• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mountainous Terrain

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Performance of Horizontal Drainage in the Slope Using Numerical Analysis (수치해석을 이용한 비탈면 수평배수공의 성능 분석)

  • Sangyun Kim;Hoki Ban
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2024
  • Due to the high proportion of mountainous terrain in Korean territory and the concentration of heavy rainfall during the summer season, concerns arise about the potential decrease in slope stability caused by rainfall. Installing slope drainage facilities mitigates the rise in groundwater levels due to infiltration, thus enhancing slope stability. Horizontal drains, classified as auxiliary facilities among drainage systems, lack established installation standards and related research. Slopes with installed horizontal drains have been confirmed to exhibit higher safety factors compared to those without. Furthermore, the safety factor of mimicking horizontal drains by increasing the permeability coefficient of the surrounding ground was compared with that of the conventional simulation method using the Drain function. As a result of the comparison, it was confirmed that the installation length showed better drainage performance than the installation angle in the drainage performance of the horizontal drainage hole, and it was judged that the installation length was a more important factor.

Survey on the distribution of ancient tombs using LiDAR measurement method (라이다(LiDAR) 측량기법을 활용한 고분분포현황 조사)

  • SIM Hyeoncheol
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.54-70
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    • 2023
  • Surveys and studies on cultural assets using LiDAR measurement are already active overseas. Recently, awareness of the advantages and availability of LiDAR measurement has increased in Korea, and cases of using it for surveys of cultural assets are gradually increasing. However, it is usually restricted to surveys of mountain fortresses and is not actively used for surveys of ancient tombs yet. Therefore, this study intends to emphasize the need to secure fundamental data from LiDAR measurement for the era from the Three Kingdoms to Unified Silla in which recovery, maintenance, etc., in addition to the actual surveys, are unfulfilled due to the sites being mainly distributed in mountainous areas. For this, LiDAR measurement was executed for the area of Jangsan Ancient Tombs and Chunghyo-dong Ancient Tombs in Seoak-dong, Gyeongju, to review the distribution and geographical conditions of ancient tombs. As a result, in the Jangsan Ancient Tombs, in which a precision archaeological (measurement) survey was already executed, detailed geographic information and distribution conditions could be additionally identified, which could not be known only with the layout indicated by the topographic map of the existing report. Also, in the Chunghyo-dong Ancient Tombs, in which an additional survey was not conducted after 10 tombs were found during the Japanese colonial period, the location of the ancient tombs initially excavated was accurately identified, and the status and additional information was acquired, such as on the conditions of ancient tombs not surveyed. Such information may also be used as fundamental data for the preservation and maintenance of future ancient tombs in addition to the survey and study of the ancient tombs themselves. LiDAR measurement is most effective for identifying the condition of ancient tombs in mountainous areas where observation is difficult or access is limited due to the forest zone. It may be executed before on-site surveys, such as archaeological surveys, to secure data with high availability as prior surveys or pre-surveys. Therefore, it is necessary to secure fundamental data from LiDAR measurement in future surveys of ancient tombs and to establish a survey and maintenance/utilization plan based on this. To establish survey/study and preservation/maintenance measures for ancient tombs located in mountainous areas, a precision archaeological survey is currently executed to draw up a distribution chart of ancient tombs. If LiDAR measurement data is secured before this and used, a more effective and accurate distribution chart can be drawn up, and the actual conditions can be identified. Also, most omissions or errors in information can be prevented in on-site surveys of large regions. Therefore, it is necessary to accumulate fundamental data by actively using LiDAR measurement in future surveys of ancient tombs.

Changes of Road Structures according to the Environmental Factors in Forest Road (임도의 환경요인에 따른 임도구조의 변화)

  • Cha, Du Song;Choi, Byoung Koo;Koo, Sung Dae;Oh, Jae Heun
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.93-109
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    • 2004
  • To provide the basic informations related to forest road construction of mountainous terrain, we analyzed changes of the road structure factors such as banking and cutting slope gradients, slope length, road width by the environmental factors such as locations, slope gradients, soil types, road position on physically stabilized forest roads constructed in Gangwon-do. All factors related to the road structures by locations were significant except for banking slope length. Road width, longitudinal gradients, banking and cutting slope length by slope gradients were not significantly different and banking slope gradients in the range less than $30^{\circ}$, from $30^{\circ}$ to $35^{\circ}$ and more than $40^{\circ}$ and cutting slope gradients were significantly different for all areas. Road width, longitudinal gradients, banking slope length by soil types were not significantly different and others were significantly different. All factors related to the road structures by road position were significant except for cutting slope gradients.

