• Title/Summary/Keyword: Movie Script

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Development of Collaborative Script Analysis Platform Based on Web for Information Retrieval Related to Story (스토리 정보의 검색을 위한 웹 기반의 협업적 스크립트 분석 플랫폼 개발)

  • Park, Seung-Bo;Kim, Hyun-Sik;Baek, Yeong-Tae;You, Eun-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2014
  • Movie stories can be retrieved efficiently by analyzing a script, which is a blueprint of the movie. Although the movie script is described in the formatted structure of Final Draft, it is hard to restore the type without analyzing the story of the sentences since the scripts open on the website are mostly broken. For this purpose, it is necessary to develop and provide the web-based script analysis software so that users collaboratively and freely check and correct the errors in the results after automatically parsing the script. Hence, in this paper we suggest the structure of the web-based collaborative script analysis platform that enables users to modify and filter the type error of the script for high level of film data accumulation and performance evaluation for the implementation results is conducted. Through the experiment, accuracy of automatically parsing appears to be 64.95% and performance of modification by collaboration showed 99.58% of accuracy of parsing with errors mostly corrected after passing through 5 steps of modification.


  • Song, Tai-Sung
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2003
  • There are many algorithms for factoring integers. The trial division algorithm is one of the most efficient algorithms for factoring small integers(say less than 10,000,000,000). For a number n to be factored, the runtime of the trial division algorithm depends mainly on the size of a nontrivial factor of n. In this paper, we create a function named factors that can implement the trial division algorithm in ActionScript and using the factors function we construct an interactive Prime Factorization Movie and an interactive GCD Movie.

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Visualization using Emotion Information in Movie Script (영화 스크립트 내 감정 정보를 이용한 시각화)

  • Kim, Jinsu
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2018
  • Through the convergence of Internet technology and various information technologies, it is possible to collect and process vast amount of information and to exchange various knowledge according to user's personal preference. Especially, there is a tendency to prefer intimate contents connected with the user's preference through the flow of emotional changes contained in the movie media. Based on the information presented in the script, the user seeks to visualize the flow of the entire emotion, the flow of emotions in a specific scene, or a specific scene in order to understand it more quickly. In this paper, after obtaining the raw data from the movie web page, it transforms it into a standardized scenario format after refining process. After converting the refined data into an XML document to easily obtain various information, various sentences are predicted by inputting each paragraph into the emotion prediction system. We propose a system that can easily understand the change of the emotional state between the characters in the whole or a specific part of the various emotions required by the user by mixing the predicted emotions flow and the amount of information included in the script.

Designing a large recording script for open-domain English speech synthesis

  • Kim, Sunhee;Kim, Hojeong;Lee, Yooseop;Kim, Boryoung;Won, Yongkook;Kim, Bongwan
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2021
  • This paper proposes a method for designing a large recording script for open domain English speech synthesis. For read-aloud style text, 12 domains and 294 sub-domains were designed using text contained in five different news media publications. For conversational style text, 4 domains and 36 sub-domains were designed using movie subtitles. The final script consists of 43,013 sentences, 27,085 read-aloud style sentences, and 15,928 conversational style sentences, consisting of 549,683 tokens and 38,356 types. The completed script is analyzed using four criteria: word coverage (type coverage and token coverage), high-frequency vocabulary coverage, phonetic coverage (diphone coverage and triphone coverage), and readability. The type coverage of our script reaches 36.86% despite its low token coverage of 2.97%. The high-frequency vocabulary coverage of the script is 73.82%, and the diphone coverage and triphone coverage of the whole script is 86.70% and 38.92%, respectively. The average readability of whole sentences is 9.03. The results of analysis show that the proposed method is effective in producing a large recording script for English speech synthesis, demonstrating good coverage in terms of unique words, high-frequency vocabulary, phonetic units, and readability.

