• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multimedia education

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Audio-visual Interaction and Design-education in the Age of Multimedia (시청각 상호작용과 멀티미디어 시대의 디자인교육)

  • 서계숙
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2001
  • The communication designer in the multimedia age should have a consideration that the sound also can be an important expression element to transmit ones thought as well as the visual sense like color, shape and motion. As you already know, someones thought can be better understood when transmitted to others using the visual and auditory senses together than using the visual or auditory sense alone. The meeting of sight and hearing bases on the synesthesia. For example, low sound reminds a person of dark color and high sound usually reminds light color. And a percussion instrument reminds a person a circle and melody reminds a line. The visual and auditory senses In communication of the multimedia age should act as an independent expression element gotten out of the synchronizing that just serves simple sight and related sound at the same time. Interaction between sight and hearing arose a different emotion that cannot be happened just by one element alone. So, the programs of communication design education in this multimedia age should fulfill the requirement that it can develop ones expression ability through the understanding of interaction between sight and hearing. In this study, we suggest the education programs Classified into following categories; audio visual Gestaltung, audio visual moving graphics, audio visual design.

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Effective Image Retrieval for the M-Learning System (모바일 교육 시스템을 위한 효율적인 영상 검색 구축)

  • Han Eun-Jung;Park An-Jin;Jung Kee-Chul
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.658-670
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    • 2006
  • As the educational media tends to be more digitalized and individualized, the learning paradigm is dramatically changing into e-learning. Existing on-line courseware gives a learner more chances to learn when they are home with their own PCs. However, it is of little use when they are away from their digital media. Also, it is very labor-intensive to convert the original off-line contents to on-line contents. This paper proposes education mobile contents(EMC) that can supply the learners with dynamic interactions using various multimedia information by recognizing real images of off-line contents using mobile devices. Content-based image retrieval based on object shapes is used to recognize the real image, and shapes are represented by differential chain code with estimated new starting points to obtain rotation-invariant representation, which is fitted to computational resources of mobile devices with low resolution camera. Moreover we use a dynamic time warping method to recognize the object shape, which compensates scale variations of an object. The EMC can provide learners with quick and accurate on-line contents on off-line ones using mobile devices without limitations of space.

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The Design and Implementation of Individual Level Multimedia CAI Title for Enhancing Composition Ability (초등학교 논술 능력 향상을 위한 수준별 멀티미디어 CAI 타이틀 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Young-Ju;Lee, Jong-Il
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.94-115
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    • 1999
  • Multimedia CAI programs have been produced which encourage self-study and positive learning activities. With instant feedback from the CAI program, students' errors can be corrected easily and the composition ability can be advanced have been done. To increase students' computer capability and composition abilities the following studies. 1. Make an estimate about the factors affecting composition themes and prepare a course based on individual students' needs. 2. Design and implement CAI programs for the enhancement of composition ability. 3. Find an effective teaching-learning model for the generalization of the CAI title and then verify the results.

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Design & Implementation of Video Information Management System based on Remote Education (원격 교육 기반의 동영상 정보 관리 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Ahn, Byeong-Tae;Sim, Myeong-Sun;Kim, Min-Sun;Ryu, Si-Kook;Kang, Hyun-Syug
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2009
  • For effective remote education using multimedia, it is necessary to develop efficient management techniques of video information. This requires real-time processing of video information which should be managed and retrieved in a compressed forms. The main technology of compressing video is currently MPEG-2. This implies that it is very important to manage and retrieve video compressed in MPEG-2, and then to process the video in real-time for the remote education environment using multimedia. This paper is to develop the management system of video information which is one of the most critical requirements in remote education systems for managing and retrieving MPEG-2 video.

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A Study on Design and Implementation of Digital Content for Education of e-Commerce (전자상거래 교육을 위한 디지털 콘텐츠 설계 및 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Kyung-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.301-308
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    • 2005
  • Through the development of the Internet and multimedia systems, usage of cyber education with multimedia contents is increasing. On-line education differs from face-to-face education in that it overcomes the limits of the time and space, and supports a repeated self study at the student's study level while using several media and educational contents. In this paper, we will design and implement e-commerce educational content which is effective for students and useful for the process of cyber education. In addition, we will produce statistics from a questionnaire which questioned students on the effectiveness of the content.

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A Study on Practical Use of Processing Program for Interactive Technology Education: Focusing on Library Usage and Practice Examples (인터랙티브 기술 교육을 위한 프로세싱 프로그램 활용 방안 연구: 라이브러리 사용빈도 및 실습예제 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jae Min;Lee, Byung Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.738-747
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    • 2019
  • Both within the country and internationally, discussions about core technologies that will be prominent in future society have been initiated, and software education for the rapidly changing industrial framework has been essential and implemented in earnest. Also, there is an increasing interest in interactive technology and software education where people and people, people and computers, and computers and objects communicate with each other in today's day-to-day life, connected through the digital world. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the user's field of interest and the best technical education method for teaching how to operate the production tool for implementing the interactive technology. In this study, we utilize the Processing program which is widely used as interactive technology software training and creativity tool to improve the understanding of the interactive technology related to the 4th industrial revolution. This study aims to determine and propose the best method of using a Processing library that can be applied to each major field.