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Enhancing the Stability of Slopes Located below Roads, Based on the Case of Collapse at the Buk-sil Site, Jeongseon Area, Gangwon Province (강원도 정선지역 북실지구 깎기비탈면 붕괴 사례를 통한 도로 하부 비탈면 안정성 확보에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim, Hong-Gyun;Bae, Sang-Woo;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Koo, Ho-Bon
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2012
  • Slopes are commonly formed both above and below roads located in mountainous terrain and along riversides. The Buk-sil site, a cut slope formed below the road, collapsed in October, 2010. A field investigation determined the causes of failure as improper drainage of valley water from the slope above the road and direct seepage of road-surface water. These factors may have accelerated the collapse via complex interaction between water and sub-surface structures such as bedding. Projection analysis of the site showed the possible involvement of plane, wedge, and toppling failure. Safety factors calculated by Limit Equilibrium Analysis for plane and wedge failure were below the standard for wet conditions. The wetness index, analyzed using topographic factors of the study area, was 9.0-10.5, which is high compared with the values calculated for nearby areas. This finding indicates a high concentration of water flow. We consider that water-flow control on the upper road is crucial for enhancing slope stability at the Buk-sil site.

Agro-climate Characteristics and Stability in Crop Production of Daegwallyeong Area in Korea (기상자료 분석을 통한 대관령 지역의 작물 최저 한계온도일 추정)

  • Ryu, Jong-Soo;Lee, Jeong-Tae;Lee, Gye-Jun;Oh, Dong-Shig
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.1153-1156
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    • 2012
  • Daegwallyeong area to be formed along the mountainous terrain more above 800 m of sea level is known as the cold zone to occur frequently wind, rain and fog. This study to evaluate the stability of crop production and agricultural production potential in the Daegwallyeong was calculated for the low temperature frequency of occurrence and potential evapotranspiration changes with announce the release of Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) from 1972 to 2009 up to 38 years. Evapotranspiration calculated FAO and other international standard method authorized under the PENMAN-MONTEITH Method was used, and the low temperature onset and frequency of the Gumbel probability density function was used. As a result, the variation of day evaporation for 38 years were showed to respectively width of variation from maximum $9mm\;day^{-1}$ to minimum $0.5mm\;day^{-1}$. The frequency of reappearance to first emergence day that lasts more than 5 days with temperature $5^{\circ}C$ over is 3 April a 50-year frequency, 10 April a 25-year frequency, 20 April a 10-year frequency, 28 April a 5-year frequency, 8 May a 2-year frequency. Psychrotrophic crop to growth temperature more than $5^{\circ}C$ can be secured to stable production with planting after May 8, prior to planting for normal growth can be seen that the risk of growth.

A Study on the Contents for Operation of Tunnel Management Systems Using a View Synthesis Technology (영상정합 기술을 활용한 터널관리시스템의 운영 효율성 제고를 위한 콘텐츠 연구)

  • Roh, Chang-gyun;Park, Bum-Jin;Kim, Jisoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.507-515
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    • 2016
  • In South Korea, there are a large number of tunnels because of the mountainous terrain, and to overcome this characteristics, lengths of tunnels are more longer than existing tunnels. The need to improvement current tunnel management contents is giving rise for accidents in tunnel section is continuously increased although lots of efforts to reduce the accidents. Conventionally, disaster prevention have been focused on the Tunnel Management Systems, tunnel operators generally tend to depend on CCTV images for most contents of detailed traffic flow managing. In this paper, investigation about current Tunnel Management Systems contents using IPA survey was conducted, and Priority Improvement Contents(Accident Situation Management Support, 2nd Accident Management Support, Traffic Flow Monitoring), which importance are high, but satisfaction are low, are deducted. Also, CCTV images, lack intuitive understanding, are judged as a main cause of low satisfaction of those contents. To overcome those limitations of the existing Tunnel Management Systems, this study sought to develop a technology for the synthesis of road images to derive traffic information from synthesis images, and the contents improvement stragegy is established. Tunnel operators-oriented satisfaction survey on new contents was carried out, and scored 4.2 on a 5-point scale. This has confirmed that the availability of new contents and at this stage, with pushing ahead of long-tunnels and undersea tunnels construction, politic applications are expected.

