• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multi-level quantization

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BTC Algorithm Utilizing Multi-Level Quantization Method for Image Compression (Multi-Level 양자화 기법을 사용한 BTC 영상 압축 알고리즘)

  • Cho, Moonki;Yoon, Yungsup
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.114-121
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    • 2013
  • BTC image compression is a simple and easy hardware implementation, is widely used in a video compression techniques required for LCD overdrive. In this paper, methods for reducing compression loss, a multi-level quantization BTC (MLQ-BTC) algorithm is proposed. The process of the MLQ-BTC algorithm is, a input image is compressed and decompressed by Quasi 8-level method and Advanced 2-level BTC method, and select the algorithm with the smallest compression loss. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is efficient as compared with PSNR and compression ratio of the existing BTC methods.

Photovoltaic System Allocation Using Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization with Multi-level Quantization

  • Song, Hwa-Chang;Diolata, Ryan;Joo, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.185-193
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents a methodology for photovoltaic (PV) system allocation in distribution systems using a discrete particle swarm optimization (DPSO). The PV allocation problem is in the category of mixed integer nonlinear programming and its formulation may include multi-valued dis-crete variables. Thus, the PSO requires a scheme to deal with multi-valued discrete variables. This paper introduces a novel multi-level quantization scheme using a sigmoid function for discrete particle swarm optimization. The technique is employed to a standard PSO architecture; the same velocity update equation as in continuous versions of PSO is used but the particle's positions are updated in an alternative manner. The set of multi-level quantization is defined as integer multiples of powers-of-two terms to efficiently approximate the sigmoid function in transforming a particle's position into discrete values. A comparison with a genetic algorithm (GA) is performed to verify the quality of the solutions obtained.

Improved Channel Level Difference Quantization for Spatial Audio Coding

  • Kim, Kwang-Ki;Beack, Seung-Kwon;Seo, Jeong-Il;Jang, Dae-Young;Hahn, Min-Soo
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.99-102
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    • 2007
  • The channel level difference (CLD) is a main parameter in the reference model 0 (RM0) for MPEG Surround. Nevertheless, the CLD quantization method in the RM0 has problems such as the lack of theoretical background and inappropriate quantization levels. In this letter, a new CLD quantization method is proposed based on the virtual source location information which has strength in the quantization process. From experimental results, it is confirmed that the proposed scheme greatly reduces the quantization distortions measured in dB and degrees without any additional complexity.

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Analysis of Signal-to-Noise Ratio in High Field Multi-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (고자장 다차원 자기공명영상에서 신호대잡음비 분석)

  • Ahn, C.B.;Kim, H.J.;Chang, K.S.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.07d
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    • pp.2783-2785
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    • 2003
  • In multi-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging, data is obtained in the spatial frequency domain. Since the signal variation in the spatial frequency domain is much larger than that in the spatial domain, analog-to-digital converts with wide conversion bits are required. In this paper, the quantization noise in magnetic resonance imaging is analyzed. The signal-to-quantization noise ratio(SQNR) in the reconstructed image is derived from the level of quantization in the data acquisition. Since the quantization noise is proportional to the signal amplitude, it becomes more dominant in high field imaging. Using the derived formula the SQNR for several MRI systems are evaluated, and it is shown that the quantization noise can be a limiting factor in high field imaging, especially in three dimensional imaging in magnetic resonance imaging.

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Automatic Music Summarization Using Similarity Measure Based on Multi-Level Vector Quantization (다중레벨 벡터양자화 기반의 유사도를 이용한 자동 음악요약)

  • Kim, Sung-Tak;Kim, Sang-Ho;Kim, Hoi-Rin
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.2E
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    • pp.39-43
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    • 2007
  • Music summarization refers to a technique which automatically extracts the most important and representative segments in music content. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a technique which provides the repeated part in music content as music summary. For extracting a repeated segment in music content, the proposed algorithm uses the weighted sum of similarity measures based on multi-level vector quantization for fixed-length summary or optimal-length summary. For similarity measures, count-based similarity measure and distance-based similarity measure are proposed. The number of the same codeword and the Mahalanobis distance of features which have same codeword at the same position in segments are used for count-based and distance-based similarity measure, respectively. Fixed-length music summary is evaluated by measuring the overlapping ratio between hand-made repeated parts and automatically generated ones. Optimal-length music summary is evaluated by calculating how much automatically generated music summary includes repeated parts of the music content. From experiments we observed that optimal-length summary could capture the repeated parts in music content more effectively in terms of summary length than fixed-length summary.

