. Based on the questionnaire that had secured reliability and validity in previous research, it was modified and supplemented to suit this study. The statistical analysis used for data analysis was frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS Windows 22.0 Version. The conclusions obtained in this study through data analysis according to these methods and procedures are as follows. First, the academic elasticity of Chinese students participating in sports has partially influenced by cultural adaptation stress. Second, the academic elasticity of Chinese students participating in sports has partially influenced by university life. Third, the acculturation stress of Chinese students participating in sports was found to partially affect their adaptation to university life.

A survey on cooperative fault-tolerant control for multiagent systems

  • Pu Zhang;Di Zhao;Xiangjie Kong;Jialong, Zhang;Lei Li
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.1431-1448
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    • 2024
  • Complexity science is a new stage in the development of systems science that is the frontier areas of contemporary scientific development. Complexity science takes complex systems as the research object, which has attracted widespread attention from researchers in the fields of economy, control, management, and society. In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology and people's deepening understanding for the theory of complex systems, the systems are no longer an object with a single function, but the systems are composed of multiple individuals with autonomous capabilities through cooperative and cooperation, namely multi-agent system (MAS). Currently, MAS is one of the main models for studying such complex systems. The intelligent control is to break the traditional multi-agent fault-tolerant control (FTC) concept and produce a new type of compensation mechanism. In this paper, the applications of fault-tolerant control methods for MASs are presented, and a discussion is given about development and challenges in this field.

A Study on Trends in Scalp Condition Based on Use of Customized Shampoo (맞춤형샴푸 사용에 따른 두피상태 변화 추이 연구)

  • Eun Ji Lee;Jeong Hyun Lee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.273-278
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    • 2024
  • Consumer preferences for food are influenced by personal values and personalities. Social, economic, and cultural developments in modern society have influenced consumer lifestyles and brought about multiple changes in consumption patterns. In the beauty market, consumers are now more interested in specialized offerings, and an increasing number of people are opting for customized products in a market structure where mass production has led to mass consumption. Hair products are now manufactured as functional cosmetics designed to maintain and improve scalp health and hair growth by removing waste from the scalp and adding fragrance for cleanliness, breaking away from the concept of general cosmetics. Many studies have focused on personalized products in the cosmetics industry. This study aimed to accurately determine scalp types and further diagnose individual scalp conditions using a scalp diagnostic device. Based on the diagnoses, it recommended and provided personalized shampoos in order to understand how these shampoos improved scalp health. By objectively analyzing and comparing scalp conditions before and after using customized shampoos, the study demonstrated a significant effect on scalp health. The results of this study confirmed the perception and effectiveness of personalized shampoos.

Thirty Years of International Aid to North Korea: An Analysis of Humanitarian Aid Operations and Sectoral Allocation

  • Jong-Woon Lee
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.201-230
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    • 2024
  • This paper aims to better understand the trajectory and contributions of international humanitarian assistance to North Korea over the last three decades, while examining the status of international aid and constraints placed on humanitarian operations in the country, as well as allocations of humanitarian aid by sector. A survey of UN documents and statistics demonstrates the roles of major actors and channels of international aid to North Korea. The majority of humanitarian aid to North Korea has been channeled through UN agencies and NGOs, contributing to improving the livelihoods of vulnerable people and access to basic services. About 63 percent of international assistance to North Korea was allocated to food aid and agriculture. The remainder was largely used for health, WASH and multi-sector operations. By examining the significant shortfall of funding, the paper also investigates multiple operational constraints on the aid delivery of international organizations. In highlighting the status and changing trends of humanitarian aid by sector, the paper assesses the features of sectoral allocation of international aid and associated problems. This paper suggests some policy implications for the resumption of international organizations' in-country operations and the expansion of humanitarian aid to North Korea.

