• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mountainous Terrain

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A Study on the Acceleration Durability Test of In-Wheel Drive Gearbox for Military Special Vehicles (군 특수차량용 인휠 드라이브 기어박스의 가속 내구성시험에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Y.B.;Lee, G.C.;Lee, J.J.;Lim, S.Y.;Kim, W.J.;Kim, K.M.
    • Journal of Drive and Control
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.32-38
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    • 2022
  • The in-wheel drive gearbox for military special vehicles converts the high-speed & low-torque output generated by the electric servomotor, into low-speed & high-torque mechanical power. As the vehicle is remotely maneuvered in mountainous terrain, wet fields, rough terrain, etc., the gearbox must generate a maximum input speed exceeding 5,000 rpm, a maximum torque of 245 Nm, and MTBF of 9,600 km. The purpose of this study was to analyze the failure mode of the gearbox, to ensure the durability of the in-wheel drive gearbox. Also, the field load test data of the vehicle was analyzed, the acceleration durability test standards were established, the acceleration durability test was conducted, and the durability test results were analyzed as well.

Revolutionizing Nepal's Transportation: The Potential of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) in Overcoming Geographical Challenges

  • Leeladhar Joshi;Kwang-Byeng Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2024
  • This paper examines the unique transportation challenges posed by Nepal's diverse and rugged terrain, which significantly hampers socio-economic development due to its negative impact on infrastructure, trade, and accessibility. Despite ongoing efforts to enhance road and traditional air transport systems, Nepal's geographic and environmental conditions continue to obstruct efficient connectivity, particularly in rural and remote areas. This study proposes Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) as a transformative solution, leveraging recent technological advancements in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft. By conducting a comprehensive analysis of Nepal's current transportation infrastructure and the feasibility of AAM implementation, the paper highlights the potential benefits of AAM, including improved accessibility, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. Furthermore, it addresses the anticipated challenges and regulatory considerations necessary for integrating AAM into Nepal's transportation network. Through a multidisciplinary approach, this research aims to contribute to the discourse on overcoming transportation barriers in mountainous regions, offering policy recommendations and identifying areas for future study to facilitate the adoption of AAM in Nepal and similar contexts worldwide.

Minimum Temperature Mapping in Complex Terrain Considering Cold Air Drainage (냉기침강효과를 고려한 복잡지형의 최저기온 분포 추정)

  • 정유란;서형호;황규홍;황범석;윤진일
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2002
  • Site-specific minimum temperature forecasts are critical in a short-term decision making procedure for preventive measures as well as a long-term strategy such as site selection in fruits industry. Nocturnal cold air pools frequently termed in mountainous areas under anticyclonic systems are very dangerous to the flowering buds in spring over Korea, but the spatial resolution to detect them exceeds the current weather forecast scale. To supplement the insufficient spatial resolution of official forecasts, we developed a GIS - assisted frost risk assesment scheme for using in mountainous areas. Daily minimum temperature data were obtained from 6 sites located in a 2.1 by 2.1 km area with complex topography near the southern edge of Sobaek mountains during radiative cooling nights in spring 2001. A digital elevation model with a 10 m spatial resolution was prepared for the entire study area and the cold air inflow was simulated for each grid cell by counting the number of surrounding cells coming into the processing cell. Primitive temperature surfaces were prepared for the corresponding dates by interpolating the Korea Meteorological Administration's automated observational data with the lapse rate correction. The cell temperature values corresponding to the 6 observation sites were extracted from the primitive temperature surface, and subtracted from the observed values to obtain the estimation error. The errors were regressed to the flow accumulation at the corresponding cells, delineating a statistically significant relationship. When we applied this relationship to the primitive temperature surfaces of frost nights during April 2002, there was a good agreement with the observations, showing a feasibility of site-specific frost warning system development in mountainous areas.