Emotion and Sentiment Analysis from a Film Script: A Case Study (영화 대본에서 감정 및 정서 분석: 사례 연구)

  • Yu, Hye-Yeon;Kim, Moon-Hyun;Bae, Byung-Chull
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.1537-1542
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    • 2017
  • Emotion plays a key role in both generating and understanding narrative. In this article we analyzed the emotions represented in a movie script based on 8 emotion types from the wheel of emotions by Plutchik. First we conducted manual emotion tagging scene by scene. The most dominant emotions by manual tagging were anger, fear, and surprise. It makes sense when the film script we analyzed is a thriller-genre. We assumed that the emotions around the climax of the story would be heightened as the tension grew up. From manual tagging we could identify three such duration when the tension is high. Next we analyzed the emotions in the same script using Python-based NLTK VADERSentiment tool. The result showed that the emotions of anger and fear were most matched. The emotion of surprise, anticipation, and disgust, however, scored lower matching.

A Study on Non-Face-to-Face General English Courses for International Students: Reading Movie Scripts Aloud (유학생 대상의 비대면 교양 영어 수업 방안: 영화 대본 소리 내어 읽기를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Ji-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.267-272
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    • 2021
  • This study's purpose is to investigate the effects of reading movie scripts aloud in non-face-to-face general English courses on international students' English ability in the COVID-19 era. A general English class was delivered once a week for 15 weeks to 47 international students at a Seoul-based university. The animated movie Tangled and its script were used as learning materials. Biweekly, students had to watch video lectures using the university's learning management system(LMS) and read scripts aloud through Zoom. In the video lectures, the teacher went over specific vocabulary and interpreted the movie scripts in easy Korean. For the second activity through Zoom, international students read the movie script aloud individually and in groups. The post-test revealed significant improvements in both reading and writing, as compared to the pre-test. Through the study's survey, participants exhibited positive attitudes in affective domains(understanding, satisfaction, interest, and recommendation).

Story-based Information Retrieval (스토리 기반의 정보 검색 연구)

  • You, Eun-Soon;Park, Seung-Bo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.81-96
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    • 2013
  • Video information retrieval has become a very important issue because of the explosive increase in video data from Web content development. Meanwhile, content-based video analysis using visual features has been the main source for video information retrieval and browsing. Content in video can be represented with content-based analysis techniques, which can extract various features from audio-visual data such as frames, shots, colors, texture, or shape. Moreover, similarity between videos can be measured through content-based analysis. However, a movie that is one of typical types of video data is organized by story as well as audio-visual data. This causes a semantic gap between significant information recognized by people and information resulting from content-based analysis, when content-based video analysis using only audio-visual data of low level is applied to information retrieval of movie. The reason for this semantic gap is that the story line for a movie is high level information, with relationships in the content that changes as the movie progresses. Information retrieval related to the story line of a movie cannot be executed by only content-based analysis techniques. A formal model is needed, which can determine relationships among movie contents, or track meaning changes, in order to accurately retrieve the story information. Recently, story-based video analysis techniques have emerged using a social network concept for story information retrieval. These approaches represent a story by using the relationships between characters in a movie, but these approaches have problems. First, they do not express dynamic changes in relationships between characters according to story development. Second, they miss profound information, such as emotions indicating the identities and psychological states of the characters. Emotion is essential to understanding a character's motivation, conflict, and resolution. Third, they do not take account of events and background that contribute to the story. As a result, this paper reviews the importance and weaknesses of previous video analysis methods ranging from content-based approaches to story analysis based on social network. Also, we suggest necessary elements, such as character, background, and events, based on narrative structures introduced in the literature. We extract characters' emotional words from the script of the movie Pretty Woman by using the hierarchical attribute of WordNet, which is an extensive English thesaurus. WordNet offers relationships between words (e.g., synonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, antonyms). We present a method to visualize the emotional pattern of a character over time. Second, a character's inner nature must be predetermined in order to model a character arc that can depict the character's growth and development. To this end, we analyze the amount of the character's dialogue in the script and track the character's inner nature using social network concepts, such as in-degree (incoming links) and out-degree (outgoing links). Additionally, we propose a method that can track a character's inner nature by tracing indices such as degree, in-degree, and out-degree of the character network in a movie through its progression. Finally, the spatial background where characters meet and where events take place is an important element in the story. We take advantage of the movie script to extracting significant spatial background and suggest a scene map describing spatial arrangements and distances in the movie. Important places where main characters first meet or where they stay during long periods of time can be extracted through this scene map. In view of the aforementioned three elements (character, event, background), we extract a variety of information related to the story and evaluate the performance of the proposed method. We can track story information extracted over time and detect a change in the character's emotion or inner nature, spatial movement, and conflicts and resolutions in the story.