Exploring the Possibility of Applying the Integrated Teaching and Learning Method based on AR for Environmental Education for Young Children (유아 대상 환경교육을 위한 증강현실 기반 통합교수학습방법 적용 가능성 탐색)

  • Kim, Insook;Jo, Yumi;Ko, Hyeyoung
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.950-959
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of integrated teaching and learning method using augmented reality for effective promotion of child - friendly attitude and environmental preservation attitude and explored its applicability. For this purpose, based on the augmented reality fairy tale, we designed an experience - oriented integrated teaching and learning method such as reading book, story - telling, drawing, environmental conservation practice activity. The experimental group was divided into two groups: augmented reality reading fairy tales (A) and children's book reading fairy tales (B). First, interest, immersion, and empathy were higher in the application environment of integrated learning teaching method based on Augmented Reality. Second, there was no difference between the two groups in content understanding. Third, in terms of expressiveness, it was verified that various expressions were expressed in the applying environment of the integrated teaching - learning method based on augmented reality through drawing activities. Fourth, in practice activities, more students were practicing in the augmented reality - based integrated teaching - learning method applied environment, and the number of practice activities of individual students was also confirmed. This study suggests that the application of the integrated teaching and learning method can enhance the effect of education when using the smart teaching media using the augmented reality in early childhood education.

The Practical Research of Mixed Reality for Photographic Darkroom Education

  • Li, Wei;Cho, Dong-Min
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.155-165
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    • 2021
  • With the continuous development and progress of science and technology, the field of mixed reality applications has involved scientific research, medicine, entertainment, education, information dissemination, and people's daily lives; This paper will focus on the application of mixed reality in the field of education and teaching, relying on the characteristics of mixed reality technology. This article will use the combination of mixed reality and smart glasses to fully consider the characteristics of photography darkroom teaching, design and produce a mixed reality photography darkroom teaching software, and explore the feasibility of the application of mixed reality in teaching. This paper will use literature research methods, practical research methods, and survey methods as the main methods of research topics to determine the importance, feasibility, and necessity of the relevant theories studied in this paper. The application of mixed reality technology in photography darkroom teaching can not only solve many problems in the existing darkroom teaching methods, but also develop and expand students' Independent learning ability. It is concluded from this that mixed reality teaching software has the feasibility of sustainable development, which brings particular application value to the development and research of other education and art discipline software.

Analysis of the Design Elements for the Children's Picture Books Based on VR

  • Lu, Kai;Cho, Dong Min
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.953-965
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    • 2021
  • The research of combining virtual reality technology with the design elements of children's picture book education is a relatively new topic in virtual reality technology in recent years. Based on the combination of picture book design elements with virtual reality technology and the development of a children's picture book teaching game, this article analyzes the effectiveness of the application of virtual reality technology in children's teaching, and explores the usability of picture book design elements in teaching [1]. Through literature research methods, practical research methods and investigation research methods, this paper lucubrates the application of virtual reality technology in the design elements of children's picture book education so as to provide adequate theoretical and practical support for the research theme. The spatial positioning, vision, sound, and functional requirements of children's picture book games play a leading role in teaching. Practical statistics have proved that it is easier to promote children's mastery of teaching knowledge in a virtual environment. Moreover, use VR's game management function and setting function to solve the boringness of traditional education methods and the limitations of the teaching environment. The feasibility of game operation provides a virtual teaching platform system for children's education, and the teaching effect is remarkable.

The Effect of Computer-Assisted Instruction(CAI) through the Multimedia CD-ROM on the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse (CAI를 이용한 어린이 성희롱/성폭력 예방교육 효과)

  • Bae, Jeong-Yee
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.239-251
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of education for prevention of child sexual abuse (rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment etc.) of children in elementary school students. Incidences of sexual abuse in Korea is ranked 3rd in the world. Sexual abuse of children, particularly, is one of the most serious crimes that affect both the victimized children and their family. The issue related to sexual abuse of children has been ignored, and there is a lack of systematic education to prevent sexual abuse of children either for children or their parents. Furthermore, lack of knowledge and poor attitude of teachers limit their capability to provide education for sexual abuse prevention to the children. The education for teachers may change their knowledge of the sexual abuse and their attitude toward it and improve their capability in helping children. 223 Korean elementary school students participated in this study. Research design was One group pretest-posttest design. The education given to the subjects included 4 hours through the multimedia CD-ROM on the prevention of child sexual abuse. The education program was developed based on a survey. School- aged- children, parents, and teachers were interviewed to reveal their educational needs based on their experiences related to sexual abuse. This program includes such as safety education, crisis management, resource person(s), and phone numbers of available hospital. Data was collected before, during and after the education was given to the subjects, to assess their knowledge and attitude toward child sexual abuse. Two instruments were used in this study. Using Cronbach's ALPHA validity and reliability of 2 instruments were tested. The analysis of the data was done with Window SPSS 10.0 for descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA. The results of this analysis were as follows : 1. After education, the score of school nurses knowledge was higher than before(t= -4.677, p=0.000). 2. After education, the score of school nurses attitude was not higher than before (t=0.131, p=0.896). The findings from this study will provide an intervention strategy for prevention of sexual abuse in children.

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