• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multi Project

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Interface Design of Virtual Modeling Dataand Nonlinear Analysis Program (Virtual Modeling Data와 비선형 해석 프로그램의 Interface 설계)

  • Park, Jae-Guen;Lee, Heon-Min;Jo, Sung-Hoon;Lee, Kwang-Myong;Shin, Hyun-Mock
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.100-103
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    • 2008
  • Recently Development of construction system that subjective operators share and control information efficiently based on the three-dimensional space and design information throughout life cycle of construction project is progressing dynamically. In case of civil structures which are infrastructure, Demand for structure of complex system which has multi-functions such as super and smart bridges and express rails is increasing and system development which computerizes and integrates process of structure design is in need. For that, research about link way between three dimensional modeling data and structure analysis programs should be preceded. In this research, therefore, research about interface design between three dimensional virtual modeling data to automate efficient civil-structure-design and nonlinear finite element analysis program which is made up of reinforced concrete material model that express material's character clearly.

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EEG Signal Compression by Multi-scale Wavelets and Coherence analysis and denoising by Continuous Wavelets Transform (다중 웨이브렛을 이용한 심전도(EEG) 신호 압축 및 연속 웨이브렛 변환을 이용한 Coherence분석 및 잡음 제거)

  • 이승훈;윤동한
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.221-229
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    • 2004
  • The Continuous Wavelets Transform project signal f(t) to "Time-scale"plan utilizing the time varied function which called "wavelets". This Transformation permit to analyze scale time dependence of signal f(t) thus the local or global scale properties can be extracted. Moreover, the signal f(t) can be reconstructed stably by utilizing the Inverse Continuous Wavelets Transform. In this paper, the EEG signal is analyzed by wavelets coherence method and the De-noising procedure is represented.

A DS-QPSK Chip Design and Fabrication for Home RF Wireless Sensors (홈 RF 무선 센서를 위한 DS-QPSK 모듈의 설계 및 칩 제작)

  • Lee Young-Dong;Lee Won-Ki;Jun Soo-Hyun;Chung Wan-Young
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2004.06b
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    • pp.411-414
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    • 2004
  • This paper introduces a modulation method for digital wireless communication based on general DS-QPSK. The design and fabrication is for home networking application to a typical RF transmitter with DS-QPSK modulator. This modulator implemented using VHDL hardware programming language, the fabrication of IC chip $5{\times}5 mm^2$ was carried by 27th IDEC MPW(Multi Project Wafer) process in 0.35${\mu}m$ rule at Samsung Inc. This paper presented the important of this technology for the future application in wireless sensor. This module can be efficient usage for home network to transmit the RF wireless sensor system.

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Development and Application of Computer Aided Systems Engineering Processes for Next Generation High Speed Railway Train (차세대 고속전철시스템 개발을 위한 시스템 엔지니어링 체계구축)

  • Yoo Il Sang;Park Young Won
    • Proceedings of the Society of Korea Industrial and System Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2002
  • A Korea next-generation high-speed rail system represents a typical example of large- scale multi-disciplinary systems, consisting of subsystems such as train, electrical hardware, electronics, control, Information, communication, civil technology etc. The system design and acquisition data of the large-scale system must be the subject under strict configuration control and management. The system therefore, must be developed using systems engineering that is a efficient and effective methodology to design such a complex system and manage its development. This paper presents the results from a computer-aided systems engineering application to the Korea next generation high-speed railway project. Especially, the focus of the study was on requirement management and PBS management.

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Benchmark Results of a Radio Spectrometer Based on Graphics Processing Unit

  • Kim, Jongsoo;Wagner, Jan
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.44.1-44.1
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    • 2015
  • We set up a project to make spectrometers for single dish observations of the Korean VLBI Network (KVN), a new future multi-beam receiver of the ASTE (Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment), and the total power (TP) antennas of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). Traditionally, spectrometers based on ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated circuit) and FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) have been used in radio astronomy. It is, however, that a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) technology is now viable for spectrometers due to the rapid improvement of its performance. A high-resolution spectrometer should have the following functions: poly-phase filter, data-bit conversion, fast Fourier transform, and complex multiplication. We wrote a program based on CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) for a GPU spectrometer. We measured its performance using two GPU cards, Titan X and K40m, from NVIDIA. A non-optimized GPU code can process a data stream of around 2 GHz bandwidth, which is enough for the KVN spectrometer and promising for the ASTE and ALMA TP spectrometers.

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A Study on the Architectural Characteristics of Mount Angel Abbey Library (마운트 엔젤 수도원 도서관의 건축 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Tae-Yong
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2011
  • Mount Angel Abbey library shows not only the general characteristics which Aalto had shown in his 60s but also special features of his last library project. Special features of Mount Angel library are the result of considering geography and existing context of the site. General characteristics of the library mainly come from the Aalto's concept for library especially considering light. Due to steep site, Mount Angel Abbey library has multi-layered and dynamic spatial configuration. Aalto considered the importance of daylight in the library and applied various kinds of openings to induce natural light. Therefore, Mount Angel Abbey library is the final result of his library type that developed from the Viipuri library of 1930s and his architectural thoughts of 1960s. As a combination of space and light, Mount Angel Abbey library is the outcome of Aalto's unique functional thoughts which maximize the function of the library through efficient induction of natural light.