A Comparative Study of Vegetation Phenology Using High-resolution Sentinel-2 Imagery and Topographically Corrected Vegetation Index (고해상도 Sentinel-2 위성 자료와 지형효과를 고려한 식생지수 기반의 산림 식생 생장패턴 비교)

  • Seungheon Yoo;Sungchan Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 2024
  • Land Surface Phenology (LSP) plays a crucial role in understanding vegetation dynamics. The near-infrared reflectance of vegetation (NIRv) has been increasingly adopted in LSP studies, being recognized as a robust proxy for gross primary production (GPP). However, NIR v is sensitive to the terrain effects in mountainous areas due to artifacts in NIR reflectance cannot be canceled out. Because of this, estimating phenological metrics in mountainous regions have a substantial uncertainty, especially in the end of season (EOS). The topographically corrected NIRv (TCNIRv) employs the path length correction (PLC) method, which was deduced from the simplification of the radiative transfer equation, to alleviate limitations related to the terrain effects. TCNIRv has been demonstrated to estimate phenology metrics more accurately than NIRv, especially exhibiting improved estimation of EOS. As the topographic effect is significantly influenced by terrain properties such as slope and aspect, our study compared phenology metrics estimations between south-facing slopes (SFS) and north-facing slopes (NFS) using NIRv and TCNIRv in two distinct mountainous regions: Gwangneung Forest (GF) and Odaesan National Park (ONP), representing relatively flat and rugged areas, respectively. The results indicated that TCNIR v-derived EOS at NFS occurred later than that at SFS for both study sites (GF : DOY 266.8/268.3 at SFS/NFS; ONP : DOY 262.0/264.8 at SFS/NFS), in contrast to the results obtained with NIRv (GF : DOY 270.3/265.5 at SFS/NFS; ONP : DOY 265.0/261.8 at SFS/NFS). Additionally, the gap between SFS and NFS diminished after topographic correction (GF : DOY 270.3/265.5 at SFS/NFS; ONP : DOY 265.0/261.8 at SFS/NFS). We conclude that TCNIRv exhibits discrepancy with NIR v in EOS detection considering slope orientation. Our findings underscore the necessity of topographic correction in estimating photosynthetic phenology, considering slope orientation, especially in diverse terrain conditions.

Simulation of the Debris Flow Diffusion in the Mountainous Watershed Using 3D Terrain Data (3D 지형데이터를 활용한 산지유역 토석류 흐름 모의에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Chae-Yeon;Jun, Kye-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2019
  • This study selected the national park area of Mt. Seorak in Inje-gun, Gangwon-do, where a lot of debris flow occurred due to the heavy rainfall and conducted a field survey. In addition, topographic spatial data were constructed using the GIS technique to analyze watershed characteristics. For the construction of terrain data after the disaster, the debris flow occurrence section was scanned and the 3D topographic data was constructed using the terrestrial LiDAR. LiDAR terrain data are compared to digital maps(before disaster) to assess precision and topographic data before and after the disaster were compared and analyzed. Debris flow diffusion area was calculated using FLO-2D model and compared debris flow occurred section.

Ortho-image Generation using 3D Flight Route of Drone (드론의 3D 촬영 경로를 이용한 정사영상 제작)

  • Jonghyeon Yoon;Gihong Kim;Hyun Choi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.775-784
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    • 2023
  • Drone images are being used more and more actively in the fields of surveying and spatial information, and are rapidly replacing existing aerial and satellite images. The technology of quickly acquiring real-time data at low cost and processing it is now being applied to actual industries beyond research. However, there are also problems encountered as this progresses. When high-resolution spatial information is acquired using a general 2D flight plan for a terrain with sever undulations, problems arise due to the difference in resolution of the data. In particular, when a low-altitude high-resolution image is taken using a drone in a mountainous or steep terrain, there may be a problem in image matching due to a resolution difference caused by terrain undulations. This problem occurs because a drone acquires data while flying on a 2D plane at a fixed altitude, just like conventional aerial photography. In order to acquire high-quality 3D data using a drone, the scale difference for the shooting distance should be considered. In addition, in order to obtain facade images of large structures, it is necessary to take images in 3D space. In this study, in order to improve the disadvantages of the 2D flight method, a 3D flight plan was established for the study area, and it was confirmed that high-quality 3D spatial information could be obtained in this way.