Prevalence of anatomical variants in the branches of celiac and superior mesenteric arteries among Egyptians

  • Abdelrazek Abdelhady Sheta
    • Anatomy and Cell Biology
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.353-362
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    • 2024
  • Celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery (SMA) are the main blood supply to the liver and pancreas. The data of anatomical variations in these arteries or their branches are very important clinically and surgically. The aim of this study was to describe the different variants in these arteries through the examination of the angiographs of a large series of Egyptian individuals. This research involved 389 selective angiographies to celiac artery, its branches, and the SMA. Anatomy of the target arteries of people who experienced visceral angiograph was reviewed and the data were recorded. From the total available angiograms in this work, 286 patients (73.52%) had the standard anatomy of celiac trunk and superior mesenteric arteries, and 103 patients (26.47%) had a single or multiple vessel variation. The inferior phrenic artery originates from celiac trunk in 2.05% of patients, while quadrifurcation of the celiac trunk was noticed in only 0.51% of patients. Absence of celiac trunk is also found in 0.51% of patients. Left gastric artery showed an abnormal origin from the splenic artery in 0.51% of patients. Quadrifurcation of common hepatic artery was also noticed. Variant anatomy of the left hepatic artery (LHA) was seen in 9.51% of patients, while variations of the right hepatic artery (RHA) were 14.13%. With the different origin of hepatic arteries, the gastroduodenal artery arose either from the LHA (2.82%), RHA (2.31%) or even from the celiac trunk (1.79%).

Study on Medical Records In ${\ulcorner}$the Historical Records of the Three Kingdoms${\lrcorner}$ ("삼국사기(三國史記)"에 기록된 의약내용(醫藥內容) 분석)

  • Shin, Soon-Shik;Choi, Hwan-Soo
    • Journal of The Association for Neo Medicine
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.35-54
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    • 1997
  • We tried to observe the features of ancient medical practice by analysing the records related to medicine in the book, ${\ulcorner}$the Historical Records of the Three Kingdom${\lrcorner}$ of which content includes the features of medicine in mythology, plague, delivery of twins, drugs, medical system, shamanism, constitutional medicine, psychiatry, forensic medicine, deformity, a spa, medical phrase, health and welfare work, religion, death. physiological anatomy, Taoist medicine, acupuncture, the occult af of transformation and etc. Our initial concern was about where to draw line as of medical field and we defined medicine in more broad meaning. The book ${\ulcorner}$the Historical Records of the Three Kingdoms${\lrcorner}$ describes the world of mythology by way of medicine which is not clearly a conventional one. There appears records of birth of multiple offsprings 7 times in which cases are of triplets or more. Delivering multiple offsprings were rare phenomenon though such fertility was highly admired. This shows one aspect of ancient country having more population meant more power of the nation. Of those medical records conveyed in that book includes stories of childbirth such as giving birth to a son after praying, giving birth to Kim Yoo-shin after 20 months after mother's dream of conception, and a song longing for getting a laudable child. Plagues were prevalent throughout winter to spring season and one can observe various symptoms of plagues in the record. Of these epidemic diseases, cold type might have been more common than the heat one. Appearance of epidemic diseases frequently coincided with that of natural disasters that this suggests a linkage between plague and underlying doctrine on five elements' motion and six kinds of natural factors. There exists only a few names of diseases such as epidemic disease, wind disease, and syndrome characterized by dyspnea. Otherwise there appeared only afflictions that were not specified therefore it remains cluless to keep track of certain diseases of prevalence. Since this ${\ulcorner}$Historical Records of the Three Kingdoms'${\lrcorner}$ wasn't any sort of medical book, words and terms used were not technical kind and most were the ones used generally among lay people. Therefore any mechanisms of the diseases were hardly mentioned. Some of medicinal substances such as Calculus Bovis, Radix Ginseng, Gaboderma Luciderm, magnetitum were also in use in those days. 53 kinds of dietary supplies appears in the records and some of these might have been used as medicinal purpose. Records concerning dicipline of one's body includes activities such as hunting, archery, horseback riding etc. In Shilla dynasty there were positions such as professor of medicine, Naekongbong(內供奉), Kongbong's doctor(供奉醫師), Kongbong's diviner(供奉卜師). As an educational facility, medical school was built at the first year of King Hyoso's reign and it's curricula included various subjects as ${\ulcorner}$Shin Nong's Herbal classic${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$Kabeul classic of acupuncture and moxbustion${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$The Plain Questions of the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$Classic of Acupuncturer${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$The Pulse Classic${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$Classic of Channels and Acupuncture Points${\lrcorner}$ and ${\ulcorner}$Difficult Classic${\lrcorner}$. There were 2 medical professors who were in charge of education. To establish pharmacopoeia, 2 Shaji(舍知), 6 Sha(史), 2 Jongshaji(從舍知) were appointed. In Baekje dynasty, Department of Herb was maintained. Doing praying for the sake of health, doing phrenology also can be extended to medical arena. Those who survived over 100 years of age appear 3 times in the record, while 98 appears once. The earliest psychiatrist Nokjin differentiated symptoms to apply either therapies using acupuncture and drug or psychotherapy. There appears a case of rape, a case of burying alive with the dead, 8 cases of suicide that can characterize a prototype of forensic medicine. Deformity-related records include phrases as follow: 'there seems protrudent bone behind the head', 'a body which has two heads, two trunks, four arms.', 'a body equipped with two heads' In those times spa can be said to be used as a place for he리ing, convalescence, and relaxation seeing the records describing a person pretended illness and went to spa to enjoy with his friends. Priest doctors and millitary surgeons were in charge of the medical sevice in the period of the Three Kingdoms by the record written by Mookhoja(墨胡子) and Hoonkyeom(訓謙). Poor diet and regimen makes people more vulnerable to diseases. So there existed charity services for those poor people who couldn't live with one's own capacity such as single parents, orphans, the aged people no one to take care and those who are ill. The cause of affliction was frequently coined with human relation. There appeared the phenomenon of releasing prisoners and allowing people to become priests at the time of king's suffering. Besides, as a healing procedure, sutra-chanting was peformed. There appears 10 cases of death related records which varies from death by drowning, or by freezing, death from animals, death from war, death from wightloss and killing oneself at the moment of spouse's death and etc. There also exist certain records which suggest the knowledge of physiology and anatomy in those times. Since the taoist books such as ${\ulcorner}$Book of the Way and Its Power(老子道德經)${\lrcorner}$ were introduced in the period of Three Kingdoms, it can be considered that medicine was also influenced by taoism. Records of higher level of acupuncture, records which links the medicine and occult art of transformation existed. Although limited, we could figure out the medical state of ancient society.