A Study on the Construction of High Density Concrete for Radiation Shield (방사선 차폐용 고밀도 콘크리트 시공에 관한 연구)

  • 이제방;조용복;변형균;유건철;임병대
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1994.10a
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    • pp.399-404
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    • 1994
  • Heavyweight(or High density) concrete, which is generally for shiedling structures, differs from normal weight concrete by having a higher density and special compositions to improve its attenuation properties. There are setting 7 Beam Ports around the reactor of the KMRR Project(Korea Multi-purpose Research Reactor) conducted by the KAERI(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute). High density(p=5.0t/$\textrm{m}^3$) and Heavyweight(p=3.5t/$\textrm{m}^3$) concrete were placed around the Beam Ports in order to shield radiation. This paper was discussed about construction of High density concrete. High density concrete was placed with method of Preplace Aggregate. Coarse metallic aggregate(steel shot) was used. Boron, boron carbide(B4C), was used to capture effctively the neutrom. The mock-up test was carried out. And the consturction of High density concrete was performed successfully.

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Design and Implementation of the tool which support data standization of multi project (다중 프로젝트간의 데이터 표준화 지원을 위한 도구의 설계 및 구현)

  • 박준기;이병엽;양성모;김현정
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 1998.10b
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    • pp.535-537
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    • 1998
  • 소프트웨어 개발에 있어서 표준을 지키는 것은 개발하는 동안에는 개발생산성을 높일 수 있고, 유지보수를 용이하게 해 주는 장점이 있다. 데이터 표준화 지원을 위하여 데이터를 승인된 약어의 조합으로서 구성하고, 코드, 규칙 및 메시지를 관리하여 소프트웨어 내에 사용되는 데이터를 표준화 시킨다. 본 연구에서는 여러 소프트웨어를 개발하는 환경에서 데이터 표준화 지원을 위한 방법론을 제시한다. 데이터의 표현 구조를 정의하고, 각 데이터에 대한 등록 절차를 제시함으로써 표준화를 이룰 수 있다. 이러한 방법론을 이용하여, 대우정보시스템에서 전사의 데이터 표준화 지원을 위하여 NICE-GEN 이라는 CASE(Computer Aided Software Engineering) 도구를 개발했고, 실제 소프트웨어 개발에서 높은 개발생산성을 보여 주었다.

Architectural Tendencies of Public Art Projects in Korea - Focused on Those in Which Korean Architects Participated in Group after 2000 - (국내 공공미술 사업의 건축적 경향 - 국내 건축가가 단체로 참여한 2000년 이후의 사업을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Seul-Ki;Kim, Ransoo
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.133-143
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    • 2015
  • This study tried to inquire architectural tendencies in public art projects by analyzing projects and public art works designed by Korean architects. First, it described not only the background and the objectives of this study but also the scope and the methods of it. Second, it gave an overview of public art by explaining the concept, the institutions, and the history of it in Korea. Third, it investigated the contents of public art projects in Korea, in which more than two architectural teams participated, analyzing the tendencies of public art works designed by architects. In order to find the architectural tendencies of public art projects, it analyzed the intentions, the contents and the expressions of architects' art works. In conclusion, this study regarded the architectural tendencies as site-specific, space-experiencing, sheltering, multi-purposeful, contextual, recycling, and eco-friendly.

임베디드 SoC 응용을 위한 타원곡선알고리즘 기반 보안 모듈

  • Kim Young-Geun;Park Ju-Hyun;Park Jin;Kim Young-Chul
    • Review of KIISC
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2006
  • 본 논문에서는 임베디드 시스템 온칩 적용을 위한 통합 보안 프로세서를 SIP(Semiconductor Intellectual Property)로 설계하였다. 각각의 SIP는 VHDL RTL로 모델링하였으며, 논리합성, 시뮬레이션, FPGA 검증을 통해 재사용이 가능하도록 구현하였다. 또한 ARM9과 SIP들이 서로 통신이 가능하도록 AMBA AHB의 스펙에 따라 버스동작모델을 설계, 검증하였다. 플랫폼기반의 통합 보안 SIP는 ECC, AES, MD-5가 내부 코어를 이루고 있으며 각각의 SIP들은 ARM9과 100만 게이트 FPGA가 내장된 디바이스를 사용하여 검증하였으며 최종적으로 매그나칩 $0.25{\mu}m(4.7mm\times4.7mm)$ CMOS 공정을 사용하여 MPW(Multi-Project Wafer) 칩으로 제작하였다.