A Study on the Predictional Model for Accuracy of Earthwork Calculation by Digtal Terrain Model (수치지형모델에 의한 토공양계산 정확도의 예측모델에 관한 연구)

  • 오창수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 1987
  • The use of digital terrain model has been enlarged in calculating the earthwork due to the development of aerial photogrammetry. The calculation of earthwork plays a major role in plan or design of many civil engineering projects, and thus it has become very important to advance the accuracy of earthwork calculation. In this study, I have made an analysis of influences which DTM makes on the height accuracy of data ; on the basis of the analysis, we can develop the predictive model formula of profile shape coefficients by which the accuracy of earthwork can he preestimated in practical design according to data density of terrain, making thereby good contribution to the calculation of both earthwork amount and its expenses. This study shows that the accuracy of earthwork is more affected by the distances of cross-sections than by data density and that the effects by the standard errors of height decrease in proportion as the distances of cross-sections are great It also shows that when the prediction model formula of profile shape coefficients is applied to ordinary cases, the differences between the predicted earthwork errors and the errors by ordinary est imation are at 0.8374~3.1437$cm^3$/m, on flat terrain and 1.5628~6.967$cm^3$/m, on mountainous terrain-so little as to be ignored ; thus it can be safely ascertained that the accurate earthwork errors can be predicted applying the prediction model formula made in this study.

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Geospatial Data Modeling for 3D Digital Mapping (3차원 수치지도 생성을 위한 지형공간 데이터 모델링)

  • Lee, Dong-Cheon;Bae, Kyoung-Ho;Ryu, Keun-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.393-400
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    • 2009
  • Recently demand for the 3D modeling technology to reconstruct real world is getting increasing. However, existing geospatial data are mainly based on the 2D space. In addition, most of the geospatial data provide geometric information only. In consequence, there are limits in various applications to utilize information from those data and to reconstruct the real world in 3D space. Therefore, it is required to develop efficient 3D mapping methodology and data for- mat to establish geospatial database. Especially digital elevation model(DEM) is one of the essential geospatial data, however, DEM provides only spatially distributed 3D coordinates of the natural and artificial surfaces. Moreover, most of DEMs are generated without considering terrain properties such as surface roughness, terrain type, spatial resolution, feature and so on. This paper suggests adaptive and flexible geospatial data format that has possibility to include various information such as terrain characteristics, multiple resolutions, interpolation methods, break line information, model keypoints, and other physical property. The study area was categorized into mountainous area, gently rolling area, and flat area by taking the terrain characteristics into account with respect to terrain roughness. Different resolutions and interpolation methods were applied to each area. Finally, a 3D digital map derived from aerial photographs was integrated with the geospatial data and visualized.

A Perching Mechanism of a Quadrotor for Energy Harvesting (에너지 하베스팅을 위한 쿼드로터의 퍼칭 메커니즘 연구)

  • Choi, Hong-Cheol;Shin, Nae-Ho
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.198-204
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    • 2018
  • Quadrotor with limited flight time due to battery level can have the extended mission life by applying energy harvesting technology. Bio-inspiration from the birds' locomotion of flight and perch-and-stare can make energy consumption efficient, and energy harvesting technology can generate energy. In order to charge the battery with solar power, the drones are required to be in a position without shade. In the mountainous terrain, a novel mechanism is required in order to be located stably at the top of the tree or the inclined rock. In this study, we propose an analysis of the origami structure and the concept design of the perching mechanism with two stable equilibrium states. The origami structure composed of compliant material can be applied to the perching mechanism that can be locked passively. Moreover, the experimental results of the trajectory and perching test are discussed.

A Method of Extraction Landslide Risk Area using GIS (GIS를 이용한 산사태 위험지역 추출 기법)

  • Yang In-Tae;Park Jae-Guk;Park Jung-Hwan;Park Hyung-Geun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.439-444
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    • 2006
  • Korea Peninsula consists of approximately 70% of mountainous terrain of total area, in addition, annual average rainfall is plentiful, especially during rainy season of summer, and it is often accompanied with typhoon and heavy rain, which results in frequent landslides. Since there are limitations with existing methods to analyze extensive disasters, it is necessary to develop new remote sensing technology using an artificial satellite to study on landslides closely. This paper is written in order to establish the database with map information on various landslides using GIS, furthermore, to analyze precariousness of the areas, which are susceptible to landslide, and risks of potential areas in consideration of heavy rain, based on land-cover classification derived from images from satellite.

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