Requirement Analysis of Satellite On-the-Move Transportable Terminal System (이동통신형 차량위성단말 시스템 요구사항 분석)

  • Oh, Il-Hyuk;Song, Choong-Ho;Ko, Dong-Kuk
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2008
  • Line-of-sight communications cannot easily support korean armed forces because of mountainous terrain. ADD(Agency for Defense Development) introduced ANASIS(Army Navy Air-force Satellite Information System) to meet the Korean warfighter's operational needs. Currently, army's military satcom terminal is designed for either fixed site or on-the-pause operation. The US army is under development of multi-band integrated on-the-move satellite terminals to let the army's communication capability to keep pace with globally deployable Joint Task Force for network-centric application. In this paper we analyzed X-band and Ka-band link and subsystem requirement. Our focus here is to describe key technical issues. Especially, On the basis of 3dB beam width of 0.9m antenna, Tracking accuracy and disturbances compensation signal processing on-the-move of Antenna Tracking system is analyzed. Also, protocol is analyzed that minimize blockage on the move due to an obstacle. when the received signal blocked, it stop to transmit burst signal and retransmit when blockage removed through received synchronization signal monitoring. Analyzed specification will be used to make prototype terminal to analyze risk for mass production

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Case Study on the Hazard Susceptibility Prediction of Debris Flows using Surface Water Concentration Analysis and the Distinct Element Method (수계 집중도 분석 및 개별요소법을 이용한 토석류 위험도 예측 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Ryu, Sang-Hoon;Koo, Ho-Bon;Kim, Sung-Wook
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.283-291
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    • 2012
  • Various studies regarding the prediction of landslides are underway internationally. Research into disaster prevention with regard to debris flows is a particular focus of research because this type of landslide can cause enormous damage over a short period. The objective of this study is to determine the hazard susceptibility of debris flow via predictions of surface water concentrations based on the concept that a debris flow is similar to a surface water flow, as it is influenced by mountain topography. This study considered urban areas affected by large debris flows or landslides. Digital mapping (including the slope and upslope contributing areas) and the wetness index were used to determine the relevant topographic factors and the hydrology of the area. We determined the hazard susceptibility of debris flow by predicting the surface water concentration based on the topography of the surrounding mountainous terrain. Results obtained using the distinct element method were used to derive a correlation equation between the weight and the impact force of the debris flow. We consider that in using a correlation equation, this method could assist in the effective installation of debris-flow-prevention structures.

Accuracy Evaluation of DEM Construction for River Region using ALS & MBES (ALS와 MBES를 이용한 하천지역 DEM 구축의 정확도 평가)

  • Kwon, O-Chul;Kwon, Jay-Hyoun;Lee, Ji-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.421-428
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    • 2009
  • In Korea, the change of river flux due to seasons change is so considerable because of the mountainous terrain with the sharp slope and leaned rainfall. This unfavorable natural condition and the difficulties in precise grasping of the river status made the water resource management difficult so that the necessity of the precise river management has been continuously increased. In this study, a precise river-region DEM using the latest equipments of ALS and MBES is constructed. After acquiring DEM from each senor on the river region, a single DEM was generated by combining them. Also, the field inspection was carried out in the overlapped region of ALS and MBES in order to verify the quality of DEM. The verification of DEM was carried out by comparison between TINs obtained from the combined result of ALS and MBES and the surveying result from total station at more than 10 points in the selected two test areas. As a result, NO.1-area's RMSE of 0.322m and 0.113m are obtained for NO. 1 and NO. 2 areas, respectively. The result of this study shows the feasibility of DEM construction for river region using ALS and MBES as seen in the case of NO. 2 area. At the same time, it was appeared that a better method on the data fusion should be developed as seen in the result of NO. 1 area.

Factor Analysis and LISREL Model Development for Landscape Estimation on The Road Cutting Slope Area (도로절토사면(절개면)의 경관평가를 위한 요인분석 및 LISREL 모형구축)

  • 지길용;박일동;임성빈;금기정
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2003
  • In South Korea, about 74% of total area is mountainous terrain It is therefore inevitable to make tunnel or cutting slope for road construction. According to a related survey, approximately 2,400 sites of cutting slopes were found from 24 different routes of roadway which is overall 900 km long, implying 2.7 slopes per 1km of roadway on average. Even though safety matter such as the slope failure prevention would be the most important consideration for the construction of cutting slopeslandscape of sloped face is nowadays becoming another important factor due to the growing demand for the driver-friendly road environment Various construction methods which attain this goal should therefore be considered in the design stage of the roadway. The objective of this study is to identify important factors in landscape of sloped-cut roadway using factor analysis. For this, 10 main treatment methods of sloped-cut fact were analyzed. This study employed the LISREL(structural analysis of common variance) model in order to capture the qualitative characteristics of the slope-cut road and examine the relationship between the suey error and the variable(s). As a result, more reasonable landscape evaluation model for the road design and construction was proposed.