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The Effect of Pursuit Benefit of Beauty Waxing on Reuse Intention (뷰티왁싱 요법에 대한 추구혜택이 재이용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Baek, Won-Jin;Han, Chae-Jeong
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.244-250
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    • 2020
  • The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of the benefit of soft waxing, hard waxing, and sugaring waxing on intention to reuse in Korean adults, and to provide useful information to people who are new to waxing. As a research method, from May 1, 2019 to August 30 (17 weeks), we surveyed 422 subjects between 10 and 40 years old who lived in Busan and Yeongnam area and experienced waxing. In statistical analysis, Cronbach's alpha was calculated for reliability test, and Chi-squared test, independent t-test, correlation analysis and linear regression analysis were used. Multiple responses were analyzed using multiple response test. In the result of the effect of waxing benefit on intention to reuse, there was a significant positive correlation of waxing seeking score by body part, total waxing benefit score(r=0.389, p<0.001), and total score of intention to reuse (r=0.214, p>0.001) with intention to reuse. There was also a significant positive correlation between waxing benefit by body part and intention to reuse, except arms and legs. In the result of the effect of waxing benefit on intention to reuse, face waxing (β=0.106, p<0.001), Brazilian waxing (β=0.221, p<0.001) and total waxing benefit score (β=0.321, p<0.001) had a significant effect on intention to reuse. In the present study, awareness of sugaring waxing was low but favor and intention to reuse were strong, and the subjects sought sugaring waxing for sensitive body parts. Thus, would provide useful information for consumers new to waxing, and also basic information for studies on waxing.