The Study on Symbolism of Color on Movie Clothing (영화 의상에 표현된 색의 상징성에 관한 연구)

  • 김희정
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.35
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    • pp.195-210
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    • 1997
  • Movie clothing is what is recreated as a character in work after being worn for actors (or actresses). And it is not added for heightening only fantasy but it acts for heightening only fantasy but it acts for reinforcing the side of character or subject. Especially the clothing in color movie gets to have very psychological effect. Thus Accord-ing to the clothing the effect of the represen-tation style may become large and small. So as to make the gesture or attitude of each character valuable in accordance with the ac-tion and expression of the figure clothing is different from other device essentially One may attain various goals through the color of movie clothing, First movie clothing may show the vogue color of the time and the representative time color, Second the color of movie clothing helps one to able to recognize the socio-econmic position of character easily as the color to symbolize the specific jobs such as nurse soldier and doctor etc. Third the color of movie clothing may show the charcter temperament as to whether one is young or old and whether one has pessi-mistic temperament or one is extrovert or introversive etc. easily. Fourth setting the clothing color of hero as the color to set off helps it easy to distinguish from representation staffs. Fifty the whole color establishment of movie clothing gives help to expressing the at-mosphere of movie. Color is one of the most powerful means that the person in charge of clothing may express the character of movie. He should ex-press the feature of a wearer with the colors of each clothing through showing the lack of taste of characters or hinting the resistant character with the clothing color which is not suitable for situation or the conservative character with suppressed color etc. Thus he (or she) should express the clothing color which is suitable for being able to express each character by analyzing the work whole through script and grasping the character of each character so as to establish the clothing which is suitable for individual character.

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A Study on the Predictive Analytics Powered by the Artificial Intelligence in the Movie Industry

  • Song, Minzheong
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.72-83
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    • 2021
  • The use of the predictive analytics (PA) powered by the artificial intelligence (AI) is more important in the movie sector during the COVID-19 pandemic, because Hollywood witnessed the impact of the 'Netflix Effect' and began to invest in data and AI. Our purpose is to discover a few cases of the AI centered PA in the movie industry value chain based on five objectives of PA: Compete, grow, enforce, improve, and satisfy. Even if movie companies' interest is to predict future success for competing with over-the-tops (OTTs) at a first glance, it is observed, once they start to use the PA with the AI, they try to utilize the enhanced PA platforms for remaining four objectives. As a result, ScriptBook, Vault, Pilot, Cinelytic and Merlin Video (Merlin) are use cases for the objective 'compete.' Movio of Vista Group International and Datorama of Salesforce are use cases for the objective 'grow.' Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) and Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media (GDI) with Disney are use cases for the objective 'enforce.' Watson, Benjamin, and Greenlight Essential are use cases for the objective 'improve.' Disney Research (DR) with Simon Fraser University and California Institute of Technology is the use case for the objective 'satisfy.'

Design and Implementation of Self-Directed Courseware to Study Web Programming (웹 프로그래밍 학습을 위한 자기주도적 코스웨어의 설계 및 구현)

  • Chung, Yoo-Jin;Park, Eun-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.453-461
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we design and implement a web-based courseware where learners can do self-directed learning to study Web programming languages such as Html, CSS, JavaScript and Dhtml. Each section consists of text class, movie class, practice class, formative assessment, laboratory and bulletin board. And our courseware makes teachers to teach, assess and give scores to learners on Web. In our Web courseware, learners can play a movie class and practice Web programming codes in one screen simultaneously, and execute codes and confirm a results in the same screen also. Therefore, learners can understand Web programming languages efficiently, which are hard to understand immediately by text.