• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multiple Input Multiple Output Systems

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Generalized Distributed Multiple Turbo Coded Cooperative Differential Spatial Modulation

  • Jiangli Zeng;Sanya Liu;Hui Wang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.999-1021
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    • 2023
  • Differential spatial modulation uses the antenna index to transmit information, which improves the spectral efficiency, and completely bypasses any channel side information in the recommended setting. A generalized distributed multiple turbo coded-cooperative differential spatial modulation based on distributed multiple turbo code is put forward and its performances in Rayleigh fading channels is analyzed. The generalized distributed multiple turbo coded-cooperative differential spatial modulation scheme is a coded-cooperation communication scheme, in which we proposed a new joint parallel iterative decoding method. Moreover, the code matched interleaver is considered to be the best choice for the generalized multiple turbo coded-cooperative differential spatial modulation schemes, which is the key factor of turbo code. Monte Carlo simulated results show that the proposed cooperative differential spatial modulation scheme is better than the corresponding non-cooperative scheme over Rayleigh fading channels in multiple input and output communication system under the same conditions. In addition, the simulation results show that the code matched interleaver scheme gets a better diversity gain as compared to the random interleaver.

Multi-Parameter Based Scheduling for Multi-user MIMO Systems

  • Chanthirasekaran, K.;Bhagyaveni, M.A.;Parvathy, L. Rama
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.2406-2412
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    • 2015
  • Multi-user multi-input multi-output (MU-MIMO) system has attracted the 4th generation wireless network as one of core technique for performance enrichment. In this system rate control is a challenging problem and another problem is optimization. Proper scheduling can resolve these problems by deciding which set of user and at which rate the users send their data. This paper proposes a new multi-parameter based scheduling (MPS) for downlink multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) system under space-time block coding (STBC) transmissions. Goal of this MPS scheme is to offer improved link level performance in terms of a low average bit error rate (BER), high packet delivery ratio (PDR) with improved resource utilization and service fairness among the user. This scheme allows the set of users to send data based on their channel quality and their demand rates. Simulation compares the MPS performance with other scheduling scheme such as fair scheduling (FS), normalized priority scheduling (NPS) and threshold based fair scheduling (TFS). The results obtained prove that MPS has significant improvement in average BER performance with improved resource utilization and fairness as compared to the other scheduling scheme.

Blind adaptive receiver for uplink multiuser massive MIMO systems

  • Shin, Joonwoo;Seo, Bangwon
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.26-35
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    • 2020
  • Herein, we consider uplink multiuser massive multiple-input multiple-output systems when multiple users transmit information symbols to a base station (BS) by applying simple space-time block coding (STBC). At the BS receiver, two detection filters for each user are used to detect the STBC information symbols. One of these filters is for odd-indexed symbols and the other for even-indexed symbols. Using constrained output variance metric minimization, we first derive a special relation between the closed-form optimal solutions for the two detection filters. Then, using the derived special relation, we propose a new blind adaptive algorithm for implementing the minimum output variance-based optimal filters. In the proposed adaptive algorithm, filter weight vectors are updated only in the region satisfying the special relation. Through a theoretical analysis of the convergence speed and a computer simulation, we demonstrate that the proposed scheme exhibits faster convergence speed and lower steady-state bit error rate than the conventional scheme.

Channel Quantization for Block Diagonalization with Limited Feedback in Multiuser MIMO Downlink Channels

  • Moon, Sung-Hyun;Lee, Sang-Rim;Kim, Jin-Sung;Lee, Inkyu
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2014
  • Block diagonalization (BD) has been proposed as a simple and effective technique in multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) broadcast channels. However, when channel state information (CSI) knowledge is limited at the transmitter, the performance of the BD may be degraded because inter-user interference cannot be completely eliminated. In this paper, we propose an efficient CSI quantization technique for BD precoded systems with limited feedback where users supported by a base station are selected by dynamic scheduling. First, we express the received signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) when multiple data streams are transmitted to the user, and derive a lower bound expression of the expected received SINR at each user. Then, based on this measure, each user determines its quantized CSI feedback information which maximizes the derived expected SINR, which comprises both the channel direction and the amplitude information. From simulations, we confirm that the proposed SINR-based channel quantization scheme achieves a significant sum rate gain over the conventional method in practical MU-MIMO systems.

Limited Feedback Precoding for Correlated Massive MIMO Systems (공간 상관도를 가지는 거대배열 다중안테나 시스템에서 압축채널 제한적 피드백 알고리즘)

  • Lim, Yeon-Geun;Chae, Chan-Byoung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39A no.7
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    • pp.431-436
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose a compressive sensing-based channel quantization feedback mechanism that is appropriate for practical massvie multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. We assume that the base station (BS) has a compact uniform square array that has a highly correlated channel. To serve multiple users, the BS uses a zero-forcing precoder. Our proposed channel feedback algorithm can reduce the feedback overhead as well as a codebook search complexity. Numerical simulations confirm our analytical results.