Effect Analysis of Guard Band and Quantization Level on BER Performance in OBP Satellite Systems (OBP 위성 시스템에서 보호 대역과 양자화 레벨이 BER 성능에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kang, Ki-Wan;Yoon, Dong-Weon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.709-715
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    • 2010
  • MCDD performs demultiplexing and demodulation of multi-carrier signals for signal processing schemes such as switching, channel encoding and remodulation in an OBP satellite. During the demultiplexing procedure, several factors such as frequency offset and/or quantization error degrade BER performance. Hence, influences of those factors should be reduced. A influence of the frequency offset can be reduced by inserting guard band between channels, and that of quantization error can be decreased by quantization level control. In case that the data rate of system is not limited, the guard band and the quantization level do not affect each other. In the other case, however, mutual influence between them should be considered. In this paper, we observe the mutual influence when the data rate of the MCDD is limited, and analyze the BER performance.

Multi-level Vector Error Diffusion for Smear Artifact Reduction in the Boundary Regions (경계 영역에서 색 번짐 감소를 위한 멀티레벨 벡터 오차 확산법)

  • 박태용;조양호;김윤태;하영호
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.461-464
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes the multi-level vector error diffusion for smear artifact reduction in the boundary regions. Smear artifact mainly results from a large accumulation of quantization error. Accordingly, to reduce these artifacts, the proposed method excludes the large quantization error in the error diffusion process by comparing the magnitude of the error vector with predetermined first threshold. In addition, if the vector norm of the difference between the error adjusted input vector and the primary co]or that has minimum vector norm for the error adjusted input vector is larger than second threshold, the error is excluded. As a result, the proposed method reduce smear artifact in the boundary region and produces visually pleasing halftone pattern.

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A Study on Single-bit Feedback Multi-bit Sigma Delta A/D converter for improving nonlinearity

  • Kim, Hwa-Young;Ryu, Jang-Woo;Jung, Min-Chul;Sung, Man-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.57-60
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents multibit Sigma-Delta ADC using Leslie-Singh Structure to Improve nonlinearity of feedback loop. 4-bit flash ADC for multibit Quantization in Sigma Delta modulator offers the following advantages such as lower quantization noise, more accurate white-noise level and more stability over single quantization. For the feedback paths consisting of DAC, the DAC element should have a high matching requirement in order to maintain the linearity performance which can be obtained by the modulator with a multibit quantizer. Thus a Sigma-Delta ADC usually adds the dynamic element matching digital circuit within feedback loop. It occurs complexity of Sigma-Delta Circuit and increase of power dissipation. In this paper using the Leslie-Singh Structure for improving nonliearity of ADC. This structure operate at low oversampling ratio but is difficult to achieve high resolution. So in this paper propose improving loop filter for single-bit feedback multi-bit quantization Sigma-Delta ADC. It obtained 94.3dB signal to noise ratio over 615kHz bandwidth, and 62mW power dissipation at a sampling frequency of 19.6MHz. This Sigma Delta ADC is fabricated in 0.25um CMOS technology with 2.5V supply voltage.

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Under the fading channel environment, performance evaluation of AF CR loop Due to the quantization effect (페이딩 채널 환경하에서의 양자화 특성에 의한 AF CR loop의 성능평가)

  • 송재철;이경하;김선형;최형진
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.737-746
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, we present simulation result of quantization effects about a new Angular From Carrier Recovery Loop(AF CR loop) for PSK modulation technique. AF CR loop includes detected angle symbol and Multi Level hardimiter. In general, detected angle is used in dtermining symbol. Because detected angle is used to make an error signal of phase detector output, hardware implementation of AF CR loop is simpler than that of other loops. Before hardware implementation of AF CR loop, the result due to quantization effect should be investigated. In order to confirm quntization effect of AF CR loop, we evaluate performance of this loop by Monte-Carlosimulation method. Under both in the AWGN and Jake's fading noise channel environments, we confirmed the characteristics of AF CR loop in terms of RMS jitter due to quntization effect. Differential APSK modulation schemeis used in this paper. Especially, Jake's fading channel is used as a channel model and also AGC(Automatic Gain Control) is used in the overall process of performance evaluation. We obtained the resonable result of quantization effect about AF CR loop. With the result of performanceevaluation based on quantization effects, we can expect to operate AF CRloop under the fading channel environments reasonably well.

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Adaptive Quantization Scheme for Multi-Level Cell NAND Flash Memory (멀티 레벨 셀 낸드 플래시 메모리용 적응적 양자화기 설계)

  • Lee, Dong-Hwan;Sung, Wonyong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38C no.6
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    • pp.540-549
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    • 2013
  • An adaptive non-uniform quantization scheme is proposed for soft-decision error correction in NAND flash memory. Even though the conventional maximizing mutual information (MMI) quantizer shows the optimal post-FEC (forward error correction) bit error rate (BER) performance, this quantization scheme demands heavy computational overheads due to the exhaustive search to find the optimal parameter values. The proposed quantization scheme has a simple structure that is constructed by only six parameters, and the optimal values of them are found by maximizing the mutual information between the input and the output symbols. It is demonstrated that the proposed quantization scheme improves the BER performance of soft-decision decoding with only small computational overheads.