• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multi-Sensor Image

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Feasibility on Generating Topographic Map Using KOMPSAT (다목적 실용위성(KOMPSAT)을 이용한 지형도 제작의 가능성 분석)

  • 조우석
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.281-289
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    • 1998
  • Korea is developing a Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite I (KOMPSAT-1) as one of Korea National Space Program, which will be launched in 1999. The EOC (Electro-Optical Camera) is the primary payload for KOMP-SAT-1. The main mission of EOC is to provide the images for the production of scale maps of Korean territory. This research is focused on methodology and possibility for the production of topographic maps using EOC sensor. Since the imagery from EOC is not yet available, SPOT Level 1A image data which are quite similar to those of EOC, and Intergraph Imagestation (Digital Photogrammetric Workstation) are implemented in the process of sample digital map generation. The sample digital maps generated from SPOT stereoimages were compared and analyzed with the existing 1:50,000 scale digital map produced by National Geography Institute. The feasibility and problem encountered in 1:50,000 scale digital mapping using SPOT stereoimages were presented. Based on results, the feasibility and further research areas for KOMPSAT-EOC in the line of 1:25,000 and 1;50,000 digital mapping were discussed.

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Quantitative Estimation of Shoreline Changes Using Multi-sensor Datasets: A Case Study for Bangamoeri Beaches (다중센서를 이용한 해안선의 정량적 변화 추정: 방아머리 해빈을 중심으로)

  • Yun, Kong-Hyun;Song, Yeong Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.5_1
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    • pp.693-703
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    • 2019
  • Long-term coastal topographical data is critical for analyzing temporal and spatial changes in shorelines. Especially understanding the change trends is essential for future coastal management. For this research, in the data preparation, we obtained digital aerial images, terrestrial laser scanning data and UAV images in the year of 2009. 2018 and 2019 respectively. Also tidal observation data obtained by the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency were used for Bangamoeri beach located in Ansan, Gyeonggi-do. In the process of it, we applied the photogrammetric technique to extract the coastline of 4.40 m from the stereo images of 2009 by stereoscopic viewing. In 2018, digital elevation model was generated by using the raw data obtained from the laser scanner and the corresponding shoreline was semi-automatically extracted. In 2019, a digital elevation model was generated from the drone images to extract the coastline. Finally the change rate of shorelines was calculated using Digital Shoreline Analysis System. Also qualitative analysis was presented.

Realistic Contents and Interaction Based Realistic Contents Service (상호작용 기반의 홀로그램 실감 콘텐츠 서비스연구)

  • Lee, Wan Jung;Shin, Eun Ji;Yoon, Hyun Sun;Choi, Hee Min;Cho, Dong Sik;Kang, Hoon Jong
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.429-438
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    • 2021
  • In recent, realistic content has been applied in various ways due to the development of display technology and hologram, the final realistic content technology, have been used limitedly in accordance with the growing public demand. However, most realistic content requires additional devices of HMD (head mounted device) or glasses type, and other realistic content display technologies deliver a single image plane in the experience space to the user, providing a monotonous content experience. Various realistic contents with hologram technology are introduced in this work. In addition, we propose an interaction based realistic hologram service based that combines projection mapping and floating holograms. Projection-mapped screens and multi-floating hologram device provide a three-dimensional volumetric space with extended depth orientation from the user's point of view, while allowing users' entire and partial motions to be recognizable through multiple sensors.

KOMPSAT Imagery Application Status (다목적실용위성 영상자료 활용 현황)

  • Lee, Kwangjae;Kim, Younsoo;Chae, Taebyeong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_3
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    • pp.1311-1317
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    • 2018
  • The ultimate goal of satellite development is to use information obtained from satellites. Therefore, national-levelsatellite development program should include not only hardware development, but also infrastructure establishment and application technology development for information utilization. Until now, Korea has developed various satellites and has been very useful in weather and maritime surveillance as well as various disasters. In particular, KOMPSAT (Korea Multi-purpose Satellite) images have been used extensively in agriculture, forestry and marine fields based on high spatial resolution, and has been widely used in research related to precision mapping and change detection. This special issue aims to introduce a variety of recent studies conducted using KOMPSAT optical and SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images and to disseminate related satellite image application technologies to the public sector.

A CPU-GPU Hybrid System of Environment Perception and 3D Terrain Reconstruction for Unmanned Ground Vehicle

  • Song, Wei;Zou, Shuanghui;Tian, Yifei;Sun, Su;Fong, Simon;Cho, Kyungeun;Qiu, Lvyang
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.1445-1456
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    • 2018
  • Environment perception and three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction tasks are used to provide unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) with driving awareness interfaces. The speed of obstacle segmentation and surrounding terrain reconstruction crucially influences decision making in UGVs. To increase the processing speed of environment information analysis, we develop a CPU-GPU hybrid system of automatic environment perception and 3D terrain reconstruction based on the integration of multiple sensors. The system consists of three functional modules, namely, multi-sensor data collection and pre-processing, environment perception, and 3D reconstruction. To integrate individual datasets collected from different sensors, the pre-processing function registers the sensed LiDAR (light detection and ranging) point clouds, video sequences, and motion information into a global terrain model after filtering redundant and noise data according to the redundancy removal principle. In the environment perception module, the registered discrete points are clustered into ground surface and individual objects by using a ground segmentation method and a connected component labeling algorithm. The estimated ground surface and non-ground objects indicate the terrain to be traversed and obstacles in the environment, thus creating driving awareness. The 3D reconstruction module calibrates the projection matrix between the mounted LiDAR and cameras to map the local point clouds onto the captured video images. Texture meshes and color particle models are used to reconstruct the ground surface and objects of the 3D terrain model, respectively. To accelerate the proposed system, we apply the GPU parallel computation method to implement the applied computer graphics and image processing algorithms in parallel.