Efficient Interference Cancellation Scheme for Wireless Body Area Network

  • Bae, Jung-Nam;Choi, Young-Hoon;Kim, Jin-Young;Kwon, Jang-Woo;Kim, Dong-In
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose and simulate an efficient interference cancellation scheme with an optimal ordering successive interference cancellation (SIC) algorithm for ultra wideband (UWB)/multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems in a wireless body area network (WBAN). When there are several wireless communication devices on a human body, multiple access interference (MAI) usually occurs. To mitigate the effect of MAI and achieve additional diversity gain, we utilize SIC with an optimal ordering algorithm. A zero correlation duration (ZCD) code with robust MAI capability is employed as a spread code for UWB systems in a multi-device WBAN environment. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated in terms of the bit error rate (BER). Simulation results confirm that the BER performance can be improved significantly if the proposed interference cancellation scheme and the ZCD code are jointly employed.

Coherent Analysis of HVAC Using the Multi-Dimensional Spectral Analysis (다차원 스펙트럼 해석법을 이용한 자동차 공조시스템의 기여도분석)

  • Hwang, Dong-Kun;Oh, Jae-Eung;Lee, Jung-Youn;Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.999-1004
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    • 2004
  • In this study, we identify contribution of structure-borne-noise of vehicle HVAC system using Multi-Dimensional spectral analysis (MDSA) method. Firstly, to identify the applicability of MDSA method, the case of HVAC system was modeled with four input / single output system. The four inputs which is given vibration data is composed of blower, evaporator, heater and duct. The single output is noise data from driver's seat. When the blower motor is operating, we analyze the contributions of four input / single output. As a result of experiment, we identify efficiency of systems modeled with four input / single output through ordinary coherence function (OCF) and multiple coherence function (MCF).

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On the Application of MIMO systems for railway environment (철도 환경에서의 MIMO시스템의 응용 방안)

  • Lee Cheol Jin;Hwang Hyun Chyeol;Cho Bong Kwan;Shin Seung Hoon;Kwak Kyung Sup
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.3 no.2 s.5
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we examine the MIMO(Multiple Input Multiple Output) system in the point of mobile communication that is used for railway environment. First, under the radio environment, wireless channel characteristics are analyzed between moving train and base station, both assuming track side base stations and non-track side base stations. Next, the paper introduces the MIMO system which can be used to solve the problem of performance degradation in railway environment, and analyzes its performance in terms of channel capacity and diversity. We especially compares open-loop scheme with closed loop scheme at the diversity and analyses their performance according to antenna correlation. Finally, the we presents experimental result from the ESCORT project that was studied in railway environment with the MIMO system.

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An Efficient Channel Estimation Method in MIMO-OFDM Systems (MIMO-OFDM 시스템에서 효율적인 채널 추정 방식)

  • Jeon, Hyoung-Goo;Kim, Jun-Sig
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.2275-2284
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, the Walsh coded orthogonal training signals for 4 × 4 multiple input multiple output-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) systems are designed and the channel estimation equations are derived as a closed form, taking account of the inter training signal interference problems caused by the multi-path delayed signals. The performances of the proposed channel estimation method are analyzed and compared with the conventional methods[9,14] by using computer simulation. The simulation results show that the proposed methods has better performances, compared with the conventional methods[9,14]. As a result, the proposed method can be used for MIMO-OFDM systems with null sub-carriers.

Lattice-Reduction-Aided Detection based Extended Noise Variance Matrix using Semidefinite Relaxation in MIMO Systems (MIMO시스템에서 Semidefinite Relaxation을 이용한 잡음 분산 행렬 기반의 Lattice-Reduction-Aided 검출기)

  • Lee, Dong-Jin;Park, Su-Bin;Byun, Youn-Shik
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.33 no.11C
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    • pp.932-939
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    • 2008
  • Recently lattice-reduction (LR) has been used in signal detection for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. The conventional LR aided detection schemes are combinations of LR and signal detection methods such as zero-forcing (ZF) and minimum mean square error (MMSE) detection. In this paper, we propose the Lattice-Reduction-aided scheme based on extended noise variance matrix to search good candidate symbol set in quantization step. Then this scheme estimates transmitted symbol with Semidefinite Relaxation by candidate symbol set. Simulation results in a random MIMO system show that the proposed scheme exhibits improved performance and a slight increase in complexity.