Accuracy Assessment of Environmental Damage Range Calculation Using Drone Sensing Data and Vegetation Index (드론센싱자료와 식생지수를 활용한 환경피해범위 산출 정확도 평가)

  • Eontaek Lim ;Yonghan Jung ;Seongsam Kim
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_2
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    • pp.837-847
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we explored a method for assessing the extent of damage caused by chemical substances at an accident site through the use of a vegetation index. Data collection involved the deployment of two different drone types, and the damaged area was determined using photogrammetry technology from the 3D point cloud data. To create a vegetation index image, we utilized spectral band data from a multi-spectral sensor to generate an orthoimage. Subsequently, we conducted statistical analyses of the accident site with respect to the damaged area using a predefined threshold value. The Kappa values for the vegetation index, based on the near-infrared band and the green band, were found to be 0.79 and 0.76, respectively. These results suggest that the vegetation index-based approach for analyzing damage areas can be effectively applied in investigations of chemical accidents.

A Particulate Matter Estimation Using Deep Learning and Patch-Based Kernel PCA (딥러닝 및 패치 기반 커널 PCA를 이용한 미세먼지 추정 )

  • Jae-Won Lee;Chi-Ho Lin
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we propose a methodology that combines patch-based kernel PCA and deep learning for image-based particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) concentration prediction. Kernel PCA effectively extracts the nonlinear features of images, and a CNN model is trained to achieve high prediction performance. Through reinforcement learning-based mask optimization and multi-kernel integration, we improve the prediction accuracy and learning efficiency, while maintaining consistent performance in different environments. Experimental results show that the proposed methodology is capable of real-time monitoring in a wider range than existing sensor-based methods, and shows good real-time performance even on low-end hardware. Future work will focus on data collection in different environments and model optimization to further enhance its real-time applicability.

Radiometric Cross Calibration of KOMPSAT-3 and Lnadsat-8 for Time-Series Harmonization (KOMPSAT-3와 Landsat-8의 시계열 융합활용을 위한 교차검보정)

  • Ahn, Ho-yong;Na, Sang-il;Park, Chan-won;Hong, Suk-young;So, Kyu-ho;Lee, Kyung-do
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.6_2
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    • pp.1523-1535
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    • 2020
  • In order to produce crop information using remote sensing, we use classification and growth monitoring based on crop phenology. Therefore, time-series satellite images with a short period are required. However, there are limitations to acquiring time-series satellite data, so it is necessary to use fusion with other earth observation satellites. Before fusion of various satellite image data, it is necessary to overcome the inherent difference in radiometric characteristics of satellites. This study performed Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-3 (KOMPSAT-3) cross calibration with Landsat-8 as the first step for fusion. Top of Atmosphere (TOA) Reflectance was compared by applying Spectral Band Adjustment Factor (SBAF) to each satellite using hyperspectral sensor band aggregation. As a result of cross calibration, KOMPSAT-3 and Landsat-8 satellites showed a difference in reflectance of less than 4% in Blue, Green, and Red bands, and 6% in NIR bands. KOMPSAT-3, without on-board calibrator, idicate lower radiometric stability compared to ladnsat-8. In the future, efforts are needed to produce normalized reflectance data through BRDF (Bidirectional reflectance distribution function) correction and SBAF application for spectral characteristics of agricultural land.

The Analysis of 2001 Land Use Distribution of Daejeon Metropolitan City based on KOMPSAT-1 EOC Imagery (KOMPSAT-1 EOC 자료를 활용한 2001년도 대전시 토지이용 현황의 공간적 분포 분석)

  • Kim, Youn-Soo;Jeon, Gap-Ho;Lee, Kwang-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2004
  • The dissemination of commercial satellite images. which have the high spatial resolution such as aerial photos, are the active trend in remote sensing community because of the recent development in satellite and sensor technology. Such high resolution satellite images provide a unique tool for the monitoring of ongoing urban land use change. Especially KOMPSAT-1, which was launched at December 1999 and successfully operated up to now, provides repeatedly panchromatic images over Korean peninsula, which has the spatial resolution of 6.6m. Based upon this KOMPSAT-1 EOC image data we can try to analyze and assess the temporal urban land use change, which could not be done because lack of such data. The aim of this paper is to analyze and assess the spatial land use characteristics of Daejeon Metropolitan City based on KOMPSAT-1 EOC data. The land use map of year 2001 is generated through the modification of the year 2000 land use map, which is published by National Geographic Information Institute, using visual interpretation of KOMPSAT-1 EOC image which is acquired in year 2001. This study can be the start point of the time series analysis of the long term land use change monitoring mit KOMPSAT-1 EOC data.

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Hierarchical Land Cover Classification using IKONOS and AIRSAR Images (IKONOS와 AIRSAR 영상을 이용한 계층적 토지 피복 분류)

  • Yeom, Jun-Ho;Lee, Jeong-Ho;Kim, Duk-Jin;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.435-444
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    • 2011
  • The land cover map derived from spectral features of high resolution optical images has low spectral resolution and heterogeneity in the same land cover class. For this reason, despite the same land cover class, the land cover can be classified into various land cover classes especially in vegetation area. In order to overcome these problems, detailed vegetation classification is applied to optical satellite image and SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar) integrated data in vegetation area which is the result of pre-classification from optical image. The pre-classification and vegetation classification were performed with MLC(Maximum Likelihood Classification) method. The hierarchical land cover classification was proposed from fusion of detailed vegetation classes and non-vegetation classes of pre-classification. We can verify the facts that the proposed method has higher accuracy than not only general SAR data and GLCM(Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix) texture integrated methods but also hierarchical GLCM integrated method. Especially the proposed method has high accuracy with respect to both vegetation and non-vegetation classification.